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1、In a word, _(总结全文).二. 图画型作文图画型作文包括漫画作文和图表作文。 漫画作文通常是指根据给出的一幅或几幅漫画或图片写出的作文。通常,所给漫画反映的是一定的社会现象或社会现实。这类作文难度较大,要求考生在认真分析图画的基础上,通过文字形式将图中所包括的思想内容准确地表达出来。 图表作文是指根据统计数据、表格、坐标曲线图、条形图、饼形图写出的作文。图表作文的特点是以图表作为信息来源,要求考生根据图表上的信息进行对比分析,发现规律,找出所反映的社会现象,并从中看出主要问题和发展趋势,再归纳出结论。The bar chart_(给出图表的出处)reflects_(解释图表所反映的

2、现象). From these statistics, it can be seen that_(具体说明这一现象).Generally speaking, _(分析这一现象产生的几点原因)factors have contributed to this phenomenon.For one thing, _(第一点原因). For another, _(第二点原因).As far as I am concerned,_(发表个人看法). First,_(其中一条解决办法). Second, _(另外一条解决办法).The two charts reveal the striking chan

3、ges in_(引出图表揭示的现象).From the charts we can see that the percentage of _(其中一项变化)is growing steadily, and the percentage of_(另外一项变化)rises from _ to _(通过具体数据加以说明), while the percentage of_(第三项变化)decreases dramatically from_ to _(通过具体数据加以说明).The changes are chiefly due to the following reasons. To start

4、with,_(第一点原因). Besides,_(第二点原因).Furthermore,_(第三点原因).With the above analysis, we can conclude that_(对以上分析加以总结). Whats more, _(进一步提出解决方法).模板三:As is vividly revealed in the picture, _(描述图片内容). The picture reminds us of an old Chinese saying _(进一步说明图片表明的含义).Undoubtedly, the symbolic meaning conveyed in

5、 the picture is _(揭示图片的深刻含义). First, _(分析第一条含义).More often_(进一步阐述隐含的深刻含义). Therefore, when it comes to the key to success, the most important thing lies in_(总结深刻含义).In a word,_(总结全文,提出建议). Only in this way can we _(强调主题).模板四:As is vividly depicted in the picture, _(简单描述图片). Nevertheless, _(描述现状). We

6、 can benefit a lot from_(做某事). To begin with, _(优点一). Furthermore, _(优点二). Lastly, _(优点三).In conclusion, _(结论). 三、名言哲理性作文 名言哲理型作文要求考生通过评论一句话(一般是谚语或者名言)来写一篇作文。这与其他类型的作文相比略有难度,可能会使部分考生感觉有些不适应,甚至无从下笔。因此要想写好此类作文,考生必须深入了解这种类型作文的命题特点。这类作文题目给出的引言往往言简意赅,既抽象又深刻,因此考生写作之前必须仔细审题,准确把握谚语或者名言所蕴含的意义。There is a wide

7、spread humorous saying that _(引入格言). Funny as it is, the saying ironically reflects the fact that _(名言所反映的事实).Our life involves all kinds of obstacles and setbacks which may exhaust us. Therefore, _ (中心论点). Whats more, _(进一步阐述中心论点). For example, _(举例论证). Obviously, _(得出本段结论).All in all, _(结论), just

8、as the old popular saying goes, _(呼应开头). _(名言的指出者)s famous remark makes it evident that _(名言的含义). What _(名言的指出者) remarked is just in line with my own mindset. In the first place, _(论点一). In the second place, _(论点二). Though, _(辨证地论述问题). 提纲式作文及写作模板2011年6月及其之前的四级真题作文中,给出英文题目和中文提纲的提纲式作文所占比重最大。与仅提供题目的作文相

9、比,提纲式作文的优点是可根据提纲迅速确定各段展开的方向和范围,以免因思绪杂乱而在文章布局上耗费过多精力。一、议论文1. 现象解释型作文In recent years, _(现象表现或变化), in order that _(出现这一现象的目的). This phenomenon has aroused heated discussions among the public.Some people argue that_(分析这一现象带来的问题). In my opinion, _(个人观点/态度/建议). Furthermore, _(补充说明看法). In a word, _(总结全文).R

10、ecently, _ (提出现象)has been brought to public attention. No one denies that_ (进一步阐述现象).However, _(总述该现象带来的问题) can lead to serious consequences. In the first place, _(问题一). Whats worse, _(问题二).Awareness of the matter in question is one thing, but how to cope with it is another. To solve the problem, _(

11、解决问题的措施), through which _(解决问题的意义). Only in this way can we_(解决问题).Nowadays, there exist(s)_(事实/现象). However, the reasons for_ (现象概括)are varied. To begin with, _(原因一). Moreover, _(原因二). In addition, _(原因三). Finally, _(原因四).As to me, _(个人观点). For one thing, _(原因一). For another, _(原因二). In brief, _(得出

12、结论). 2. 问题解决型作文问题解决型作文的话题主要涉及环境污染、能源危机、淡水资源缺乏、少年犯罪、人才流失、身体健康等问题。During recent years, the topic of_(事实/现象)has aroused public attention and become more and more popular. Undoubtedly, _ (总述该现象的重要性). First, _(作用一). Second, _(作用二).However, it should be mentioned that_ (分析问题的意义). Therefore, it is of great

