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1、 10. Thats / Its quite impossible . / Its very unlikely . / Thats hardly possible . / Thatll never happen . / Probable not . 语法学习 在这一单元,同学们要学习归纳定语的使用。在高考测试中,经常出现一个名词的前面被几个形容词所修饰的情况,形容词的排列是有一定的顺序性的。大致为: 限定词 (all , twice , a , this , my , each , three , last ) 强化形容词(certain , perfect , complete , slig

2、ht , extreme) 描绘性或者主观评价或者质量形容词(expensive , beautiful , fine , brave , dirty) 表示大、小、长、短、高低的形容词(large , small , little , long , short , tall , high) 表示形状的形容词(round , straight , aquare , flat) 表示年龄、新旧的形容词(old , young , new , modern) 表示颜色的形容词(如:red , green , brown) 表示国家、出处、来源的形容词(French , Chinese) 表示物质、

3、材料的形容词(wooden , stone , plastic , brick) 表示用途、类别的形容词(medical , sports , evening , story) 名词 。【指点迷津】 表示原因和进行意义的介词 (短语) 表示原因的介词 1 . because of 表示引起结果的直接原因,意义与连词 because 相同。 He retired last month because of illness / because he ill . 2 . for 表示内在的、心理上的原因,常与表示喜、怒、哀、乐等情感名词连用;还可表示某种动作或结果的起因。而连词 for 则表示某种结

4、果的补充理由或显而易见的原因。 a ) He trembled for fear . b ) Thank you for your help . c ) When he was still a young man , he was forced to leave his homeland for political reasons . 3 . by 表示外部的,尤其是暴力的或无意中造成某种结果的原因。 a ) Her body was bent by age . b ) The general died by his own hand . c ) She took your umbrella

5、by mistake . 4 . at 表示某种情绪或动作的原因,多与“喜,怒,哀,乐”等义的词连用,常译作“听到”,“看到”。 a ) The whole nation was in deep sorrow at the news . b ) He jumped at the news . 5 . otor ( 在医生的照顾下 ) ,under test / exam ( 在被测试 ) ,under development ( 在发展中 ) ,under construction ( 在建设中 ) ,under repair ( 在修理中 ) ,under consideration ( 在

6、考虑中 ) ,under observation ( 在观察中 ) ,under discussion ( 正在被讨论 ) ,under the agreement ( 根据协议 ) ,under orders ( 听从命令 ) 。 a ) He is working under my father . b ) Several new railways are under construction in China . 二、学海导航【学法指要】 单元重点词汇点拨 1. wealthy富裕的,富有的,有钱的 He succeeded in business and was very wealth

7、y . 他事业成功,非常富有。 点拨wealthy的名词形式是wealth , 是不可数名词。如: She has a wealth of knowledge about plants . She has great health . = She is a women of great wealth . 另外要注意:be wealthy in = be rich in在丰富。 China is a developing country ; she is wealthy in natural resources . 2. anyway = anyhow无论如何 He may not like m

8、y visit , but I shall go and see him anyway . Anyhow I must finish the work today . I may fail , but I shall try hard anyway . 点拨用让步状语从句表达时可用:wh-ever / No matter + wh- 。 No matter how hard he works (However hard he works ), he still makes little progress . 3. brief简短的;简洁的 She left a brief note . His

9、 explanation was brief and to the point . 他的解释既简洁又切中问题的要点。 点拨固定词组to be brief = in short简单地,扼要说明 。in brief = briefly = to put it briefly简言之;简单地说。 To be brief , she was happy with that result . Please tell me briefly what happened . 单元词组思维运用 1. step into = enter = walk into步如 2. by the way顺便告诉你;顺便问一下

10、3. build up a large business建立一个大企业 4. in ones will在某人的遗嘱中。at will随意地,随心所欲地。against ones will违背本意,无可奈何地。 He practicing skating at will . He obeyed the order against his will . 5. apart from = except除了 6. at the burial services在葬礼上。at the marriage services在婚礼上。 7. divide up分掉 8. go out a lot经常外出 9. c

11、heck out查明 10. for a start首先 11. look into the case调查这个案子 12. speak as follows讲了这样的话 13. take a false name冒名 14. pay a visit to sb去看望某人 15. be brief and to the point谈话简明扼要;直截了当 16. make an appointment with sb与某人约会 单元难点疑点思路明晰 1. And shes left about $4 million in her will to her husbands daughter by h

12、is marriage . 在她的遗嘱中,她已把大约4百万美元留给了她丈夫第一次结婚所生的女儿。  明晰(1)leave sth to sb 把某物留给某人; in ones will 在某人的遗嘱中; by marriage通过姻亲关系。 (2)marriage是动词marry的名词 n . 结婚;婚姻;婚姻生活;婚礼v。 be related by marriage有姻亲关系;give sb in marriage to 把某人嫁出;take sb in marriage娶某人;嫁给某人。 2. I want you to check out this clare Flower我

13、想要你核实一下这位克莱尔弗劳尔 明晰check out检验,核查无误;付帐后离开旅馆等。check in(到达旅馆会议地点等)办理登记手续。 The skilled driver checked out the motor . Guests must check out before moon, ou they will be charged for the day . 3 . For a start, how old was she whem her father married again ? 首先,她父亲再婚时她多大? 明晰for a start 首先;一开始。 For a start,

