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1、 you know, Mary, I feel we meet somewhere before. Where were you born?玛丽,你知道吗,我觉得好像在哪儿见过你,你是在哪里出生的? I was born in Beijing, but I spent most of my childhood in London.我在北京出生,后来去了伦敦。 what was your childhood like?你的童年生活怎么样? I had a pretty strict upbringing, and my parents taught at an university so the

2、y have extremely high expectations for me.我小时候家教特别严,我父母以前是大学老师,对我期望特别高。 where did you go to university?你在哪里上的大学? my parents wanted me to stay in Beijing, but I decided to go back to England. I graduated from University of Newcastle upon Tyne with a degree in Cross Culture Communication.我父母想让我留在北京,可是

3、我决定回英国。后来我从纽卡斯尔大学毕业并且拿到了跨文化交流专业的学位。 what is your current occupation?那你现在做什么工作呢? I am a journalist. I write for China Daily.我做记者,在中国日报工作。 did you know that you wanted to be a journalist right after your graduation?那你一毕业就知道自己相当记者吗? no, I didnt. I started working at a university in London but as time w

4、ent by, I found I did not really like my job. I decided to explore other fields. Journalism is great fit for me as well as a challenge.没有。我最初在伦敦一所大学教书,颗后来我觉得自己并不喜欢当老师。于是就决定尝试一下其它领域。新闻工作对我来说不失为一种新的尝试和挑战。 do you like your current job?那你喜欢你现在的工作吗? yes, I came to Beijing two years ago looking for new op

5、portunities. I was lucky because my friend introduced me to my current company.是的,两年前我来到北京,希望找到新的机会。当时很幸运,一个朋友介绍我进了现在的公司。2Dating 与爱相约dialogue 1I: I wonder what he looks like. Oh, I cant wait to see him! His email said hed be wearing a white hat.(looking around for him) oh, there he is.我真想知道他长得什么样,真想

6、马上见到他。他在电子邮件里说他会戴白帽子。(四下张望)啊,他在那儿。L: hey, Isabelle嗨,伊莎贝拉 Logan! Why on earth are you hiding here? White hat! Come on! Dont tell me youre the guy! It cant be true.洛根!?你躲在这儿干什么?白帽子?天啊!别告诉我你就是那个人! yes, I am the guy.没错,我就是。 what a bummer! You set me up?无聊!那我当猴耍吗? let me explain. I didnt mean to hurt you

7、你听我解释,不是有意的的。 how dare you!(starts to walk off)你竟敢骗我!(就要离开) hang on a second. Hear me out, just this once, Isabella!等一下,听我说完,伊莎贝拉,就这一次。 why did you lie to me in the email? 你为什么在邮件里骗我? I didnt lie. You just didnt ask me my real name.我没有,是你没问我的真实姓名。20我早知道应该是你。怪不得 I should have known it was you. No won

8、der all the 20 questions were answered correctly. I thought I might have found the one for me.个问题你全答对了。我还以为自己找到了知己。 Im sorry. It was cruel of me. But I promise it will never happen again? Look, theres a nice restaurant. Let me take you to dinner and we can talk thigns over.对不起,是我不好。我发誓绝不会有第二次。看,那个餐厅

9、看上去不错。走,我请你吃饭,然后慢慢给你解释。dialogue 2 The band is pretty good. How do you like the music?乐队不错啊。你喜欢这支曲子吗?s very nice. I havent heard live music in a while. This is fun.挺喜欢的。我很久没在现场听过音乐了,感觉很不错。 L: well, then, may I invite you for the next dance? 好吧,那我可以请你跳下一支舞吗? of course. But Im afraid Im not much of a d

10、ancer当然,但是我不怎么会跳舞。 dont worry. Im not much of a dancer myself.别担心。我也不怎么会跳。 youre dancing so well.你跳的真好。 you dance beautifully too.你跳的也不错。 when did you learn to dance?你什么时候学的跳舞。 in college. But I dont dance very often. Whats your favourite dance?大学时候学的。不过我很久没跳了。顺便问一下,你最喜欢什么舞?s hard to say. It depends

11、. But I love the waltz.很难说,看情况吧。不过我比较喜欢华尔兹舞。 how about tango?那探戈呢? oh, I like it. Its such a beautiful dance, but I cant do it well. What about you?也喜欢。探戈舞很美,不过我不怎么会跳。你呢? Tango is my favorite. Anything but hip-hop or the foxtrot.(the music has stopped)我最喜欢跳探戈舞。都还行,除了街舞和狐步舞。(音乐停了) thank you for the d

12、ance.谢谢你请我跳舞。 my pleasure. Lets go and have a drink.不客气。我们喝一杯怎么样? ok.好吧 3Cyber Love 网络情缘dialogue 1 you are dressed to kill. You look gorgeous, Alexander.盛装打扮啊!亚历山大,你看上去帅呆了!A: thanks. This is my power suit. I have a dinner date tonight.谢谢,这是我的权力套装,我今晚有约。 how did you meet each other?你们怎么认识的? shes a fr

13、iend of Amy. We met at Amys birthday party.她是艾米的一个朋友。我们在艾米的生日晚会上认识的。 is this your first date?这是你第一次约会吗? yes. I hope it pans out. Cross your fingers, Lily.是的,我希望一切顺利。祝我成功吧,莉莉。 sure it will. Oh, no, its seven fifteen already. Im going to be late for my date.当然,你一定会成功的。哎呀,已经7点15分了,我约会迟到了。 ohso you buri

