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1、届上海市高三一模阅读C篇专项归纳1宝山区(C) Are you worried about money? If so, I have some good news for you. Someone once said, “If all your problems can be solved with money, then you dont have any.” I get the point. Unless you are on the edge of losing everything and living in your car (which is a very sad thing th

2、at happens to people every day), your perceptions of your problems may not be serving you well.Lets take a look. Can you pay your living expenses and support your family? If so you are OK. Even if you are a family that just barely breaks even every month, you have to count that as a blessing, Most o

3、f us also have those terrible, surprising unexpected bills. But unless you youre your job or your mind, dont you always find a way to take care of those expenses?PERTINENT(切中要害的) QUESTIONSTo see if you worry too much about finances, ask yourself a couple of questions Do you wake up worried about mon

4、ey? Do you check your bank balance and look at upcoming bills more than once every few days or even multiple times a day? If so, then you may have a little financial insecurity going on. Lets look at getting it under control. If its making you crazy, it can make your family a little crazy too. This

5、type of anxiousness is passed on to others, which is important to remember whenever you have the urge to share your fears.TOO MUCH INFORMATIONTMI (too much information) happens because it seems that by releasing Pent-up(压抑的)feelings of anxiety you will feel better and hopefully more supported and th

6、at this can happen but not with your loved ones because they will take all your fair and magnify it. Talk instead with your financial advisor, your bank manager or your therapist. Laying your financial fears at the feet of your family is not good for them or for you. Yes, be honest about any problem

7、s, but if you get emotional, so will those closest to youPOSITIVE ACTIONIts hard to be this passionate about money, but honestly, its really the best way to get this issue solved. You have to look at it from a practical standpoint. Go over your debts, look closely at your assets and determine the be

8、st thing for you to do with your time right now.Maybe you need to use this time to get your books and other only your computer or use it to job hunt or to promote your business. Then again you may need to hire an accountant and go on some interviews. The point is simple: the only way to relieve your

9、self of the uncomfortable feeling of financial pressure is to take some kind of positive action. 63. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. Financial problems are not vital ones in everyones daily life.B. Youd better calm down when you have financial problems.C. You neednt worry

10、about unexpected bills even if youre out of work.D. When you have financial fears, remember to share feelings with others. 64. The passage implies that _.A. the best way to deal with money problem is to take positive actionB. as long as we share feelings with others, money fear will disappearC. we s

11、hould have an optimistic attitude toward financial fearsD. any problem we meet can be solved with the help of money 65. The phrase lay your financial fears at the feet of your family in the sixth paragraph probably means _.A. to solve financial fears caused by your familyB. to help your family smart

12、ly avoid financial fearsC to make your family responsible for financial fearsD. to encourage your family to face financial fears bravely66. The best title of the passage is _.A. Perceptions of money and valueB. Passion, money and familyC. Keeping balance of psychologyD. Dealing with money worries565

13、9 ADAB 6062 CBD 6366 BCCD 6770 DCEB2崇明区( C ) A portrait created by artificial intelligence, or AI, made a historic appearance on the auction(拍卖) block at Christies in New York City. It is the first artwork created by an algorithm(算法) to be offered for auction in the world of fine art.The odd-looking

14、 painting of a fictitious man in a dark frockcoat left the auction block at Christies for a whopping US$432,500 on Oct. 25 in New York City.The portrait designed in the “Old Master” style reminiscent of European fine artists from centuries ago only partially fills the canvas, leaving empty space aro

15、und the central figure. It appears to represent a man with a blurred face, dressed in clothing similar to that worn by subjects painted by the Dutch artist Rembrandt van Rijn in the 17th century. Of course, a computer didnt automatically pick up a brush and become an artist. The AI that created the

16、image had human programmers-a Parisian art collective called Obvious, Christies reported. Their cooperation, titled “Portrait of Edmond De Belamy, ” is part of a series of paintings of the fictional Belamy family and was expected to fetch $7,000 to $10,000, according to Christies. To create the port

