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1、农业园区中心小学2018年五年级英语期中学情调研试卷命题人:于亚芹 审核人:吴亚芳听 力 部 分(30分)一、听录音,选择你所听到的的单词。(8分)( )1.A. before B. beside C. behind( )2.A. near B. neck C. next( )3.A. rest B. vest C. get( )4.A. point B. plant C. prince( )5.A. next door B. next to C. near it( ) 6. A. bathrooms B. mushrooms C. bedrooms( ) 7. A. metro B. moo

2、n C. mouse( ) 8. A. get on B. get to C. put on二、听录音,根据所听对话内容选择正确的答案。(6分)( ) 9. A. No, she doesnt. B. No, she cant. ( ) 10. A. No, I dont. B. No, I live near here. ( ) 11. A. Sure, you can. B. Yes, I can.( ) 12. A. Hes in the hospital. B. He has a fever. ( )13. A.Because I feel happy today. B. Becaus

3、e Im ill today.( )14. A. Yes, he should. B. He likes Maths.三、听录音,给句子标序号。(6分)15( ) How do I get to your home?( ) Whats wrong with you?( ) Mary shouldnt eat a lot of things before bedtime.( ) Why is Yang Ling not at school today?( ) I go to school by bike.( ) The mushrooms are bad for us.四、听录音,完成下列句子。

4、(10分)16The City Zoo is far from your (1)_. You can (2)_ a(3) _ there. You get on at(4)_ Station and get off at (5)_ (6)_ Station and then (7)_ to Star (8)_. Theres a (9)_ on the street. You can find the zoo (10)_ it.笔 试 部 分(70分)一、 火眼金睛.(5分)找出划线部分发音不同的单词。( ) 1. A. take B. station C. late D. giraffe(

5、) 2. A. prince B. fit C. pick D. ride( ) 3. A. clothes B. only C. metro D. along( ) 4. A. trousersB. station C. travel D. tree( ) 5. A. sheep B. sure C. shoe D. usually二、单项选择。(10分)( )6. They are _ Mrs Whites house. A. of B. at C. on( )7.Why _ Nancy buy a book? A. do B. is C. does( )8. How your teach

6、er to school? A. do; come B. does; come C. do; comes( )9.A: Whats wrong with ? B: She a fever.Ayou, has B. her, has C. her, have( )10. A: What should they do? B: They should some hot water.A.drink B. drinking C. eat( )11.A: Would you like to go to the park? B: Sure. I like bikes in the park with my

7、friends. A. ride B. riding C. rides( )12. _ ear hurts? _.A. Who, Bens B. Whose, Ben is C. Whose, Bens( )13. If you often listen to music with earphone or dig ears, you will have a/an _. A. headache B. toothache C. earache( )14.You can take bus No,4 and get _at the Zoo Station. A. on B. off C. down(

8、)15.Bobby is very happy them.A .sees B. to sees C. to see三、完形填空, 将序号填在题前括号类。(10分)Ben is absent today . He 16 got a fever. Now Ben and his mother are 17 the hospital . The doctor 18 Ben very carefully . Then he says 19 Ben, “ 20 worry . Youve got a cold . 21 some medicine , drink more hot water and 2

9、2 a lot of rest . You 23 get better soon .” But Ben does not like taking 24 medicine . Then hid mother says , “if you want 25 better soon , you should take the medicine.” “All right ,” says Ben . Then he takes the medicine .( )16.A. is B. has C. have ( )17.A. in B. to C. on( )18.A. looks B. checks C

10、. looks at ( )19.A. of B. with C. to( )20.A. No B. Not C. Dont( )21.A. Take B. Eat C. Have( )22.A. has B. have C. do( )23.A. should B. can C. are( )24.A. some B. a C. any( )25.A. get to B. get C. to get四、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分)26.Why _(be) Nancy so sad? 27. My grandpa _(brush) his teeth before bedtime ev

