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1、初二英语新目标英语八年级上册代词练习新目标英语八年级上册代词练习试题与解析根据句子上下文的内容,选择最佳答案填空。1、Shall I sit end of the boat or the other end? If you keed still,you can sit at _end. A、neither B.any C.each D.either2Did all the students in your class pass the test? Some of them did._didnt. A.Another B.The other C.Some other D.Others3.I in

2、vited Tom and Ann to dinner,but_of them came. A.neither B.both C.either D.none4.Three of our classmates,including_,will go to_help. and I;his and me;his C.I and you;his and you;his5.Have you finished your report yet? No,Ill finish in_ten minutes. A.another B.other C.more D.less6_of

3、them knew about the plan because it was kept it a secret. A.Each B.Any C.No one D.None7.We couldnt eat in a restaurant becaust_of us had_money on us. A.all;no B.any;no C.none;any one;any8.The boy promised_mother never to lie to _again. A.his;him B.her;her C.her;him D.his;her9.A child_parents ar

4、e dead is called an orphan. A.which B.his C.whose D.with10.All_is needed is a supply of oil. A.the thing B.those C.that D.which11.He paid the boy ¥10 for washing ten windows,most of _hadnt been cleaned for at least a year. A.these B.those C.that D.which12.His parents wouldnt let him marry anyone _fa

5、mily was poor. A.of whom B.whom C.of whose D.whose13.She heard a terrible noise,_brought her heart into her mouth. B.which C.this D.that14. Alice received an invitation from her boss,_came as a surprise. B.that C.which D.he15.The warther turned out to be very good,_was more than we could e

6、x-pect. A.what B.which C.that D.it16.In the dark street,there wasnt a single person_she could turn for help. A.that B.who C.from whom whom17._have a new EnglishChinese dictionary. A.Every of us B.Each of us C.Each D.We each18.Do you think_diffcult to answer these questions? A.that B.very D

7、.yourself19.Is this museum_some German friends visited the day before yesterday? A.which B.that C.where D.the one20.Doyou agree that power is _makes things work? A.something B.anything C.what D.that21.The old woman had three sons,all of _served in the army during the war. A.whom B.them C.which D.tho

8、se22.Was it during the Second World War_he died? A.that B.while which D.then23.Is_necessary to take off our shoes when we enter the lab? A.everyone B.this C.her D.it24.The bird builds _nest in the tree. A.her B.its C.its D.hers25.After he finished middle school,he taught_Japanese. A.he B.himsel

9、f C.him D.his26.Mr Smith is said to teach_English next term. A.our B.ours C.we D.us27._he said at the meeting astonished everybody present. A.What B.That C.The fact D.The matter28._leaves the room last ought to turn off the light. A.Anyone B.The person C.Whichever D.whenever29.It is generally consid

10、ered unwise to give a child_he or she wants. A.however B.whatever C.Either D.Whether30._writer is better known in China,Charls Dickens or Mark Twain. A.Which B.What C.Either D.Whether31.Mr Zhang gave the textbooks to all the pupils except_who had already taken them. A.the ones B.ones C.some D.the ot

11、hers32.Therere so many kinds of taperecorders on sale that I cant make up my mind_to buy. A.what B.which D.where33.Is_here? No,Bob and Tim have asked for leave? A.anybody B.somebody C.everybody D.nobody34.I agree whth most of what you said ,but I dont agree with_. A.everything B.anything C.som

12、ething D.nothing35.Sarah has read lots of stories by American writers.Now shewould like to read_stories by writers from_countries. A.some;any B.other;some C.some;other D.other;other36.Toms mother kept telling him that should work harder,but_didnt help. A.he B.which C.she D.it37.Not far from the scho

13、ol there was a garden,_owner seated in it playing chess with his little son every afternoon. A.whose B.its C.which D.that38.Are his songs wonderful? Certainly! Ive never heard such good songs_he sings. C.which D.that39.One of the students hasnt prepared_lessons well. A.ones B.their C.his

14、 D.its40._of us is active in sports meet. A.Every B.Every one C.Everyone D.Anybody41.Do you like these computers? I dont like_. A.all them B.them all C.everyone D.any42.I have English classes_day,Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays, A.each other B.every other C.this and other D.all other43._want to see t

15、he film. A.Every student B.Each student C.All of students D.All the students44.Of the three foreign guests,one is from London,_two are from NewYork. A.other B.the other C.some D.any45.During the test no one is allowed to read_book. A.some B.any D.a46.Can she be _foolish A.much B.that C.such D.e

16、nough47.Im one who _like to watch TV. A.dont B.doesnt C.have not D.not48._of the boys has got a pencil and some paper. A.All B.Every C.Everyone D.Each49._but fools will believe what he said. A.None B.Nothing C.Anything D.Everything50.What do you think of the cake? Its nice.Id like to have_. A.some o

17、ther B.another C.others D.other【试题解析】1、答案选D。参见本章四3。Either表示两人或两物中的任何一个,是肯定说法。船有两端,根据“If you keep still”所以选D。2、答案选D。该句的含义是:“有些人通过了考试,有些人没有通过考试”。Others为代词,泛指别的人或物。又如:Some people believe it ,others not,有些人相信,也有些人不相信。参见本章四9。3、答案选A。该题考查不定代词的用法。前句中的Tom and Ann和转折连词but可以暗示考生,A为正确答案。如果想使D是正确的,则应在前句中再加一个人名;如

18、果将题干中的but换成and,则B为正确答案。参见本章四3。4、答案选B。Including为介词,后面就接代词的宾格。所以A、C两项可同时排除。go to sb.s help(去帮助某人)是惯用法。连续的人称代词,要以you,he and I为序。所以只能选B。5、答案选A。Another修饰可数名词,放在基数词前表示在现有基础上“再”增加“”;other指“其他的”、“其余的”不符合题意;more表示“另外的”,“附加的”常放在基数词不达意和量词之后,“再要十分钟”必须是“ten more minutes。所以答案为A。6、答案选D。7、答案选C。该题的考试目标有两项,一是不定代词的用法;

