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Unit 7Word格式文档下载.docx

1、3. 询问可数名词与不可数名词的数量:1) How much yogurt do we need?2) How many apples do we need?询问数量: 可数名词用 不可数名词 3)即学即用:多少牛奶 多少香焦 4.turn on意为 ,试译turn off up down 三、能力培养:仔细看图,根据你的生活经验猜想一下:如何制作香蕉奶昔?试将步骤写下来(只写关键词)问题发现检测反馈1、根据句意及首字母,补全下列单词。(1) The room is dark, Please t on the lights.(2) We should stop the factory from

2、 p dirty water into the river.(3) Read the i on the bottle carefully before you take this medicine.(4) Please b the eggs for five minutes, then you can eat them.(5) I saw him walk i the room half an hour ago.(6) We have soup with t .(7) Before you eat the bananas, you should p them.(8)Id like a c of

3、 coffee.(9) How do you m an orange salad?(10)Today is really hot. I want to drink the banana milk s .2、单项选择(1) Can you help me the vegetables?A. cut down B. cut off C. cut on D. cut up(2) The TV is so noisy, will you please a little?A. turn it up B. turn it off C. turn it down D. turn it on(3) How m

4、any would you like? Two, please. A. milk B. hamburgers C. water D. cake(4) would you like, Tom?A. How much honeys B. How much honeyC. How many honeys D. How many honey(5) Id like to drink .A. some yogurt B. milksC. some juices D. some lettuce(6) He had something to write down and ask me for . A. a p

5、aper B. some papers C. some pieces of papers. D. a piece of paper 我的收获霍山县初中英语导学案年级 八课题 Unit7 Section A (3a-4)主备 叶远财 李晓静 审查崔达霞 时间 2010.7_目 标1.Key vocabulary: finally, salt, boil, add, mix, , popper, popcorn, mix up, addto,put in 2. Key structures: FirstThenNextFinally,Put the popcorn into the popcorn

6、 popper.3.学会描述如何制作水果沙拉。英汉互译mix up popcorn add to turn on(反义词) 打开搅拌器 切碎西瓜 喝奶昔 煮面条 二、合作探究:1.Put the popcorn into the popcorn popper.把爆米花放进爆米花机里。Putinto把。放进。(容器)里 比较:put in 放入/putin把放入Lets_ some ingredients.我们放入一些原料吧。Lets _ some ingredients_ the noodles.我们把一些原料放入面条里吧。类似短语: put down _ put up _put on_put

7、off_2.mix it all up : mix up意为混合在一起,短语中的up是副词,接代词时放于mix和up中间。We must _ _ all the fruit.3.你吃过水果沙拉吗?试想它的制作过程,并写下来,再与同伴交流。4.试将3a方框中的单词填入空白处,并自己动手制作一份水果沙拉,与父母分享。5.记住3a中表示次序的词语,并用其写一段话,介绍如何做爆米花。First Next Then Finally6.游戏准备每小组内合作写出一种食物的制作过程的做法,然后把它剪开备用;在课堂上让另一组试着按制作过程的顺序排好。比一比,看哪组最先完成任务?课题Unit7SectionA(3

8、a-4)主备 叶远财 李晓静 审查崔达霞 时间2010.71、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(1)Please cut the apple into (half).(2) How many (tomato) do we have?(3) Do you know when we will have our (finally) exam this term?(4) Put two (teaspoon) of honey into the bowl.(5)Please (add) some salt to the noodles.2、句型转换(1)There is a little water in t

9、he cup.(画线部分提问) water is there in the cup?(2)You must peel the bananas before you eat them. the bananas before you eat them.(3)Turn on the TV.(改为否定句) on the TV.(4)We need two apples(就画线部分提问) apples we ?(5)You should cut them up first.( 改为祈使句) them up first.3、根据汉语提示,完成英语句子。(1)你们需要多少西红柿? do you ?(2)我往

10、面条里加多少盐? do I the noodles?(3)把香蕉和苹果放进搅拌器。 bananas and apples the . (4)先把西红柿切碎,然后和糖搅拌在一起。First, the tomatoes, then them with sugar.我 的收 获年级 八 课题 Unit7Section B主备 储爱国 审查 聂宜军1、 Key vocabulary: sandwich, bread, butter, relish, lettuce, slice, turkey, puton, a slice of, turkey slices, take turns2、 Key st

11、ructures: Do you like lettuce in sandwich? Yes, I do. No, I dont. 3、 学会描述自己喜欢的三明治。1.翻译短语turkey slices a slice of bread put on take turns 二、合作交流1将sandwich , bread ,butter, turkey,relish, tomato, onion, lettuce按不可数名词和可数名词分类,并写出可数名词的复数形式。不可数名词 可数名词 可数和不可数名词 2take turns轮流,依次Turn 的用法: v. 翻,转,变得 n. 顺序,轮流读

12、以下句子,辨析turn 的用法:1) Please turn left. 2) Take turns asking your partners. 3) Her face turned red when she heard the news. 3.请看看1a图中食物的名称,设计一份自己喜欢的三明治,请将原料写在下面:4.根据调查了解,试口头叙述三明治的制作过程。(请将关键词列出来)5.记住以下句式,再与同伴交流你喜欢的三明治。Do you like onions in sandwiches? Yes, I do. No, I dont.问 题发 现1、用所给单词适当形式填空(1)Id like

