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1、Lesson 70 Red for danger 危险的红色 【Text】During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the danger. The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks a

2、nd waving a red cap. Apparently sensitive to criticism, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. The crowd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself.When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. The crowd broke into cheer

3、s and the drunk bowed. By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.【课文翻译】在一次

4、斗牛时,一个醉汉突然溜达到斗牛场中间,人们开始大叫起来,但醉汉却没有意识到危险。当时那公牛正忙于对付斗牛士, 但突然它看见了醉汉,只见他正大声说着粗鲁的话,手里挥动着一顶红帽子。对挑衅显然非常敏感的公牛完全撇开斗牛士,直奔醉汉而来。观众突然静了下来,可这 醉汉像是很有把握似的。当公牛逼近他时,他踉跄地住旁边一闪,牛扑空了。观众欢呼起来,醉汉向人们鞠躬致谢。然而,此时已有3个人进入斗牛场,迅速把醉汉 拉到安全的地方。好像连牛也在为他感到遗憾,因为它一直同情地看着醉汉,直到他的背影消逝,才重新将注意力转向斗牛士。New words and expressions 生词和短语criticismn.

5、批评chargev. 冲上去clumsilyadv. 笨拙地bowv. 鞠躬safetyn. 安全地带sympatheticallyadv. 同情地 bullfightn. 斗牛drunkn. 醉汉wanderv. 溜达,乱走ringn. 圆形竞技场地unawareadj. 不知道的,未觉察的bulln. 公牛matadorn. 斗牛士remarkn. 评论;言语apparentlyadv. 明显地sensitiveadj. 敏感的criticismn. 批评chargev. 冲上去clumsilyadv. 笨拙地bowv. 鞠躬safetyn. 安全地带sympatheticallyadv.

6、 同情地 【生词讲解】1. bullfight n. 斗牛(活动) bull n. 公牛 cow n. 母牛,奶牛ox 大公牛(oxen, pl. )calf 小牛bull market 牛市(股市行情很好)bear market 熊市(股市行情不好)bully n. 恃强凌弱的人like a red rag(破布) to a bull 令人暴怒的事情2. drunk 1) n. (口) 醉酒者,醉鬼drunkard n. 酒鬼,酒徒(people who always gets drunk)2) adj. 喝醉的 (通常作表语)e.g.: He was blind / dead drunk

7、他烂醉如泥get drunk 喝醉了as drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉drink oneself drunk 一醉方休3) adj. (因感动、高兴等)沉醉、陶醉的 (常作表语)eg. He is drunk with success. 他沉醉在胜利中drunk with sth 沉醉,对.飘飘然,drunk with power 因为权力忘乎所以3. wander 1) v. 游荡、闲逛、漫步、溜达wanderer 漂泊者,流浪汉eg. He wandered in as if he has nothing to do . 他溜达进来好像他无事可做eg.She was wande

8、ring up and down the road.她在马路上来来回回的溜达2) v.(指人、思想)走神,胡思乱想eg. His mind is wandering. 他心不在焉eg. She wanders in her conversation. 她的谈话杂乱无章3) . v. 迷路,迷途(常与off连用)eg. The climbers wandered off in the mountains. 那些登山者在山里迷路了4) v.(谈话)脱离正题,离题eg. He wandered off the subject. 他说着说着离题了wonder 想知道,惊讶,惊奇eg. I wonder

9、 who he is. 我想知道他是谁4. ring 1) n. 圆形竞技场地bullring 斗牛场circus ring 马戏场2) n. 环,环状物a wedding ring 结婚戒指an engagement ring 订婚戒指ring finger 无名指3) v. 打电话,铃响ring sb / call sb eg. The telephone has being ringing for ten minutes. 电话铃足足响了10分钟了5. unaware adj. 不知道的,未察觉的be unaware of sth be unaware that 没有意识到,没有察觉eg

