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四年级上册英语教案Unit 2 My schoolbag A Lets talk Lets learn人教PEP版Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、四、Teaching points:1. 能正确认读本课重点单词,并能明白a 与 an 的区别,正确运用。2. 单词maths”的准确发音。3. 本课主要句型的认读和在实际情景中的运用。五、课时设计:1课时六、教学方法:任务型教学法、游戏教学法、情景教学法七、Teaching aids: PPT课件 、flash 、word cards 、some books、 a schoolbag 八、Teaching procedures: 1. Greeting 、free talk and warm up:(1) T greets with Ss. T: Hi , boys and girls. S

2、s: Hi , Miss Zuo .(2) Free talk with some Ss.T:Whats this?S1:Its a pen.What colour is it?Its black and white.(3) Warm up: Lets chant: (三年级上册Unit 1 Lets chant) I have a pencil . Me too. I have a book. Me too. T plays the flash of the chant, Ss follow and clap their hands. Then whole class stand up, g

3、roup one read “ I have a ” Group 2 read “ Me too.” 设计意图:师生问好拉近老师与学生之间的距离,自由对话复习描述物品以及颜色的句子,为学习本课Lets talk的第二幅图做铺垫。热身通过选用三年级上册Unit1的Lets chant,既激发了学生英语学习的兴趣,又复习了句型“I have a.”,为学习本课Lets talk第一幅图的学习做铺垫。2. Presentation.(1) T takes out a schoolbag that looks like a panda. T: Look , I have a new schoolbag

4、. Ss read after T :schoolbag. T corrects their pronunciation. Ss read two by two. ( PPT呈现 school+bag schoolbag) Then Ss clap their hands and chant with T: schoolbag schoolbag. I have a new schoolbag. (2) T: Oh , my schoolbag looks like a panda. Its so fat.(T carries the bag) Its so heavy because I w

5、ent to XinHua bookstore yesterday. ( PPT shows the picture of XinHua bookstore) Do you want to see what did I buy. Ss: Yes. OK. Lets have a look. ( T looks into the book) Wow , there are so many books in it. Do you want to know whats in my schoolbag? Yes. OK. But you must use the sentence“ Whats in

6、your schoolbag”to ask me.Ss read the sentence after T.T corrects their pronunciation.( PPT呈现句子:Whats in your schoolbag) 创设情景,制造神秘感,激发学生的学习兴趣。学习单词schoolbag 和句子Whats in your schoolbag,以便在接下来的教学环节中不断操练。(3) 老师选取一名学生上台Miss Zuo, whats in your schoolbag?You can have a look and choose one.If the S takes out

7、 a Chinese book, T says: Look, I have a Chinese book. ( PPT呈现 Chinese+book Chinese book) Ss read after T:Chinese book . T corrects their pronunciation. Group 1&2 read Chinese. Group 3&4 read book. Then change. (T asks Ss to pay attention to big letter “C” . C要大写。)Chant: Chinese book ,Chinese book .

8、A Chinese book.(4) 老师再选一名学生上台。S: Miss Zuo, whats in my schoolbag. You can have a look and choose one.If the S takes out a book that is red, T says: Oh, What colour is this book?(说明:书包里除了准备本课要学习的单词所表示的书,还有一些封面颜色不同的书,这些书上写着一些幸运的奖励) Red!T looks at the book and then says: Oh, its a lucky book, it says y

9、ou can get a sweet. Youre so lucky.教师在书包里放置了本课要学习的单词所表示的书以及一些封面颜色不同的书。首先教师请两位同学上台示范,运用指定句型和老师对话,然后从书包里取出书籍。第一类书是今天所要学习的单词所表示的书,第二类书是封面包装了不同颜色且写有各种奖励的幸运书。如果学生取出的是第一类书籍则学习今天的新授内容,如果取出的是第二类书则复习表示颜色的单词并获得相应的奖励。这是为了在接下来的课堂上让更多的学生能够积极走上台来与老师对话,也增加了课堂的趣味性。(5) T goes on asking Ss to come front and S use the

10、 sentence “Whats in your schoolbag?” to asks T. (If the S takes out a lucky book, T asks:The S answer and then gets the praise) If the S takes out the English book, T says: Look, I have an English book. ( PPT呈现 English+book English book)Ss read after T: English book. T corrects their pronunciation.

