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1、五年级上册英语语法知识点一、注意名词单复数:1、可数名词复数用于:How many后面; some/any/many/a lot of/ two, three后面;these/those后面all the后面; between后面跟一种物体时,这个物体用复数 like 后面are前面的人称和名词用复数: we/they/the children2、名词复数的变化规则:1)一般直接+s:bears,students,2)以s. x. sh. ch结尾,加es:bus-buses, box-boxes,3)以“辅音字母+y”结尾,把y变为i, 再加ies:librarylibraries hobb

2、y-hobbies story-stories4)不规则名词复数:man-men,woman-women,policeman-policemen, foot-feet, Child-children3、不可数名词: water, soup, milk, juice, tea, coffee, bread(面包), rice(米饭), hair等等。二、注意一般现在时动词的第三人称单数;(注:所有否定句、疑问句中,动词都用原形。)1、肯定句中哪些情况下用第三人称单数:1) 人称代词he, she, it作主语时;2) 单个人名、地名或称呼作主语时;3) 单数可数名词或 this / that /

3、 the+单数可数名词 作主语时;4) 不可数名词作主语时;5) 当数字或字母作主语时,等等。2、动词第三人称单数变化规则如下: 1) 一般情况下,动词后面直接加s. 如:works / plays/ reads 2) 以s. x. sh. ch 或o结尾的动词,在后面加es.例:teach-teaches, watch-watches, do-does, go-goes3) 以辅音字母+y结尾的动词, 把 y变为i, 再加es. 例:study- studies fly-flies carry-carries4)不规则动词的第三人称单数:havehas;beis三、人称代词、名词所有格及序数

4、词单数复数一二三一二三主格IyouhesheItweyouthey宾格meyouhimherItusyouthem物主代词my我的your你的his他的her她的Its它的our我们的your你们的their他们的1、主格用来作句中的主语,用于动词前面。例:They are doctors.2、宾格用来作句中的宾语,放在动词或介词的后面。本册书上出现的词组: in front of her show her around push me teach you Whats wrong with him? write him a letter Heres a Christmas card for y

5、ou. Let me. chat with them on the Internet give it a cake 3、形容词性物主代词+名词形容词性物主代词,之所以叫它们形容词是因为他们必须放在名词前面。4、名词所有格 作形容词性,表示所属关系;在人名或称呼后加s,以s结尾的,直接加。如:mothers,parents5、序数词first-second-third-fourth 1) 序数词一般要与the连用; 2)在某一层楼用介词on。四、选择和用所给词适当形式填空1、哪些情况加动词原形 (注:有to时,to跟后面的动词原形放在同一空格)1) want to +动词原形 2)would l

6、ike to +动词原形 3)its time to +动词原形4)情态动词can+动词原形 5)助动词(do, does , dont, doesnt)+动词原形6)let+动词原形 7)祈使句中动词用原形 (如Do your homework, please.)8)否定句在句首加Dont (如Dont do your homework, please)+动词原形2、哪些情况加动词ing1)like 2)go 3)be good at 4)be 5)后面跟名词,如swimming lesson动词+ing变化规则如下:A、直接加上ing: draw-drawing play-playing

7、read-reading B、以不发音的e结尾,去e加上ingskate-skating make-making dance-dancing have-having come-coming write-writing C、以重读闭音节结尾的单词要双写尾字母,再加上ing从单词的末尾开始往前数符合“辅音-元音-辅音”结构的。(注:词尾是w和y的除外,如:drawing, playing等除外); run-running sit-sitting put-putting chat-chatting get-getting swim-swimming stop-stopping shop-shoppi

8、ng 3形容词加名词(形名) 如: a beautiful girl4动词加副词(动副) 如: swim well5Some和any用法:“some”一般用于肯定句,“any”用于否定句和疑问句。但在一些表示委婉请求,想得到对方肯定回答时也用“some”。(小技巧:末尾是句号,句中是any,那这句型是否定句)6There be 结构就近原则, be动词的选择取决于紧跟在后面的名词数量。 如:There is a teacher and some students in the classroom.7乐器前加the, 球类前不加the. 如:play the piano, play footba

