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1、4. Professor Smith is said _ another important discovery in have madeC.having being madeD.having madeB考点 非谓语动词解析 be said后常用动词不定式作主语补足语。本句中不定式的动作发生在主句谓语动作之前,所以不定式用现在完成时形式。5. The teacher suggested that they _ in the exercise at once.A.had handedB.should have handedC.handedD.han

2、d解析 suggest表示“建议”时,其后的that从句谓语用“(should)+动词原形”的形式,其中should可省略。故选D。6. Dont smoke in the classroom, _? youB.will youC.can youD.could youB考点 反意疑问句解析 祈使句的反意疑问句通常用will you/wont you,但是如果祈使句为否定式,只能用will you。故选B。7. There is _ that he has tried his best in the examination.A.not to denyB.not d

3、enyingD.without denyingC考点 固定搭配解析 there is no denying that表示“毫无疑问”,为固定句型。8. _ is generally believed, there is no water on the moon.A.AsB.WhatC.ThatD.ItA考点 定语从句解析 本题是由as引导的非限制性定语从句,as指代的是整个主句的内容,as在此有“正如,正像”的含义。9. He devoted his whole life to _ care of the disabled children.A.takesB.takingC.tookD.tak

4、e解析 devoteto doing意为“奉献出做某事,致力于某事”。这个短语中to为介词,介词后面的动词用V-ing形式。10. The student continued his university study _ his family was poor.A.even thatD.since解析 even though:尽管,虽然;as though:好像;now that:既然,由于;since:自从,因为。根据句意应选A。11. His father was put into _ prison, and he had to go to _

5、 prison to visit him once in a while.A.a; theB.the; aC.a; /D./;D考点 冠词的用法解析 put into prison表示“坐牢”,为固定搭配,不需要冠词。第二个空应用the,特指前文提到的prison。12. According to the time table, the train for Beijing _ at 9:00 p.m. from Monday to Friday.A.was leavingC.leavesD.has leftC考点 动词的时态解析 根据题干中的time table一词可知

6、,此处表达的是经常性的动作,因此需要使用一般现在时,因此本题的正确答案为C。13. The new drug will not be put on the market _ it has proved safe on humans.A.ifB.untilC.sinceD.whenB考点 固定搭配解析 not一词经常和until一起使用,意为“直到才”,该结构经常用来引导时间状语从句,因此B为本题正确答案。14. Only when we hurried to the airport _ the flight was cancelled.A.we foundB.did we findC.have

7、 we foundD.we have foundB考点 倒装句型解析 only+状语(从句)置于句首时,主句需要使用倒装结构,根据题干中出现的hurried和was等词可知,此处应使用一般过去时,故选项B为正确答案。注意,表否定意义的副词和短语,如never,hardly,seldom,scarcely,little,few,by no means,in no circumstances,not until等置于句首时,主句也要使用倒装结构。15. _ arriving at the meeting room, Tina discovered that she had left the sam

8、ple products in her office.A.ByB.ThroughC.OnD.InC考点 状语从句解析 on doing sth相当于as soon as引导的时间状语从句,意为“一就”。其他三个选项均不合句意。16. Where is the _ writing desk?A.charming round smallB.round small charmingC.charming small roundD.small round charmingC考点 形容词词序解析 本题考查两个及两个以上形容词修饰同一名词时的排序。其基本顺序为:品质尺寸/大小形状新旧颜色产地材料用途中心词。

9、故此题选择C项。17. It would be unwise to _ too much importance to these opinion polls.A.stickB.giveC.applyD.attachD考点 固定搭配解析 attach too much importance to意为“对给予太多关注,太在意”,为固定搭配,故选择D项。18. We havent been able to find out the _ of the rumor.A.sourceB.causeC.resourceD.reason解析 A source:来源,出处;cause:原因,动机,理由;reso

10、urce:资源,办法;reason:理由,原因。根据题意应选择A项。19. I _ to come to your house last night but it rained hard.A.thoughtB.attendedC.intendedD.considered解析 think:考虑,思考;attend:出席,参加;intend:想要,打算;consider:认为。根据句意及空格后的不定式可知,选C。20. Import for the first three months this year is larger than for the _ period last

11、latingB.concerningC.correspondingD.regarding解析 relating:相关的;concerning:关于,涉及;regarding:就而论;corresponding:相应的,一致的,对等的。根据题意,应选择C项。ClozeDirections: For each blank in the following passage, there are four choices given below and marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the one that best fits into the pas

12、sage. Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say that they go 1 their own language and other languages, arithmetic, history, science and all the other subjects. That is quite true, but why do they learn these things? And are these things 2 that they learn at school

13、? We send our children to school to 3 them for the time 4 they are grown-up and have to work 5 their own. Nearly all they learn at school has some 6 use in their life, but is that the only reason 7 they go to school? There is 8 in education than just learning facts. We go to school 9 all to learn ho

14、w to learn, 10 when we have left school we can continue to learn. A man who really knows 11 will always be successful, because 12 he has to do something new which he has never had to do before he will rapidly teach himself how to do it in the best 13 The uneducated person, 14 , is probably unable to

15、 do something new, or does it badly. The purpose of schools, therefore is not just to teach languages, arithmetic, etc. 15 to teach students the way to learn. learnC.for learningB考点 词语搭配题解析 go to do sth意为“去做某事”,为固定搭配。2.A.eachB.onesC.everyD.allD考点 逻辑推理题解析 本句意为:这些是他们在学校所学

