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1、剑桥一级复习计划一词汇(46个分3天记忆) Food 食物 colour 颜色 fruit 水果 Breakfast 早餐red 红色的apple 苹果lunch 午餐blue 蓝色的coconut 椰子supper 晚餐green 绿色的watermelon 西瓜tomato 西红柿yellow 黄色的mango 芒果bread 面包brown 棕色的banana 香蕉cake 蛋糕white 白色的lemon 柠檬rice 米饭black 黑色的pear 梨子sausage 香肠purple 紫色的pineapple 菠萝French fries 薯条pink 粉红的ice cream 冰

2、激凌orange 橙色的in 在里egg 鸡蛋gray 灰色的on 在上pea 豌豆under 在下potato 土豆in front of在前面meat 肉behind 在后面carrot 胡萝卜next to 在. 旁边bean 豆角betweenand 在和之间重点操练句型1. Whats your favorite food? I like burgers.2. Whats your favorite fruit? I like apples.3. What color is (are)? What colour are your eyes? 4. Do you like to eat

3、 apples? Yes, I do. No, I dont.5. Where is the book? Its on the desk.1.词汇(39个分3天记忆)drink 饮料 animals 动物 milk牛奶ant 蚂蚁cow 奶牛juice果汁crocodile 鳄鱼sheep 绵羊lime酸橙cat 猫hippo 和马water水frog 青蛙mouse(mice) 老鼠lemonade柠檬水dog 狗number 数字snake 蛇one一elephant 大象two二monkey 猴子three三horse 马four四spider 蜘蛛five五fish 鱼six六liza

4、rd 蜥蜴seven七bird 鸟eight八tiger 老虎nine九giraffe 长颈鹿ten十duck 鸭子goat 山羊2.重点操练句型1) Whats your favorite animal?2) How many people are there in your family?3) Whats your phone number?4) How old are you?5) Would you like to drink some juice or some lemonade?词汇(39个分3天记忆)动词Clothes 衣服 point(at)指 pointingdress 连衣

5、裙be(am ,is, are)jacket 夹克衫cross横穿 crossingskirt 衬衫start开始sock(s) 袜子throw扔 ,投,抛 throwingshoe(s) 鞋子sit(down)坐(下) sittingtrousers 裤子stand(up)站 standingT-shirt T 恤衫open打开 openingshorts 短裤close关 closingjeans 牛仔裤eat吃 eatinghat 帽子look at看 looking 身体部位paint画画(油画) paintingface 脸 head 头listen to听 listeningnos

6、e 鼻子 hand手draw画画 drawingeye(s) 眼睛 leg腿write写 writingear(s) 耳朵 arm胳膊fly / fly a kite飞/放风筝 flyinghair 头发 foot(feet)脚play玩 playingmouth 嘴巴2.重点操练句型1) What is she (he) doing?2) What are you doing?3) What color is your jacket?4) What color are your shoes (trousers/socks)?3. Talk about your English teacher

7、. My English teachers name is Jane. She is a good teacher. She is tall and beautiful. She has got long hair. She likes to listen to the music. I like her.1.词汇(37个分3天记忆)Sports 运动动词badminton羽毛球see 看见football足球go 去 - goinggame游戏swim 游泳-swimmingbaseball棒球bounce 球弹跳 -bouncingsoccer足球add 加-addingbasketbal

8、l篮球test 测试table tennis 乒乓球know 知道hockey曲棍球answer 回答交通工具 understand 明白bus 公共汽车ship 轮船sing 唱歌 -singingmotorbike摩托车boat小船show 出示 -showingbike 自行车give 给 -givingbicycle 自行车ride 骑 -ridingtrain 火车jump 跳 -jumpingcar 小汽车live 居住plane 飞机ask 问helicopter直升机sleep 睡觉 -sleeping2.重点操练句型(四)1) Whats your hobby? 2) How

9、 do you go to school?3) Have you got?4) Has your family got a car?5) Whats the man doing?1.词汇(52个分3天记忆)动词人物 peoplesay 说 cant 不能child 小孩wear 穿-wearing do 做children 小孩们talk 交谈-talking dont 不做boy 男孩drink 喝-drinking have got 有girl 女孩tell 讲述-telling spell拼写-spellingteacher 教师try 试 want 想mother 母亲catch 抓-

10、catching put放置-puttingfather 父亲kick 踢-kicking sit坐-sittingfriend 朋友hit 打-hitting take 拿走-takingbrother 兄弟find 找到,发现 sister 姐妹like 喜欢 mum 妈妈pick up 采摘,捡起 Dad 爸爸stop 停 grandmother 奶奶/姥姥love 爱grandfather 爷爷/姥爷watch 观看-watchingman(men) 男人(男人们)read 读书-readingwoman(women)女人(女人们)run 跑 runningmonster 怪物enjo