14、ed the hatchet with Steven?咦难道你和斯蒂文和好了? absolutely not! Hes a cheater. I will never talk to him again. Im over with him. Hes history!怎么可能!他是个骗子。我再也不会搭理他了。我和他已经结束了,他是过去时了。 then who will you meet tonight?那你今晚见谁呢? a guy I met on the internet three month ago.一个三个月前在网上认识的人。 really? Are you sure this is a

15、 good idea?是吗?这可以吗? please dont be so fussy!t just meet him yesterday.别这么大惊小怪的!我又不是昨天才认识他的。 I know, but remember to meet in a public place and dont give out your personal information.我知道,但是记着在公共场合和他见面。别把你的个人信息给他 hey, Lily, what are you doing?嗨,莉莉,你在干什么呢? waiting for someone. 等某人现身呢。 you mean the boy

16、 you met on MSN?你是说你在msn上认识的那个人吗?re right. He is so funny and I think Im in love with him.对,他很有趣,我想我已经爱上他了。 you must be joking. You cant fall in love with someone youve never met!你在开玩笑吧,你从来没见过他,怎么会爱上他呢? I know,but I keep thinking of him every day. And I get really depressed when hes not online.我知道,但

17、是我每天不停地像他。他不在网上时,我就很沮丧。 I think its just a crush. You cant be serious.我想你这只是一时迷恋。你不会是认真的吧? well, this might be silly. But I just cant get him off my mind. And I cant help missing him.也许这有点傻,但是我满脑子都是他。我不停想他。 did you tell him?那你告诉他了吗? yes. He said Im his dream girl.告诉了,他说我正是他想找的女孩。 you shouldnt take i

18、t too seriously. It might be a lie.你别太当真了。也许他在骗你。 I know. I cant tell whether hes serious or not so I need your advice.我知道。我就是不知道他是不是认真的,所以才需要你的意见。 I think you should enlarge your circle of real life friends, and then the right person will come along.我觉得你应该扩大现实生活中的朋友圈,那合适的人一定会出现的。4Office Romance 职场恋

19、歌dialogue 1C: Whats the problem, Nada? You look down in the dumps.娜达,怎么了?你看上去怎么闷闷不乐的?N: I dont know. My life is a big mess. Everything is so compliceted.我也不知道。我的生活一团糟。怎么这么复杂? come on, nothin can be that bad.到底怎么了?没什么大不了的。 but promise me, youll keep it a secret.但你要发誓,替我保守秘密。 ok, I promise. So whats t

20、roubling you so much?好吧,我发誓。那到底什么让你这么烦心呢?ve fallen in love with my boss.我喜欢上我们老板了。 Is he married?那他结婚了? no, of course not. He is still single.没有,当然没有。他还是单身。 then whats your problem?那你愁什么呢? I try to keep it to myself. But there is a lot of gossip about us.我本想埋在心里,谁也不说。但是公司里传的沸沸扬扬的。 oh, I see. Office

21、romance tends to be the subject of gossip.啊,明白了。办公室恋情总会引起闲言碎语的。 worse still, he is trying to avoid me these days.更糟糕的是,他这两天在极力躲避我C: office romance is very tricky. 办公室恋情很难处理的。 it gives me a lot of pressure and I feel depressed.我感到很有压力,心情很郁闷。 cheer up, Nada. Youll be fine.娜达,别这样,高兴点。一切都会过去的。 hows it g

22、oing?最近怎么样?m in a good mood today, actually. How about you?事实上,我今天心情很好,你呢? to be honest, Im a bit fed up.说实话,我有点烦。 whats wrong? 怎么了? theres a girl in my company that I really like but I always get shy when she is around.我很喜欢我们公司的一个女孩,但是我一看见她就不好意思。 I see! Do you want to ask her out?这样啊,你想约她出去吗? sure,

23、 but how?当然啦,但是怎么约啊? you can ask her out for drink after work.你可以约她下班后一起喝东西。 but for what reasons? She doesnt even know who I am.但是找什么理由啊?她都不知道我是谁。 then youve got a lot of homework to do. You need to get her notice first.那你要做的事情可就多了,你要先引起她的注意。 easier said than done.说起来容易。 you can start by meeting he

24、r at the bus stop and saying hello to her.你可以先在公交车站偶遇她,然后和她搭讪。 but I always get tongue-tied when I see her.但是我一见到她,就不知道说什么。s something you need to overcome. Men should make the first move as most of girls perfer being chased.那你一定要克服这个毛病。男士要主动,女孩子喜欢被追啊。 I see. Ill try.知道了。我试试吧。 N: good luck祝你好运。5Stay

25、ing Together 把爱留住dialogue 1J: Jack and Mary broke up.杰克和玛丽分手了。 its so sad. They had been together for only two months. Do you know what the matter was?真令人伤心!他们在一起只有个月。你知道为什么吗? Mary said Jack was cheating on her. Jack was seeing a girl from his hometown. One day, Mary saw them holding hands and ended

26、 the relationship immediately.玛丽说杰克背着她和别人交往。杰克和他的一个老乡一直很暧昧。一天,玛丽看见他们手牵着手,当场就和他分手了。 Im very surprised. He doesnt look like a guy whod ever do that sort of thing, right?真的吗?我感到很意外。杰克看起来不像那种人,是吧? no, he doesnt. Anyway, she found out that he had been two-timing her for a long time.不像。不过,玛丽发现他脚踩两只船已经很长时间了。 maybe it is for the best. They are not suitable for each other because they have nothing in common and are completely different people.也许这样对彼此都好。他们根本不适合,没有共同语言,性格也不和。 how so?怎么说? he is an extrovert while she is an introvert. He likes parties while she hates them.他外向她内向,他喜欢聚会而她讨厌聚会。 poor

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