10、. He was unaware of the danger. = He was unaware that he was in danger. 他没有察觉到危险的存在aware1) adj. 察觉到的,知悉的be aware of sth be aware that .eg. He wasnt aware of the danger. 他没有察觉到危险的存在eg. Are you aware that you are sitting on my hat ? 你意识到你坐在我的帽子上了吗?2) adj. (对.)意识敏锐的,有.知识的eg. She is a politically aware

11、woman. 她是位政治意识敏锐的女性6. remark 1) n. 意见,评论,感想,rude remarks 粗话2) v. (把感想、意见)说出,叙述,发言(比say)正式remark that eg. She remarked that it was getting warmer and warmer. 她阐述到现在天气变得越来越热了。eg. Money is the most important thing. He remarked ironically. 他用嘲讽的口气说:“钱是最重要的东西。” 3) remark on / remark upon 就某事物发表意见eg. The

12、guests remarked on her new dress. 客人们就她的新连衣裙发表意见7. apparently adv. 明显地(obviously)apparent adj. 1) 显然的,明显的eg. It was apparent to all of us that he was lying. 对大家来说很显然他在说谎2) 外表的,表面的an apparent advantage表面上的优点eg In spite of her apparent indifference, she was warm-hearted. 表面上装作漠不关心,实际上很热心 3) It is appa

13、rent + to sb +that (对.而言)明显的是eg. It is apparent to us that he hasnt done his work properly. apparently adv.1) 表面上,似乎eg The car apparently slid around the corner. 这辆车似乎在转角处失控滑行2) 明显地eg. He is apparently right. 他明显是正确的。8. sensitive adj. 敏感的,神经过敏的,易生气的,介意的(常与to+名词连用)eg . Mary is sensitive to smells. 玛丽

14、对味道很敏感eg . Mary has a sensitive ear. 玛丽的听觉很灵敏 sensible adj. 1) 明智的,有判断力的a sensible man 通晓事理的人2) 可感觉到的a sensible difference sense n. 意识;感觉sense of humor 幽默感common sense 常识 9. criticize v. 批评,评论eg. Shes always criticizing her friend for being selfish. 她总是批评她的朋友太自私critic n. 批评家, 鉴定家critical adj. 批评的,危急

15、的a critical writer 评论家a critical situation 危急的状况10. charge 1) v要价,收费eg. They charged us too much for repairs. 他们对维修费用要求太高eg. How much do you charge for this dress? 这条裙子多少钱?2) v. 指控,指责 charge sb with eg. The police charged him with murder. 警方指控他谋杀。eg. He charged Gary with speeding. 他指控Gary 超速。3) v. 猛

16、攻,冲向,冲锋,向前冲eg. The bull charged at the drunk. 公牛猛冲向醉汉4) v. 照管,照料,负责 be in charge of eg . I am in charge of your English on Saturday morning. 我负责在周六上午的英语学习。11. clumsily adv. 笨拙地eg. He paints a flower clumsily. clumsy adj. 笨拙的,笨手笨脚的eg . He is clumsy with / at using chopsticks. 他用筷子笨手笨脚的。12. bow 1)v. 鞠

17、躬,欠身,低下(头等)bow sb. in/out 鞠躬迎入/送出eg. As she couldnt answer the question, she bowed her head. 由于她无法回答出这个问题,她低下了头。2) v. 让步,屈服,服从eg. Why did you bow to their decision? He finally bowed before money and married the other girl. 你为什么屈服于他们的决定?他最后在金钱面前屈服了并且娶了另外一个女孩。 3) v. 压弯,压倒eg. My mother is bowed with ag

18、e. 我母亲因年老而腰弯背驼。eg . The little tree is bowed with snow. 小树苗被雪压倒了。4)n. He made a low bow 深鞠躬make ones bow (演员)初次露面take a bow谢幕13. safety n. 安全,安全地带safety first 安全第一safety belt, seat belt安全带safe adj. 安全的eg. It is safe to do 做.是安全的eg. safe and sound 安然无恙14. sympathetically adv. 同情地sympathetic adj. 同情的e