16、的全部东西吗?其他三个选项均不符合句意,故选D。3.A.setB.prepareC.makeD.giveB考点 词义辨析题解析 set:放置,安置;prepare:使有准备,筹备;make:做,制造;give:给予,赠送。由句意可知,我们将孩子送入学校是为了让他们做好准备,将来长大成人后须自力更生,因此应选择B项。4.A.whereB.whenC.whileD.howB考点 语法结构题解析 根据句意,此处应为when引导的定语从句修饰“the time”。5.A.onB.forC.withD.toA考点 词语搭配题解析 on ones own,意为“独立地,自食其力地”,为固定搭配,故选A项。

17、6.A.realisticB.effectiveC.efficientD.practicalD考点 词义辨析题解析 realistic:现实的,栩栩如生的;effective:有效的,实际的;efficient:有效率的,收效大的;practical:实践的,实用的。根据句意:他们在学校学到的几乎所有东西在他们的生活中都有一些实际作用。应选择D项。7.A.whyB.whichC.howD.whatA考点 语法结构题解析 关系副词why引导定语从句修饰表示原因的先行词reason,且why在从句中作状语。8.A.muchB.mostC.manyD.moreD考点 语法结构题解析 由“than”一

18、词可知,此处表示比较的关系,故应选more。morethan意为“比多,比更”。9.A.aboveB.overC.onD.beyond解析 above all:首要的是,最重要的是;over all:全部的,全体的;C、D选项无此用法。根据句意“我们去学校最主要的是学会如何学习”可知,应选择A项。 thatD.such thatC考点 语法结构题我们去学校最主要的是学会如何学习,以便我们离开学校后仍然能够继续学习。so that,表示“以便,为了”引导目的状语从句,其他项无此用法。 to be to lea

19、 to have learningB考点 逻辑推理题解析 由上文中的“learn how to learn”可知,此处是原词复现。本句意为:一个懂得如何去学习的人往往可以成功。12.A.wheneverB.whicheverC.whateverD.howeverA考点 逻辑推理题每当他需要做以前没做过的事情时,因此应选择A项。13.A.pathB.courseC.roadD.wayD考点 词语搭配题解析 in the best way意为“以最好的方式”,为固定搭配。14.A.on another handB.on other handC.on the

20、other handsD.on the other hand解析 on the other hand,意为“在另一方面”,为固定搭配。其他选项的搭配形式都不对。15.A.yetB.howeverC.butD.orC考点 词语搭配题解析 notbut,意为“不是而是”,为固定搭配,故选择C项。Reading Comprehension There are four reading passages in this part. Each passage is followed by five questions. For each question there are four suggested

21、 answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best answer.Passage 1 A dolphin (海豚) looks more like a fish than certain fishes do. It is an excellent swimmer. The dolphin seems to flash through the water. Like fish, dolphins are completely at home in the water. There they play, feed, sleep, and give birt

22、h to their young. Dolphins live in the sea and can live only in the sea. Yet they are not fish. A dolphin must come to the surface to breathe. Fish can take oxygen from the water. Dolphins cannot. Like us, they breathe with lungs and must take their oxygen from the air. And they are mammals (哺乳动物).

23、Most mammals are land animals. Dolphins are evolved (进化) from land animals. Long ago, dolphin ancestors (祖先) left the land for the sea. Among the animals was a kind that would become the dolphin we know. No one is sure exactly what kind of animal it was. But there is reason to think it was related t

24、o grass-eating animals like the cow. Modern dolphins are fish-eaters. Yet their stomachs are like those of animals that eat plants. The make-up of their blood is also like that of grass-eating animals. 1. The best title for this passage is _.A.DolphinsB.FishC.MammalsD.CowsA考点 主旨大意题解析 由文章内容可知,本文主要讲述了

25、关于海豚的一些知识,包括它的生活习性以及如何进化成现在的海豚等。2. What can we learn from the first paragraph?A.A dolphin is a special kind of fish.B.Dolphins cant swim very quickly.C.Dolphins can live only in the sea.D.Dolphins produce their babies on land.C考点 事实细节题解析 由文章第一段最后一句话“Dolphins live in the sea and can live only in the

26、sea. ”可知,海豚仅能生活在海洋里,所以选项C正确。再由第一段第一句、第二句和第四、五句可知,选项A、B、D均不符合文义。3. Different from fish, dolphins on landB.breathe with lungsC.breathe under without oxygenB考点 事实细节题解析 由文章第二段第五句的内容可知,海豚的呼吸方式与人类一样,都是用肺呼吸且是从空气中呼吸氧气,所以本题应选B。4. Dolphins are evolved from mammalsB.sea ani

27、malsC.grass-eating animalsD考点 事实细节题解析 由文章第三段第二句话“Dolphins are evolved from land animals”可知,本题答案为D。5. What can be inferred from the passage?A.Dolphins have highly evolved.B.Mammals dont eat plants at all.C.All fishes developed from land animals.D.Dolphins were once closely related to humans.A考点 推理判断题解析 由文章最后一段内容可知,海豚是由陆上动物进化来的,且这种动物有可能是一种食草动物。而现在的海豚变成了食鱼者,但它的胃跟那些以植物为主的动物的胃相似,它的血液组成也与那些食草动物的相似。由此可推出海豚是一种高、度进化的动物。Passage 2 Passage 2

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