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2、不同意见并有能力解决冲突。没有什么工作比培养上述技能和对年轻人进行人权教育更重要,因为我们在年轻人身上看到的不仅是下一代领导人,而且是当今时代的重要利益攸关者。我们还必须承认,老一辈人也可以从年轻人的经历和榜样中学到很多东西,因为年轻人是在一个相互联系速度不断加快的世界中成长起来的。 在发起国际青年年之际,让我们承认并庆祝年轻人为建设一个更安全、更公正的世界所能作出的贡献。让我们加强努力,让年轻人参与有利于他们的未来和我们的未来的政策、方案和决策进程。THE SECRETARY-GENERAL-MESSAGE ON INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY12 August 2010Th

3、is years commemoration of International Youth Day also marks the launch of the International Year of Youth, under the theme “Dialogue and Mutual Understanding”.Todays challenging social and economic environment warrant a special focus on youth. Eighty-seven per cent of people aged 15 to 24 live in d

4、eveloping countries. The global economic crisis has had a disproportionate impact on young people; they have lost jobs, struggled to find even low-wage employment and seen access to education curtailed. As economies slowly begin to stabilize, the needs of young people should be paramount.This is a m

5、oral imperative and a developmental necessity. But it is also an opportunity: the energy of youth can ignite faltering economies. I am regularly inspired by the good will, talent and idealism of the young people I meet across the world. They are making important contributions to our work to eradicat

6、e poverty, contain the spread disease, combat climate change and achieve the Millennium Development Goals. I call on Member States to increase their investments in young people so they can do even more. During the International Year, the United Nations and its youth organization partners will focus

7、on the need to encourage dialogue and understanding across generations, cultures and religions. In a world in which different peoples and traditions are coming into closer, more frequent contact than ever before, it is crucial that young people learn how to listen intently, empathize with others, ac

8、knowledge divergent opinions, and be able to resolve conflicts. Few endeavors are more important than nurturing these skills, and educating young people about human rights, for in them we not only see the next generation of leaders, but also crucial stakeholders of today. Let us also recognize that

9、older generations themselves stand to learn a great deal from the experiences and examples of young people as they come of age in a world of accelerating interconnectedness.As we launch this International Year, let us acknowledge and celebrate what youth can do to build a safer, more just world. Let

10、 us strengthen our efforts to include young people in policies, programmes and decision-making processes that benefit their future and ours.秘书长国际青年日致词2008 年8 月12 日气候变化的科学很复杂,但事实却很简单:我们的世界将遇到麻烦。我去 年访问南极时看到了这一点,因为南极年代久远的冰体融化的速度远远超过了我们的预料。如果不予以解决,气候变化会损害已经在实现千年发展目标方面取得的进展,还可能对和平与安全造成严重影响。除非我们彻底改变我们的生活方

11、式,否则2008 年时的青年人到了我这样年纪之的时候世界将很可能成为很不宜居住之地。今年纪念世界青年日的主题是“青年与气候变化:行动起来”。由于老一辈人遗留下来的问题,今天的青年人日后将承受气候变化的后果。许多发展中国家尤其如此,在这些国家中,青年人特别是女孩和女青年,常常要干农活儿、打水、拾柴。气候变化影响了获得水的机会、农业生产力和生态系统的持续存在,因此这些任务将变得更为艰巨,而且将花费更多的本来应该用于教育或生产活动的时间。 但即使是现在,青年人也完全有能力对这场斗争作出贡献。他们善于推广新的习惯和技术。他们有适应能力,能够迅速地使低碳生活方式和职业选择成为他们日常生活的组成部分。因此

12、,应该为青年人提供机会,以积极参加地方、国家和全球各级的决策工作。而且他们能积极支持将促成通过影响力深远的立法的各项倡议。全世界正在努力采用更清洁、更可持续类型的能源,包括可再生资源,在这样的时候我们需要大力发扬青年人的精神。我们希望青年人将在其有生之年看到的向低碳经济的过渡提供了巨大的机遇。相当重要的是,由清洁能源和技术创新促进的经济增长将创造工作机会,从而有助于缓解青年失业这一严重的全球问题。值此国际青年日之际,我敦促世界各地的青年人投入他们的精力和智慧,建成一个更安全、更可持续的星球。-MESSAGE FOR INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY12 August 2008Th

13、ough the science of climate change is complex, the facts are simple: our world is heading towards trouble. I saw this last year when I visited the Antarctic, where age-old ice is melting much faster than we originally thought it would. Left unaddressed, climate change could cause an unravelling of t

14、he progress that has been made towards achieving the Millennium Development Goals, and could also have serious implications for peace and security. Unless we make radical changes in the way we live, by the time the youth of 2008 reach my age, the world may well have become a rather inhospitable plac

15、e.The theme for this years observance of International Youth Day is “Youth and climate change: time for action”. Todays young people will bear the consequences of climate change, thanks to the unfortunate legacy of their elders. In many developing countries in particular, youth - especially girls an

16、d young women - are often responsible for farming, finding water and collecting fuel wood. These tasks will be rendered more difficult and will take even more time away from education or productive activities as climate change affects the availability of water, agricultural productivity and the surv

