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1、(10分)( ) 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( ) 5. ( ) 6. A. sad B. feel C. happy ( ) 7 B. food C. had ( ) 8 C. work ( )9. B. laugh C. well ( )10. C. make二按要求写下列单词。(反义词) (原形) (比较级) (三单) (现在分词) (过去式) (过去式) (过去式) (比较级) (复数) 三、挑挑选选。单项选择,把恰当的一项填入题前括号里。(15分)( ) 1. You are taller than _.A. my C. me ( ) 2. We _go to

2、the supermarket last night. t t t ( ) 3. He_ the piano yesterday morning. ( ) _he _ -He rode a bike. , does , do C. can,do ( ) 5. He lives _the post office.A. next B. next to C. to ( ) 6. She is a pretty _big eyes.A. has ( ) will have a party _ .A. last month week week ( ) 8. There _any computers in

3、 the school at that time.A. werent B. isnt t( )9. The party will be _June 1st. A. at B. in C. on ( ) 10. Are there _trees in your school -Yes,there are_B. some, any B. any ,some C. any,any D. some,some ( ) big _your feet.A is B. do C. are ( ) 12. Beijing is_ than Binzhou. B. biger C. bigger ( ) didn

4、t _ was too cold. A. like B. liked C. likes( ) 14. My foot_ last weekend. B. hurts C. is hurt D. hurted ( ) was your holidayA I was well. B. It was OK. C. It is fine.四、读一读,把单词的适当形式填在横线上。1. I (play / played)football yesterday . often (went / go)swimming on weekends .3. They want (eat /to eat)apple .4

5、. The girl is (listen / listening)to the music now .5. We went (camp / camping)last weekend . bag is smaller than (me /mine).!There (is / was)a gym in our new school. (were / was)no computers in the Tang dynasty. (cant/ couldnt)use the Internet in our city twenty years ago. (tall/ taller)is MikeHes

6、metres.五、有问必答。从右边的答语中选择正确选项填在左边问句前的括号内。( ) are you going to do this evenings five yuan.( ) there a library then is 50 kg.( ) would you like ,there wasnt.( much is it s two thirty. ( ) time is it felt angry.( ) heavy is he d like a cup of tea.() did you feel went to the Summer Palace.( ) did you do y

7、esterday ,I didnt.( ) you go fishing read a picture book. () did you go over your holiday am going to buy a magazine. 六、连词成句,注意句子的首字母大写。, shorter, me, youre ., you, how, to, Jinan, did 3 .last, did, you, do, weekend, what off, I, my bike, hurt, and, foot, my ., no, in, was, school, there, library, o

8、ld .五、选词填空,每词只能填一次。(5分)off red did didnt policeman It was Saturday morning. Mary wanted to go to the park with her friend Amy at 8:00. But she got up at 8:00. It was very late. She rode her bike very quickly(快) . At the traffic lights, the light was _. Mary didnt stop. A_stopped her and said. “Pleas

9、e get_your bike. Did you see the red light”-Yes, I _. But I_see you. ” 七、根据提供的句子,将对话补充完整,将序号填到横线上。Sam:_Jim: It was so happy. We took a long trip last summer holiday. Wow! _ We went to Beijing. _ I went there by train. We read books on the train. What did you do there We visited the Great Wall and bo

10、ught many clothes. What else We rowed a boat and took many beautiful pictures in Beihai Park. We ate baked ducks, too. Its so wonderful! _ Sure, here you are . _ Yes , we had a good time in Beijing. did you go B. went fishing C. How was your holiday D. the West Lake E. Did you have a good time F .Ho

11、w did you go there G. May I have a look at your pictures八、阅读欢乐谷。A阅读短文,判断正( T )误( F )。(共5分)Jimmy and Jack are good friends. Jimmy is seven years old. Jack is eight years old. Jimmy is 130cm tall. He is 5cm shorter than Jack. They usually go to school by bus,but yesterday they didnt. They walked to wa

12、lked faster than Jimmy. They are in the same class. They both study hard. Jimmy is good at English. His English is better than Jacks. Jack likes math. His maths is the best in their class.( ) 1. Jack is 2 years older than Jimmy. ( ) 2. Jack is 125cm tall. ( ) 3. Jimmy walks slower than Jack. ( )4. T

13、hey are in the same class. ( ) 5. Jacks math is better than Jimmy. B阅读短文,回答问题,把正确答案填写在前面括号内.(10分)Teacher:You graduated(毕业) five years our school look different nowTom:Yes,it were lots of little trees when I was are tall trees was only a small playground then;now there is a big was no gym either,but

14、many students play basketball in the gym now!How about the classroomTom:There was no computer in the is a computer in the classroom school is very new and beautiful now. ( ) 1. Tom graduated _ years ago. A. five B. six C. four( ) 2. There was no _in the school in the past. A. light B. gym C. window(

15、 )3. I There is a _in the classroom now. A. teacher B. computer C. desk( ) 4. Students played basketball _ in the past. A. in the gym B. outside C. under a big tree( ) 5. Toms school is very _now. A. small B. old 九、快乐练笔(10分)你们的学校和以前相比,有哪些变化请以此为中心写一篇短文。要求:1. 注意时态 2. 不少于6句话_ 同学们,要认真仔细答题,希望每个小题都能露出笑脸!六

16、年级英语检测题答案一、1A 2C 3A 4B 5C 6B 7B 8C 9C 10C每小题1分,共10分。考查学生对所学词语的认读能力,依据二级目标“读”的要求。二、 考查学生对所学词语各种形式的书写能力,依据二级目标“写”的要求。三、1C 2B 3C 4B 5B 6A 7C 8A 9C 10B 11C 12C 13A 14A 15B每小题1分,共15分。考查学生对所学语句的认读能力,依据二级目标“读”的要求。四、 eat t 考查学生对所学语句的认读能力,依据二级目标“读和写”的要求。五、1J 2C 3F 4A 5D 6B 7E 8I 9H 10G 考查学生对所学日常用语的运用能力,依据二级目

17、标“说和读”的要求。六、1Youre shorter than me. did you go to Jinan did you do last weekend fell off my bike and hurt my foot. was no library in my old school.每小题2分,共10分。考查学生对所学句型的运用能力,依据二级目标“写”的要求。七、 ;t每小题1分,共5分。考查学生对短文的理解和对词语的判断能力,依据二级目标“读”的要求。八、1C 2A 3F 4G 5E考查学生对短文的理解和对语句的判断能力,依据二级目标“读”的要求。九、(一)1F 2F 3T 4T 5F(二)1A 2B 3B 4B 5C考查学生能否读懂简单小短文的能力,依据二级目标“读”的要求。十、只要符合要求的句式和英语表达习惯,不少于5句话即可。拼写错误酌情扣分。共10分。考查学生能否在提示下写出简短语句的能力,依据二级目标“写”的要求。

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