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1、 in fact they are the junction parts of two adjacent muscle fibers.12. Argyrophilic fibers (嗜银纤维): Because of their affinity (亲和) for silver salts, reticular fibers can be easily stained black by impregnation with silver salts, so they are called argyrophilic fibers.13. Neuron (神经元) is the structura

2、l and functional cellular unit that can receive stimulation, conduct nerve impulse. Neuron consists of cell body, dendrite and axon.14. Nissl bodies (尼氏体) are basophilic (嗜碱性) spot-liked or granule-liked structures only found in cell body and dendrite of neuron; in fact they are paralleled-arranged

3、RER and free ribosome.15. Nerve fiber (神经纤维) is a structure formed by axon and surrounded glial cells, which can conduct the impulse to certain direction16. Nerve Ending (神经末梢) is the specialized structures of the nerve fiber terminals that distributed in tissues and organs.二、填空题1. Hematoxylin(苏木精)

4、is a basic (碱性) stain and combines with acidic (酸性)components. Eosin (伊红) is an acidic stain and combines with basic components.2. According to the distribution and functions, there are three types of epithelium: covering epithelium, glandular epithelium and neuro-epithelium.3. The simple squamous e

5、pithelium that lines the inner surface of body cavities is mesothelium; the simple squamous epithelium that lines the inner surface of blood and lymph vessels is endothelium.4. The epithelium of thyroid(甲状腺) or renal tubule(肾小管) is simple cuboidal epithelium; the epithelium of intestine(肠) is simple

6、 columnar epithelium; the epithelium of large duct of respiratory(呼吸道) is pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium; the epithelium of mouth, pharynx(咽), esophagus(食道) or epidermis(表皮) of skin is stratified squamous epithelium; the epithelium of bladder is transitional epithelium.4. Specializati

7、ons of free surface of epithelium include cell coat; microvillus(微绒毛) ; cilium(纤毛); microruga(微皱壁).5. The microvillus of small intestine is called striated border(纹状缘), the microvillus of renal tubule is called brush border(刷状缘).6. The secretion of endocrine glands is hormone(激素).7. According to the

8、 fibers, cartilage can be classified as hyaline cartilage, elastic cartilage and fibrocartilage.8. Cells in bone tissue include osteocytes(骨细胞), osteoprogenitor cells(骨原细胞), osteoblast (成骨细胞)and osteoclasts(破骨细胞). 9. In blood there are three kinds of granulocytes(有粒白细胞): neutrophil(嗜中性粒细胞), eosinoph

9、il(嗜酸性粒细胞) and basophil(嗜碱性粒细胞),10. In blood there are two kinds of agranulocytes(无粒白细胞): lympocyte(淋巴细胞), monocyte(单核细胞),11. In mammal and fish blood platelet (血小板) and thrombocyte(血栓细胞), are involved in blood clotting respectively.12. Muscle cell is called muscle fiber and the membrane of muscle c

10、ell is also called sarcolemma(肌膜),13. Nissl bodies (尼氏体) are basophilic materials; in electron microscope they are composed of RER and free ribosome.14. Nerve tissue consists of neuron and glial cell(胶质细胞)15. The processes of neuron include dendrite(树突) and axon(轴突)16. There are two kinds of nerve e

11、nding: sensory nerve ending (receptor) (感觉神经末梢)and motor nerve ending.(运动神经末梢)三、单项选择题1. Pseudostratified ciliated columnar epithelium is distributed in ( A ) Atrachea(气管) Brenal tubule Cbladder(膀胱) Dintestine2. The most common cell in loose connective tissue is ( C )Afat cell Bmast cell肥大细胞 Cfibrobl

12、ast成纤维细胞 Dplasma cell浆细胞3. Which one has the ability of phagocytose? ( B )Afibroblast Bmacrophage巨噬细胞 Cfat cell Dplasma cell4. The cell that can synthesizes and secrete immunoglobulin (or antibody) is ( D )Afibrocyte纤维细胞 Bmacrophage Cpigment cell色素细胞 Dplasma cell5. Simple cuboidal epithelium is dist

13、ributed in ( B )Atrachea Brenal tubule Cbladder Dintestine6. Which one is not the specialization of free surface of epithelium? ( D )Acell coat Bmicrovillus Ccilium Dflagellum (鞭毛)7. Which one is not found in loose connective tissue? ( C )Amacrophages Bleukocytes白细胞 Cred blood cell Dplasma cell, 8.

