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1、具体用法结构系动词 be(am, is, are)I am=Im you are=yourehe is =hes she is =shesit is =its we are= were they are=they陈述句:主语+be(系动词)+表语特殊疑问句:特殊疑问词+be+主语【part 5】目标语法:形容词性物主代词和特殊疑问句形容词性物主 代词定义:形容性物主代词是物主代词的一种(另一种为人称代词),置于名词前,起修饰作用, 表示谁 的。 用法:形容词性物主代词相当于形容词,在句中只 能用作定语,后面必须跟名词。结构:形容词性物主代词+名词my(我的) your(你的,你们的) his(

2、他的)her(她的) +名词its(它的) our(我们的) their(他们的)特殊疑问句特殊疑问词的使用:什么什么用 what, 年龄要用 how old, who, who 你是谁,where ,where 在哪里, When,when 是何时, Whose 谁的,how 如何, Which 是问哪一个。 特殊疑问词+be(am, is, are)+主语例句分析:一系动词 be 的用法例句1.I am a girl=Im a girl2.You are a girl=Youre a girl.3.He is a boy.=Hes a boy.4.She is a girl.=Shes a

3、 girl.5.It is a tree.=Its a tree.6.We are students.=Were students.7.They are students=Theyre students. 练习题:1.I from China.2.He from America. 3.My name Helen.二形容词性物主代词例句1.Our teacher is coming.2.My mom is a teacher.3.Your mom is a doctor. 练习题:1. sister is a student.2. name is Silva.3.Where is book? I

4、 cant find it. 三特殊疑问句例句1.What do you do?2.Where is ShanDong University?3.Which book is yours? 练习题:1. is your home?2. is your name?3. pen is it?课堂流程各部分时间分配:(110 分钟课时量)流程热身引课SnapshotConversationPronunciationGrammarListeningSpeaking时间51535(含 PartB)1020本单元世界之窗(文化):Seoul:是大韩民国的首都,也是韩国最大的城市。正式名称是首尔特别市,前称是

5、汉城。首尔都市圈, 是全世界仅次于东京的第二大都市圈,近一半的韩国人口居住在首尔都市圈著名学府:首尔大学,被称 为“韩民族最高学府“,联合国秘书长潘基文及多位韩国总统均出身于首尔大学。Cycle2Part6-12问候含有 be 动词的一般疑问句。 运用:运用含 be 动词的一般疑问句,询问别人近况,与人唠嗑。 四会单词(红):三会单词(黄): 拓展单词(绿):6greetings, handshake, bow, kiss, cheek, hug, pat;Korea, Brazil, France, Denmark, Greece, Mexico;Peru, Indonesia, Venez

6、uela;7semester, chemistry, on ones way to, free, Mr. andMrs.;hows it going = how are you;Miss, Ms目标语法【Part8】带有 be 动词的一般疑问句,以及简短回答。含 be 动词的一般疑问句一般疑问句:be 动词提前肯定回答否定回答Are you free?Yes, I am.(不可缩写)No, Im 和 not 不可缩写在一起Is David from Mexico?Yes, he is.(不可缩写)No, hes not. No, he isnt.Is Beths class in

7、 the morning?Yes, it is.(不可缩写)No, its not. No, it isnt.Are you and Beth in the same class?Yes, we are.No, were not. No, we arent.Are your classes interesting?Yes, they are.No, theyre not. No, they arent.例句及习题分析:例句:参照上表 习题:1. I am on my way school. A. to B. at C. on D. in2. I am on my way home. Ill s

8、ee you soon.A. to B. at C. in D. /3. Hes from the U.S. (改写为一般疑问句) he the U.S.?4. Does he come from the U.S.? (改写同义句)5. -Are you a Chinese?- .A. Yes, Im. B. No, I am. C. No, I amnt D. Yes, I am. 【Part 5】听力环节问题引入:Last name 关键词预告:Last name, first name, where from 课堂流程各部分时间分配:(+复习, 讲解作业)Word PowerReadin

9、g30101020本单元世界之窗Greetings1. How are you doing?2. Hows everything going?Just hanging in there.3. Whats up? 道别1. Have fun!2. Break a leg! Reading:Key words:important, think of, probably, a part of, identity, right now, popular, unpopular, famous, suggest positive, negative, agree on, common, recent, i

10、n the future.Key sentences:It is an important part of your identity. Practices:A. Read the statements first and find the familiar words or phrases in the passage.B. Read the names in the passage again, mark the positive and negative names and write them down in the chart.Unit 2 How do you spend your

11、 day?Cycle1Part1-6工作一般现在时的陈述句和特殊疑问句用法 功能项:(1)询问对方在职或理想的工作;(2)对工作的感受四会单词: 三会单词: 拓展单词:四会单词worst, job, fisherman, driver, worker, cowboy, dancer三会单词taxi driver, construction worker拓展单词lumberjackoffice, company, service, cashier, chef, travel, tour guide, singer, businessdirector, sever, musician, pilot

12、receptionist, website designer, flight attendant, entertainmentsalesperson ,serve, airline, airplaneconstruction, department storeconstruct, flight attendant ,carpenter,4guide, really ,tours, interesting ,great ,countryfast-food, restaurant, part-timeThomas, cook, travel, actually, South America ,Pe

