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1、4级分类整理答案12至12四级真题翻译篇归纳整理-2011年12月至2006年12月四级真题翻译篇一、考查语法点:(一 )虚拟语气(1)时态变化 1. Linda_(不可能收到我的电子邮件):otherwise, she would have replied(2011.12-88)解析:couldnt have received my e-mail 本题考察混合型虚拟语气。otherwise提示我们句子后半句是与过去事实相反(事实是Linda没有回复),因此用could+have+过去分词。句子前半句是在陈述一种事实,从句子后半句could have +过去分词我们可以推断前面“没有收到我的电

2、子邮件”也是在发生在过去,且对现在产生了影响(还没有收到回信),因此这里用现在完成时,could have +过去分词。2. Jane is tired of dealing with customer complaints and wishes that she _(能被分配做另一项工作). 解析:could be assigned (to) another job (2011.6-88) 被动态本题考察了wish从句的虚拟语气用法(cancould)和“分配某人做某事”的词组搭配,assign sb. to sth. 或者assign sb. sth.3. You would not ha

3、ve failed if you _(按照我的指令去做). (2009.12-87)解析:had followed my instructions/orders【结构分析】本句的主语是You。谓语动词是would not have failed。if you had followed my instructions是if引导的条件状语从句。【要点解析】本题考查的是虚拟语气的用法。if从句的虚拟语气考查,根据语法规定,如果主句中出现would +have的形式,从句中应该采用had+过去分词的结构。“按照的指令”可表达为follow my instructions/orders。 根据主句的wo

4、uld not have failed 结构就可以推断这是对过去事实的虚拟,那么从句则是had+done 结构,所以答案为you had followed my instructions/orders。4. If she had returned an hour earlier , Mary _(就不会被大雨淋了) (2009.6-88) 被动态答案:wouldnt have been caught by the heavy rain 点评:本题的考点仍然为两个:第一个是考查对虚拟语气的掌握,情态动词+完成时的结构。第二是考查对短语be caught by 的掌握,意思为“被所困”, 另外注意

5、对雨这个概念的修饰,一定要用heavy rain 而不是big rain 。 5. The victim _(本来会有机会活下来)if he had been taken to hospital in time. (2006.12-89)答案:would have had a chance of surviving/would have been able to survive/would have survived。 解析:根据本句结构可以看出需要翻译部分是谓语动词。因为实际上没有活下来 所以是与过去事实相反的虚拟语气。“有机会”可以用have a chance of.来表示。这样 其形式为

6、would have had a chance。“活下来”在此可用动名词“surviving”表示。(2)(should) +do 、(should) not do ; (should) be done/ (should) not be done 1. They requested that _ (我借的书还回图书馆) by next Friday. (2010.12-91)解析:books I borrowed (should) be returned to the library 被动态I (should) return the book I borrowed to the library

7、【结构分析】本题句子的主干部分分别是they 主语,request 谓语,后接that引导的宾语从句。【考点解释】request的用法。request v. 要求;当request表示“要求”时,引导的宾语从句要使用虚拟语气,即(should)+ 动词原形。定语从句。“我借的书”, the book (that) I borrowed;单词的拼写。归还 return,借 borrow,图书馆 library 本题就此题提供了两个版本的答案,但在表示“规定,规则”时,被动语态更为常用。【原句精释】他们要求我在下周五之前把借的书还回图书馆。2. It is suggested that the a

8、ir conditioner _ (要安装在窗户旁). (2010.6-90)解析:(should) be fixed/installed by/next to the window 本题考查It is suggested that结构中主语从句中要用虚拟语气的用法,即should + 动词原形,should可以省略。 语法:被动态(二)强调句1Its my mother_(一直在鼓励我不要灰心)when I have difficulties in my studies(2011.1289)【解析】:who/that keeps encouraging me not to lose hear

9、t/give up本题考察了强调句型和动词encourage的搭配。强调句型its that/who encourage sb. (not) to do sth. 鼓励某人(不)做某事。2. George called his boss from the airport but it _ (接电话的却是他的助手). (2011.6.90)解析: was his assistant who answered / picked up the phone; turned out that his assistant answered / picked up the phone该句比较灵活,在句法上,

10、既可以使用强调句结构,也可以采用turn out的惯用搭配;在“接电话”的表达上,可以用pick up / answer the phone。强调句结构为it be sb. who do sth. ,而turn out变化则较多,可以用turn out to be sb. who do sth.或者turn out + that + 从句。 (三) 倒装1. The university authorities did not approve the regulation, _ (也没有解释为什么). (2011.6-87)解析; nor did they make any explanati

