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1、3.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. He must attend a class. B. He must meet his teacher.C. He must finish his homework. D. He must go out with his roommate.4.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Its not as good as it was. B. Its better than it used to be.C. Its better than people expect D. Its even worse than people say.5.【此处可播

2、放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. The woman has a practical goal.B. The woman can surely live a long life.C. The woman has taken the right steps to stay healthy.D. The woman should give up cheeseburgers to live longer.6.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. An attractive hut. B. A sunny day. C. raincoat. D. A lovely hat7.【此处可播放相关音频,请

3、去附件查看】A. Hes not going to cook his own dinner B. He plans to do the same as his brother.C. He loves the dinner his brother cooks. D. He wants to take on his own responsibility.8.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. Applying to Harvard will be fun B. He is confident of getting into HarvardC. He has no choice but to

4、apply to Harvard. D. The woman can get the man into Harvard9.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. The woman is teaching the man how to cook.B. There is nothing the man can do to cook the dish.C. The cookbook contains difficult instructions to follow.D. The man is good at following what is said in the cookbook.10.【此

5、处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】A. The woman is too busy to go to the dinner.B. The woman will definitely go to the dinner.C. The woman will probably decline the invitation.D. The woman is asking about the time for the dinner.Section B In Section B, you will hear two short passages and one longer conversation, and

6、you will be asked several questions on each of them. The passages and the conversation will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.Questio

7、ns are based on the following passage.【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】11. A. Boston Cooking School B. Toll House Inn.C. A chocolate company. D. Nestles branch12. A. Mix smashed chocolate with other ingredients and baked it.B. Cover the surface of the cookies with melted chocolate.C. Spread butter on semi-sweet ch

8、ocolate desserts.D. Shape melted chocolate into thick pieces.13 A. She kept it as a secret. B. She sold it to Nestle.C. She applied for a patent D. She shared it publicly.14. A. They support various living creatures. B. They reduce greenhouse gas emissions.C. They bring about huge economic benefits.

9、 D. They protect the coast against melting ice.15. A. Australia B. Canada. C. America. D. China.16. A. Tourism will face strong declineB. Beach losses are causing climate changeC. Half of the worlds sandy beaches could disappear.D. Beaches play an important part in the ecosystem17. A. London. B. Bar

10、celona. C. Madrid. D. Iceland18. A. She was scheduled to meet more customers in other cities.B. Her ship was delayed by the wind blowing southwards.C. Clouds of volcano ash threatened passengers health.D. Volcanic eruption caused her flight to be cancelled.19. A. She tried various means of transport

11、 except the coach.B. She had a tough journey back home with many transfers.C. She enjoyed the lovely scenery in various cities in Spain.D. She managed to book a ticket with the British airline at last.20. A. He paid little attention to the news media.B. He didnt care about meaningless pastimes.C. He

12、 was out of employment for too long.D. He was too busy to make preparations for it.II. Grammar and Vocabulary After reading the passage below, fill in the blanks to make the passage coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the g

13、iven word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank.Green Spring Renews Lifes PromiseFor me, two of the loveliest words in the English language are “Life persists”. I came across them years ago as a college freshman, sitting in the library on a beautiful spring day, bored, workin

14、g on a history paper. I dont recall _21_ I was researching into. Out of nowhere, those two words came _22_ (dance) off the page in a quote by Gandhi, “In the midst of death life persists, in the midst of untruth truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists.”After those words _23_ (read) a

15、gain a dozen times, suddenly I was no longer bored. Outside in the sunshine, I kicked off my shoes and danced barefoot across a spring-green lawn.I love spring. And this year, I was especially hungry to see it. Flying home last weekend to Las Vegas, after 10 days in California, I looked down on hill

16、s that were so green that I _24_ almost taste them. When I approached Vegas, the green turned a dull desert brown. We landed after sunset, and the only green to be seen was neon(霓虹灯).But the next morning, to my surprise, I _25_ (awake) to find signs of spring all over my yard. _26_ my absence, all s

17、orts of things had leafed and bloomed. Three days later, I drove to Arizona to visit a friend and get yet another taste of spring seeing the Giants play the As in spring training. The drive across the desert was completely great, a variety of wildflowers and blooming cactuses.Sometimes we need the c

18、hance _27_ (remind) that were still alive. After my husband died, a friend sent me a card which read: “Just _28_ you think you will never smile again, life comes back.”Life persists, and so do _29_ in the green of spring and the dead of winter, in the birth of a child and the passing of a loved one;

19、 in the words we leave behind and the hearts of those _30_ will remember us. Spring reminds us that were alive forever. After reading the passage below, fill in each blank with a proper word given in the box. Each word can be used only once. Note that there is one more word than you need.A. affordab

20、le B. cultural C. driving D. influenceE. materialism F. outward-looking G. resulted H. shapedI. sharing J. shift K. specializedCuriosity and Globalization are Driving a New Approach to TravelTodays political climate and negative headlines seem to point towards a more inward-looking global population

21、 - minds narrowing, borders going up. But with more people living and working overseas and becoming exposed to influences from different cultures, many of us are seeking a(n) _31_, connected world.According to the recently published study from Culture Trip, 60% of people in the US and UK say that th

22、eir outlook on life is shaped by the _32_ from different cultures. As a society, we not only want to discover and experience other cultures, we want to learn from them, too. This is one of the many positive side effects of globalization. At the same time, the economic landscape of the last decade ha

23、s resulted in a shift in values away from _33_, with younger generations more interested in collecting experiences than possessions.Welcome to the “new culture economy”.The collision(碰撞)of two trends - globalization and the experience economy - has _34_ a new attitude to travel, with cultural curios

24、ity at its heart. This is the “new culture economy”. The phenomenon is having a powerful impact on peoples interactions and definitions of _35_ exploration, and presents an incredible commercial opportunity.While globalization is usually talked about in the context of the _36_ of trade and capital b

25、etween countries, we shouldnt forget that the _37_ force behind it all it people. Education, travel, exposure to other customs and geographies and the cultural integration(融合)are the more influential social effects of globalization. People are increasingly living or working in countries other than t

26、he ones in which they were born - more than half of respondents from the study have friends living overseas, all of which has _38_ in more interaction with global cultures.Also, student debt and unaffordable housing have created a(n) _39_ in spending patterns, and so a new set of values has emerged

27、in which experiences matter more than ownership. Travel is absolutely necessary to most peoples lives - in fact, nearly half of all respondents cut down on their daily expenses so they can save money to travel more. For “generation rent” in particular, no matter how expensive an experience or a trip

28、, it is still more _40_ than a house.III. Reading Comprehension For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.Communication, One Major Part of the Scientific MethodScientists may fee

29、l it their duty to share their guesses, methods, and findings with the rest of the scientific community. This sharing serves two _41_. First, it supports the basic deal of skepticism(怀疑论)by making it possible for others to say, “Oh, yeah? Let me check that.” It tells others where to see what the scientist saw, and what techniques and tools to use. Second, it gets the wo

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