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1、90后的特征Post90sFeature Post 90s Feature -张虎新 It was well-know that various of characteristics had been shaped in different era as we grow. Meanwhile different personality contributed to the success of different professi-onal domain. There are primary features about 90 generations, for example “non-mai

2、nstream ”, “new human being”,they refer you to their signature in Martian Languages.However, whats the characteristics that we 90 generations possess and what will achieve? I will describe in detail.The feature of post 90s.Its very accurate 1、Flat and black frames are the preferred if we wear glasse

3、s.2、Dont satisfied with our hairstyle forever.3、Dont read the instructions of all electrical appliances before using them. 4、Make use of self-help for business as much as possible . 5、We bring “student” to appellation always no matter who is she .6、We like to play with children but distaste to foste

4、r baby .7、We persist in something though it was strange.8、We are chatter with an acquaintance or friend and bite our tongue with The strangers . 9、Regard the sense of humor as basis principle.10、In order not to stay up late , so play game all night. 11、Dont go travel on May Day or National Day. . 12

5、、The sleep is one of hobbies . 13、We always feel that we are old though twenties. 14、The temperament was volatile within short time. 15、We think that other people can not understand our own forever.16、The name of MSN is changed day after day . For example “handsome boys ” and so on.17、Baidu and Goog

6、le are the omnipotent once we counter the question. 18、Everyone are movie fans. 19、Never find their own pens though there are many pen . 20、Keen to study constellations .21、We always thought that a cartoon image is similar with ourselves.22、We usually paint some arts that others can not understand .

7、 23、We like one of R&B , R&R , Hip-Hop or all of them. 24、Familiar with each karaoke songs 25、We go to work with a pair of shorts or nothing if we get the boss allowed .26、All the jobs that we can do is related with computer . For example , play game , make friend and so on.27、The computer must has

8、been install the MSN or QQ. It is shameful that the computer is not networked. Although their success can not equal to ours, we certainly could get the dreaming position which belong to ourselves through our efforts. Because we have the same character to theirs. We can do what they do, even better.

9、I deeply convinced that endeavor ,strenuous efforts and never-say-die spirit were essential elements to get success, but feature was top priority. Lets do it immediately.1. Every generation has its own distinctive features,thats shaped by the uniqueness of the decade,as for post-90s,the market refor

10、m and advanced electronic device.yeah, they maybe seem like lethargic,apathetic,selfish,it is just the surface phenomenon.they are around the internet ,and they are informed.they know things in their heart without expressing when it comes to something important,something meaningful,they i

11、nvolve greatly and I think they can prove themselves and achieve. 2. Every generation tries to define itself in opposition to its precedents. Every generation has its uniqueness, and reflects the feature of relative period. Every generation has its merits and faults. Dont judge something surface, no

12、 matter which period they live in, they also need time and process to grow up. The things we need to do is improve the quality of education, not only including books bur also soul. There is a group of people in China who frequently come up in conversation accompanied by a resigned sigh or a dismissi

13、ve Oh, them. In the media, they regularly feature as a subject of discourse, as the public attempts to diagnose them, identify the causes of their malaise, and figure out what can be done to fix them. From the way they are talked about, you would think they were a colony of aliens. But they are not.

14、 They are just like me, only younger. I am talking about the post-90s, the cohort born during Chinas golden decade. Most of them are just now entering adulthood. In their lives so far, they have only tasted the sweet fruits of market reform and they harbor no bittersweet memories of the past. Becaus

15、e of the fortuitous timing of their births, the post-90s are a distinctive breed. In public discussion, the post-90s are routinely characterized as a selfish, unwelcoming, and solitary bunch. They are allegedly unmotivated about exerting themselves, yet have expensive tastes, fed by the collective d

16、oting of six parents and grandparents. In school, they are supposedly apathetic; in life, lethargic. The only thing that captivates their generally disinterested attention is the Internet. The prototype post-90s child spends his days poring over a laptop, conversing intensely with hundreds of strang

17、ers who are also doing their best to avoid communicating with real people, especially their parents. Is there truth to this harsh depiction or have we concocted an exaggerated stereotype? Are the post-90s really so bizarrely different, and if so, why? The adults - parents and teachers especially - c

18、ertainly think that their charges are in fact oddly different. I myself have observed post-90s children sulking at home on weekends, plugged into three electronic devices and ignoring all conversation directed their way. There are a few common explanations for why the post-90s are the way they are.

