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1、Manufacturer: xxi Cement Co., Ltd.Buyer :Office Address:Tel. No. :Fax No. :Contract No. : SSG/ /CEM/2009-001 Place of Contract : xxx, China. (Important: for claim settlement) Date of Contract : February 26, 2012 双方同意按下列条款由卖方出售,买方购进下列货物:Seller agrees to sell and Buyer agrees to buy the under mentione

2、d goods according to the terms and conditions as stated below:第一条 货物名称由xx水泥有限公司生产的普通硅酸盐水泥CLAUSE1. CommodityOrdinary Portland Cement manufactured by Yxx Cement Co., Ltd. (Important to clarify, 40 subsidiaries) 第二条 品质规格符合中国国家标准GB 175-2007的普通硅酸盐水泥52.5级。CLAUSE 2. Quality & SpecificationOrdinary Portland

3、 Cement conforming to China National Cement Standard GB 175-2007 Grade 52.5.(Australia: EN 197-1:2000 CEM I & CEM II claims) 第三条 数量3.1,总供货量2000吨,+/-5%由买方决定。3.2 船舶载货量2000吨,+/-5%由买方选择,船舶规范须符合第十条之规定,并需经卖方邮件确认。CLAUSE 3. Quantity3.1. Total 2,000 Metric Tons, 5% plus or minus at Buyers option. 3.2. Shipme

4、nt size shall be 2000 MT, +/- 5% at Buyers option, but subject to the performing vessels particulars as described in CLAUSE 10 and Sellers email confirmation.(Better to fix +/- 10% to avoid L/C quantity tolerance;Important: Vessel confirmation a. Qingdao bulk cem loading spout unfitable b. Rizhao bu

5、lk clk loading: holds narrow and small loading rate influenced; Shipping agent can do) 第四条 包装每包重量2.0吨左右,准确重量应由中国进出口商品检验检疫局(CIQ)检验确定,具体参见本合同第13条规定。外包装为聚丙烯(PP)塑编袋;内包装为聚乙烯(PE)塑料袋。CLAUSE 4. PackingWeight per bag about 2.0 MTS, exact weight shall be determined by CIQ China as per stated in Clause 13 of t

6、his contract. Outer bag: By Polypropylene (PP) bag, Inner bag: By Polyethylene (PE) bag, (Important: “about” Weighting system CIQ compulsory surveying Quality and Quantity )第五条 单价和总值单价 :中国xx港平仓价55美元/公吨总货值:美元十一万元整CLAUSE 5. Unit Price & Total ValueUnit price: USD55.00 per Metric Ton FOB S&T xx Port, x

7、x Province, China.Total value: USD110,000.00Impt: S.T.: relevant cost bearer Buyer or Seller?Question: CIF & CNF & FOB?第六条 交/提货时间6.1 合同项下全部货物将于2009年3月底前全部、一次性由卖方交付/由买方派船装运离港。6.2 合同项下全部货物包装完毕,卖方应及时以书面方式通知买方货物备妥。6.3 买方应在接到卖方货物备妥通知之日起15天内,派船到装运港将全部货物装船运走。超过15天后产生的货物在港口的堆存费用将由买方承担;6.4 如买方在货物备妥通知发出之日起30天

8、内,未能派船将货物运走,由此产生的货物质量问题,卖方将不负责任;超过45天,卖方有权选择将此货物处理,由此产生的货物处理费用将由买方承担。CLAUSE 6. Delivery times6.1 All the contracted cargo shall be delivered by Seller and shipped by Buyer on or before March 31, 2009 in one lot.6.2 Seller shall inform Buyer by email the cargo readiness notification once all the cont

9、racted cargo been packed and ready for loading.6.3 Buyer shall charter and send the performing vessel to the loading port to take load of all the contracted cargo within 15 days once he had been informed of the cargo readiness, failing which, Buyer shall be responsible for the port charges levied by

10、 the loading port Authorities on the cargo. 6.4 Should the Buyer fail to load and ship out the cargo within 30 days after the cargo readiness notification date, Seller shall then not be held responsible for the quality problems therein from, whilst, Seller shall be entitled to damage the cargo once

