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1、高考英语高频重要词汇详解汇总03高考英语高频词汇用法详解03give orders for 吩咐做;2.a request (as to a tradesman) to supply goods 定货; 定货单be on order已经订购place an order for sth. with sb.向某人订购某物3. the special way in which a group of people, objects, etc., arearranged in connection with each other顺序; 次序in order整齐; 按顺序in order of以为序in

2、good order(= orderly adj.) 井井有条out of order出了故障4. purpose目的; 意向: in order to(+do sth) 以便; 为了in order that(+ 从句)(=so that) 以便; 为了从句的谓语动词之前要有情态动词might,can, could, may等5. the condition in which laws and rules are obeyed by most of thepeople and the government or the person(s) in charge can keepcontrol规

3、则; 秩序v. to give an order; command命令后接that 从句, 从句谓语动词用should +动词原形, should可以省略. order 作名词后接同位语从句和表语从句也一样order sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事ordinary adj. not usual; common 普通的; 平常的; 平凡的in an ordinary way 用普通的方法in the ordinary way按惯例out of the ordinary(= unusual; uncommon) 不寻常的; 特殊的ordinary-looking adj. 长相一般的

4、ordinarily adv. (= in an ordinary way; usually) 正常的, 一般地; 通常ant. special ; extraordinaryorganize/ organise vt./vi. to form (parts ) into a whole组织, 建立; 组织起来organization n. the arrangement of parts so as to form an effective whole/ agroup of people with a special purpose, such as a club orbusiness 组织

5、organizer n. 组织者other adj. 1.the remaining (one or ones ) of a set; what is/are left as wellas that / those mentioned剩余的, 其余的2.( +than) additional ; more as well多余的;其他的;更多的3. not the same; not this; not oneself; not ones own, etc.不同的;不是这个的;别人的;非自己的the other day every other day write on every other l

6、ine pron.另一个人(物); 其余的人(物); 其他人(物): each other相互; 彼此; the otherone一个另一个otherssome 一些另一些; 比较级+than any other +n.(单) /比较级+ than anyof the other +n.(复): 比任何都;the two other books = the other two books = two other books 还有两本书;辨析 other, the other, others, the others, another: other作前置定语, 修饰单数或复数名词, 表示泛指; a

7、nother用于泛指三者以上的不定数目中的 另一个. 其名词前不要加冠词. the other表示两者加的 另一个 或两部分中的 另一部分. 是特指. others用作代词, 泛指 其他人 或 其它物. the others指整体中除去一部分后, 剩余的全部. 表特指.otherwise adv. if not; or else 否则, 要不然 同or , or elseought aux. v. to have the moral duty (to do something); should应当; 应该(须与to 连用)ought to do sth.应该做某事oughtnt (=ought

8、 not )to do sth.不应该做某事ought to have done sth.(过去)本应该做某事(而实际上没做)(表示后悔或责备)syn. shouldour pron. belonging to uswe的所有格, 形容词性物主代词我们的ours pron. that/those belonging to us名词性物主代词(= our + n.) 我们的ourselves pron. we的反身代词我们自己by ourselves 独立地out adv. away from the inside; in or to the open air, the outside, etc

9、.在外; 向外; 离开be worn out穿破; 累坏go out出去; 熄灭find a way out 找到出路tire out使精疲力竭put out(使)熄灭turn out熄灭work out算出; 解出speak out 大声说be sold out被卖完了out of 在外; 在外; 缺乏; 没有; 用完; 由于; 出于out of work失业out of ones reach够不着out of breath 上气不接下气outdoors adv. in the open air在户外; 在野外outdoor adj. existing, happening, done, o

10、r used in the open air户外的; 室外的ant. indooroutside n. the outer part of a solid object; the part that is furthest fromthe centre, or that faces away towards other people or towardsthe open air外部;外面;外表;外层adj. 1. facing the outside外部的2. in the open air户外的3. coming from or happening elsewhere外来的;确良发生于他处的

11、adv. & prep. on or to the outside (of)在外面;在外; 向外; 在附近ant. insideover prep. 1.directly above, higher than , but not touching在上方2. more than; to the other side of esp. going up and then downagain; from side to side 越过, on, or through many or all parts of 遍及4.during; in the course of (an event or p