14、Sacromere (肌节) is ( A ) A1/2 I band + A band + 1/2 I band B1/2 A band + I band + 1/2 A band C1/2 I band + 1/2A band + 1/2 I band DI band + A band + I band 9. Nerve impulse is conducted through ( B )ARanvier node(郎飞结) Baxilemma(轴膜) CSynapse(突轴) Dmyelin shelth(髓鞘)10. Which one is not the function of G

15、lial cell?Asupporting Bprotection Crepairing Dimpulse conduction 11. Argyrophilic fiber (嗜银纤维)is ( C )Acollagenous fiber Belastic fiber Creticular fiber Dnerve fiber 12. Which one has no nucleus?Aneuron Berythrocyte红细胞 of mammals Cerythrocyte of fish Dmonocyte 13. Macrophage derives from ( A )Amonoc

16、yte单核细胞 BB lymphocyte淋巴细胞 CT lymphocyte Dbasophile 四、多项选择题1. Goblet cells are found in ( A D )2. The cells that have the ability of phagocytize are ( ACD )Aosteoclast破骨细胞 Bfibroblast Cmonocyte Dmacrophage3. The cells that have more than one nucleus are ( AD )Aosteoclast破骨细胞 Bfibroblast Cmast cell Ds

17、keletal muscle cell4. Fibers in loose connective tissue are ( ABC ) 5. The cells that can synthesize collagenous fiber are ( ABCD )Aosteoblast Bfibroblast Csmooth muscle cell Dchondrocyte6. The fibers that have cross striation are ( ABCD )Acollagenous fiber Bsmooth muscle fiber Cskeletal muscle fibe

18、r Dcardiac muscle fiber 五、判断题1. PAS is short for Periodic Acid Schiff, which is a method to stain sugar. ( )2. In the epidermis of fish there is a kind of mucus cell. ( )3. There is no nucleus in mature red blood cells of mammals and fishes. ( )4. Plasma cell derives from T lymphocyte. ( ).5. The se

19、cretions of exocrine glands and endocrine glands are all called hormones. ( 6. All muscles that have cross striation are voluntary muscle. ( 7. Fibroblasts and fibrocytes are the same type of cells in different active station. ()六、简答题1. Please write out the general features of covering epithelium.1)

20、 Covering epithelium is composed of closely aggregated cells with very little extracellular substance and form cellular sheets.2) Polarity: covering epithelial tissues have a free surface, which faces air or other things, and a basal surface that rests on a basement membrane and faces underlying con

21、nective tissue. 3) There are no blood vessels in covering epithelium; all nutrients must pass out of the basement membrane from the underlying connective tissue. 4) Covering epithelium is rich in nerve ends.5) The cells of covering epithelium are renewed continuously by means of mitotic activity. 6)

22、 Have functions of protection, secretion, absorption and sensory reception.2. Please write out the general features of connective tissue.1) Cells in connective tissue are relatively small in number but rich in type 2) The extracellular matrix is generally the dominant component.3) The extracellular

23、is composed of fibers and amorphous ground substance. 4) All connective tissues originate from mesenchyme - the embryonal CT5) Cells line irregularly and in no direction.6) Have functions of connection, supporting, protecting, nourish, defending and repairing3. Please write out the cells and fibers

24、of loose connective tissue.1) Cells: fibroblast, macrophage, plasma cell, mast cell, fat cell, undifferentiated mesenchyma cell and leukocyte2) Fibers: collagenous fiber, elastic fiber, and reticular fiber.4. Please write out the similarities and differences of three kinds of muscle tissues.skeletal

25、 musclecardiac musclesmooth muscleshape of cellslong cylindricalshort columnelongated, spindlenumber of nucleusmany1-21cross striationhavenot haveintercalated discvoluntary or notvoluntaryinvoluntarycontractionstrong, quick and discontinuousstrong, quick and continuousweak, slow and continuousdistributionhead, trunk

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