19、Economic prosperity during the decade is seen as the main culprit. Born into the laps of luxury, these young ones are used to having nice things without working to earn them. One mother of a 13-year-old boy lamented, My elder daughter remembers falling asleep on the backseat of my bicycle in the 198

20、0s, so she is a lot easier to please when it comes to material goods. But when my son was born, we already had a car; he always expects to have the best. The one child policy is another aggravating factor that is often blamed. By 1990, the policy had been in place for a decade, producing a generatio

21、n of children who grew up in isolation, without the camaraderie of siblings, or cousins even. The post-90s exhibit classic single child syndromes. A history teacher at Beijing No 80 Middle School pinpoints one culturally important quality that has been lost on this generation: They are unprepared to

22、 chiku (literally eat bitterness), and they dont want to chiku. Perhaps the most profound force shaping the post-90s generation is technology. A study reports that 70 percent of children in China aged 7 to 15 have surfed the Web; and more than half of those living in townships and cities have Intern

23、et connections at home. The figure for Beijing is surely much higher. While computers and instant access to wide-ranging information can be useful tools in learning, they can also cause alienation, poor social skills and Internet addiction, in the words of a veteran expatriate educator who has taugh

24、t at the Beijing Foreign Studies University. So the post-90s are dramatically different from other cohorts and society is worried. What then? As parents and educators try to prepare post-90s children for the real world, they sometimes resort to scolding, pressuring and pulling out the when I was you

25、r age card. Ive been guilty of doing the same with younger relatives. But each time I tell a yawning 18-year-old what he should be doing at his age, I also remember that Im applying an outdated mentality to current issues. After all, how can we expect the post-90s to resemble their elders in work et

26、hic or attitude on life when they lived through such a unique time in Chinas history? Is it right to impose our fears on these insouciant youths? Didnt the parents of post-90s work hard precisely so their children could grow up without the oppressive worries that preoccupy people who have experience

27、d war and famine? Perhaps the apathy, lethargy and selfishness we observe are normal responses to the post-90s environment. And lets not forget that every generation tries to define itself in opposition to its precedents. It may turn out that when they get older, the post-90s will prove themselves t

28、o not be so different from the rest of us. I do think more could be done to engage post-90s children with the world outside of their comfortable homes. Making room for charity work and community service in crammed school days may produce more responsible, aware and compassionate students, who may ev

29、entually begin to give a hoot. Other than this, the mass stress over the state of the post-90s may be excessive. As one teenager coolly told me, I just want to tell everyone to relax. Im going to be OK. 90年代后成长起来的青少年出现了很多心理问题:缺少理想和信仰、功利欲望心强烈、过分自我和追求个性,也导致少年犯、追星族、网瘾、暴力叛逆等刺激反应现象的出现,这些已经成为了一个越来越严重的社会问题

30、。既没有形成正确的现代价值观,又没有把优秀的传统价值继承下来,导致“90后”一代中的很多青少年处于一种精神匮乏的“悬空状态”,他们迫切需要孝心、爱心和感恩心的教育,学会平等、尊重和承担责任。90后的一些典型特点:1. 平均智商超过了以前的同龄人,好奇心强、接受新生事物能力强;2. 很多人都有一技之长;3. 自信又脆弱,敏感而自私;4. 往往具有成年人很难理解的古怪爱好;5. 内心世界:从童年就开始变“老”,更加懂得成人世界的规则;6. 比较了解中国社会的主流思想和价值观,且价值观更加现实;7. 市场消费观念强烈,但名利作用被过分强化;8. 张扬自我个性,相对比较缺乏团队忠诚感;9. 网络时代的

31、广阔事业,信息和知识丰富,但内心有时较为空虚;90后的偏差:1. 很多孩子学习焦虑2. 自私且承受挫折能力弱:90后大多数是独生子女,有些孩子会不自觉的流露出自私的一面,做事往往只考虑自己不考虑别人;承受挫折的能力相对较弱,甚至遇到不大的事情也会有很大的情绪反应,采取过激的行为。3. 嫉妒心比较强:有些学生嫉妒心比较强,看不惯别人比他(她)强,我没有的别人不能有,不允许别人比我“拽”,否则他们就会搞些小动作,甚至会想方设法让你“拽不起来”。4. 有强烈的反叛意识:许多“90后”学生有自己的观点,敢于反抗,对父辈、学校一些不甚合理的说法和规定敢于质疑,语言的创新性更强。这是这一代人的显著特点,但

32、是有些时候他们的反叛意识也会出现偏差。一旦在学校遭遇意外事件,比如说偶然的停水、停电,有些学生(包括平时比较老实的学生)便会通过起哄、制造混乱来宣泄心中的情绪。5. 极力表现与众不同一部分学生在学业上无法做到出类拔萃时,会选择其他各种方式获得心理满足。比如说,上课调皮捣蛋、起哄,穿奇装异服,试图通过这样的表现来获得“与众不同”的感觉,引起老师和同学关注,寻求心理平衡。看看大街上的青少年,已经有部分男生戴着耳环、打着耳钉、染了发,有些女生刻意模仿自己喜欢的日韩明星的穿着打扮。6. 对网络十分依赖青少年上网现象被称为“网络海洛因”,也是影响青少年成长的重要因素。迷恋网络的孩子,也有求助心理咨询的,他们往往都知道迷恋网络的害处,又无法控制自己,老想往外面跑。社会对90后的关注点1. 缺失真正的偶像每个时代都会产生偶像,70后的偶像是张海迪,80后是刘翔,这些偶像都有极大的精神感召力。而90后的偶像则找不到,大多数的90后孩子也许会回答:李宇春、张靓影等。而在这些偶像的影响下,许多正在成长期的孩子对人生价值的解读开始倾向单一与狭隘,对自己

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