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新人教版高中英语选修八强化练习unit 2单元综合技能训练含答案文档格式.docx

1、近年地球越来越暖的事实让许多科学家担心。从句“the earth is becoming warmer and warmer these years”不缺少成分,因此选C项。that引导的从句作fact的同位语。23A warm thought suddenly came to me_I might use the pocket money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday.Aif BwhenCthat Dwhich我脑海中突然出现了一个温情的念头,用我的零花钱给妈妈买些鲜花作为她的生日礼物。从句I might use the pocket

2、 money to buy some flowers for my mothers birthday中不缺任何成分,所以用that。thought与其同位语从句被谓语部分suddenly came to me隔开。24The project was predicated on the_that the school was expanding.Aproduce BassumptionCfate DthinkB句意:这一项目是以学校膨胀地发展的设想为依据的。assumption“设想”;produce“产品”;fate“命运”。25However,as the evidence started

3、to_,experts from the zoo felt obliged to investigate.Aaccumulate BobjectCrestore DbotherA句意:然而,随着迹象开始积聚,动物园专家觉得必须详细调查。accumulate“聚积”;object“反对”;restore“恢复”;bother“烦扰”。26Dolly the sheep became_scientific breakthrough when_news that she had been born was announced.Athe;/ Bthe; theC/;/ Da;the当绵羊多利克隆出生的

4、消息被发布的时候,她成为了科学上的一个突破。breakthrough此处为可数名词,表示“一次突破”;news这里表特指。故选D。27A new bridge was built over the river_a young soldier who lost his life while rescuing a drowning boy.Ain honour of Bin case ofCin form of Din favour of为纪念抢救落水男孩而牺牲的年轻士兵,人们建起来一座新的桥。in honour of“为了纪念”;in case of“万一”;in form of“以形式”;in

5、 favour of“支持”。28(2014陕西)_ the delayed flight will take off depends much on the weather.AWhy BWhenCThat DWhatB 本题考查主语从句。句意:延误的航班何时起飞主要取决于天气。由于从句主谓完整, 所以答案不能选择what。根据句意可知B项正确。29There remains a little doubt among the public _the vaccine (疫苗) is safe enough for children.Athat BwhetherCwhat Dif就疫苗对孩子是否安

6、全,公众有点怀疑。根据句意可知选B。30Every passenger should follow the_ of the security check before boarding the plane.Aprocedure BmediumCassumption Dcorrection每位乘客都要履行登机前的安检程序。procedure“程序”;medium“媒体”;assumption“假想”;correction“改正”。31_your help, they learned to accept their stepmother in time.ADue to BThanks toCOwe

7、 to DBecause多亏你的帮助,过了一段时间之后他们学会了接受他们的继母。due to“由于”,不位于句首;owe to应为owing to;because引导从句,而此处为短语;thanks to“多亏;由于”符合题意。32The thirtystorey building is one of the most challenging engineering projects they have ever_.Aundergone BunderlinedCunderstood Dundertaken这栋30层的楼房是他们承担的最具有挑战性的工程之一。undertake“承担;着手做”,符

8、合题意。undergo“遭受;忍受;经历”;underline“在下画线;强调”;understand“理解”。33The young writer said he should_his success _his teachers encouragement.Athank; for Bdevote; toCowe; to Dexpress; of这位年轻的作家说,他的成功归功于他老师的鼓励。“把归功于”,符合题意。thank的宾语应是人;devote oneself to“投身于”;express“表现;表达”。34I dont want to_you with this pro

9、blem at the moment but it is urgent.Abother BlimitCexhaust Dpuzzle现在我不想因为这样的问题打扰你,但是事情很急。bother“打扰”,符合题意。limit“限制;限定”;exhaust“用尽;耗尽;使筋疲力尽”;puzzle“(使)迷惑;(使)为难”。35What I said might hurt Miss Green. I should say sorry to her._.AThats a good idea BDont mention itCNever mind DNo way“我说的话也许伤害了格林小姐,我应该向她道歉

10、。”“好主意。”thats a good idea“好主意”,符合语境。dont mention it“不要再提了”;never mind“没关系”;no way“没门”。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从3655各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D),选出最佳选项。Last night I went to my first Rock concert in eight years.It was the first time that I had gone to a music show since the heart operation._

11、36_had said loud music would do harm to my weak heart so I_37_went to a concert.We saw The Tina Turner show last evening and she was excellent.I highly_38_that you should see her show_39_it comes to your town.How she can dance,sing and prance around(欢蹦乱跳)on high heels for two and a half hours is bey

12、ond _40_.She looks and sounds great.There were a lot of special_41_like loud noises and a flareup(骤然)of fires,stages rising up,which I was not_42_and that really made me jump.There were thousands of people at this concert,so it was_43_and since I was not_44_with the place,I thought there was just on

13、e entrance.I came in the entrance and_45_through another entrance._46_,I was lost,walking all over the parking lot trying to find my car.Three lovely ladies saw that something was wrong and_47_to help.I was not wearing a coat and the_48_had fallen since we first arrived and these nice ladies said,“I

14、ts cold.Come and_49_in our car and we will help you look for your car.”I was a little leery(有戒心的),being_50_not to take rides from strangers,but the driver looked_51_and kind.So I got in.Then we drove along looking for my car and found it was parked at the “West” entrance.I hadnt_52_there was an east