9、ll8. Who当作特殊的第三人称单数 (Who sings well? )9. 一般现在时构成:1)主语+be(am,is,are)+其它。 2)主语+行为动词+其它。关键词: always, usually, often, sometimes, on Sundays, every (注:主语为第三人称单数,动词加s, es或辅音+y时,把 y变为 i 再加es; 其他时候动词用原形 )10. 现在进行时关键词:look, listen, now (注:be动词(is am are) +动词ing, 两者缺一不可)11. and前后谓语动词一致。指当句子中有两个或两个以上的谓语动词共用同一个

10、主语时,一般谓语动词的时态保持一致。She often goes fishing and takes photos. Lets go and have some chicken.12、相同意思不同用法的辨析:1)有; there is/are和have/has there is/are表示在某地有某物(或某人);表示存在;there be就近原则;have/has表示某人有某物;表示所属关系;前面必须有主语。2)也; too-either-also too用于肯定句和疑问句句末;either用于否定句句末;also用于句中。3)都; both-allboth用于两者都;all用于三者及以上都。

11、4)好; good-wellgood+名词; 动词+well。5) 和;with-andwith是介词,意思是“和一起”,后面跟名词或代词的宾格。and 是连词,意思是“和”, 用and连接两个单数名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词用复数。五、句型转换同义句:1. Its time for sth= Its time to do sth.该是时间了(注:for后面跟名词;to后面跟动词原形)Its time for dinner.=Its time to have dinner.2. What time is it?=Whats the time? 几点呢?3. There is(are) no(s

12、)=There isnt / arent any 没有4. have no= dont have(any)没有They have no legs or arms. =They dont have any legs or arms.5. has no = doesnt have (any)没有6. I like picnics. = I like having picnics. 注:like后面跟名词复数或动名词(动词+ing)7. show sth (某物) to sb(某人) = show sb (某物) sth(某人) 向展示东西 8. give sth(某物) to sb(某人)=giv

13、e sb (某物) sth(某人) 给人东西9. What a lovely ant!= How lovely the ant is! 多么可爱的蚂蚁啊10. That is Jans umbrella.= That umbrella is Jans. 那是杰的伞11. Whats wrong with him? = Whats the matter with him? 他怎么了?否定句1、有be动词(am, is ,are),be后直接加not (am not/ is not=isnt/ are not =arent); 2、有can,can后直接加not (can not=cant); 3

14、、只有动词,在动词原形前加dont;三单动词前加doesnt, 动词变回原形。He does his homework. (改成否定句)He doesnt do his homework.一般疑问句: 用Yes或No回答的句子1、有be动词,be动词提前;2、有can或would,can或would提前;3、只有动词,句首加Do/ Does, 动词用原形;注意:Im 变Are you ; some变any; my变your; and变or .特殊疑问句: 有特殊疑问词+一般疑问句There be句型提问:1、对数量提问:1)How many +名词复数+ are there +介词短语?(注:

15、对there be后面可数名词的数量提问时,无论主语是单数还是复数,都用复数形式提问)例: There are 24 classrooms in our school? / There is only one classroom in our school? (对划线部分提问) How many classrooms are there in our school? (注:上面两句提问,都是这句子) 2)How much +不可数名词+ is there +介词短语?例: There is some milk in the glass. (对划线部分提问) How much milk is t

16、here in the glass?2、对主语提问there be 针对主语提问的特殊疑问句的基本结构是:Whats +介词短语?(注:对there be后面的主语提问时,无论主语是单数还是复数,都用Whats提问)例:There are six books on the desk. / There is a book on the desk. (对划线部分提问)Whats on the desk? (注:上面两句提问,都是这句子)感叹句的结构:感叹句常用how或what来引导 (1)what引导的感叹句,最终修饰的是名词(2)how引导的感叹句,最终修饰的是形容词/副词 What a lov

