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1、必修五选修六 重点词汇短语的整理必修五 Module1 基础记忆1accent n 口音2distinctive adj. 与众不同的3attempt n& v. 尝试;努力4present vt. 陈述;提出(观点、计划等)adj. 目前的;到场的;出席的 5standard adj. 标准的6confusing adj.令人困惑的;难懂的confuse vt.使困惑confused adj.感到困惑的7compare vt.比较comparison n比较;比喻8remark vi.& vt.说起;评论 n评论;讲话remarkable adj.显著的;异常的;非凡的9reference

2、n参考;查阅refer v谈到;提到;查阅10obvious adj.显然的;显而易见的obviously adv.显然地11steadily adv.不断地;持续地steady adj.稳定的12announcement n声明;宣告announce v声明;宣布announcer n播音员13simplify vt.简化simple adj.简单的simply adv.简单地;仅仅;不过14criticise vt.批评critic n批评家criticism n批评;指责;评论15variety n种类variation n变化vary v改变;使变化various adj.各种各样的语

3、境记忆16Obviously, we were all confused at his confusing accent.(confuse)17He made simple remarks on her remarkable achievements.(remark)18After he was_criticised by the critic,_he realized that criticism was very important.(criticise)篇章记忆The linguist present at the meeting remarked that we should be b

4、rave enough to face various criticisms and challenges in our life.Obviously, there are many things in life we simply cant change or control, but we can control our attitudes towards them.Our attitudes make all the difference to our life.At last, he added that compared to the past, we are living a be

5、tter life now and we must seize the good opportunity to make steadier progress.短语互译 1.有相同的特点 have_._in_common2有影响;使不相同;关系重大;起作用 make_a_difference3与相似 be_similar_to4做某事有困难 have_difficulty_(in)_doing_sth.5导致;引起 lead_to6总计 add_up_to7differ from 和不同8get around 四处走动(旅行)9in favor of 支持;同意10refer to . as .

6、 称为11thanks to 多亏;幸亏12instead of 而不是Module 2基础记忆1offer vi. (主动)提出(愿意做某事)2profound adj. (影响)深刻的;极大的3available adj. 可获得的;可达到的;可用的4permanent adj. 长久的;永久的;永恒的5demand n& v. 要求;需要6encounter n. 相遇;邂逅7intellectual adj.脑力的;思维的;需用才智的intellect n智力;思维8satisfying adj.令人满意的satisfied adj.满意的satisfy vt.使满意satisfact

7、ion n满意9direct vt.指挥direction n方向;方位directly adv.直接地;径直地10freezer n冰箱freeze vi.结冰;冻住;冻僵freezing adj.极冷的frozen adj.结冰的;冻住的11sign n& vt.签字;签署signature n签名;签字signal n信号12qualified adj.合格的;称职的qualification n合格;称职13apply vi.申请applicant n申请人application n申请14suffer vi.遭受(痛苦)sufferer n受害者;受难者;患病者suffering n

8、痛苦;苦恼;令人痛苦的事15respect n& vt.尊敬;尊重;遵守respectful adj.尊敬的;尊重的respectable adj.值得尊敬的;高尚的;体面的语境记忆16His satisfied look showed that the result of the exam was satisfying.His father nodded with satisfaction.(satisfy)17All applicants who have applied for the job must hand in the application forms before next

9、Monday.(apply)18We are quite respectful to the man with a respectable profession, who always earns our respect.(respect)篇章记忆Yesterday, I encountered my middle school English teacher, who had a profound influence on my life.He was a much loved and highly respected teacher.He was well qualified for hi

10、s job and often gave us a satisfied smile, which helped to reduce our stress in study.He demanded that we set goals for ourselves and he often offered us some useful advice on achieving them.We were all grateful to him for his essential help.短语互译 1.尤其;特别 in_particular2平均 on_average3理论上 in_theory4实际上