15、 and west entrance before.I_53_these angels sent from God to help me find my car.Without them I would still be wandering about looking and looking.God really works in strange_54_.He was looking after meI was_55_by kind people.文章大意:在一次看完演唱会后迷路但得到了陌生人的帮助后,作者非常感激。36A.Teachers BDoctors CStudents DArtist

16、sB逻辑推理题。根据上文的the heart operation和本句中loud music would do harm to my weak heart可推断,这是医生告诉作者的。37A.often Balways Cseldom DsometimesC逻辑推理题。根据前句中It was the first time.和本句内容可知,作者很少去音乐会。38A.suggest Bimagine Cdream DdoubtA逻辑推理题。根据上文的she was excellent可知我建议大家看。39A.until Bbefore Cthough DifD逻辑推理题。根据句意可知,此处表示条件,

17、“如果”。40A.control Bbelief Cexample DhopeB背景常识题。根据常识,她穿着高跟鞋又跳又唱两个半小时,这是难以置信的。41A.methods Bsongs Ceffects DguestsC背景常识题。句中提到的loud noises,a flareup of fires和stages rising up都是特效。42A.expecting Bliking Ccriticizing Dfeeling根据句中that really made me jump可知,这是作者没有料到的。43A.attractive Bpleasant Ccrowded Dtypical

18、根据句中There were thousands of people可知,那里很拥挤。44A.friendly Bfamiliar Cconnected Dsatisfied根据后文I was lost可知,作者对这个地方不熟悉。45A.passed Bescaped Cleft Ddrove根据后文可知,作者是从另一个门离开的。46A.In other words BOn the wholeCOn the contrary DAs a resultD词语辨析题。根据句中I was lost可知,此处表示结果。as a result“结果”。47A.wanted Bhappened Crefu

19、sed Dannounced根据句中something was wrong可知,三位女士想帮助作者。48A.figure Bprice Ctemperature Dquality根据句中Its cold可知,温度下降了。49A.sit Bplay Csee Dsing根据句中we will help you look for your car可知,三位女士让作者坐在车里。50A.encouraged BeducatedCallowed Dforced根据句中I was a little leery可知,作者被教育不要搭乘陌生人的车。51A.energetic Byoung Cnervous D

20、sincere根据句中kind和语境可知,与之对应的是sincere。52A.wondered Brealized Cadmitted DpredictedB词语辨析题。作者找不到自己的车,是因为以前没有意识到有两个门。53A.thanked BpersuadedCinvited DimpressedA逻辑推推理题。作者得到了三位女士的帮助,因此要感谢她们。54A.attitudes Bopinions Cways DpositionsC习语搭配题。根据后句内容可推断,这里指奇特的方式,in常与way搭配,表“以的方式”。55A.approached BabsorbedCinterested

21、Dsurrounded作者觉得上帝让她被善良的人包围着。第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AMarket research has been done to see if people would accept meat from either cloned animals or the offspring(后代)of clones. A study done by the International Food Information Council in 2007 asked US responden

22、ts (调查对象) if they would buy meat, milk, and eggs from cloned animals.Of the respondents, 10%would be“very likely”, 36% would be“somewhat likely”, while 28%would be “not too likely” and a quarter “not at all likely”. The respondents were slightly more favourable(乐于接受的) when asked the same question ab

23、out the offspring of cloned animals.In the US,the hormone(激素)rBST is given to cows to increase milk production. In the EU and a number of other places such hormone treatment is banned. But even in the US, milk and meat is often labelled (贴标签)as rBST hormone free.The US Food and Drug Administration (

24、FDA)is not requiring labelling for meat from cloned animals or offspring of clones because its position is that there is no scientific difference between that and noncloned meat. It has said it will permit voluntary labelling.And despite the scientific evidence it gave, there are still plenty of cri

25、tics against its position on cloned meat. After the 2008 guidance was published, Senator Barbara Mikulski said:“The FDA has acted recklessly and I am very disappointed in their rush to allow cloned foods. Just because something created in a lab doesnt mean we should have to eat it. If we discover a

26、problem with cloned food after it is in our food supply and its not labelled,the FDA wont be able to recall it.”本文讲述了在美国人们对待克隆食品的态度以及存在的种种争议。56Whats the aim of the International Food Information Councils study?ATo prove cloned foods are safe.BTo persuade people to eat cloned foods.CTo find the possi

27、ble bad effects of cloned foods.DTo know peoples attitudes towards cloned foods.D细节理解题。由第一、二段可知,International Food Information Council进行这一调查和研究的目的是了解人们对克隆食品的态度。57The underlined word“recklessly”in Paragraph 5 is the closest in meaning to_.Acarelessly BformallyCeffectively DuselesslyA词义猜测题。根据下文“我很失望他们

28、匆忙地许可了克隆食物”,可以判断前面recklessly一词应该表示“草率地;鲁莽地”之意。58According to Senator Barbara Mikulski,_.Acloning animals is illegalBcloned foods should be labelledCcloned foods should be forbiddenDcloned foods have health problemsB推理判断题。根据Barbara Mikulski所说的“如果人们食用了克隆食品出了健康问题的话,如果没有标签这些食物将无法被召回”可推断他认为应该对克隆食品进行标签,因此判断B项正确。

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