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1、 1Where should you go if you have great interest in history APalace Museum. BToday Art Museum. CNational Museum of China. DNational Art Museum of China. 解析选C 细节理解题。 根据A tale of two dynasties部分中的“The exhibition The Civilizations of Qin and Han celebrates the glory of the Qin and Han dynasties in term

2、s of politics, economics, art and culture”可知,The Civilizations of Qin and Han这一展览呈现的是秦朝和汉朝时期政治、经济、艺术和文化方面的辉煌成就。 故对历史感兴趣的人可以来参观这一展览,其展出地是National Museum of China。 故选C。 2Which activity may be attractive to painting lovers AGerman new media art. BA tale of two dynasties. CExpressing Belarus beauty and

3、soul. DDigital exhibition at Palace Museum. 解析选C 细节理解题。 根据Expressing Belarus beauty and soul部分中的“An exhibition of 57 paintings of the Republic of Belarus is now being held in Beijing”可知,该展览中会展出57幅白俄罗斯的绘画作品,因此它对绘画爱好者会有一定的吸引力。 3What do the four activities have in common AThey all set a number limit to

4、 daily visits. BThey are all inaccessible on Mondays. CThey all require prebooking online. DThey all charge no admission fees. 解析选B 细节理解题。 根据文中的“closed on Mondays”、“Mondays closed”、“closed on Mondays”和“closed on Mondays”可知,这四个展览在周一均不对外开放,也就是说人们在周一是不能参观这四个展览的。 故选B。 B 2019名校原创预测卷四Georgina, known as Ge

5、orgie, will turn 16 later this week and organized the party with two friends.Her mother said they had originally looked at the option of booking a nightclub, but decided the 1,000 fee was too steep. She said, “It seemed that realistically the only place Georgina could have her party was at home.” Ge

6、orgie Hobday s parents had grownups to be in charge, a proper guest list, and a ban on alcohol. So they thought they had her 16th birthday party under control.Unfortunately, it was advertised on Facebook. Around 400 uninvited guests stormed into the family s townhouse in Brighton on Saturday and gat

7、ecrashed 擅自参加 the event.They violently forced their way past the adults on duty, breaking light bulbs, knocking over plants and tearing up the garden.Twelve police cars had to be called in to send them on their way.The troublemakers were the Facebook Republican Army, a group who look for teenage par

8、ties to crash through social networking sites. Yesterday Georgie s mother, Sylvia Meli, said to the newspaper reporter, “It was an absolute horror show.The garden has been ruined and the grass is just mud.I ll never have a party for my daughter here again.I think Facebook is a major cause, as well a

9、s texting.” A gatecrasher said this is just the kind of party they like to gatecrash. They re in their late teens and early 20s and they are quite intimidating.When they turn up at a teenage party they know that no one will dare to say anything to them so they can do what they want.Once they ve foun

10、d a party they put the word out through texts and news spreads fast. A Sussex police spokesman said, “There was a sea of people, and it was difficult to move, which was a major safety problem that required a lot of police time and resources.” Mrs Meli added, “I do understand at that age they have no

11、where to go because they couldn t go to clubs.But invading 蜂拥而入 someone else s party and wasting police time and money is not the answer.” 语篇解读本文是一篇记叙文。 即将16岁的Georgie在家里举办了生日聚会,但“脸书共和军”在她生日当天不请自来,不仅破坏了她的生日聚会,而且把她家弄得乱七八糟。 4What made Georgie s parents give up holding the party at a nightclub AThe high

12、 cost. BThe limited time. CThe safety problem. DThe noisy atmosphere. 解析选A 细节理解题。 根据第一段中的“Her mother said they had originally looked at the option of booking a nightclub, but decided the 1,000 fee was too steep”可知,Georgie的父母原打算预订一家夜总会为她举办16岁生日聚会,但是他们觉得1 000英镑的费用太贵,最终决定在家里给她举办生日聚会。 故选A。 5What can we

13、know about Georgie s mother AShe arranged the party with Georgie. BShe has disadvantaged backgrounds. CShe regretted holding the party at home. DShe throws a birthday party for Georgie yearly. 解析选C 推理判断题。 根据第四段中的“It was an absolute horror show.The garden has been ruined and the grass is just mud.I l

14、l never have a party for my daughter here again”可知,Georgie的妈妈认为这完全是个恐怖秀,她再也不在家里为女儿举办聚会了。 由此可推知,Georgie的妈妈很后悔在家里为女儿举办生日聚会。 6What does the underlined word “intimidating” in Paragraph 5 mean AAmbitious. BFrightening. CThoughtless. DCurious. 解析选B 词义猜测题。 根据倒数第二段中的“When they .they know that no one will da