11、; 在实践中 in_practice5以为理所当然 take_._for_granted6站好位置以备 take_up7申请 apply_for8pass by 经过9take notice of 注意到10have an effect on 对产生影响11in response to 作为的回应12week in, week out 一周又一周13in demand 非常需要的;受欢迎的Module 3基础记忆1account n 叙述;描写;报道2companion n. 同伴;伙伴3shelter n. 遮蔽物; 栖身之地4panic vt. (使)恐慌;(使)惊慌失措5disturb

12、vt. 打扰6review n. (影视、音乐)评论7resemble vt. 与相似8exception n. 例外9reputation n. 名誉;名望;声望10solve vt.解决solution n解决方法11curious adj.好奇的curiosity n好奇心curiously adv.好奇地12fright n恐惧;害怕frighten vt.使恐惧frightened adj.恐惧的;害怕的frightening adj.令人害怕的13create vt.塑造;创作creation n创作(物)creative adj.创造性的14determined adj.坚决的d

13、etermine v(使)决定;确定determination n决心15establish vt.确立;确定;建立establishment n确立;建立语境记忆16The National Key Laboratory of the Digital Ocean was established in North Chinas Tianjin municipality and its establishment is to build a national digital platform for marine studies and policy making.(establish)17On

14、 seeing the frightening scene of the traffic accident, the frightened child was frightened out of mind.(fright)18From the determined expression on his face, we knew that he was determined to take up the job, which needed great patience and determination.(determine)篇章记忆The detective was curious about

15、 the adolescents account of the murderer, who was determined to force his companion to make up lies.短语互译 1.(秘密地)逃跑 run_away2编造(说法、解释等) make_up3设置背景 set_in4出发;启程;使爆炸 set_off5have connection with 与有联系/有关联6play a trick on sb. 捉弄某人;对某人搞恶作剧7be/feel in the mood (for sth./to do sth.) 有(做某事)的心情,有意做某事8make o

16、nes fortune 发财Module 4基础记忆1pretend vi. 假装2revive vt. 复兴;再兴起; 再流行3wander vi. 漫步;闲逛4mark vt. 标志(着)5transport vt. 运输;运送6abolish vt. 废除7confusion n杂乱;混乱confuse vt.混淆;使迷惑confused adj.迷惑的;混乱的confusing adj.令人迷惑的8extend vt.延长extension n延伸;扩大9relaxing adj.使人放松的relax vt.使放松relaxation n消遣;娱乐relaxed adj.放松的10ta

17、sty adj.美味可口的taste n味道 v品尝;尝起来有味道11import vt.引进;进口export (反义词) vt.出口12origin n起源original adj.原先的;最初的13celebration n庆祝;庆典celebrate vt.庆祝14freedom n自由free adj.自由的;空闲的;免费的freely adv.自由地15unite vt.联合union n联合;团结;公会united adj. 团结的语境记忆16From the confused expression on her face, we can guess her mind is st

18、ill in great confusion,_which is confusing.(confuse)17Everything is free here, so you can choose what you want freely.(freedom)18We all felt relaxed after listening to the relaxing light music, and relaxation is really necessary.(relax)篇章记忆Yesterday, we dressed up to attend a formal party, which was

19、 held to celebrate the extension of our export trade.After the party, we had a tasty meal together.The busiest time finally comes to an end, and we can be free for several days.I want to wander in the countryside and relax myself.短语互译 1.完结;结束 come_to_an_end2秘密地 in_secret3追溯到 date_back_to4挤满了;充满了 be_

20、crowded_with5或多或少 more_or_less6dress up 装扮;打扮7take part in 参与(活动)8put . into prison 把关进监狱9work as . 充当,作10consist of 由组(构)成Module 5基础记忆1guarantee vt. 保证2purchase vt. 购买3symbol n. 符号4final n. 决赛5quality n. 特性;品德;品行6ultimate adj. 最后的7protest vi. 抗议8tough adj. 费力的;棘手的;困难的9retire vi.退休retirement n退休10pe

