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1、高三基础知识天天练英语课时作业35人教版高三基础知识天天练-英语课时作业35人教版(选修七Unit 5).单项填空1I recommended _ an EnglishChinese dictionary,which I thought would be of great help to his studies.Abuying BboughtCto buy Dhe bought答案与解析:Arecommed doing sth 或recommened(that)sb(should)do sth。2I _ to be quite afraid to live in that city,but n

2、ow I have _ to the life there.Aused; been used Bused; usedCwas used; got used Dgot used; been used答案:A3Ive heard _ that Elizabeth is a tough businesswoman.Ait Bher Cwhat Dthat答案:A4Its the second time that I _ to Shanghai.What great changes!Its ten years since I _ it last time.Ahave been; left Bhad b

3、een; leftCam; had left Dcome; had left答案:A5Could I get something to drink?Sure,_.Abe home yourself Bmake yourself at homeCyou could of course Dyoure requested答案:B6We tried our best to make our garden _ its surroundings.Afit in Bfit in with Cfit up with Dto fit in with答案与解析:Bmake 后的不定式作宾补不带to;fit in

4、with与相适应。7After arriving in New York,the Chinese college student found it rather hard to _ living on his own.Arely on Bbring up Cdepend on Dadjust to答案:D8Jonathan received a promotion to the role of assistant manager and is the youngest person to _ that post in this international company.Aadopt Bsee

5、kCoccupy Dabandon答案与解析:Coccupy“占据”符合题意。adopt“领养”;seek“找寻”;abandon“抛弃”。9Since his retirement,having a walk along the river after supper has become part of his daily _.Atradition BcustomCconvention Droutine答案与解析:D每天晚饭后沿着河边散步对他而言已是惯例,routine“常规,惯例”。tradition“传统”;custom“习惯;风俗”;convention“协定;约定”。10His lo

6、ng service with the company was _ with a present.Aadmitted BacknowledgedCattributed Daccepted答案与解析:Backnowledge“承认;答谢”。admit“承认”;attribute“认为;归因于”;accept“接受”。11If we can _ this speed,we should arrive there in about two days.Akeep up Bkeep onCkeep to Dput up答案与解析:Akeep up“保持;坚持”。12Im very glad that y

7、ou come and see our new house when we have settled _.Ain BtoCdown Don答案与解析:A根据题意应为“搬进新居后安顿下来”。13I dont care what you think._ I am concerned,what they did was wrong.AAs well as BAs far asCAs much as DAs often as答案与解析:Bas far as concerned“就某人而言”,为固定搭配。14The old computer doesnt work.We must _ a n

8、ew one for it.Areplace Binstead ofCsubstitute Dtake the place of答案与解析:C根据电脑坏了可推测,“我们换一台新的”,故用substitute“用代替”;若用replace则应表达为replace it with a new one。15Sending Sandra a letter was _,because her husband might intercept(截取) it.Aout of question Bout of the questionCin question Dof question答案与解析:B从becaus

9、e her husband might intercept(截取)it.来看,“给Sandra送信是不可能的”,故用out of the question。句意:给桑德拉寄一封信是不可能的,因为她的丈夫可能会给截取。out of question“的确,毫无疑问,一定,当然”;in question“在议论中,在谈论中”。.完形填空One windy spring day,I observed young people having fun flying their kites.Multicolored creations,various shapes and sizes _1_ the sk

10、ies like beautiful birds darting and dancing.As the strong wind blew against the kites,a _2_ kept them in check.Instead of blowing away with the wind,they arose against it to achieve great _3_.They shook and pulled,but the restraining string and the cumbersome tail kept them in tow,facing _4_ and ag

11、ainst the wind._5_ the kites struggled and _6_ against the string,they seemed to be saying,“Let me go!Let me go!I want to be _7_!”They soared _8_ even as they fought the control of the string._9_,one of the kites _10_ in breaking loose from it.“Free at last,”it seemed to say,“Free to fly with the wi

12、nd.”Yet freedom from restraint simply put it at the _11_ of the unsympathetic wind.It dropped ungracefully to the ground and landed _12_ a mass of weeds.“Free at last”,free to _13_ powerless,and _14_ helpless along the ground,and to lodge lifeless against the first obstruction._15_ like kites we som

13、etimes are!The Heaven gives us adversity (逆境),_16_ and rules to follow _17_ we can gain strength.Restraint is a necessary opponent to the winds of opposition.We can never _18_ high enough to achieve our goals if we lose our necessary _19_ or the rules.Let each of us rise to great heights,_20_ that s

14、ome of the restraints that we may chafe under (因而感到恼怒)are actually the steady force that helps us ascend and achieve.1A.covered BfledCfloated Dfilled2A.belt BstringCwire Dfabric3A.weights BlengthsCdepths Dheights4A.backward BdownwardCupward Dforward5A.As BBecauseCAlthough DNow that6A.resembled Btrem

15、bledCdanced Dsang7A.dependent BoldCfree Dstrong8A.beautifully BseparatelyCsimply Dskillfully9A.Generally BUnfortunatelyCFinally DReally10A.tried BsucceededCfailed Dmanaged11A.mercy BriskCsight Dexpense12A.towards BoutCin Don13A.sit BlayCstand be fought Bto be takenCto be blown Dto be caug