11、exceeds 45 days after the cargo readiness notification date, Buyer shall be responsible for the relevant charges.( Qingdao bag cement loading to Iraq: L/C expired + Ramadan + sea freight boomed + Iraq war - Lost avoidance; Payment terms: L/C to T/T)第七条 装卸港口装货港:中国xx港的一个安全港口及安全泊位卸货港:俄罗斯港口CLAUSE 7. Loa

12、ding & Discharge PortLoading Port: One safe port and safe berth of xx port, xx Province, China.Discharge Port: Russian port(One safe port and safe berth: cleared for possible shifting) 第八条 支付条款8.1 合同日起三个工作日内买方应将货值30%的预付款(计33000美元)电汇至卖方指定的银行账户。8.2 卖方收到买方预付货款后应即开始安排生产,剩余70%货款(计77000美元)应由买方在装船开始前电汇至卖方银

13、行账户。8.3 如在装船开始前卖方仍未收到全部货款,卖方可以不开始装船,直到收到全部货款。8.4 买方在每笔货款汇出后,应将银行汇款底单扫描并发邮件至xxx8.5 卖方指定的银行账户信息如下:CLAUSE 8. Terms of Payment8.1 30% advance payment (2000 x 55 x 30% = USD33,000.)of the total FOB value shall be paid by T/T into the bank account to be nominated by the Seller within 3 working days of the

14、 contract date. 8.2 Seller will arrange production when the advanced payment is well receipted. The balance payment of 70% (2000 X 55 X 70% =USD77,000.) shall be made by T/T before commencement of loading. 8.3 Seller may not start loading if the full payment is not safely receipted before loading co

15、mmencement unless the full payment is safely receipted. 8.4 Buyer shall fax or scan the banks remittance slip to +86 531 8207 6111 or email of: cathyzlh and xiaolu0318 after the remittance of each time.8.5 Sellers nominated bank account as follows:BANK NAME:ADDRESS:SWIFT CODE:TEL NO.:FAX NO.: BENEFI

16、CIARYS NAME: .A/C NO.:第九条 单据卖方需在提单日期后7个工作日内向买方快递以下单据: 卖方签署的商业发票一式叁份 全套清洁已装船提单,注明“运费根据租船合约” 制造商签发的工厂检验报告正本一式叁份(只含3天强度) 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下简称为“CIQ”)签发的重量证书正本一份副本二份 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下简称为“CIQ”)签发的品质证书正本一份副本二份 中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下简称为“CIQ”)签发的FORM A原产地证书正本一份副本一份卖方快递出文件后需将快递单查询号码以邮件方式告知买方。CLAUSE 9. DocumentsS

17、eller shall courier to Buyer the following documents within 7 working days after the B/L date: Commercial invoice in triplicate signed by Seller. Full sets of clean on board bill of lading made out to the order of * and indicating “Freight Payable as per Charter Party”. Lab Test report issued by man

18、ufacturer in triplicate(only 3 days compressive strength included). Certificate of Weight in one original plus 2copies issued by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of P.R.China (hereinafter called “CIQ”) Certificate of Quality in one original plus 2copies issued by the Entry-Exit Inspec

19、tion and Quarantine Bureau of P.R.China (hereinafter called “CIQ”) Certificate of Origin (Form A) in duplicate issued in one original plus 1 copy issued by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of P.R.China (hereinafter called “CIQ”)Seller shall inform Buyer the courier air waybill e

20、mail once documents couriered out.(Documentation: UCP 600; Spelling and typing mistakes: Si02 SiO2) CCIC correction stamps 第十条 船舶指定及装船期10.1. 装运船只由买方安排,并自行承担相关费用及风险。10.2. 装货港船舶代理由卖方推荐,买方有权指定并承担相应费用。10.3. 在同卖方协商后,买方须于装船期首日前15天宣布一个展期为5天的装船期。10.4. 买方须于装船期首日前5个工作日指定受载船舶,买方可以在征得卖方同意后,在符合指定的装船期内有权更换受载船舶;买方