17、rait, the Obvious team first fed the network a diet of 15,000 images painted between the 14th and 20th centuries, to train it to recognize visual elements in fine art, Obvious artists Hugo Caselles-Dupre told Christies. The algorithm that eventually created an original image had two parts that worke

18、d against each other, called the Generator (that makes the art) and a Discriminator(that tries to spot the difference between human-created and AI-created images), Caselles-Dupre explained: they called this AI “generate adversarial network”(GAN), Casells-Dupre explained. GANs final image was then pr

19、inted and framed, according to Obvious. At the bottome of the portrait is a mathematical formula(公式) representing the algorithm that created it, a nod to the relationship between the Generator and the Discriminator, Obvious artists wrote on the collectives website. The goal of the painting and of Ob

20、vious, also co-founded by Hugo Caselles-Dupre and Gauthier Vernier, was to prove “artificial intelligence can do more than operate driverless cars or transform manufacturing-it can be creative,” Consumer News and Business Channel reported.Portraiture is a tough task for AI to take on, according to C

21、hristies, “since humans are highly accustomed to the curves and complexities of a face in a way that a machine cannot be.” This difficulty was part of Obvious thinking when they created the portrait. “Edmond de Belamy” is one of eleven AI paintings made by Obvious.63. It can be learned from the pass

22、age that the portrait “Edmond de Belamy”_.A. was sold at an unexpected high price B. was the first artwork sold at an auctionC. is a painting created by means of brush D. is a man who once appeared at the auction64. To create a portrait, AI needs to _.A. learn from plenty of images B. use an algorit

23、hm with many partsC. work against human painters D. recognize its human programmers65. What can be conclude from the passage?A. The mathematical formula at the bottom of the portrait is meaningless.B. The portrait was made to prove algorithms are able to imitate creativityC. It is more difficult for

24、 AI to operate driverless cars than to paint a portrait.D. AI is better at painting the curves and complexities of a face than a human66. The passage mainly tells us that _.A. AI will soon replace man in some fieldsB. an AI-created portrait sells high at an auctionC. a proper algorithm is the key fo

25、r AI to create artD. AI-created paintings are better received at auctions56. D 57. C 58. C 59. B 60. D61. C 62. A 63. A 64. A 65. B 66. B 3普陀区(C)Is Paperless Office Really Paperless?A rising economy increased paper sales by 6 yo 7 percent each year in the early to mid-1990s, and the convenience of d

26、esktop printing allowed office workers to indulge anything and everything. In 2004, Ms Dunn, a communications supplies director, said that plain white office paper would see less than a 4 percent growth rate, a primary reason for which is that some 47 percent of the workforce entered the job market

27、after computers had already been introduced to offices.For office innovators, the dream of paperless office is an example of high-tech arrogance(傲慢). Todays office service is overwhelmed By more newspapers than ever before. After decades of development, the American government can finally get rid of

28、 the madness on paper. In the past, the demand for paper has been far ahead of growth in the American economy, but the sales have slowed markedly over the past two to three years, despite the good economic conditions.“Old habits are hard to break,”says Ms. Dunn.“There are some functions that paper s

29、erves where a screen display doesnt work. Those funcitons are both its strength and its weakness.”Analysts attribute the decline to such factors as advances in digital databases and communication systems. Escaping our craving for paper, however, will be anything but an easy affair.“Were finally seei

30、ng a reduction in the amount of paper being used per worker in the workplace,”says John Maine, vice president of a paper economic consulting firm.“More information is being transmitted electronically, and an increasing number of people are satisfied that information exists only in electronic form wi

31、thout printing multiple backups.”To reduce paper use, some companies are working to combine digital and paper capabilities. For example, Xerox is developing electronic paper: thin digital displays that respond to a stylus, like a pen on paper. Marks can be erased or saved digitally. Even with such t

32、echnological advances, the increasing amounts of electronic data necessarily require more paper.“The information industry today is composed of a thin paper crust surrounding an electronic core,”Mr. Saffo wrote. The growing paper crust is most noticeable, but the hidden electronic core is far larger and growing more rapidly. The result is that we are becomign paperless, but we hardly notice at all.“Thats one of the greatest ironies of the information age,”Saffo says.“It

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