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1、道歉的英文句子道歉的英文句子(最新版)编制人:_审核人:_审批人:_编制单位:_编制时间:_年_月_日序言下载提示:该文档是本店铺精心编制而成的,希望大家下载后,能够帮助大家解决实际问题。文档下载后可定制修改,请根据实际需要进行调整和使用,谢谢!并且,本店铺为大家提供各种类型的经典范文,如励志语录、爱情句子、经典句子、唯美句子、幸福句子、伤感句子、心情句子、哲理句子、友情句子、正能量句子等等,想了解不同范文格式和写法,敬请关注!Download tips: This document is carefully compiled by this editor. I hope that after

2、 you download it, it can help you solve practical problems. The document can be customized and modified after downloading, please adjust and use it according to actual needs, thank you!In addition, this shop provides you with various types of classic sample essays, such as inspirational quotes, love

3、 sentences, classic sentences, beautiful sentences, happy sentences, sentimental sentences, mood sentences, philosophical sentences, friendship sentences, positive energy sentences, etc. I want to understand Please pay attention to the different format and writing styles of sample essays!道歉的英文句子1、对不

4、起,是我让你难堪,大度的你,自然不会与糊涂的我一般见识吧!Sorry, I embarrassed you, generous you, naturally will not be confused with my general knowledge!2、从一瞬间的爱到一生的情,需要更多的理解与包容,亲爱的是否原谅我?From a moment of love to a life of love, need more understanding and tolerance, my dear forgive me3、原谅我吧,知道吗,每天我都如同生活在暴风雨的袭击中。求你许我一个阳光灿烂天吧!F

5、orgive me, you know, I live like a storm every day. Please grant me a sunny day!4、对不起,这两天惹你生气了!不是有意的,原谅我吧!别往心里去!Im sorry, youve been angry these two days! Not intentionally, forgive me! Dont take it to heart!5、爱我的人是你,伤你的人是我,愿用心抚平你的伤口,愿再度牵手。The one who loves me is you, and the one who hurts you is me

6、. I would like to heal your wound with my heart and hold hands again.6、虽然我常常惹你生气,但这并不是我的本意。我是多么的爱你,爱到连生命都可以舍弃。Although I often make you angry, its not my intention. I love you so much that I can abandon my life.7、真对不起啊,昨天我不该说那样的话,一时口快,一时口快,嘿嘿,今晚我请你吃饭吧。Im sorry. I shouldnt have said that yesterday. I

7、ts a snap. Its a snap. Hey hey, Ill invite you to dinner tonight.8、也许是我的幼稚刺伤了你的心!因为真的太想见你,心里从来没有那么在乎。原谅我好吗?Maybe my naivety hurt your heart! Because I really want to see you, my heart never cared so much. Will you forgive me9、我知道你生气了,而且你每次生气我都好害怕,理解我,好吗?原谅我,好吗?I know youre angry, and every time your

8、e angry, Im afraid. Understand me, okay Forgive me, will you10、对不起,是我伤了你的心,请原谅我,我会一辈子疼你爱你作为补偿!Sorry, I hurt your heart, please forgive me, I will love you all my life as compensation!11、最感人的道歉的话语对不起,是我伤了你的心,请原谅我,我会一辈子疼你爱你作为补偿!The most touching words of apology I am sorry, I hurt your heart, please f

9、orgive me, I will love you all my life as compensation!12、也许我的任性不小心伤害了你,但是我要让你知道我不是故意的。为了你,我会改。Maybe my willfulness hurt you accidentally, but I want you to know that I didnt mean to. I will change it for you.13、假如昨天有什么得罪了你,迁怒了你,那我今天来道歉,使明天你我同在一把雨伞下。If something offended you yesterday and angered yo

10、u, I apologize today so that you and I can be under an umbrella tomorrow.14、很想和你去吹吹风,吹掉我给你的不愉快,只留下我给你的开心。I would like to go and blow the wind, blow off the unpleasant I give you, leaving only my happiness for you.15、我一直很用心的爱你,我不想欠你有太多,如果有一天我真的走,你一定要原谅我。I have always loved you with all my heart. I do

11、nt want to owe you too much. If one day I really go, you must forgive me.16、如果你生气就直接骂我吧,打我一顿也行,就是别不理我呀哥们。If youre angry, scold me directly, or hit me once, just dont ignore me, buddy.17、我该打,我该骂,全怪我不听你的话,宝贝儿不要再生气了好吗?I should fight, I should scold, blame me me for not listening to you, baby, dont get

12、angry again, okay18、我不好,我检讨;我不对,我有罪;是我错,我该过。亲爱的,请你原谅我。Im not good, I review; Im not right, Im guilty; its my fault, I should. Dear, please forgive me.19、我知道。你一定是生气了。因为我看到:你的头发炸起来了。Thats true. You must be angry. Because I see: your hair is blown up.20、我想,我犯的错误并不太大,但需要一辈子来向你解释,听听成吗?I dont think Ive ma

13、de too many mistakes, but it takes a lifetime to explain to you. Listen to me21、对不起,下次不敢啦!请接受我诚心的道歉,不要再生气了,好不好?Sorry, Im afraid next time. Please accept my sincere apology and stop getting angry, okay22、亲爱的:你说我写的情书是长篇小说,看着累又受罪,所以我改用发短信息,精美又不贵!Dear: You said that my love letter is a novel, tired and

14、suffering, so I used to send short messages, exquisite and inexpensive!23、所有的理由和解释都是苍白无力的,我选择在沉默中等待你的原谅。All the reasons and explanations are weak. I choose to wait for your forgiveness in silence.24、对不起!不好意思!我错了!别介意!我投降了!我快顶不住了!原谅我吧!Im sorry! Sorry! I was wrong! Dont you mind I surrendered! I cant s