13、two (slice) of chicken.(2)Do you like some (tomato)?(3)There (be) some bottles of milk in my bag.(4)You need (cut) up onions.(5)I usually have milk and (bread) for breakfast.(1) - Ive got a little in my house- Why not keep two or more?A. juice B. mice C. bread D. fish(2) - Would you like some drinks

14、, boys?- Yes, , please.A. some oranges B. two boxes of chocolatesC. some cakes D. two bottles of orange(3) - What do you have for breakfast?- I often have or A. breads; noodles B. bread; noodlesC. breads; noodles D. bread; noodle(4) Kate, could you the radio a bit? Your father is sleeping now.A. tur

15、n down B. turn off C. turn up D. turn on(5) People in America eat much . A. coffee B. onions C. beef D. iced tea3. 用适当的介词填空:(1)What do you like your sandwich?(2) I like sandwiches lettuce and turkey.(3) Put some relish your bread. Its delicious.(4) Dont forget to add some salt the food.(5) We need t

16、wo slices bread when we make sandwiches.年级八课题Unit7 Section B(3a_selfcheck)主备叶远财李晓静 审查崔达霞时间 2010.7_目标1.Vocabulary: super, top, recipe, check, duck, sauce,roll, pancake, green onion, on the top Heres a recipe for a great turkey sandwich.3.学会描述火鸡三明治的制作过程。一、预习感知: 翻译短语a teaspoon of butter a recipe for an

17、 onion on the top of roll the pancake a great turkey sandwich 1、阅读3a中的食谱,将配料进行分类,填写在表格中。2、认真读3b中的食谱,将方框中单词填写在食谱中。3、练笔:试着写一份食谱,介绍你最喜欢的三明治或一种你最拿手食物的做法,请用上First,next,then,after that,Finally等词。4、读读Self check 1中的句子,选用词的适当形式填空,然后用每个词造句。5、读懂Self check中活动2,借助图片写出北京烤鸭的正确吃法,有条件的同学自己动手试一试。5、语法聚焦试归纳可数名词和不可数名词的用

18、法:1).概念: 可数名词所表示的人或物 来计;它们有 数 和 数之分。 不可数名词所表示的事物 来计;它们没有 数 和 数之分。2).数量:可数名词单数前面可用不定冠词 和 ;复数时可用 表示少数, 表示数量很多。 不可数名词前面不可以使用不定冠词,只用 表示少量, 表示数量很多。3).询问数量:可数名词用 ? 不可数名词用 ?年级八课题 Unit7Section B(3a_selfcheck)主备叶远财李晓静审查崔达霞 时间2010.71. 将下列名词分类beef banana milk apple bread yogurt fruit tomato cheese turkey teasp

19、oon bowl cake water orange sandwich可数名词:不可数名词:2根据反语提示完成句子。(1)Please ( 打开) the blender.(2) We need ( 3茶匙) honey.(3) Please give me ( 2片) bread.(4)Can you teach me ( 怎样)make popcorn?(5)Milk (对有益) our health, We should (喝)more milk.3补全对话A: Lets 1 fruit salad. B: OK, good 2 . How 3 yogurt do we need. On

20、e cup B: And how 4 apples do we need? Let me think, We need two apples. OK. and how much milk do we need? We 5 two cups of milk. OK. I pour them into a bowl, and mix them. Then we can eat.我 收 年级八课题 Unit7单元检测主备叶远财李晓静审查崔达霞 时间 2010.7_一、单项选择(10分)( ) 1. Father is sleeping. Will you the radio a little?A.

21、turn on B. turn off C. turn up D. turn down( ) 2. Its getting dark, please the light.A. turn up B. turn off C. turn on D. turn down( ) 3. Two teaspoons of milk than a cup of coffee.A. is more B. is less C. are more D. are less ( ) 4. Do you know how popcorn?A. make B. to make C. do D. to do( ) 5. Id

22、 like lettuce my sandwich and Id like honey my pizza.A. on; in B. in; on C. on; on D. in; in( ) 6. “ bread is there on the table?” -“I can see .”A. How many; five B. How many; fifth C. How many; five pieces D. How much; five pieces( ) 7. Lucy says she needs .A. have a rest B. to have a rest C. has a

23、 rest D. to having a rest( ) 8. Theres chicken in the cupboard. Go and buy some.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( ) 9. -“Im hungry. Can you give me some food to eat?” - “Here are only rice left.”A. a bowl B. two bowl C. two bowls D. two bowls of( ) 10. This weekend, I spent money on story books

24、.A. a large amount of B. the amount of C. a large number of D. the number of二、句型转换(10分)1. Lily needs some help.(改为一般疑问句) Lily help?2. Finally, Wei Fang finished her math test.(改为同义句) , Wei Fang finished her math test.3. We need to have much water.(就画线部分提问) you ?4. My mother put in two teaspoons of b

25、utter.(就画线部分提问) butter your mother put in?5. Please be here on time. (改为同义句) Please here late.四、根据汉语提示完成句子(10分)1.请往水里加些盐。Please some salt the water.2.他在盘子里把肉切成小块。He the meat on his plate.3.喝杯牛奶怎么样?What about ?4.将酸奶放入冰箱内冷却 your yogurt the fridge cool it.5.请把电视的声音关小。Please the TV.五、完形填空(10分)Different countries have different food. If you go to _31 , you may find _32_fish And chip shops along the 33 . Fish and chips is the 34 popular take-away food in England. People often 35 this kind of food at shops, 36 sometimes they put the food 37

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