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1、高三第一次统一考试英语2021年高三第一次统一考试英语 本试卷分第一卷(选择题)和第二卷(非选择题)两部分。共150分。考试时间120分钟。第一卷(三部分,共115分)第一部分:听力理解(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。 1. Why is the man worried? A. He must read a lot of books. B. He doesnt like history

2、. C. He cant get the books he reads. 2. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The man will probably go to Canada for his vacation. B. The man will probably wait until summer to go to Mexico. C. The man will probably not go to Canada for his vacation. 3. When did the football match start? A. At

3、2:15. B. At 2:45. C. At 3:00. 4. What does the conversation tell us about? A. He will return from Paris in two weeks. B. He is studying French in Paris. C. He is having a vacation in Paris. 5. Where did the conversation most likely take place? A. In the cotton field. B. At a railway station. C. On a

4、 train. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面6段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读每小题,听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白你将听两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6. What do you think the woman is? A. A librarian. B. A shop assistant. C. A teacher. 7. What is the womans suggestion? A. Buying some books on p

5、uters. B. Borrowing some magazines. C. Asking some experts for advice. 听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。 8. What time will they go to see the Smiths? A. At 3:30. B. At 4:00. C. At 4:15. 9. Why does Mary suggest that they should not go by bus? A. No direct bus can be taken. B. The bus is often broken. C. Itll be in b

6、usy hour. 10. Where will they meet? A. At the bus stop. B. In front of a bookstore. C. Near the cinema. 听第8段材料,回答第11至12题。 11. Why did the speaker get a parking ticket? A. His car was parked for too long. B. His car took up too much space. C. He left his car in a wrong place. 12. Which of the followi

7、ng words best describes the day the speaker had? A. Exciting. B. Unlucky. C. Tiring. 听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。 13. Where are the two speakers? A. At the radio station. B. On a TV show. C. In the open air. 14. How many trees grow in one square kilometer? A. About 1,500 B. About 20,000. C. About 750 15. What

8、is the woman? A. A reporter. B. A student. C. A scientist. 听第10段材料,回答第16至18题。 16. Why wont old people live with their children? A. Their childrens houses are not big enough. B. They like to take care of themselves. C. They dont want to trouble their children. 17. Why dont all of them go to old peopl

9、es homes provided by the state? A. Their children dont allow them to. B. There are not enough for them. C. Some of them dont like such places. 18. What problem are they talking about? A. Population problem. B. Family problem. C. Problem with the old. 听第11段材料,回答第19至20题。 19. How may an Asian child fee

10、l when his head is touched? A. Nervous. B. Bored. C. fortable. 20. Which of the following is true? A. Americans smile more than people from other cultures do. B. You should never touch an American boys head. C. American culture is quite different from those of others. 第二部分:知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 单项填空(共1

11、5小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 21. Do you know _ art in the 18th century played _ more important part in peoples lives than it does today? A. an; the B. 不填;a C. the; a D. the; the 22. How long _ at this job? Since 1990. A. were you employed B. will you be employed C. had

12、you been employed D. have you been employed 23. Has anything new been discussed on that old temple so far? _, and more will follow, I think. A. Few B. Much C. All D. Little 24. Sally, would you _ the story today? But I told the second part of the story yesterday! It should be Jeans turn. A. pick up

13、B. put up C. bring up D. make up 25. When he came back, he found the bag he had _ over the seat was gone. A. left to hang B. left hanging C. left hung D. to leave hanging 26. John seems a nice person. _, I dont trust him. A. Even so B. Even though C. Therefore D. Though 27. Intelligence doesnt _ mea

14、n success. You need to work hard as well. A. honestly B. formally C. simply D. necessarily 28. With _ she needed _, she left the store. A. something; to buy B. anything; having bought C. everything; to buy D. everything; bought 29. You shouldnt have gone there alone last night. But I _; XiaoWang wen

15、t there too. A. didnt B. had to C. did D. should 30. We are living in an age _ many things are done on puters and the Internet. A. where B. when C. which D. while 31. _ makes the school famous is _ more than 90% of the students have been admitted to universities. A. What; because B. That; because C.