11、Ss read row by row.Game: High and low voice.(老师的单词卡片举得越高,学生读单词的声音就越大,反之,声音则越低。T asks Ss to pay attention to big letter “E” and “an”.(复习:以元音字母开头的可数名词,表示一个时要用“an”。Ss clap their hands and chant with T : English book, English book , an English book.(6) T goes on asking Ss to come front and S use the sen

12、tence “Whats in your schoolbag? (If the S takes out a lucky book, T asks: If the S takes out the maths book, T says: Look, I have a maths book. ( PPT呈现 maths+book maths book) maths book. T corrects their pronunciation. (教师注意更正学生字母组合th的发音。 Boys read math. Girls read book. Then change.Ss clap their ha

13、nds and chant with T: Maths book, maths book. a math book.(7)Game: Lets do. T says “ Show me your Chinese book. Show me your English book . Show me your maths book.” Ss do the action. 通过前面的学习学生已经掌握了三种书的名称。此时安排Lets do 既是对前面所学习的三个单词的总体复习也是对课堂气氛的调节。让学生做到动静结合。(8) T goes on asking Ss to come front and S

14、use the sentence “Whats in your schoolbag? If the S takes out a storybook, T goes on taking out two storybooks, says: Look, I have three storybooks.( PPT呈现 story+book storybook) storybook. T corrects their pronunciation. Then Ss read one by one. Storybook ,storybook. Three storybooks. (提醒学生注意表示可数名词复

15、数时要用storybooks)学习本课新授单词,采用了趣味性较强的呈现形式,多种多样的操练方式,注意每个单词的纠音,将语音教学始终贯穿其中。每学完一个单词安排一个chant,将Lets talk第三幅图的内容以有趣的方式在不知不觉中学会。3. Practice:(1) Guessing game: Whats this?应用PPT,遮住书的一部分,只是露出一小部分,学生猜猜是什么书。(2) Try to remember: Whats in Mikes schoolbag? Can you remember. 应用PPT 出示Mike、John、Zhang Peng书包里的物品,学生在短时间内

16、记住这些物品并用句型:-Whats in Mikes/Johns/Zhang Pengs schoolbag? -A/An互相问答。(3) Make a dialogue like this. A: Hi, XXX. I have a new schoolbag. B : Really? Look! Its black and white. B: Wow! Its a panda. Whats in your schoolbag? An English book, a maths book, three storybooks Its a fat panda. 教师先请一名同学上台与老师一同表演

17、这段对话,之后学生两两一组操练对话,再选23组同学上台表演。本环节设置三个游戏分别练习了单词,句型和对话。其中对话练习也是为接下来的开书认读做准备。4. Open your book, turn to page 14, listen and read.(1) T: Yesterday, Amy went to the XinHua bookstore , too. Lets see what did she buy. Listen carefully and answer my questions. What colour is Amys new schoolbag? Whats in Amy

18、s new schoolbag?(PPT呈现两个问题)(2) Ss listen first, then answer the two questions. (3) Ss Follow the tape , read and point. (4)Then Ss read by roles:2 read Amy, Group 3&4 read Chen Jie. Then change.5 Consolidation Look, this is the XinHua bookstore. Oh, they need some book salers. Do you want to go and

19、have a look? OK , lets go !(2) T: If you want to be the book saler of XinHua bookstore , you should finish 3 tasks. A re you ready?创设新华书店需要招募员工的情景,加强练习的连贯性,激发学生的挑战欲望。Task 1: 书架上的标签最近突然乱了,你能帮助管理员整理好这些标签吗? 我们来试一试吧。 讲下列字母组成单词。(1) Ch ese in oo b k _(2) st ry o b k oo _ (3) ths ma b k oo _ (4) li Eng sh

20、oo k b _ 设计意图:该练习的目的主要是考查学生对单词的认读。Task 2: 干的真棒!标签整理好了,你能帮助管理员按照你所听到的顺序给这些标签排序吗? 听音,排序!Chinese book story-book math book English book ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )该练习的设计目的主要是训练学生的听力能力。Task3: 最近书店收到几张外国朋友的订单,但是是用英文书写的大家都看不懂,你能帮助管理员按照订单的要求配置相应的书吗? (a)3 Chinese books 2 English books 1 maths book (b) 2 storybooks 3 En

21、glish books 1 Chinese book (c ) 3 maths books 1 Chinese books 4 storybooks (d) 1 storybook 3 maths books 2 Chinese books 每组一个订单任务,学生先仔细思考书本的数量和类别,之后每组派一名代表上台选取这些书,本组剩下的同学边说A/An,two/three上台的同学边选择。之后全体同学一起来核对他们的任务完成的是否正确。(6)情感态度教育:在平时的生活中请同学们多读书,读好书,使自己进步的更快些。 同时养成爱护书籍的好习惯。6 Homework:(1) Copy the new

22、words 4 times.(2) Read the dialogue 3 times.Bb design: Unit2 My schoolbagG1 Whats in your schoolbag? G2 Chinese booka math book story-book an English book 7.课后反思:本课的教学目标选择合理,将新知和旧知有效的结合在一起。课堂上教学环节的设计一环接一环,层层递进。课堂氛围活跃。单词的呈现新颖,有趣。单词和句子的操练形式多样。从学生上台的热情看出本节课的设计非常的成功。拓展中选择的练习从学生的听、说、读、写各方面入手。难易结合,符合学生的学习规律。

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