15、tand it anymore! Forgive me.25、我知道你很生气。而且你每次生气我都好害怕。理解我,好么?原谅我,好么?I know youre angry. And every time you get angry, Im afraid. Understand me, okay Forgive me, okay26、如果你生气就直接骂我吧,千万不要对着我掉眼泪,那样的话我的心都会碎成千万片。If you are angry, scold me directly. Dont shed tears at me, then my heart will be broken into te

16、ns of millions.27、我的手机会一直为你开着,如果你肯原谅我,随时可以联系我。My cell phone will always be on for you. If you forgive me, you can contact me anytime.28、你说我写的情书是长篇小说,看着累又受罪,所以我改用发短信息,精美又不贵!You said that my love letter is a long novel, tired and suffering, so I used to send short messages, exquisite and inexpensive!2

17、9、我不好,我检讨;我不对,我有罪;是我错,我该过。我的好朋友,请你原谅我!Im not good, I review; Im not right, Im guilty; its my fault, I should. My good friend, please forgive me!30、我是一个笨蛋,但是请相信我,我并不是有意的。能原谅我吗?亲爱的!Im a fool, but believe me, I didnt mean to. Can you forgive me Dear!31、看到你伤心,我也悲伤。无论任何事,只要能换取你一刻的微笑,我也会毫不犹豫的去做。Seeing you

18、 sad, I am sad, too. No matter what, as long as you can exchange a moments smile, I will not hesitate to do it.32、看着你秀美的脸上挂着淡淡的泪痕,我的心也一阵绞痛,让我说声:让这一切过去吧!Looking at your beautiful face with faint tears, my heart is also a colic, let me say: let it all go!33、终于体会到了五内俱焚的痛楚,只盼落崖的感觉在嘭然落地声中结束!Finally, I re

19、alized the pain of burning all the five interiors. I just hope that the feeling of falling off the cliff will end in the sound of falling to the ground.34、都是我乱说惹的祸,对不起,我再也不乱说了,请你原谅我。Its all my blame. Sorry, I wont blame any more. Please forgive me.35、千变万变不变的是我的心;千错万错都是我一人的错;千言万语只想说一声对不起。Its my heart

20、 that keeps changing; its all my fault; its just a thousand words to say Im sorry.36、如果说我的任性使你生气,那对不起。如果你还是不肯原谅,那你爱干嘛干嘛去。If my willfulness makes you angry, Im sorry. If you still refuse to forgive, why do you like to go37、小女人一个,但我很喜欢。以后再也不惹你生气了,想你,念你,恨不得啃啃你!Little woman, but I like it very much. I w

21、ill never make you angry again. I miss you and miss you. I wish I could gnaw you.38、我知道都是我的错,请你原谅我吧,我们以后都不要再吵架了好吗?I know its all my fault. Please forgive me. Lets not quarrel any more, OK39、太爱你所以伤害你,伤害你所以你生气,你生气所以我要说对不起,对不起,对不起!Love you so much that hurt you, hurt you so that you are angry, you are

22、angry, so I want to say sorry, sorry, sorry!40、对不起,昨天不是有意气你的,你还好吧?在家干什么呢,没有生我气吧?Sorry, you werent annoyed yesterday. Are you okay What are you doing at home Arent you mad at me41、对不起,我鼓起勇气去说不出口,换种方式告诉你,不知能否得到你的原谅?Sorry, I have the courage to go out and tell you in another way. I wonder if I can get

23、your forgiveness.42、人只有在失去的时候,才真真懂得拥有的价值。我不想你有价值,更不想失去你。Only when people lose can they really understand the value they have. I dont want you to be valuable, let alone lose you.43、什么样的话语都代替不了我愧疚的心情,我该怎样才能得到你原谅呢?What kind of words can not replace my guilty mood, how can I get your forgiveness44、一生爱你,

24、因你的笑而笑,因你的痛而痛。诚恳地希望得到你的谅解。Love you all your life, laugh because of your laughter, and pain because of your pain. I sincerely hope to have your understanding.45、也许是我的幼稚刺伤了你的心!别再用痛苦的过去折磨自己!我并无害你之心!Maybe my naivety hurt your heart! Dont torture yourself with a painful past! Im not harmful to your heart

25、!46、忏悔我曾试着用豆腐撞死,拿面条上吊,但都失败了,你叫我怎么办?Confession I tried to kill with tofu and hang noodles, but failed. What do you want me to do47、我是一个糊涂虫,我是一个笨蛋,但是请相信我,我并不是有意的。能原谅我吗?亲爱的。Im a fool, Im a fool, but believe me, I didnt mean to. Can you forgive me Dear.48、忏悔:我曾试着用豆腐撞死,拿面条上吊,但都失败了,你叫我怎么办?Confession: I tr

26、ied to kill with tofu and hang noodles, but they all failed. What do you want me to do49、男人如果得不到女人的谅解。就算膝下有黄金又能怎样。我跪下来表示百分之百的赔罪!If a man cant get the understanding of a woman. What if theres gold under your knees I knelt down to make a hundred percent apology!50、我已经不再生你的气了,象我这样胸襟开阔、德高望重的人肯定会原谅你还在生我的

27、气的!Im not angry with you anymore. A man with an open mind and high moral standing like me will surely forgive you for still being angry with me!51、面对多少困难,你的一句安慰使我勇往直前,这一切的一切,只因你是我的朋友。In the face of many difficulties, a word of comfort from you makes me go forward bravely. All this is because you are my friend.

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