16、 That; what D. What; that 32. _ a mobile phone can you ring _ you want to talk with anywhere. A. Using; whoever B. Only on; whomever C. By; whomever D. Not only with; whoever 33. Hope Project aims at helping more children in poor areas to _ education. A. accept B. keep C. receive D. develop 34. Why

17、didnt you tell Anna the truth? _ A. But I did. B. Yes, but I wanted to. C. Yes, I was afraid to be scolded by her. D. No, I always hate telling lies. 35. I really dont know_ I had my money stolen. A. when was it that B. that it was when C. where it was that D. it was where that 第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5

18、分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 “Hey, Dad, are you going to e to my award ceremony tonight? ”I 36 asked my father. “I have to work late tonight. I doubt Ill be able to 37 it on time. I am just too busy right now, ”he replied. My mind could not 38 the idea that he would b

19、e too busy working late. He was also too busy to 39 my horse show, football games and the 15th birthday party. He always used the same 40 . Why had I even bothered to ask? 41 , there was always a slight hope that tonight would be 42 . As my mother and I arrived at school, two friends 43 me. “Jill, m

20、eet my dad. Dad, this is my friend Jill. ”I shook the hand of a tall man. Camera flashes lit up the room, and claps filled the 44 as students accepted their awards. My name was finally called, 45 three others. I followed my classmates to the 46 . When I reached out my hand to shake the 47 , a big sm

21、ile lit up her face. The blinding flash from my mothers camera 48 my eyes and I knew my dad wasnt there. I walked back to my seat 49 . Back at home, seeing my dads car in the garage, I told myself he would not be 50 . But the strong smell of alcohol (酒精)hit me as soon as I 51 inside, and I could fee

22、l my tears 52 . I followed the sound of his drunken words and saw him 53 on the couch. 54 did father lie to me? I threw my award on the floor, walked to my bedroom, and shut the door. Tears rolled down my face. I wondered if I would ever be more 55 than his whiskey bottle. 36. A. confidently B. eage

23、rly C. proudly D. fearfully 37. A. reach B. keep C. take D. make 38. A. create B. support C. appreciate D. accept 39. A. watch B. avoid C. attend D. speed 40. A. excuse B. reply C. promise D. trick 41. A. Besides B. Thus C. Otherwise D. However 42. A. active B. formal C. different D. serious 43. A.

24、recognized B. greeted C. encouraged D. showed 44. A. air B. audience C. school D. playground 45. A. apart from B. other than C. except for D. along with 46. A. stage B. position C. office D. exit 47. A. Jills B. teachers C. mothers D. fathers 48. A. fixed B. touched C. hurt D. inserted 49. A. succes

25、sfully B. disappointedly C. delightedly D. hopefully 50. A. drunk B. woken C. forgiven D. hidden 51. A. stepped B. noticed C. examined D. glanced 52. A. getting off B. taking down C. building up D. turning around 53. A. leaning B. lying C. putting D. carrying 54. A. How B. Where C. Why D. Whether 55

26、. A. perfect B. fortable C. fortunate D. important第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 阅读下列短文,从每小题所给的四个选项A、B、C和D中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A An American man from Las Vegas opened a dog and cat hotel recently. Pets can rest on soft rugs (小地毯), watch television and get to know some new friends while their masters h

27、ave fun in the city. The American Dog and Cat Hotel opened officially on a Wednesday in March. There is everything a pet could want and more. “We hear time and time again, This is so nice. Id like to stay here. ”the hotel manager said in an interview. He believed that people would want for their pet

28、s what they wanted for themselves. “Kennels (狗舍)have been around for a long time, but nowadays masters want to put their loved pets in some better places, ”he added. He said the cats and dogs like to watch images (图像)on TV although they may not understand them. Anyway, they dont have to know Britney

29、 Spears or Emimem to enjoy the pop music. Also, “The dogs dont know it is a rug, but they know it is soft, ”he said. Pet masters can book a dog suite (套房)for $ 79 a night. Baths and other services are also offered. The pet hotel manager believes that all the animal lovers in the world will love this

30、 great idea. 56. Who made the expression that “This is so nice. Id like to stay here”? A. The interviewer. B. Some pet masters. C. The hotel manager. D. Some pets. 57. In the pet masters opinion, the kennels are _. A. too old to live in B. not good enough C. just an equal choice D. no longer in existence 58. The underlined paragraph suggests that _. A. pets enjoy things the same way humans do B. rug is a difficult word for a pet to learn C. some pets know some po

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