19、g. She was very sympathetic when I failed in the exam. be sympathetic to 同意eg. He was sympathetic to our proposal. 他同意了我们的方案sympathy n.同情,怜悯feel sympathy for .对.表示同情sympathize v. (对某人) 同情,赞成sympathize with sb 同情某人【课文讲解】1. During a bullfight, a drunk suddenly wandered into the middle of the ring. wan

20、der into somewhere溜达到某地in the middle of sp 在*的中间2. The crowd began to shout, but the drunk was unaware of the unaware of 不知道,没有觉察eg. She was unaware of the noise around her. 她没有察觉到周围的噪音eg. I was unaware that you were coming. 我不知道你要来 3. The bull was busy with the matador at the time, but it

21、 suddenly caught sight of the drunk who was shouting rude remarks and waving a red cap. at the time/ then / at that time 当时catch sight of 突然看到 eg. As I came out of the shop, I caught sight of Dan in the crowd. 当我走出商店时,我突然从人群中看到了Dan.rude remarks 粗话 who 引导定语从句,修饰drunk4. Apparently sensitive to critici

22、sm, the bull forgot all about the matador and charged at the drunk. (being) sensitive to criticism 省略了being的现在分词短语,作原因状语forget all about 完全忘记sensitive to criticism 对挑衅/批评敏感charge at 向攻击5. The crowd suddenly grew quiet. The drunk, however, seemed quite sure of himself.seem quite sure of .显得对.相当有把握be/

23、feel sure of oneself 有自信心eg. Shes always so sure of herself.她总是充满自信6. When the bull got close to him, he clumsily stepped aside to let it pass. get close to . 靠近,逼近.step aside 站到一边,让开,让位step on 踩到 step in 请进,走进in step 步调一致 (out of step)step by step 一步一步,逐步地take an unusual step采取非常手段watch your step!小

24、心脚下,担心7. The crowd broke into cheers and the drunk bowed.break into cheers 突然喝起彩来break into 突然发出,突然起来(tears, laughter, cheers, angry speech突然吵起来 song突然唱起来)eg. When Sally saw the woman wearing a hat that looked like a lighthouse, she broke into laughter. 当Sally 看到那个女士戴着一顶像灯塔一样的帽子的时候,她怦然大笑起来。break out

25、 爆发 break up (关系)破坏,终止8. By this time, however, three men had come into the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.drag v.1. 拽 eg . We dragged the carpet out of the room. 2. 某物在地上拖着eg. The brides dress dragged along behind her.3. (强迫)拖,拉进eg. She dragged the child out to the dentists drag

26、ones feet/heels (口)故意拖延,拖着脚走9. Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him, for it looked on sympathetically until the drunk was out of the way before once more turning its attention to the matador.look on 旁观,观看eg. Many people just looked on while the two men robbed a woman. 许多人就这么看着2个男人抢劫了一个女士。out o

27、f the way 不碍事,不挡路eg. While making meat pies, I always order the children to keep out of the way. 当我在做肉饼的时候,我总是命令孩子们不要碍事。turn ones attention to 转移注意力6. rude remarks7. be sensitive to8. be sure of 9. step aside to10. break into cheers11. feel sorry for sb.【关键词组摘录】1. wander into 2. be unaware of 3. be

28、busy with4. at the time5. catch sight of【Key structure】 一 介词搭配寒假首要背诵任务。Eg: We have enough apples for the children.Eg: They were eager for the performance to begin.Eg: My aunt is famous for her beauty.Eg: Even the bull seemed to feel sorry for him. Eg: Im ready for the journey. 1. 与for连用的形容词: eager f

29、or (渴望)enough for (足够)famous for (以而闻名)fit for (合适)grateful for/to (因而感激)qualified for/in (能胜任)ready for/to (准备好)responsible for (对负责)sorry for (对感到遗憾)sufficient for (充足的)thankful for/to (感谢)valid for (有效期为)Eg: Why was Mary angry with you?Eg: She wasnt content with her life.Eg: Uncle Sam is always popular with children.Eg: The bull was busy with the matador at the time. 2. 与with连用的形容词:angry with sb./at sth. (因某人或某事生气)busy with/at

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