12、eriod)在.时间内;蒙古自治区在.过程中adv. 1. directly above在上2.across a distance or open space 越过, 超过3. ended or finished结束; 完了all over浑身; 全身; 全部; 整个; 在整个all over the country/world 全国/全世界over and over again 反复不断地; 再三over there在那边(指较远处)go over复习show sb. over some place 领某人走遍某地(参观)ant. under辨析 1. over, through, acro

13、ss: over指从一个物体的一边经上方到另一边的越过 through 指(在空间)通过一物体或洞穴的穿过 、“通过”. Across指在同一范围内从一边到另一边的横过, 指平面穿过.2. over above, on: above 表示 “在之上” , 指斜上方, 其反义词为below; over表示 “在正上方, 垂直于之上”, 可以有面与面的接触,也可以有一定的距离. 其反义词为under. on表示“ 在的面上”, 强调有接触.overcoat n. C a long warm coat worn over other clothes by men and womenwhen goin

14、g out esp. in cold weather 大衣, 外衣owe vt. 1. to have to pay欠债2. to have to give负有债务; 应向某人付出 feel grateful to sb. for归功于; 感激owing to(= because of) 由于; 因为own adj. belonging to oneself自己的vt. possess something , esp. by lawful right拥有; 持有; 所有2.admit 承认 pron.自己的东西of ones own 属于某人自己的on ones own 独立

15、地; 独自地; 亲自地owner n. C a person who owns something esp. one who possesses something bylawful right所有人; 主人ownership n. U possession, esp. by lawful right.所有制; 所有关系ox (pl. oxen) n. C a male cow which has been made unable to breed, used forpulling vehicles and for heavy work on farms 公牛ant. cow 奶牛pack p

16、 put (things, esp. ones belongings) into ( cases, boxes, etc.for travelling or storing捆; 扎; 打包; 包装; 打行李 n.a number of things wrapped or tied together , or put in a case, esp. for carrying on the back by a person or animal 包; 捆; 束; 行李;a pack of 一群(包、副、盒、伙、派,);packs of 大量的; 一大堆的packet 5pAkItn.a

17、small package; a number of small things tied or put together into a small box, case, or bag小包; 小捆; 小盒; 小袋;a packet of 一包(盒、捆, )page peidVn. one side of a sheet of paper in a book , newspaper, etc., usu. numered页; 页码:turn to page翻到页;Open the book at page 请把书翻到页;turn the page over 翻过一页pain peinn. 1. U

18、suffering; great discomfort of the body or mind 疼; 疼痛: have a pain in ones head(= have a headache) 头痛; have pains all over浑身疼痛; cry with pain痛得哭起来2. C a feeling of suffering or discomfort in a particular part of the body; a feeling of annoyance or displeasure常用复数形式 劳苦; 苦心; (内心的)痛苦;No pains, no gains

19、 不劳则无获;spare no pains不辞劳苦;be at the pain of learning 刻苦学习 同ache 反pleasure 辨析pain 指肉体的、精神的痛苦; ache指连续的、局部的隐隐作痛painful 5peinfUladj. 1.causing pain痛的; 痛苦的2. hard or difficult 费力的; 艰苦的painfully adv. 反 painlesspaint put paint on (a surface)粉刷; 油漆; make a picture or pictures of somebody or

20、 something using paint(用颜料等)绘画;paint from nature 写生; paint in oils/water colours画油画/画水彩画;paint the house粉刷/油漆屋子;paint sth. red/ green 把某物染成红色/绿色n. liquid colouring matter which can be put or spread on a surface to make it a certain colour油漆; 涂料; (常复数:paints)颜料:Fresh/ Wet paint!油漆未干!a peace of paint一

21、幅绘画作品;painter 5peintn.a person who paints pictures; artist 绘画者;(油)画家paintbrush n.画笔; 画刷painting 5peintINn. 油画; 水彩画 同drawing; picture 辨析 painting, drawing, picture, portrait:painting泛指油画、 水彩画等带有色彩的绘画作品。drawing泛指黑白类的绘画作品或线条画;指素描作品。picture泛指各类绘画作品、图片,亦可表示电影作品。portrait 指人物的肖像, 或人物肖像的语言描写。pair pZn. C som