21、rform vi.表现performer n执行者;表演者performance n表现;表演11champion n冠军championship n冠军地位;锦标赛12declare vt.宣布declaration n宣言;声明13designer n设计师design v& n设计14advantage n优势;长处disadvantage (反义词) n缺点;弱点15competitor n竞争者;对手compete vi.竞争competitive adj.竞争的competition n竞赛;比赛语境记忆16They weighed the advantages and disad

22、vantages before making the decision.(advantage)17In the highly competitive society, people must face fierce competition and bravely compete with other competitors.(compete)18He was the only one champion who won world table tennis championship five times.(champion)篇章记忆He performed well and scored the

23、 highest mark in the competition, so he was declared to be the winner.He has held the championship for the past two years.During the interview, he said that being mentally tough gave him an advantage over the other competitors.Years of hard training also guaranteed his victory.短语互译 1. 由某人决定;由某人做某事 u

24、p_to_sb.2根据;依据 according_to3拾起;捡起 pick_up4和竞争 compete_with5拟写一份名单 make_a_list_of6by chance 偶然7achieve ones sporting ambitions 实现体育梦想8rise to ones feet 站起身9on the increase 正在增加10have a major advantage over 比有很大的优势Module 6基础记忆1struggle n 挣扎;斗争2worth adj. 值钱3condition n. (s) 环境;情况4meanwhile adv. 同时5won

25、der n. 奇迹6focus n. 焦点;集中点7waste vt. 浪费8reserve n. 保护区;保护圈v. 预订9endanger vt.使处于险境;危及endangered adj.濒危的danger n危险dangerous adj.危险的10habitat n栖息地inhabitant n居民11extinct adj.灭绝的;绝种的extinction n灭绝;绝种12protect vt.保护protection n保护13aim n目标;目的aimless adj.无目标的;无目的的14involve vt.涉及;包括involved adj.棘手的;有关的15ener

26、gy n能量;精力;能源energetic adj.精力充沛的语境记忆16The tiger endangered the safety of the deer, but the endangered deer dealt with the dangerous situation decidedly and smartly.Now it was out of danger.(danger)17Many animals are already extinct,_or getting close to extinction.(extinct)18The old man is still full

27、of energy and his wife is even more energetic.(energy)篇章记忆Many animals become endangered or extinct because of the serious destruction of their natural habitat.It is high time that we should focus our attention on protecting the animals.Now people are struggling to provide ideal living conditions an

28、d build natural reserves for them.We hope more and more people will get involved in the protection of the animals.短语互译 1 .当场;在现场 on_the_spot2建立;设立;搭起 set_up3代表 stand_for4卷入,涉及 be_involved_in_.5对采取强硬措施 get_tough_with_.6feed on . (动物)以为食7give ones life to . 为献身8come into fashion 成为时尚9be concerned abou

29、t . 对关心10keep an eye on 留意;留心选修六Module 1基础记忆1serious adj. 严肃的2lack v& n. 缺乏,缺少3outspoken adj. 直言不讳的,坦率的,不客气的 4purpose n. 目的 5reply n& v. 回答,答复,回信6opportunity n. 机会7shortcoming n. 缺点,短处8circumstance n. 情形,情况9anyhow adv. 不管怎么说,无论如何10confidently adv.自信地confident adj.自信的confidence n信心11impolite adj.不礼貌的

30、impolitely adv.不礼貌地polite adj.礼貌的12absence n缺乏,不存在absent adj.缺席的,不在场的;缺少的,缺乏的13apology n道歉,致歉apologise v道歉14modest adj.谦虚的,谦逊的modesty n谦虚,谦逊15interrupt v打断interruption n打扰,打断16successful adj.成功的success n成功succeed vi.成功17imagine vt.想象imaginary adj.想象中的,假想的,虚构的imagination n想象,设想语境记忆18In the speech, the spokesman required that the Japanese government should make an apolo

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