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本文(中考英语专题专练《任务型阅读书面表达综合》专项练习附答案Word文档下载推荐.docx)为本站会员(b****1)主动上传,冰点文库仅提供信息存储空间,仅对用户上传内容的表现方式做保护处理,对上载内容本身不做任何修改或编辑。 若此文所含内容侵犯了您的版权或隐私,请立即通知冰点文库(发送邮件至service@bingdoc.com或直接QQ联系客服),我们立即给予删除!


1、优选词汇: 优选短语:优选句型:内容提要:A.信息归纳请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下面表格。For many young people, listening to music while walking down the street has become a common practice.Thousands of college students, as well as high school and middle school students,can be seen listening to their iPods or MP3 players.A report has

2、warned that more and more people are dying in traffic accidents because they are wearing headphones and cant hear warnings from trains or cars.Young people are involved in accidents because they are not paying attention to their surroundings.In a recent case study, 116 people were studied in order t

3、o see how listening to headphones affected their interaction (感应) with their surroundings.Two thirds of the people who were hit by cars were under the age of 30 but over the age of 18.Many of those who were hit by cars or other moving vehicles reported that they did not hear the cars moving towards

4、them.Others said that they didnt pay attention to traffic rules, and walked into oncoming traffic (迎面来的车辆) without realizing what they were doing.People were not paying attention to traffic because of their headphones.Information CardCommon practiceMany young people enjoy (1)_ while walking down the

5、 street.Headphone usersCollege students,high school and (2)_ students.A recent case study shows:(3)_ of the people who were hit by cars were under the age of 30 but over the age of 18. Many of those who were hit by cars didnt hear the cars (4)_.Others didnt pay attention to traffic rules.The reason

6、for the accidentsPeople didnt pay attention to traffic because of (5)_.B.书面表达假如你是Jack,你的笔友Mary 非常喜欢边走路边听音乐。读完上面的短文之后,请你给她写一封电子邮件,提醒她注意交通安全。作文要求:1.不能照抄原文;不得在作文中出现学校的真实名称和学生的真实姓名。2.语句连贯,词数80个左右。邮件的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Mary, How is everything going?_Yours,Jack A.1.listening to music2.middle school 3.T

7、wo thirds4.moving towards them5.their headphonesB.参考范文:Dear Mary,How is everything going? Do you still enjoy listening to music while walking? Id like to tell you something bad about that. A report says that more and more people are dying in traffic accidents because they are wearing headphones and

8、cant hear warnings from trains or cars. And they were not paying attention to traffic rules when they were wearing headphones. How dangerous it is! Youd better not wear the headphone while you are walking on the road. Pay attention to your surroundings. Although the music is wonderful, life is preci

9、ous.B篇Dear Bob, Every time I get a phone call or a mail, my parents want to know whom the call/mail is from, and how I got to know the personno matter who calls me or writes to me.Last week, they found out that I drank and hung out with my friends by looking through my diary.Now they tell me I cant

10、hang out with my friends ever again.Im so depressed and I think something must be done to stop them.I think my privacy (隐私) was violated (侵犯).As a teenager, I know what I did isnt right, but this is making me so sad.I dont know what to do.What should I do?Please write to me soon and tell me what I c

11、an do.TonyWhoThe letter is from (1)_.ProblemsThe parents want to know (2)_ about the writer.What happenedThe parents found out something by (3)_ the writers diary.ResultsThe parents dont allow the writer to (4)_ with friends.FeelingsDepressed and (5)_. B.书面表达假如你是Bob,请根据上面的内容以及下面的提示给Tony写一封回信,给他一些建议。

12、内容包括:1.应理解父母,他们那样做是为了保护你,不想让你陷入麻烦;2.应使父母相信你,减少他们的担心。信的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数。Dear Tony, Im very happy to hear from you._ _ I hope you can solve it successfully.Yours,Bob A.1.Tony2.everything3.looking through 4.hang out5.sadDear Tony,Im very happy to hear from you. I feel sorry about what your parents did.

13、 I think you should understand them. They do those just because they want to protect you. They worry about you and dont want you to get into trouble. I do agree that your parents should respect your right of privacy. Youd better do something to make them believe you again. Maybe they need your help

14、to ease their fears. Explain that you have nothing to hide and want to share your experience with them.I hope you can solve it successfully.BobC篇I have a daughter who is 14 and is on her cell phone so often.We got her one because of her activities after school.We really need to be able to communicat

15、e with each other.But she will not put it down.We have banned it from the dinner table because we feel that it is family time and we need to be able to talk and share without interruption (打扰) of the cell phone.Lately we have caught her on the phone talking or texting very late on school nights.We m

16、ade a rule last week that we thought was very reasonable.We told her she should leave her phone downstairs and no more talk or text after 10 pm on school nights.We tried to tell her that she needs to get a good night sleep.Just yesterday, she called or texted her friends after 11 pm on a school nigh

17、t.We were very upset.I am thinking of taking it away for good.But she argued that she is a good student and never gives us troubles with getting up or her lessons.That is true.She is an excellent student and dedicated (致力于) her lessons after school activities.How can I deal with this problem? Can yo

18、u give me some advice?The teenagers with a cell phoneThe problemThe daughter is on her phone (1)_.The family rulesThe cell phone shouldnt be used at (2)_.The daughter should leave her phone (3)_ and no more talk or text after 10 pm on school nights.What happened yesterdayThe daughter (4)_ her friend

19、s after 11 pm.How the daughter is She is (5)_ student.读了上面的短文,你认为中学生应该如何合理地使用手机呢?请结合你自身的感受和看法,以“How Teenagers Should Use Cell Phones”为题写一篇短文,给这位烦恼的母亲提一些建议。 often2.the dinner table3.downstairs 4.called or excellentHow Teenagers Should Use Cell PhonesWhy not talk about it with your d

20、aughter? You should let her know you love her and you just want to keep her healthy and safe. In my family, my parents and I talk about what is allowed with my cell phone and what should be limited. This includes the cost of using it and the time when I use it. My cell phone must be turned off at 9:

21、30 pm each night. I will have to limit the number of the people who have my cell phone number. If I cant obey these rules, my cell phone will be taken away from me. Maybe you can try some of the ways and I hope you can find a good way to deal with it.D篇Different people might choose to visit differen

22、t places for different reasons.I want to visit Berlin next time if I get the chance to go on a trip.I have been to Germany before, but so far I have only had the chance to visit the northern and the western part of the country.I look forward to seeing Berlin for the first time.I want to visit the DDR Museum and some of the other famous places.My friend Nancy loves to visit Dubai.She thinks its a good place for shopping.She says that ther

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