14、 youre to young . 4 . Can you go through them and give me whatever you find ? 你能否翻一翻这些文件,然后把你找到的所有东西给我。 明晰(1)go through仔细检查;浏览,翻阅,搜查;穿过,通过;经历,经受,忍受。 I went through the papers looking for Janes letter . (2)whatever 在此作宾语,不能换作no matter what . 当二者作状语时可以换用。 5 . Mrs Flower directed that all the money tha

15、t belong to her should come to you . 弗劳尔太太指示要把所有属于她的钱留给你。 明晰direct 指示;命令;导演;指导;给指路。 The general directed/ordered that the prisoners should be set free . The medicine should be taken as directed by the doctor . 6 . Dont tell me that all this is because of photograph taken when I was twelve . 另告诉我所有这一

16、切是因为我十二岁时拍的一张照片。 明晰(1)all this 所有这一切。all作形容词“所有的,全部的”时,可与单数名(代) 词连用,起加强语气作用。 all china全中国,do good all ones life一辈子做好事。 (2)taken when为过去分词短语作photograph的后置定语。 7 . She instructed in her will that if that were to happen . 她在遗嘱中指示,如果此事发生的话 明晰instruct指示,命令;教育;通向。instruct(或direct,order)sb to do sth 指示命人做某事

17、。 8 . The lawyer was brief and to the point . 律师说话简单扼要,直截了当。 明晰to the point 中肯;贴题;扼要。 常在句首作插入语。 已学过的类似结构还有:to tell you the truth说真的,to be brief简而言之;to be honest说实在的;to begin with 首先,第一;to make a long story short长话短说,简而言之;to sum up总之。 9 . wealthy, rich, plentiful 明晰wealthy指人的财富极多,暗示生财有道,有较高的社会地位。 Pow

18、er is in the hands of the wealthy in the west . “富裕的,有钱的”指人的财物超过正常需要标准,用于物时指含量或蕴藏量丰富,也可指精神世界。 The Chinese diet is rich in fibre and low in sugar and fat . plentiful“丰富的,充足的”多指提供的物质、钱财等非常充足。 a plentiful supply of food 丰富的食品供应 10 . divide up, divide into, divide among, divide by 明晰(1)divide up分配。How s

19、hall we divide up the work? divide into分成。 Lets divide ourselves into two groups . The boy divided the cake into six pieces . divide among在中间分。 The teacher divided the biscuits among his students . divide by 被除。divide 20 by 4 4除20/ 6 divided by 2 equals 3 . 6被2除等于3。 11 . look into, look in 明晰(1)look

20、 into 向里面看去;窥视;调查;观察。 The x-rays allow a workman to look a thick steel plate . Please send more researchers to look into this product . (2)look in 往里看;顺便看望(+on sb)。 Thats my villa . look in, please . Wont you look in on me next time youre in town? 12 . private 私有的;个人的;秘密的。该词可作形容词和名词含不易公开之意。 明晰ask fo

21、r leave on private affairs 私事请假;talk with sb in private 同某人私下交谈;a private letter 私人信件;a private room单人房间。 personal个人的,私人的;人称的;直接的。 personal opinion个人的意见;have a personal interview with 和直接面谈;a personal pronoun人称代词。 13 . be of age, be of an age 明晰(1)be of age 成年。而be under age未成年。 My daughter is of age

22、 but his is still under age . (2)be of an age=be of the same age 同龄。 He and I are of an age . 【妙文赏析】 Once upon a time an African king left his country to make a long trip , and he told one of his guards ( 1 ) his treasure room . But the guard was ( 2 ) by the riches of the room and began to steal th

23、e ( 3) treasure . He ( 4 ) some of boxes of gold and silver and ( 5 ) and ( 6 ) them with some stones . When the king ( 7 ) , he praised the guard for his ( 8 ) to duty and sent him away . But before long he ( 9 ) what the guard had done . ( 10 ) punishing him , he called him back to his ( 11 ) and

24、told him ( 12 ) . He said , “ ( 13 ) a snake crawled ( 爬 ) in a farm house and found an ( 14 ) jug ( 罐子 ) of milk . He drank and drank ( 15 ) he was ( 16 ) fat to crawl back through the neck of the jug . However , what must that snake ( 17 ) to get out of the jug ? ”“He must spit out the ( 18 ) , ”t

25、he guard answered . “ ( 19 ) , ”the king said , “ ( 20 ) he spit out all of it ?“I think he will ( 21 ) spit out all of it to get out . ”“You are ( 22 ) , ”the king said . “ ( 23 ) ” . The guard looked around and saw many ( 24 ) with spears ( 25 ) back and forth in the palace , he knew everything .

26、1 . A . to observe B . watching out C . to take care of D . to build 2 . A . robbed B . tempted C . astonished D . standing 3 . A . King s B . palaces C . gold D . each 4 . A . found B . was fond of C . put D . emptied 5 . A . treasure B . dynasty C . jewels D . the queen 6 . A . threw B . managed C . breaking D . filled 7 . A . found it B . returned C . got D . caught him 8 . A . devotion B . mistake C . care D . hardship 9 . A . excused B . discovered C . permitted D . encouraged 10 . A . As B . Instead o

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