13、ru, full-time一般现在时的特殊疑问句和陈述句用法功能构成一 般 现 在 时 陈 述 句1. 表示事物或人物的特征,状态如:The sky is blue。2. 表示经常性或习惯性的动作。 如:I get up at six every day。3. 表示客观现实The earth goes around the sun。1. be 动词主语+be(am,is,are)+其他 如:I am a boy。2. 行为动词主语+行为动词(+其他)。 We study English. 当主语是第三人称单数(he,she,it)时,动词用第三人称单数形 式。动词第三人称单数变化规则:(1)

14、一般情况下,直接加 s。cook-cooks(2) 以 s,x, sh, ch, o 结尾,加 es;如 go-goes(3) 以辅音字母加 y,变 y 为 i 加 es;如 study-studies(4) 不规则变化:have 变 has特殊疑问词使用一般现在 时特 殊疑 问句详见 U1 Cycle 1 grammar(1) 特殊疑问词+be 动词(am,is,are)+主语+其他?(2) 特殊疑问词+do/does+第一二人称/第三人称+其他? 一般现在时陈述句例句:1. Im a security guard.(含 be 动词)2. My girlfriend goes there,

15、too.(含行为动词)3. He works for a drugstore. (含行为动词) 练习题:1.My husband and I (have/has)a baby.2.Andrew (go/goes) to school every day.3.He (am, is, are)not a worker. 一般现在时特殊疑问句例句:1. Where are you going now?2. What do you do at home?3. How does she like her job?练习题:1. do you need a car?(为什么)2. does she sell

16、?(什么)3. does your sister finish homework?(什么时候)美国的牛仔文化:是指在美洲牧场上照顾牛、马的人。牛仔裤原是十九世纪的美国人为应付繁重的日常劳作而设计出 的一种作业服。时过境迁,当年粗重的劳动装,如今跻身时装界,巧妙地迎合流行,不断地变换出新的款式,风靡全球,在时装领域占据了极大一块地盘。牛仔裤 6 种古董要素制作:红旗、撞钉、车花、纽扣、布边、皮标。Cycle2Part7-12表达时间时介词的使用。使用时间的相关表达方法,描述每日的活动。gym, midnight, announcer, weather report, recognize, sho

17、w;N/A;8company, director, musician, designer, cowboy;pilot, lumberjack, fisherman;main stress; 目标语法【Part9】 1. 时间的基本表达:介词的使用。时间的表达(着重练习介词的使用)以下 A/B/C 三竖栏,可单独使用,也可横向两两搭配,或三栏共同搭配,只需注意时间从小到大的顺序即可。A. 点钟的表达B. 早、中、晚的表达C. 包含星期的表达at7:0015304550 (同时复习点钟的具体表达)before/after/untilmorning noonafternoon(不与 after 搭)

18、evening nighonSaturday Saturdays(注意拼写) Sundaysweekdays weeknights weekends(at) around/aboutin the morning at noonin the afternoon in the evening at nightat midnight参照上表习题:1. He always gets up ten weekdays.(答案 B) A. around; in B. at; on C. around; at D. at; in2. She went shopping seven the evening ye

19、sterday.( 答案 C) A. at; around B in; in C at; in D. on;3. We are going to have dinner six. (答案 B) A. around at B. at around C. in D. on4. I finished my homework midnight. (答案 B) A early; on B late; at C early; until D late; on5. I studied English 9 oclock last night. (答案 A) A. until B in C. on D. ear

20、ly 【Part 10】听力环节 问题引入:Daily schedules关键句预告:What do you do? What are your work hours like?Which job do you like best?A lumberjack A fisherman? A teacher or a lawyer?Educational attainment has a direct impact on many aspects of life, but most directly on earnings. Averageannual earnings for persons wi

21、thout a high school diploma are $14,391; with a diploma, $20,036; with a bachelors degree, $34,096; and with a doctorate, $54,982Reading:have time to, need, expensive, on weekends, experience, salary, save, want to, take care of, at home, getfrom, allowance, earn, own1. I dont have time to work, but

22、 I need a job because college is very expensive.2. My husband and I have a new baby.3. We want to save some money to buy a house.4. I need to earn some money because I like to go out on the weekend with friends. Practices:A. Find the answer in 3 passagesB. Check everyones need about job and write th

23、eir request and limitation down to choose the best job for each person.Unit3 How much is it?Cycle1Part1-7颜色和价格指示代词 one 与 ones 的用法 询问物品的颜色和价格、和对物品的偏好。 三会单词:目 标 单 词jealous,pure, truthful, gray ,exciting, orange, purple gray ,white ,yellowmysterious, fun ,friendlyfunny ,excited, truth, sadlythose, perf

24、ect, these, necklace, expensive, presentearring, get,cheap, gift, neck,sunglasses, cap, watch, buyin-line, skate, price ,reason, item, completeskate, hat, glasses, watch(v.), because【Part 3】 目标语法:指示代词、one 和 ones 的用法。(初中一年级上学期)定义用法指示代词指示代词表示指示概念的代词,即用来标示人和事物的代词,用来起指示 作用 或用来代 替前面 已经提到 过的名词。1.this: this+名词(可数名词单数和

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