16、ht15A.How many BHow muchCHow come DHow long16A.hopes BdreamsCdifficulties Drestrictions17A.from which Bin whichCfor which Dto which18A.rose BriseCstand Draise19A.opponents BfriendsCassistants Dsupporters20A.organizing BadmittingCrecognizing Drecommending答案与解析:本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章通过讲述渴望自由的风筝的故事告诉我们一个道理:有些

17、可能会令我们生气的约束,实际上是帮助我们提升自我和取得成功的动力。1D依据语境,这里描述的是风筝在天空中,所以答案选D。float有很大的干扰性,但该词意为“漂浮”时,是不及物动词。2B由下文“the restraining string”以及“the kites struggled and _6_ against the string”,可知,此处答案选B,string“线,细绳”。3D风筝迎风飘向更高的地方,而不是随风而去,因此答案选D。4C由常识以及下文叙述可知,风筝是迎风而上的,所以答案选C,upward“向上,往上”。backward“向后”;downward“向下”;forward

18、“向前”,均不符合句意。5Aas“当时候”,引导时间状语从句。故答案选A。6B这里描述的是风筝摆动着身体上升的样子,所以答案选B。resemble“类似”;dance“跳舞”;sing“唱歌”,均不符合语境。7C既然是“Let me go!”那么此处应该是“我想获得自由”,因此答案选C。8A句意为“即使是在摆脱风筝线控制时,它们依然在美丽地飞翔”。依据句意,答案选beautifully。separately“单独地”;simply“简单地”;skillfully“巧妙地”,均不符合语境。9C联系全文语境可知,此处答案选C。generally“大体上”;unfortunately“不幸地”;re

19、ally“真正地”,均不符合语境。10B由下文“Free at last”可判断,此处指一只风筝成功地挣脱了细绳,因此答案选B。11A由语境可知,挣脱了细绳,获得了自由的风筝,完全处于无情的风的摆布下。因此答案选A,at the mercy of“任由摆布”。at the risk of“冒危险”;at the sight of“一看见”;at the expense of“以为代价”,均不符合语境。12C此处指风筝落在杂草丛中,所以应用介词in。13D此处答案选D,lie“处于状态”,而不是stand“耸立”。14C依据语境,这里表示风筝无助地任风沿着地面将其吹走,因此答案选C。15B此处作

20、者有感而发:有时我们多么像风筝啊!所以答案选B,how much表示程度。16D选项中的difficulty和adversity属于同一范畴,而这里指的是上文所说的束缚,因此答案选D。17Awhich引导定语从句,其先行词是“adversity(逆境),_16_ and rules”,介词from表示来源。18B依据语境,这里说的是像风筝一样往高处飞,因此答案B。下文“rise to great heights”也有暗示。19A从上文“adversity(逆境),_16_ and rules”可以推断,此处表示如果我们失去对手和规则,我们就不能达到自己的目标,因此答案选A,意为“对手”。20C

21、句意为“让我们提升自己的高度,并认识到:有些可能会令我们恼怒的约束,实际上是帮助我们提升自我和取得成功的动力”。依据句意,答案选C。.阅读理解The least successful tourist on record is Mr.Nicholas Scotti who lived in San Francisco in the United States.In 1977 he decided to visit Rome in Italy because that was where his family originally came from.He went to the airport

22、in San Francisco and got on a plane which was going to Italy.However,because the plane had to make a fuel stop,it landed at Kennedy Airport in New York.Thinking that he had arrived,Mr.Scotti got off and spent two days in New York,believing that he was in Rome.While he was wandering around the city,t

23、he great traveler could not help noticing that many of Romes famous and ancient landmarks had disappeared.This must be due to modernization,he thought to himself.Mr.Scotti,who spoke very little English,asked a policeman the way to the bus station.Naturally he spoke to the policeman in Italian.As cha

24、nce would have it,the policeman replied in Italian because he,too,was an Italian immigrant who had only arrived in America a few years earlier.Mr.Scotti then saw around New York for twelve hours in a bus.Eventually the bus driver handed him over to another policeman.Unfortunately,this policeman did

25、not speak Italian and Mr.Scotti got very annoyed and wanted to know why an Italian policeman could not speak Italian.Finally,even when the policeman told him that he was not in Italy but was in New York,Mr.Scotti refused to believe him.“I cant be in New York,” he said.“I must be in Rome.Look at the

26、way people drive here.Only Italians can drive like that!”1The reason why Mr.Scotti is the least successful tourist is that _.Ahe lacked common sense Bhe had very bad luckChe was too clever to believe others DItalians are usually foolish答案与解析:A推理判断题。从全文可知,他在纽约很久却还坚持认为自己在罗马,可见他缺乏常识。2What happened to S

27、cottis plane in New York?AIt broke down.BIt needed repairing.CIt needed oil filling.DIt stopped to pick up more passengers.答案与解析:C细节理解题。从第二段中的“because the plane had to make a fuel stop”可知答案。3Mr.Scotti couldnt see Romes famous landmarks,_.Awhich he thought wonderful Bwhich made him very angryCwhich he considered reasonableDso he realized that he was not in Rome答案与解析:C推理判断题。从第三段可知Mr.Scotti 看不到罗马著名且古老的标志,以为是现代化让罗马发生了变化,他认为这合乎情理;但实际上他根本不是在罗马,而是在纽约。

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