11、on / nor did they give the reason for doing so 本题考察了两个知识点。 nor的倒装句用法,后半句表示“也不”的否定意义,注意助动词的时态与上半句保持一致; 对某事做出解释的表达,考察了汉译英中动词转名词的技巧,explain explanation,或者nor did they give the reason for doing so同样可以。2. The manager never laughed; neither _ (她也从来没有发过脾气). (2010.6-88)解析:did she become angry/did she lose h

12、er temper before.本题考查neither的倒装用法,以及发脾气这个短语,发脾气可以说become angry,也可以用lose ones temper。 (四)状语1. 目的状语1)_(为了确保他参加会议),I called him up in advance. (2010.12-87)解析:In order to ensure him to attend the meetingTo ensure his attendance at the meeting【结构分析】本题句子的主干 “I called him up in advance”已经给出,无需翻译,需要翻译部分为“为了

13、确保他能参加会议”。该部分在句子中作目的状语【考点解释】本题考查是目的状语。目的状语可以由to/in order to来引导。确保 ensure sb to do 确保某人做某事,ensure sth 确保某事 【原句精释】为了确保他参加会议,我已经提前给他电话了。2. 让步状语1)Leaving ones job, _(不管是什么工作), is a difficult change, even for those who look forward to retiring. (2008.689)答案:no matter what the job is/ whatever the job is考

14、点 no matter what 或whatever引导的让步状语从句; 从句中的语序问题。 2)I am going to purchase this course, (无论我要作出什么样的牺牲). (2007.12.-89)答案:no matter what/whatever sacrifice I have to make 解析 本题考查对让步状语从句的掌握。no matter 通常与特殊疑问词连用,引导让步状语从句。另外本句也可翻译成whatever sacrifice I have to make.3. before 时间状语从句Scientists agree that it wi

15、ll be a long time _(我们找到治愈癌症的方法). (2009.12-89)解析:before we find the methods of curing cancers/ before we find the cure for cancer【结构分析】本句的主语是Scientists,谓语是agree,that it will be a long time是that引导的宾语从句,before we find the methods of curing cancers是before引导的时间状语从句。【要点解析】“治愈”可译为cure,而不应译为treat,treat是“治疗

16、”的意思。cure有疗法的意思,所以治愈癌症的方法还可以译为cure for cancer。根据句子的已知部分,可以判断出填写的部分用一般现在时【原句精译】科学家们认为,要过很长时间才能找到治愈癌症的方法。【能力拓展】before引导的状语从句。句型A:it+be+一段时间+before:意思是“要过很久才会”。例:The field research will take John and Mike about five months; it will be a long time before we meet them again. 实地考察要花约翰和迈克五个月的时间;他们过很久才会再见面。

17、句型B:it was some time before:意思是“在之前过了一段时间”。例:He was told that it would be at least three more months before he could recover and return to work. 他被告知至少过三个月才能康复,重返工作岗位。 4. not - until 直到-才 时间状语从句1)The anti-virus agent was not known_ (直到一名医生偶然发现了它). (2008.12-91)答案:until a doctor discovered/found it by

18、 chance/accidentally 本题考点在于以下两点:(1)表示“直到”用until;(2)中文中的“偶然”用by chance或者accidentally2)_(直到他完成使命) did he realize that he was seriously ill. (2008.691)答案:Not until he finished his mission 考点not until置于句首引起的倒装句型; mission表示“使命”。 (五) 定语从句1Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problem

19、s_(他们至今还没有答案) (2008.12-87)答案:to which they have not found solutions so far/(which) they have not found answers/solutions to so far 本题考点在于以下三点:(1)problems之后应使用定语从句,引导词用which,介词to提前;(2)中文“还没有”需要用增译法,即增加find一词,注意答题时应使用过去分词形式found;(3)中文的“答案”需要转译为solutions。 时态; 词组:solution to sth.2. _ (与我成长的地方相比), this t

20、own is more prosperous and exciting. (2008.690)答案:Compared with the place where I was brought up 被动态考点分词做状语;where引导的定语从句。3. The prevent and treatment of AIDS is _ (我们可以合作的领域). (2007.6-88)答案:one field of our cooperation或the field in which we can cooperate 【解析】本题考查的是表语的使用,可以用名词短语one field of our coope