17、ival of ecosystems.Yet young people are also well placed to contribute to the fight even now. They are adept at spreading new habits and technologies. They are adaptable and can quickly make lowcarbon lifestyles and career choices a part of their daily lives. Youth should therefore be given a chance

18、 to take an active part in the decision-making of local, national and global levels. And they can actively support initiatives that will lead to the passage of far-reaching legislation.We will need the spirit of youth in abundance as the world seeks to embrace cleaner, more sustainable forms of ener

19、gy, including renewable resources. The transition to a low-carbon economy that we hope young people will see in their lifetimes offers tremendous opportunities.Not least, economic growth that is fuelled by clean energy and technological innovation will create jobs that could help alleviate the dire

20、global problem of youth unemployment.On this International Youth Day, I urge young people around the world to invest their energies and bright ideas into shaping a safer, more sustainable planet.秘书长国际青年日致辞2007年8月12日一年一度的国际青年日为我们提供了一个机会,以期表彰世界上12亿青年人,庆祝他们取得的成就,推动他们参与社会各个领域。今年纪念活动的主题是“见其影,闻其声:青年参与,促进发


22、持,帮助他们发挥潜力。青年人的需要日趋得到承认,但青年人在世界许多地方依然受排挤和被忽视。青年群体的贫穷和失业比例过高,而这种情况经常被忽视。由于这个原因,青年失业的可能性比成年人高出三倍。事实上,青年虽构成世界劳动队伍的四分之一,却在世界失业人口中占了近一半。当务之急是我们不应再把青年人视为问题的一部分,而应着手耕耘他们的希望和潜力。在此国际青年日之际,让我们大家下定决心,着力培养和保护我们最宝贵的资源,使青年男女能够公平和充分地在社会及其成功中占有一席之地。The United Nations Secretary-Generals Message on International Yout

23、h Day, 12 August 2007International Youth Day is an annual opportunity to recognize the worlds 1.2 billion young people, to celebrate their achievements, and to push for their participation in all areas of society. This years commemoration - Be Seen, Be Heard: Youth Participation for Development - fo

24、cuses on the enormous contributions young women and men everywhere can and do make towards national uplift. They are valuable and committed partners in the global effort to achieve the Millennium Development Goals, including the overarching goal of cutting poverty and hunger in half by 2015. They re

25、main at the forefront of the fight against HIV/AIDS. And they bring fresh, innovative thinking to longstanding development concerns. Approaching the mid-point of the race to achieve the MDGs, we need their participation more than ever. Their energy and idealism can help make up for lost ground, and

26、achieve our development goals in full and on time. In turn, we must fulfil our obligations to youth. The World Programme of Action for Youth asks Governments to consider the contributions of young persons on all policies affecting them. Governments must honour this commitment. They must also increas

27、e the financial, education and technical support made available to young people, and help them realize their potential.Despite growing recognition of their needs, young people in many parts of the world continue to be marginalized and ignored. Their status as a group experiencing disproportionate le

28、vels of poverty and unemployment is frequently overlooked. As a result, the young are three times more likely than adults to lack jobs. In fact, while they constitute one fourth of the worlds labour force, young people make up almost half of its unemployed.It is high time that we stopped viewing our

29、 young people as part of the problem and started cultivating their promise and potential. On this International Youth Day, let us all resolve to invest in and protect our most valuable resource, and give young men and women a fair and full stake in our society, and in its success.2006年8月12日国际青年日秘书长在

30、国际青年日的献辞 今年纪念国际青年日的主题是“共同对付贫穷:青年人与消除贫穷”。全世界的青年人现在有10多亿。他们是促进发展的主要人力资源,可以成为推动创新和积极社会变化的主要动力。但是,广泛存在的青年贫穷问题使世界无法利用这一潜力。在拥有巨大财富的当今世界,15岁至24岁的青少年中有近五分之一每天靠不足一美元维持生活,几乎一半人每天靠不足两美元维持生活。此外,尽管青年人占全世界劳动力的四分之一,他们在失业人数中的比例却达二分之一。劳动力市场难以为青年人提供有良好前途的稳定工作,只有经过高度训练的人除外。没有像样的工作,青年人就特别容易陷于贫穷,而贫穷又使他们难以享受教育和基本的保健服务,从而

31、进一步影响他们的就业前景。长此以往,处境不利的青年人会在前进道路上遇到更大的障碍,并可能无法积累稳定的长期工作能够带来的财富,诸如获得资产和资源、拥有发达的社会关系以及在家庭或社区中享有决策地位。我们面临的挑战十分明确:我们必须进一步关注教育,特别是从教育到就业的过渡。而且,青年人寻得充分和生产性就业的能力必须成为国家发展战略、包括减贫政策的一个核心目标。国际社会已经认识到如今专家们称为贫穷年轻化的问题,并使其成为1995年世界青年行动纲领的一个优先领域。纲领把青年人视为消除贫穷和实现千年发展目标全球努力的平等伙伴。2005年的世界首脑会议重申并加强了政府对发展议程作出的承诺,这为青年人参加解决影响他们的问题的行动开创了新机会。值此国际青年日,让我们抓住机遇,加倍努力支持青年人并释放他们的巨大潜力,为我们大家造福。INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAYMessage by Kofi A. Annan, UN Secretary General12 August 2006 The theme of this years observance of International Youth Day is Tackling poverty together: young

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