15、re to say anything to them so they can do what they want”可知,参加聚会的不速之客认为当他们出现在青少年的聚会上时,这些青少年不敢对他们说什么,于是他们就可以为所欲为。 由此可推断画线词的意思为“可怕的,令人害怕的”,与frightening的意思相近。 7What s Mrs Meli s attitude towards the Facebook Republican Army AConcerned. BSupportive. CDoubtful. DNegative. 解析选D 观点态度题。 根据最后一段的“But invading

16、 蜂拥而入 someone else s party and wasting police time and money is not the answer”可知,Georgie的妈妈认为“脸书共和军”闯入别人的聚会的行为是在浪费警方的时间和金钱,是不可取的。 由此可知,她对“脸书共和军”持否定的态度。 故选D。 C 2019名校原创预测卷七This school year, instead of registering in regular gym class, Erika Brann, a senior at Alan B. Shepard High School in Illinois

17、in the US, applied to be a guider in the school s Power Physical Education program. Special education programs are designed for students who suffer from development issues such as mental, physical or social disorders. Students of these programs are normally educated separately from other students, m

18、eaning they don t often get the chance to communicate with those from the “general education” group. Erika explained why she wanted to be involved. “I wanted the chance to connect with special education students who don t really get the opportunity to really connect with general education students a

19、nd I hope in the end the chance can also be their chance to improve themselves, which was the most important part,” she said, “people always like to define 给下定义 someone by their abilities.” But, she added, friendships are not based on abilities. Since she and her partner began working together, the

20、two have become good friends. So good, in fact, that Erika recently asked him to the party. The invitation is evidence that the district s ongoing attempts to blur the divide between specialneeds students and standard education kids are working, Power PE teacher Ashley Lythberg said. Illinois two ot

21、her schools also offer the class, which invites general education students to work with kids registered in any specialneeds program. Under the watchful eye of the guider Grace Betz, sophomore 二年级学生 Trevor Thompson ran the obstacle course 障碍赛跑道. Dan Hennigan, who also works parttime at the sports equ

22、ipment store, said specialneeds students “are in a silent and lonely setting”, adding, “we wanted our kids to be around their peers. Some may look different on the outside but they want to have friends. The hard part is that some of our students lack the social skills to start a conversation or meet

23、 a friend. But now, we re starting to see kids visiting each other after school. It s expanding more than we ever expected.” 语篇解读本文是一篇说明文。 在美国的伊利诺伊州,一些学校的接受普通教育的学生通过一些特殊教育项目帮助有发展障碍的学生。 8What can be inferred about the students of special education programs AThey mostly have language disorders. BThey

24、often enjoy onetoone guidance. CThey generally have limits to sociability. DThey usually develop severe mental illness. 解析选C 推理判断题。 根据第二段中的“Students of these programs are normally educated separately . those from the general education group”可知,参加这些特殊教育项目的学生接受教育时会和其他学生分开,这意味着他们通常缺乏同接受普通教育的学生交流的机会,由此可

25、推断,他们的社交能力受限,故选C。 9. Why does Erika join the Power Physical Education program ATo develop her social abilities. BTo help special education students. CTo make more likeminded friends. DTo change prejudice against friendships. 解析选B 细节理解题。 根据第三段Erika说的话可知,Erika想要参与进去的目的是想让这些接受特殊教育的学生能从中受益,即帮助这些接受特殊教育的学

26、生,故选B。 10Which word can best replace the underlined word “blur” in the fourth paragraph AStrengthen. BWiden. CBalance. DNarrow. 解析选D 词义猜测题。 根据第四段的内容可知,作者以Erika的经历为例说明了让接受普通教育的学生参与一些特殊教育项目来帮助有发展障碍的学生的好处,故画线词所在句指的是这种邀请证明了这个地区为了缩小特殊需要学生和接受普通教育的学生之间的差距所做的努力有了效果,blur本意为“使难以区分”,在此处指“缩小的差距”,故选D。 11What s D

27、an Hennigan s attitude towards the program AOptimistic. BDisapproving. CCautious. DDoubtful. 解析选A 观点态度题。 根据第五段中Dan Hennigan所说的话,尤其是“But now, we re starting to see kids visiting each other after school. It s expanding more than we ever expected”可知,他对于该项目是持乐观的态度,故选A。 D 2019名校原创预测卷六Before the invention

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