21、ration作表语,也可以用从句 the field in which we can cooperate作表语。(六)主语从句1. what 所字结构1)_(给游客印象最深的)was the friendliness and warmth of the local people. (2010.12-90)解析:What impressed the tourists most【结构分析】本题句子为主系表结构,主语即考查部分,was 系动词,剩余部分为表语。【考点解释】本题重点考查what引导的主语从句;what可引导句子充当主语;impress用法 给留下印象 impress sb;最高级的用法

22、most;结合考点,可推出“给印象最深”为impress sb most【原句精释】当地人的友善与热情给游客们留下了最深的印象。2)_(很多人所没有意识到的)is that Simon is a lover of sports , and football in particular.(2009.6-90)答案:what many people dont realize / what a host of folks dont realize 点评:本题所考查的考点是主语从句,对考生来说并不难,大部分考生都会直接写出答案what many people dont realize , 但是对于考试

23、答题来说已经足够了,但是对于我们英语学习来说,要尽可能多的掌握同义表达,也就是我们常说的同义替换,丰富自己的语言知识的储备,比如说本题,a host of , an ocean of 等都可以替换many , 而人的概念的表达就更为丰富了 ,people = person = individual = figure = character =folk 等,这一点应该引起各位考生和英语学习者的高度重视。 3)_ (大多数父母所关心的) is providing the best education possible for their children.答案:What most parents

24、concern /What most parents are concerned about 本题较难,考点在于主语从句的使用。根据题干后半部分的英文,可推断句子缺少主语,而“大多数父母所关心的”译成英文后包含动词,所以应使用主语从句。(七)比较级1. In my sixties, one change I notice is that_(我比以前更容易累了). (2007.12.-88)答案:I have been/am more likely to get tired than before 解析 本题考查对表语从句和修饰语的比较级的掌握。另外本句也可翻译成I get tired more

25、 easily than before.2I would prefer shopping online to shopping in a department store because _(它更加方便和省时).(2007.12.-90)答案:shopping online /it is more convenient and less time-consuming/time-saving 解析 本题考查对it的指代作用和比较级用法的掌握。在这里,如果把“它”直接翻译成it,会造成指代不明,所以要用shopping online表达。当然,还可以用the former来表达,也不会引起歧义。3

26、. Since my childhood I have found that _(没有什么比读书对我更有吸引力). (2006.12-88)答案:nothing is more attractive to me than reading/nothing attracts me more than reading。解析:根据本句结构 可以看出要翻译部分应为that 引出的宾语从句。“没有什么比对我更有吸引力”可用结构“nothing is more attractive to me than”表示。 (八)猜测语气1. Linda_(不可能收到我的电子邮件):otherwise, she wou

27、ld have replied(2011.12-88)解析:couldnt have received my e-mail 本题考察混合型虚拟语气。otherwise提示我们句子后半句是与过去事实相反(事实是Linda没有回复),因此用could+have+过去分词。句子前半句是在陈述一种事实,从句子后半句could have +过去分词我们可以推断前面“没有收到我的电子邮件”也是在发生在过去,且对现在产生了影响(还没有收到回信),因此这里用现在完成时,could have +过去分词。2. I cant boot my computer now. Something _(一定出了什么毛病)

28、with its operation system. (2008.688) 答案:must be wrong考点must be 推测意义句型的考查。(九) 固定句型:1. the more -; the more- 越来越The more exercise you take,_(你越不大可能得感冒). (2009.12-91) 解析:the fewer chances you will have of catching a cold/the less likely you are to catch a cold【结构分析】本句的前半部分是从句,后半部分是主句。主句的主语是You。谓语是will

29、 have。【要点解析】本题主要考查 the more,the less的用法。其用法与the more,the more一致,可翻译为“越越”。固定搭配“可能做某事”,可翻译为be likely to do sth;固定搭配“感冒”,可翻译为catch a cold。【原句精译】锻炼越多,你越不大可能感冒。【能力拓展】“越越”句型:这种句型表达为:the+比较级+句子,the+比较级+句子。若the more修饰名词,则名词要提前,直接置于the more后,如试题中句子:The more exercise you take, the fewer chances you will have

30、of catching a cold2. in case +从句 以免Youd better take a sweater with you_(以防天气变冷). (2008.12-89)答案:in case/lest it turns cold/ in case of temperature drop 本题较难,考点在于“以防”概念的表达,其实这是一个表示“反面目的”的目的状语从句,使用in case或 lest引导皆可。如果考生对写作复习得比较全面,本题应该可以顺利完成。二、考查词和词组的用法1. raise 筹款/ survivor 幸存者 Charity groups organized various activities to _(为地震幸存者筹款)。(2011.12-87)解析:raise money for the survivors of/from the earthquakeraise money for the

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