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1、2. Why does the man look happy? A. He has bought a new book. B. He has finished his new book. C. His poem is being published.3. Where are the speakers? A. In a classroom. B. In a library. C. In a book shop.4. How did the woman know her husband? A. On the Internet. B. By newspaper. C. By a friend.5.

2、What are the speakers talking about? A. Rainforests. B. Animals. C. Weather.第二节:(共15小题; 每题1.5分 ,共22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各个小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Where does the man think of the lecture? A. Easy. B. Intere

3、sting C. Difficult.7. What does the man ask the woman to do? A. Lend him her notes. B. Look over his notes. C. Prepare for the discussion.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. What are the speakers doing? A. Writing the invitations. B. Planning the menu. C. Making the salad.9. What did the woman forget to do? A. Invite

4、 Linda. B. Call the cook. C. Buy chicken.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Where did the woman go last night before getting home? A. To a cinema. B. To a friends. C. To a store.11. What happened when the woman came at the door? A. The door opened. B. She heard a noise. C. Her key was missing.12. Who was Karl? A.

5、 The gatekeeper. B. The womans workmate. C. The womans neighbor.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。13. What is the probable relationship between the speakers? A. Workmates B. Neighbors. C. Interviewer and interviewee.14. How many hours a week does the man work? A. About 30. B. About 40. C. About 50.15. How many hours

6、 a day does the man spend watching TV? A. About 1 hours. B. About 2 hours. C. About 3 hours.16. What does the man spend three hours doing a week? A. Reading. B. Talking to the family. C. Talking to friends.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What does the speaker say about the dolphin? A. It is mans most intellig

7、ent friend. B. It is mans favorite animal.C. It is mans largest friend.18. What were those dolphin paintings mainly made of? A. Glass. B. Stone. C. Wood.19. How many dolphin themes were there in the exhibition? A. About 100. B. About 150. C. About 750.20. Who is Pandora? A. An organizer. B. A dolphi

8、n. C. A reporter.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AMy mother was dying of leukemia(白血病). My two older sisters, father, and I had shared the last three weeks in the hospital room with her. In two years, she had gone from a strong woman to a he

9、lpless patient. For the last three days, she had been in a state of sorrow and lifelessness. She could no longer speak through her dry lips. On the night of the third day, I rushed purposefully to the church. There I gave God permission to take my mother. I could no longer stand seeing her suffer, s

10、o I prayed for the permanent healing that only death can bring. I returned to the room with a peaceful heart, for I knew by the next morning my mother would also be at peace. I had the best nights sleep in weeks. The next morning, a sorrowful noise and a small movement made me realize that my mother

11、 was still alive. My mother rolled onto her side, and looked into the newly risen sun. Then, as the sun made shining lights in her eyes, she licked her dry lips, and said “Gee, its going to be a beautiful day today”. Being the youngest, and fastest, I was first to her bedside. “Mom, its me, Jerry, d

12、o you recognize me”? “Of course I do Jerry”, she replied. We all took our turns talking to her. It was a joyful day of laughing, and celebrating life with our family. That night we all went to sleep peacefully.Unfortunately, the next few days were busy with funeral(葬礼) plans. It was only after the f

13、uneral that I stopped to think of what had happened. God answered my prayer in his time, in his way. Now, my memories of my mother are of a day of laughing. Since that time I have had many rocky roads. Financial failure. A divorce. The loss of my father. But throughout it all, regardless of how stor

14、my the night might be, I know that through Gods love, I can awaken the next morning to a newly risen sun, and say “Gee, its going to be a beautiful day today.”21. Why couldnt the authors mother speak? A. Because she was suffering from a serious disease. B. Because she was very angry with her husband

15、 and children.C. Because her doctor warned her not to speak.D. Because there was something wrong with her mind.22. How was the author feeling when he returned home from the church? A. Sorrowful. B. Peaceful. C. joyful. D. hopeful.23. What can we learn from the third paragraph?A. Mother was always lo

16、oking into the newly risen sun while waking up.B. Mother liked licking her dry lips while rolling onto her side.C. All of our family members were enjoying ourselves that day.D. Jerry was the oldest and fastest son in his family.24. What does the underlined sentence “Since that time I have had many r

17、ocky roads” mean? A. I have suffered a lot since that time. B. I have built many rocky roads since that time. C. The roads have been rocky since that time. D. I have composed many rocky songs since that time.BThe number of American students who learned a language other than English decreased by abou

18、t 100,000 between 2009 and 2013, according to research by the Modern Language Association. The Chinesedialectsalready have more native speakers than any other language, followed by Hindi and Urdu, which have the samelinguistic(语言的)origins in northern India. English comes next with 527 million native

19、 speakers. Arabic is spoken by nearly 100 million more native speakers than Spanish, which has 389 million speakers.Which languages will lead to the future? Predictions vary, depending on your location and purpose.Hindi, Bengali, Urdu and Indonesian will control much of the business world by 2050, f

20、ollowed by Spanish, Portuguese, Arabic and Russian. If you want to get the most money out of your language course, studying one of the languages listed above is probably a safe bet.You want to speak to as many people as possible? How about Chinese, Spanish or French?1. Chinese.Although Chinese has t

21、hree times more native speakers than English, its still not as equally spread over the world. Moreover, Chinese is only rarely used in sciences and difficult to read and write.2. Spanish.Spanish makes up for a lack of native speakers compared with China by being particularly popular as a second lang

22、uage, taught in schools around the world.3. French.French has lost grounds in some regions and especially in Europe in the last decades. French, however, could gain influence again if West Africa where it is frequently spoken were to become more politically stable and economically attractive.25. Whi

23、ch language has the third most native speakers in the world? A. Chinese. B. Hindi. C. English. D. Spanish26. Which is the correct order of the business world by 2050?A. Hindi Urdu Spanish Indonesian. B. UrduHindi Indonesian.C. Russian Indonesian. D. HindiBengali Urdu Indonesian.27. It can be inferre

24、d from the text that _.A. Chinese is not widely used in the scientific fieldsB. Spanish is very popular as a second language in Spanish schools.C. French has made rapid progress especially in Europe.D. East Africa is more stable and attractive in physics and economy.CBear feet or bare feet?Bear and

25、bare are often confused when used as verbs. While bare means to uncover (a part of the body or other thing) and expose it to view, the verb bear relates to carrying or supporting. Bear can, of course, be a noun denoting the furry animal. Bare, on the other hand, can also be used as an adjective, mea

26、ning not clothed or covered. So it does make quite a difference whether someone has bear feet or bare feet.A stationery car or a stationary car?Another very common mistake is to confuse stationary and stationery. The two have the same pronunciation and their spelling is very similar, but while stati

27、onary is an adjective meaning not moving, stationery is a noun referring to writing materials.A dessert island or a desert island?While staying on a dessert island may sound quite attractive to some, youd probably be more likely to end up on a desert island after having survived a shipwreck(海难). Sim

28、ilarly to the stationary and stationery confusion, a single letter can make a big difference here. Desert can be used both as a noun and a verb, meaning a waterless, empty area and to abandon someone. A dessert, on the other hand, is the sweet course of a meal.A supermarket isle or a supermarket ais

29、le?There may be no such things as dessert islands, but what about supermarket isles? Isle and aisle are both nouns, with the former referring to an island, and the latter to a passage between rows of seats. Thus, youd perhaps come across an aisle rather than an isle while doing your grocery shopping.28. When talking about bare feet, we are referring to _?A. the furry animal B. carrying feet C. covering feet D. wearing no shoes 29. According to the text, we know an aisle can help people_. A. do some grocery shopping B. live on an island C. fight bravely D. make more

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