22、ething made up of two parts that are alike and which are joined and used together一双; 一对; 一副; 一条; 一把;a pair of匼(后接 “物”时, 谓语动词用单数;后接 “人”时, 谓语动词则用复数。)一双, 一对:a new pair of shoes(= a pair of new shoes) 一双新鞋子;in pairs 成双地 辨析 pair, couple: 两者都含有 “双”、“对”之意; pair可以用于人或物, 指物时, 常指其中之一受损, 另一个则不能使用的物品; couple指被视

23、为一体的, 同类的两个人或物: a couple of (= a few, several) (Am.E.) 几个palace 5pAlIsn. a large grand house where a ruling king or queen officially lives/ a large , often showy building for public amusement, dancing, eating, etc.宫; 宫殿:the Childrens Palace少年宫; the Summer Palace颐和园 近 temple(以供奉神祗为主的)宫殿;寺院pale peilad

24、j. having less than the usual amount of colour; rather white(脸色)苍白的; 灰白的;(颜色)暗淡的:look / turn/ go pale 看起来苍白/变苍白;in pale苍白的;pale blue 浅蓝色 反darkpan pAnn. any of various kinds of container usu. with one long handle, used esp. in cooking.aaathey are often wide, not very deep, made of metal, and often wi

25、thout a cover平锅; 盘子 pancake n. 薄煎饼paper 5peipn. U material made in the form of sheets from very thin threads of wood or cloth, used for writing or printing on, coverying parcels or walls, etc.纸 :a piece of paper (= a sheet of paper) 一张纸; a fine paper 一种优质纸Ca set of printed questions used as an exami

26、nation in a particular subject试卷、a piece of writing书面作业、论文、newspaper报纸.paragraph5pArgrB:f n. C (pl. paragraphs) a division of a written or printed piece made up of 1 or more sentences, of which the first word is set a little inwards to the right of a new line(文章)段;节pardon 5pB:dnvt. (+for) to forgive

27、; excuse 原谅; 宽恕: pardon sb. for (doing) sth.原谅某人做某事n. (+for)forgiveness 原谅; 宽恕:I beg your pardon(= Beg your pardon =Pardon)? 常用于:作错了事表示道歉(用降调)(相当于Im sorry.);谈话中提出导议(用升调)(相当于Im afraid I disagree with what you have just said./ Im afraid I think that what you have just said is not true/proper.);没听清对方的话

28、,要求重复一遍(用升调)(相当于I did not hear/ understand what you said and would you like to repeat it / say it again?)辨析pardon, excuse:excuse指原谅某人的小过失或疏忽。常用来客气地打断某人的话, 或引起某人的注意:Excuse me(用升调);pardon指饶恕严重的过失,尤其指法律或道德上的过失;也可以表示原谅礼节上的疏忽(此词比较正式)。parent 5pZrntn. (often pl.常用复数) the father or mother of a person; the f

29、ather and mother of a person 父亲或母亲;父母亲Paris 5pArIsn. the capital of France 巴黎park pB:kn. a large public garden in a town or city used by the public for pleasure and rest 公园v. to put or place (a car or other vehicle) for a time; to leave something in a place for a certain time停车;放置:No parking here 此处

30、禁止停车!car park (Br.E.)/ parking lot(Am. E.) 停车场part pB:tn. 1. any of the pieces that make up a whole 部分; 部件: part of部分(作主语时, 谓语动词的数取决于of后的名词或代词的数); a part of 一大部分; parts of有些部分; part of speech 词类; for ones part 就某人而言; 至于某人; 对某人来说; for the most part(= mostly; most of the time; in most cases)主要地; 大部分时间

31、地; 大部分情况; in part一部分; 部分地2.a character acted by an actor in a play角色:have /take a part of 扮演角色 play a part in (= have an influence on/ have an effect on)对有影响/在中起作用3.a share or duty in some activity分担责任;参加:take part in 参加(某项活动)v. to (cause to) separate 分手; 分别; 分开; 分裂: part from sb. 与某人分手; part with sth. 舍弃某物partly 5pB:tlIadv. 1. not completely 部分地; 不完全地2. In some degree有几分地particular p5tIkjUladj. 1.worthy of notice; special; unusual值得注意的; 特别的; 不寻常的2.single and different from others; of a certain sort独特的; 某

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