21、须于装船期首日前3个工作日天向卖方提供指定船舶的规范。10.5. 指定的船舶规范必须达到卖方的接受要求,卖方应在买方提供船舶规范后12个工作小时内确认是否接受。10.6.卖方应在船舶抵港前7/6/5/4天向卖方以电子邮件预报船期,提前3/2/1天以电子邮件方式确报船期。 (Shipping agent nominated by Seller or Buyer/Charterer/Owner?) NOR and loading time calculation: Laytime count/not count) CLAUSE 10. LAY/CAN & Vessel nomination10.1

22、. Shipments to be performed by a general cargo vessel which is nominated by Buyer at his own risk and cost.10.2. Vessels agent at loading port to be proposed by Seller, Buyer has the final authority to nominate at his own cost. 10.3. Buyer shall declare a 5 day spread LAYCAN at least 15 days prior t

23、o the 1st LAYCAN date after consulting with Seller.10.4. The vessel shall be nominated by Buyer at least 5 working days before first LAY/CAN date. After getting the permission of Seller, Buyer shall have the option to substitute the performing vessel within the nominated LAYCAN Period. Buyer shall a

24、dvise Seller the full particulars of the nominated vessel 3 working days before the first LAY/CAN date. 10.5. The nominated vessel shall be subject to the acceptance of Seller; and Seller shall confirm whether to accept or not within 12 working hours from the time of Buyers nomination advice.10.6. B

25、uyer shall forecast the vessels daily movements to Seller by email on 7/6/5/4 days basis before expected time of arrival at loading port, and update by email the exact ETA to Seller on 3/2/1 days basis.第十一条 装船数量/重量检验11.1 装船重量由中华人民共和国出入境检验检疫局(以下简称为“CIQ”)检验确定,相关费用由卖方承担。11.2 提单上面显示的重量应以CIQ给出的检验结果为准。11.

26、3 装船袋数以中国外轮理货公司提供的数据为准,此结果是终局性的。CLAUSE 11. Inspection of shipping quantity and weight11.1. Exact tonnage/weight loaded on board the vessel shall be determined and executed by the Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau of P.R.China (hereinafter called “CIQ”) at Sellers cost. 11.2. Gross weight o

27、n B/L as per the survey results given by CIQ. 11.3. Number of bags loaded on board the vessel to be given by China Ocean Shipping Tally Company and shall be taken as final. (Quantity to be final by CIQ: Qingdao Loading to Korea: Master disagree CCIC quty) Tally fees: who to bear? Owner or Shipper?第十

28、二条 装货港取样卖方应在每船货物中均匀制取样品,并将它们分成3份,每份8公斤。3份样品应该在装运港货物生产过程中制成。每一样品应由卖方以样品桶或塑料袋密封保存并贴上注明装船日期及船名的标签,保存期限为装船期后至少45天,以备查。CLAUSE 12. Sampling at loading portSeller shall make average sample for each shipment and divide into 3 shares of 8kg each, 3 Samples shall be made during the manufacturing period. Each

29、sample shall be stored into an airtight container or plastic bag, rigidly sealed and labeled with the shipment date and vessels name to be kept by Seller for at least 45 days for future reference. (By drums or plastic bags: Customs Checking; Receipt condition: very bad I.E.: Ssangyong) Time-limit: i

30、mpt I.E. Quality claim from customers; Loading sample destroyed, responsibility been exempted) 第十三条 验舱条款13.1. 不论船舱是否清洁以及适合装运袋装水泥,在装货前,双方均须同意指定装运港的CIQ对船舱进行检验;13.2. 如果检验不合格,将立即通知船长、代理及卖方,船长必须立即安排船舶至指定锚地重新清舱直到合格,备妥通知书递交无效,应重新递交.CLAUSE 13. Holds Cleanliness Inspection13.1. CIQ at the loading port shall

31、be mutually appointed by Seller and Buyer to inspect the cleanliness of vessel holds prior to loading commencement, whether vessel holds are clean and dry in every respect and suitable for loading bulk cement or not. 13.2. If the vessel holds failed the initial cleanliness inspection, the Master, Agent and Sell

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