13、 significance for us to _ (采取措施解决问题).In the first place, _(解决方法一). Furthermore, _(解决方法二). Only in this way_ (解决问题).As is well known, _(提出问题). It is obvious that _(导致这一问题的原因之一). Additionally, _(导致这一问题的原因之二). So how to _(解决问题)is worth paying attention to.First of all, _(解决方法一). In addition,_(解决方法二). W

14、hats more,_ (解决方法三).In fact, ways to _(解决问题)are countless. It is necessary that_(采取措施解决问题).There has been a discussion recently about_(现象/问题). It is obvious that_ (原因一). Additionally/Besides, _(原因二). Therefore, it is high time that_ (解决问题).First of all, _(解决方法一). Secondly,_ (解决方法二). Finally,_ (解决方法三

15、).Personally,_(个人观点). For one thing, _(原因一). For another,_ (原因二). All in all, _(总结全文).3. 对比选择型作文Different people have quite different ideas about_(提出要讨论的话题). Many people assert _(观点一).They hold such an opinion because_(原因).However, others believe that _(观点二).They argue that _(原因一). Besides, _(原因二).A

16、s far as Im concerned, I agree to _(观点). First, _(原因一). Second,_(原因二). Last but not least, _(原因三).In a word, _(结论).There is a heated debate over _(提出争论的焦点). It is commonly accepted that_(观点一).For one thing, _(原因一).For another,_(原因二).In contrast, others claim that_(观点二).They point out that _(原因).As_(

17、点明个人立场), I hold the belief that_(个人观点). Its advisable to _(给出建议).When it comes to _(提出话题), different people have different opinions. Some people take it for granted that_(观点). According to them, _(原因). However, others hold that _(观点二). In their opinions, _(原因一). Besides, _(原因二).From my perspective,

18、_(个人观点). First,_(原因一). Second,_(原因二). Taking the above-mentioned factors into consideration, I may reasonably conclude that_(结论).4. 观点论证型作文Many examples can be found to prove that_(观点).Take_(例证)as a typical example. Furthermore, _(进一步论证).It goes without saying that_(反面论证).Whats more,_(进一步论证).In conc

19、lusion,_(得出结论).However, nowadays, there exist(s) a lot of_(何种现象)phenomena in our society. For example,_(举例说明).However, I still_(提出观点)because_(说明原因). For instance,_(举例论证).In conclusion,_(总结全文).二、记叙文_(某节日、事件)is the day for_(某人、某事)to convey his heartfelt gratitude to_(某人、某事)._(概述事件)has left the the dee

20、pest impression on _(某人).When_(叙述事件). After _(叙述事件).From then on,_(叙述事件).I would never forget_(某人、某事)._(细说如何报答).Yesterday_(交代事件的背景).Immediately_(事件细节). At the same time, _(事件细节). At last_(事件细节).What happened touched me deeply._(个人感受).At about _(时间)in the morning of_(日期)on my way to_(地点),I witnessed_

21、(某事件).That morning_(概述事件), and suddenly I was startled_(概述事件), I saw_(详细描述事件).As for me, there are two possible reasons for_(某事件). The frist reason is that_(原因一).The second reason is that_(原因二).三、应用文Dear_(称呼), _(主办单位)will organize _(某项活动)aiming at_(活动目的). The arrangement of this cativity goes as fol

22、lows. Frist, _(安排一). Second, _(安排二).Third, _(安排三). Any student who_(报名条件)is welcome.Please contact us at_(电话)or send an e-mail to_(邮箱). _(主办单位) When it comes to_(引出话题),I assume _(就该话题提出个人看法/建议).To begin with,_(原因一/优势一).Most importantly,_(原因二/优势二). _(达成该建议需要满足的条件).For one thing,_(条件一). For another,_(

23、条件二). As far as the preparation is concerned, _(达成该建议需要做的准备). I hope you will find the suggestions helpful. Sincerely yours, _(署名)英语四六级常用写作句型一、提出现象的常用句型Recently. has aroused wide concern/ . has been brought into focus. 最近,引起了广泛关注/受到了人们的关注。In recent years, . is gaining growing popularity with.近年来,受到越

24、来越多的欢迎。Nowadays, there is a growing tendency in.如今,在方面出现了上升趋势。Nowadays more and more. are commonly and widely. in everyday life.如今,在日常生活中,越来越多被广泛Most of us may have such experience that.我们当中许多人可能都有的经历。二、引出他人观点的常用句型When asked about. most people say.当被问到,大多数人认为When it comes to., some people think.关于,有

25、人认为Now, it is widely believed that.现在,许多人认为In reaction to the phenomenon of., some people say.针对现象,有人说三、引出两种不同观点的常用句型There is a public debate today over. Some people believe that. Others claim that.如今社会上出现了关于的争论。有些人认为另一些人则声称When it comes to/ talking about., quite a few people believe that. but other people think differently.当谈及时,有相当一部分人认为然而,另一些人则有不同想法。Peoples opinions vary when they talk about. Some maintain that. Others believe that.当谈及时,人们观点不一。有人坚持认为另有人认为四、引出优缺点/不足/影响的常用句型. plays an important role in.

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