11、y 喜爱baby 婴儿can 能family 家庭 2.重点操练句型1) Who is your favorite teacher? Whats his (her) name?2) Whats your mothers name?3) Can you swim?4) Put on(in/next to/ in front of/ between/behind )3. Talk about your hobby.Swimming is my hobby. I often go swimming with my father (mother). I can swim faster than my

12、father. “You are great!” My father always says. 1.词汇(37个分三天记忆)与学校学习有关的词汇 其他desk 课桌letter 字母alphabet 字母表book 书lesson 课example 例子bags 书包day 天afternoon 下午pen 钢笔night 晚上ruler 尺子question 问题pencil 铅笔sentence 句子pencil-box铅笔盒tick 勾号eraser 橡皮good-bye再见bookcase书柜ohcomputer计算机birthday 生日glasses 眼镜儿Hello喂board

13、黑板today 今天chair 椅子part 部分clock 钟表bath 浴室/洗澡box 盒子line 线table 桌子page 页码class 班级/课English 英语2.重点操练句型1) Whats in your bag?2) Have you got a pencil?3) When do you go to school?4) Whats this (that?)5) What are these (those)?1.词汇(43个分3天记忆)家庭用品 地点 cup杯子sofa沙发classroom教室sun太阳television(TV)电视house房子tree树guit

14、ar吉他dinning room餐厅doll洋娃娃flower花儿street街道door门camera照相机bedroom卧室photo照片toy玩具bathroom浴室painting油画bed床living room起居室picture图画mirror镜子kitchen厨房piano钢琴floor地板sea大海drawing 图画cupboard碗柜school学校lamp灯wall墙beach海滩armchair扶手椅song歌曲hall礼堂/大厅handbag手提包robot机器人garden花园kite风筝mat垫子phone电话radio收音机window窗子2.重点操练句型1)

15、 Whats in the kitchen?2) Where is the cat?3) Which is the phone?4) Is this a phone?3. Talk about your familyThere are three people in my family, my mother, my father and me. My mother is young and pretty, she is a doctor. My father is a manger, he likes to watch TV. I am nine, I like playing compute

16、r games.1.词汇(46个分3天记忆)形容词 其他long长well 好the 那short短OK 很好again又,再big 大so 因此this这个small小then 然后that那个beautiful美丽的now现在here这儿ugly 丑陋的or或者Yes是young 年轻的some一些No不happy 高兴的for 为not 不是sad伤心的of 的at 在dirty脏的there 那儿please请clean干净的these这些sorry对不起those那些right对的very非常correct正确的and和new新的old旧的sweet甜的sour 酸的salty咸的c

17、heap便宜得expensive 贵的favourite最喜欢的2.重点操练句型1) Is this pen long or short?2) Are these flowers beautiful?3) Are those books old or new?1.词汇(33个分2天记忆)疑问词what 什么which 哪一个what color 什么颜色who 谁when 什么时候where 那儿how old 多大了how many 多少个how tall 多高whose 谁的人名 girls name sBoys namesAnn 安Andy 安第 Ted 特德Daisy 黛西Ben 本

18、Tom 汤姆Jane 珍Bill 比尔 Kelly 凯利Dan 丹Mary 玛丽David 大卫Meg 梅格Fred 弗莱德May 梅Jack 杰克Sally 萨利John 约翰Sue 苏Pat 帕特Paul 保罗Peter 彼得Sam 山姆2.重点操练句型1) Who is your best friend?2) Whats your best friends name?3) Whats the boys (girls) name?4) Where do you live?1.词汇(28个一次全部记忆及准确运用)人称代词物主代词主格宾格形容词性名词性Ime 我mymine 我的youyou

19、你/你们youryours 你的/你们的hehim 他hishis 他的sheher 她herhers 她的itit 它itsits 它的weus 我们ourours 我们的theythem 他们theirtheirs 他们的2.重点操练句型(十)1) Whose book is it?2) Are these books yours?3. Talk about your house.Our house is small. There are two bedrooms, one is my parents, the other is mine. We have one living room,

20、 one kitchen, one bathroom. I often watch TV in the living room. My mother often cooks dinner in the kitchen. 附:剑桥少儿英语一级考试流程自由交谈。例:Lets talk about your best friend。看图片问答 问题例:Whats this?What color is? Have you got.?等看一组小图片用手出考官问题的答案 例:Which is the fish?听考官要求把小图片正确放在大图画中Put on/ under/ betweenand/ next to看图画用手指指物回答 Where is ?试题结构口语部分(5个盾牌)一级考试

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