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1、19. Joseph is the student who always asks the teachers _ questions before they go. Which of the following CANT be used in the sentence? A. a few B. some C. an amount of D. a couple of 20. - Do you think robots will take the place of human beings in the far future? - _ Which is NOT the correct respon

2、se?A. I hope not. B. I think not. D. Im afraid not. C. Its possible, but I really doubt it. 21. Regular exercise can help people _ pressure and fatigue (疲劳). A. let go off B. catch hold of C. let go of D. beware of 22. Which of the following is CORRECT?#xx#kA. Lily was annoyed with herself for being

3、 careless again. B. Mum always told a bedtime story and sang me to asleep when I was small. C. Jane put up her best smile and raised to greet her customer. D. Fanny is not a guest. She is supposed not to be here. 23. He doubt _ he had seen was true. A. if that B.that what C. how that D. whether what

4、 24. Its too late to invite Tim. _, you know how he hates parties. A. Besides B. Its even worse C. By the way D. In other words 25. The two officers were extremely lucky to _ serious injury. A. gallop B. chase C. escape D. miss 1.2 for a return stamp to get the special ¥26. Stamp collectors only nee

5、d to pay _. A. postage B. postmark C. seal D. cover 27. The chef had _ the apples and _ cream on the strawberries before the dessert was done. A. peeled; spreaded B. peeled off; spread D. peeled off; spreaded C. peeled;28. Which of the following activities is probably NOT a recreation?A. making pott

6、ery B. going on an outing D. doing household chores C. watching the stage drama 29. Which of the following sentences is correct?A. He seems not to care about money. B. It seems like that she is a bright girl. C. Cell phones do not seem to cause cancer. D. Why did they seem to happy after they had a

7、fight?30. Make sure you dont _ the cover of the old magazine, otherwise all the pages will _. A. cut off; be removed B. remove; come apart D. remove; curl up C. tear off; be cut out 31. Some people _ their jobs and become very successful. _, finding a satisfactory job is like finding true love. A. f

8、all in love with; Thus B. are keen on; As a result C. in love with; In other words D. are fond of; That s why 32. Which of the following sentences is NOT correct?A. Do you find it hard to mould a good character?B. She found out living int the city quite exciting. C. We found it a bad idea to tell hi

9、m the news right away. D. I find my Apple watch is much smarter than a normal watch. 33. That businessman can _ art as a hobby, for he is rich enough to _ paintings and other artworks. A. take up; have a big collection of B. choose; have big collection of D. take; collect a large amount of C. set up

10、; collect a lot of 34. I _ you this book today, but I _. B. meant to give; had forgotten A. had meant to give; forgot C. meant giving; forgot D. meant giving;35. He finally realized that his _ with aliens _ a bit too far. A. interest; might have gone B. support; may go D. fascination; must go C. obs

11、ession; may have gone . Cloze5%steam, blowing off as a way of Busy people often 36 hobbies and weekend adventures could 37 personal interests Your hobbies and and having fun. But there are other benefits re facing a(n) 38 situation. your leadership and you will be calmer when you Have you let your f

12、avorite personal interest fall by 39 ? The findings of a study fun. have a little time by psychologists will encourage you to take away from work and done The research 40 that hobbies help professionals think of creative 41 to better the more you engage in creative activities, the work-related probl

13、ems. In general, took participants hobby at work. The researcher noted that no matter what study youll do part in, these people were more 42 to go out of their way to help co-workers. For example, playing football 43 us to deal with challenges in other aspects of say, to think under pressure. You wo

14、nt remain 44 and our life. It also teaches us to The football players always keep going . Therefore, even “Hey, lets stop the game.”ll also tell yourself to keep going. Also, if your company is in financial stress, yous accomplishment. In football a player and his fellow teammates s about the teamit

15、Teamwork way. is the same the sacrifice for each other for the 45 good of team. Business is what drives success in business. D. have C. join 36. A. engage in B. take part in D. help C. form 37. A. increase B. enhance C. stressful 38. A. easy D. pressure B. complex C. the end 39. A. the wayside B. th

16、e half D. the difficulty D. advices B. confirms 40. A. showed C. declares D. solutions C. causes B. ideas 41. A. ways D. likely B. possible 42. A. happy C. often 43. A. encourages B. arranges C. prepares D. permit D. relaxed 44. A. focusing B. happy C. focused D. general 45. A. related B. relative C

17、. common . Reading comprehension15% (A) According to popular folklore, many animals are smarter than they appear. Dogs bark before earthquakes; cattle predict rainfall by sitting on the ground. But cattle may have another hidden talent in telling which way is north. Small animals such as mole rats l

18、iving underground are known for the use of magnetism to navigate. Dr. Begall and her colleagues wanted to know whether larger mammals also have the ability to perceive magnetic fields. They investigated this possibility by studying images of thousands of cattle captured on Google Earth, a website th

19、at stitches together satellite photographs to produce an image of the Earths surface. Grazing animals are known to orient themselves in a way that minimizes wind chill from the north and maximizes the warmth of the sun when they are cold. The researchers therefore had to study a lot of cows grazing

20、in lots of different places at different times of day, in order to average out these factors and see whether cattle could act like compass needles. The researchers concluded that cattle do generally orient themselves in a north-south direction. This north-south preference has also been noted in flie

21、s, termites and honeybees. But unfortunately, even the high resolution of Google Earth is not powerful enough to tell which end of the cow is its head, and which its tail. The researchers were therefore unable to answer their research questions of whether cattle prefer to look north or south, and wh

22、ether that differs in the northern and southern hemispheres. 46. What is the article mainly about?A. The usefulness of Google Earth. B. Whether cattle are superior to other animals. C. Animals sensitivity to natural disasters. D. Whether cattle behave like compass needles. 47. Which of the following

23、 factors might affect Dr. Begalls research result?A. Rainfall. B. Earthquakes. C. Location. D. Cost. 48. What is the major finding of Dr. Begalls study?A. Cattle point north-south. B. Magnetism cant be studied scientifically. C. Animals prefer to look south. D. Google Earth is a reliable research to

24、ol 49. Why couldnt the researchers get the answer to their research questions?A. Many cattle in their study were sitting on the ground. B. The cattle constantly change directions to avoid wind chill. C. There is magnetic difference between the two hemispheres. D. They couldnt tell a cows head from i

25、ts tail in the satellite pictures. (B) Astronauts often work 16 hours a day on the space shuttle in order to complete all the projects set out for the mission. From space, astronauts study the geography, pollution, and weather patterns on Earth. They take many photographs to record their observation

26、s. Also, astronauts conduct experiments on the shuttle to learn how space conditions, such as microgravity, affect humans, animals, plants, and insects. Besides working, regular exercise is essential to keep the astronauts healthy in microgravity. Astronauts sometimes go outside the shuttle to work.

27、 They are protected by a space suit from the radiation of the sun. Meanwhile, the space suit provides necessary oxygen supply and keeps the astronauts from feeling the extreme heat or cold outside the shuttle. When the mission is over, the crew members get ready to return to Earth. The shuttle does

28、not use its engines for a landing. It glides through the atmosphere. When the shuttle touches the land, a drag parachute opens to steady the aircraft, get the speed right, and help the brakes on the landing-gear wheels to bring it to a complete stop. 50. The passage is mainly about _. A. how astrona

29、uts fly the space shuttle B. how a space mission is completed D. how far astronauts travel in space C. how a space shuttle is constructed 51. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?A. The astronauts need a space suit to work outside the shuttle. B. The astronauts keep themselves warm in a apace suit. C. The astrona

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