19、一是对全句的理解。如果考生只注意语言结构,而忽视其内容和意思,很可能会选A。实际上C才是正确答案。选项A只是句子结构正确,便它是部分否定句,与We couldnt eat in a resdtaurant 相矛盾,故应排除。8、答案选D。9、答案选C。该题的考试目标是定语从句中关系代词的用法。在定语从句中起所有格作用(the childs),修饰限定parents。10.答案选B。在英语中,先行词是all 或anything,everything 和nothing时,其关系代词应用that,而不能用which。11.答案选D。12、答案选D。13、答案选 B。which在这里引导非限定性定语从

20、句,指代的是She heard a terri-ble noise, 这句话,即“她听到这可怕的声音使她惊恐万分”。该题如用and连,A、C、D三个选项都可为正确。14、答案选C。该题的考试目标与第13题完全相同,which在句中的作用也是如此,即指代前面的一句话,意为“爱莉丝收到了老板的请柬,这一消息来得很突然,令她吃惊”。15、答案选B。16、答案选D。该题考查定语从句中介词+关系代词的用法。如果考生掌握turn to sb.for help(请求某人帮助)这一短语,便可得出D为正确答案。17、答案选D。We each have=Each of us has.each强调个别,可以充当定语

21、、主语、宾语和位语;every强调整体,在句中只作定语。18、答案选C。代词it代替to answer these questions在句中作形式宾语。19、答案选D。20、答案选C。What在该句中引导表语从句,表示“所的事物或人”。该句的含义是“你赞同是电力使事物运行吗?”许多人误选B。如果在anything后加that,that引导一个修饰anything的定语从句就对了。21、答案选A。22、答案选A。23、答案选D。it是形式主语,to不定式短语是真正的主语。24、答案选B。此处应用形容词性物主代词,it的形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词都是its.25、答案选B。26、答案选D。

22、Teach sb.(宾格)sth.“教某人”这里的sb.一定要用宾格。27、答案选A。该题的考试目标是名词性从句中连接代词的用法。what引导主语从句。在句中充当said的宾语,其意义和All that差不多,即“她在会上所说的一切使到会的人在吃一惊。”28、答案选C。该题的考试目标仍为名词性从句中连接代词的用法。与27题不同的是,该题正确答案C(whoever)在句中充当主语,指代人。意思是“无论是谁最后离开房间都应该关灯”。此题如想使A为正确,则应这样设计:_who leaves the room last ought to turn off the light. 即:whoever 相当

23、于anyone who;就像what相当于all that一样。29、答案选B。30、答案选A。该题的考试目标为疑问代词的用法。which在特疑问句中起形容词作用,意思是“哪一位作家在中国更著名,查尔斯.狄更斯还是马克.吐温?”31、答案选A。该题考查定词从句前先行词的用法。根据题干中提供的语境,其先行词应该用人称代词ones,由于被定语从句所修饰,为特指,所以需加冠词the,即:“张先生把教科书分给了所有的学生,那些已经拿走了的学生们除外。”32、答案选B。33、答案选C。该题通过一组对话考查学生对不定代词的运用能力。从当年高考反馈的信息盾,部分考生误选A为答案。恐怕这些考生只死背语法规则,

24、一看这是个疑问句,不看答语,便选了anybody,并认为这道题似乎太简单了。实际上,这是在课堂或其它一些场合中经常运用的交际用语,意思是问“大家都到齐了吗?”。这里再次提醒考生,语法规则必须溶到语言情景之中使其达到交际的目的,决不能独立地使用。34、答案选A。该题的考试目标同33小题。从上文“我同意你说的大部分,”可知,下文应填everything表示半否定。B项填入后该句为全否定。C项不用在否定句中。D项填入后,该句成为肯定句。故B、C、D项是错误的。35、答案选C。36、答案选D。这里的it是代词,指代Toms mother kept telling him that he should

25、work harder,一句话。意思是:“尽管汤姆的妈妈一直告诉他应该努力学习,但就是毫无效果。”37、答案选B。38、答案选A。关系代词as引导了一个定语从句,as在从句中作sings的宾语。该题的含义是“他唱的歌好听吗?”“当然,我从来没有听过她的歌唱得这么好”。39、答案选B。40、答案选B。Everyone,anyone,anybody,no one 指人;every one,any one指物;every one of,any one of,none of可指人也指物;everybody,any-body,nobody指人,不能分开写,也不能接of短语。41、答案选B。42、答案选B

26、。43、答案选D。Every和each表示“每一个”,谓语动词用单数。本句动词want是复数形式,主语可以是All of the students,或All(the)students,但不能说All of students.44、答案选A。the other two在这里可以改为the others.45、答案选B。46、答案选B。this和that有时可置于形容词或副词前表程度。有人说这时它们的词性属于副词是有道理的。再如:I can only give her this much。本题中A项much不能加形容词原级;C项sush修饰名词成份;D项enough修饰形容词或副词时应置于被修饰词之后。47、答案选B。48、答案选D。句中谓语动词是单数形式,答案不可能选用all;every在句中只能作定语;everyone不能与of短语连用;each强调个体,在句中可以作定语,主语、宾语和同位语,作主语时,谓语动词用单数形式,所以答案为D。49、答案选A。50、答案选B。other泛指“另外的”,只作定语。Another表示“再一个”、“另一个”、指在现有基础上“再”增加“一个”。全句意思是:你觉得这蛋糕怎么样?好极了。我还想再吃一块。

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