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1、Unit8一、英汉互译1、在将来 2、他们的梦想 3、问学生们关于他们的梦想 4、想当一名牙医 5,关心他们的牙齿 6 、许多孩子 7,关心 8.帮助他们 9.想要成为宇航员 10、某一天 11、驾驶宇宙飞船 12.一名足球运动员 13、驾驶宇宙飞船到月球上 14、世界杯 15、一名 篮球运动员 16、又健康又漂亮 二用所给单词的适当形式填空。1. We (visit)Grandparents next Spring Festival.2. There (be) some people in the library two hours ago.3. I want to be a (dance)

2、.4. Listen!It (rain)outside.We have to stay at home.5. She wants to be a (piano).6. Chinese people often use chopsticks (have) dinner.7. They are good (teach).8. Do you want to be a (drive)9. Singing (make)people happy.10. Teachers want to see their (student)dream come true.11. Nancy is good at (wri

3、te).12. Everyone (have)a dream.13. (farm)work hard in the field.14. Show your ticket to (I).15. The books are on the ground .Pick (they)up,please.16. The children (see)a play tomorrow evening.三根据句意、首字母或中文提示写出单词。1. Whats your (梦想)?2. I want to be a doctor in the (将来).3. Many children dont (关心) about

4、their teeth.4. He is a .(科学家)5. They are (画家)6. I want to f a spaceship to the Moon.7. They are football p .8. I like dancing.I want to be a d .9. It will c true some day.10. A policeman s be brave and strong.11. I want to w stories for the children.12. What do you want to do in the f ?13. I hope ou

5、r d can come true.14. M can make people happy.15. D makes people healthy and beautiful.16. I want to f a spaceship to the Moon.17. Many children dont care about their t .18. Yao Ming is a good basketball p .19. Beethoven was a good p .20. Lu Xun was a famous w .21. The boy is very (勇敢的)。22. He (做)to

6、ys for children.23. Miss Li is (问)me a question.24. I want to play football in the (世界)Cup.三、 汉译英。1.孩子们正在讨论他们的暑假计划。The _are _about their_ for the _ _2.舞蹈使人们健康和美丽。_Makes people_ and beautiful.3. 将来你想成为什么样的人?我想成为一名宇航员。_ do you want to_ ? I want to be_ _ .4. Sam 将要上绘画课吗?_Sam have _lessons?5.他正在网上学习烹饪。H

7、e s learning about_ _ _ _ .四、完形填空。Food is important to us.Every day we 1 a lot of food. But people in 2 Countries eat different kinds of food.My friend Robert 3 from America and he tells me 4 about food in America. 5 Chinese people like to eat pork. But in 6 beef is more popular. We often 7 rice or

8、noodles at every meal. But Americans may think hamburgers and apple pies 8 more delicious. Chinese children like to ear ice creams 9 summer. But Americans eat ice creams nearly every 10 .Today Americans eat more than two billion ice creams a year.( ) 1.A. has C. Drink D. eats( ) 2.A.different

9、B.same C. The same D. the different( ) 3.A.are B.come C.comes D./( ) 4.A. many B.a lot C.lots of D.a lot of( ) 5.A. Much B.A lot C. Most D.Little( ) 6.A. America B.American C.UK D. the America( ) 7.A. has B. take C. have D.takes( ) 8.A. is B. are C. am D. be( ) 9.A. in B. on C. at D. of( ) 10.A. mea

10、ls B. supper C. Meal D. breakfast五、 阅读理解。根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。An old lion lives in the forest.He does not want to look for food now. He often tells other animals to bring him something to eat. He sees a monkey and says,” I am hungry ,Monkey. Go to the village and bring me a fat pig.”“Oh,Mr Lion,”says the

11、monkey .”I cant do that now.There is another lion over there.He also wants a fat pig.He will not let me get anything for you to eat. I am afraid of him.”“ What?” says the old lion. “Show me that lion. I will talk to him ”“Come with me ,”says the monkey. They get to a bridge over the river.“Now look

12、down at the river,” says the monkey. “Do you see the head,the white teeth and the large green eyes of the lion?“Yes ,I do.” Cries the old lion. “I will eat him up.”With these words,the lion jumps into the water.( )1.The old lion wants .A . A big bird B. a thin pig C. A fat pig( )2. The lion jumps the water.A. OF B. into C. on( )3. The monkey and the lion get the bridge the river.A . to ;over B. on;on ;in( ) 4.There in fact.A. is only a lion B. are two lions C. are three lions5. What do you think of the monkey? .

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