17、ely ant!= How lovely the ant is! 多么可爱的蚂蚁啊!对划线提问,疑问词:What问什么; What colour 问颜色;What time 问具体时间(如几点钟);when 问范围广的时间; where 问在哪里; How old问年龄; how many 问数量(可数名词) ;how much 1)问数量(不可数名词),2)问价钱; how about 问怎样;who 问谁(人 ); whose问谁的东西(问主人); 同音词:Bbebee, Cseesea, Rare, Ttea, Uyou, Ywhy, I-eye, too-two-to, fourfor

18、, herehear, theretheir, rightwrite, sunson, noknow, pairpear, itsits, buybybye, hihigh, wearwhere, arentaunt, whoswhose,近义词(或同义词):Manylots ofa lot of, desktable, likelove, tallhigh nearbeside,tooalso, listenhear, looksee, classlesson, glasscup, homehouse, beautifulpretty, usually often, hihello, spe

19、aksaytalk, riverlake, would likewant, go home come home反义词(或对应词):yesno, thisthat, thesethose, herethere, gocome, openclose, bigsmall, fatthin, tallshort, longshort, blackwhite, happysad, hotcold, coolwarm, softhard, onunder, in front ofbehind, inout, boygirl, manwoman, wrongright, downup, sitstand,

20、easydifficult, take off(脱下) put on(穿上)完整形式:ImI am, werewe are, youreyou are, heshe is, itsit is, theresthere is, isntis not whoswho is, Letslet us, IdI would, cantcan not, dontdo not, doesntdoes not特殊的名词复数:manmen, womanwomen, policemanpolicemen, childchildren, footfeet, fishfish, peoplepeople, Chine

21、se-Chinese三单动词变化:特殊的:do -does;go-goes;have-has;teachteaches;watch-watches;wash-washes; push-pushes;brush-brushes; catch-catches;study - studies;fly-flies;其余的直接加s.动词变名词:A. 一般情况下在动词后面直接加er。teach-teacher , workworker, play player, sing singer, find finderB.以e结尾的动词直接加r。write writer, drivedriver, come co

22、mer, dancedancer C. 符合重读闭音节的动词,先双写最后一个字母,再加er。runrunner, beginbeginner, swimswimmerD. 部分单词在词尾加or。visit visitor, actactorE. 本身既是动词又是名词。cookcook, doctordoctorCulture板块: U1, U2, U3, U5, U6, U7.1). U1: Coffee is popular in Western countries. Tea is popular in China.咖啡在西方国家受欢迎。 茶在中国受欢迎。2). U2: In the UK,

23、 this is the ground floor. In the US, this is the first floor.在英国,这是一楼。 在美国,这是一楼。3). U3: You can see pandas in China. You can see bald eagles in the US.你在中国可以看到熊猫。 你在美国能看到秃鹰。 You can see polar bears in Canada. You can see kangaroos in Australia.你在加拿大能看到北极熊。 你在澳大利亚能看到袋鼠。4). U5: In the US, we call a p

24、oliceman a “cop”. In the UK, we call a firefighter a “fireman”.在美国,我们称呼警察为cop。 在英国,我们称呼消防队员为fireman。5). U6: We write Chinese addresses like this. 我们这样书写中文地址。(国名地名人名,由大到小) We write English addresses like this. 我们这样书写英文地址。( 人名地名国名,由小到大) 6). U7: Basketball is very popular in the US. Football is very popular in the UK.篮球在美国很受欢迎。 足球在英国很受欢迎。Table tennis is very popular in China. 乒乓球在中国很受欢迎。看国旗写国家名: (U6) UK Australia China Canada _ USSound time: U1: U2:U3: U4:U5: U6:U7: U8:U4 Song time:U8 Song time:

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