11、ery day. 28.There isnt _(something) in the basket.29. Mary _(feel) very tired today.30. There are many _ (bookshop) near my home.31. He(1) (should) (2) (eat) too many sweets. Its bad for his(3) (tooth).32.Bobby likes(1) (ride) bikes. He wants (2) (ride) to school.五、 完成对话。(10分)33.A: (1)_ are you goin

12、g?B: Im going to Su Hais new(2) _. How do I(3) _ (4)_ her home?A: You can take the (5)_ (6)_ Park Station and (7)_ (8)_ at City Library Station. Go along Moon Street and (9)_(10)_ at the fourth traffic lights. Her home is on your right.B: Thank you . A: Not at all.六、阅读短文。(20分)(A)Helen has a happy fa

13、mily. She lives in Suzhou with her parents. Helen is a student. She gets up at 6:30 every morning and goes to school on foot. Her father is a policeman. He goes to work by bus. And her mother is a doctor. She goes work by bike. What do they usually do on Sundays? Helen usually goes shopping with her

14、 mother. But her father doesnt like going shopping. He usually reads books at home.判断对错(正确写A,错误写B)( )34. Helen lives in Suzhou with her grandparents.( )35. Helen isnt a student.( )36. Helens father is a policeman.( )37. Helens mother likes reading books at home.( )38. Helens father likes going shopp

15、ing.有:2育】(B) The giving treeOnce there was a huge apple tree. A little boy loved to play around it. One day,the little boy was hungry and thirsty. He needed something to eat . So the tree gave him an apple. And he was so hot. He needed a fan. The tree didnt have a fan, but the little boy can make a

16、fan with his leaves. So the little boy took some leaves from the tree and made a big fan. The tree was very happy. As time went by, the little boy grew up and became a young man. He no longer played around the tree. One day, he came back to the tree. He was no longer a kid. He had to work for his fa

17、mily. He needed a house. The tree didnt have a house, but the little boy can chop off his branches to build a house. The tree was happy too. Ten yeas later, the man came back again. He wanted to go sailing to relax. He needed a boat. So the man cut the tree trunk to build a boat and went sailing. Th

18、e tree was happy .After many years, the man returned. The tree only thing left is his old stump. The man needed nothing but a place to rest. He was old. He was so tired . He sat down with the tree. The tree was happy and smiled with tears.根据故事内容,选择最佳答案。( )39.The story is to use a tree B

19、.a man and a giving tree C.growing up( )40.The boy built the house with_.A.leaves B.the tree trunk C.the branches( )41. When the man is getting old,he wants to _to relax.A.have a rest B.sit down with the tree C.go sailing ( )42.Which sentence is Not true(不正确)?A. The tree had nothing left but his old

20、 stump.B.As time went by,the young man still played around the tree.C.The young man had to work for his family.( )43.What can we learn from the story?A.We can make a boat with the trunk.B.Giving is happy. C.The tree is always sad.七、书面表达。(5分)44.杨玲喜欢吃好多的糖,现在她牙疼!请以此为主线,写出杨玲的症状,给她一些建议吧!不少于五句话。See the do

21、ctor 五年级英语听力材料农业园区中心小学2018年春学期五年级英语期中学情调研试卷听 力 部 分一、听录音,选择与你所听单词同类的单词,听2遍。1.before 2.neck 3.get 4.prince5. next to 6. mushrooms 7. metro 8. get to 二、听录音,根据所听对话内容选择正确的答案。听2遍。1.Can Cinderella come back after 12:00?2.Do you live near your school?3.Can I ride to school?4.Whats wrong with Sam?5.Why dont

22、you come to school today?6.Should Mike do his homework now?三、听录音,给句子标序号,听2遍。Whats wrong with you?Mary shouldnt eat a lot of things before bedtime.The mushrooms are bad for us. How do I get to your home?Why is Yang Ling not at school today?I go to school by bike.四、听录音,在下面的短文中填入所缺单词。听2遍。The City Zoo is far from your home. You can take a metro there. You get on at Park Station and get off at City Library Station,and then walk to Star Street. Theres a hospital on the street. You can find the zoo behind it.

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