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快乐英语辽师大版第四册 全册 教案 二年级Word文档下载推荐.docx

1、2. To train Ss express the countries correctly by using the pattern “ Im from .”3.To make Ss understand the differences between student and students.Teaching aids: PPT photos recorder tape flags Teaching methods:1. Student-centered teaching2. Task-based learning3. Communication through learningTeach

2、ing procedure Step1. Lead in1. Make greetings.T: Hello, children. How about your holiday? Do you have a good time?Ss:Yes! Do you miss me? Really?(夸张语气)Ss: Yes!(声音十分响亮) Me too. Nice to see you again, Group1!G1: Nice to see you, too. How are you, Group 2?G2: Im fine, thank you. Glad to see you, Group

3、3!G3: Glad to see you, too. Good morning, Group 4! Good morning, Miss Li.2. sing a song: Letter Song Would you like to sing a song with me? Yes. Thank you . OK. Letter Song.3. Free talk. Today is our first class. So well learn Lesson One. Great. Lesson One.(板书)Step 2. Presentation, drills and consol

4、idation1. Listen, Read and Write Do you remember the old friends about Fun With English? Now lets visit them.Who is she? Linda. Good memory. Who is she? Yuan Yuan. Thats right. Now look at me.(老师带上头饰扮演Yuan Yuan) Im Yuan Yuan. Im in Class 3. Im from China.Can you translate them into Chinese?S1: “我是圆圆

5、,我是三班的,我来自于中国。”T:Wonderful. Give your group 1 mark. Weve learnt the patterns before. But we dont know how to write. Today let me introduce how to write the sentences.1. 开头字母要大写,第一人称单数“I”永远大写。2. 句末要有标点。英语中句号为“.”即实心点,而汉语则是“。”空心点。3. 像class 这样的单词,当后面有具体数字表达具体班级的时候要注意class的大写状态,并且数字相当于大写字母,要求数字与class 中的大

6、写字母“C”要写一样大,既高矮一样。4. 强调单词之间要保持一个小写字母“a”那样大的距离,以保证在辨认上不相混淆。5. 以四线三格为基本书写格式。Now you can have a try to write the sentences like me. Let me see which group is the most careful. Oh, I have to give every group 1 mark. You are all careful. Today we have two new friends. New friends, old friends. Do you und

7、erstand? They are from other countries. Would you like to make friends with them? For the distance, we cant meet them, but they sent e-mails for us. Lets read together. Base on the passages to answer my question . Is she (图片)from England?/ Is he (图片)in Class 1?Let me see which group is best?Passage1

8、Hello, Im Takuya.(Send a photo.) Im in Class 1. Im from Japan. (Send a picture of Japanese flag.) Welcome to Japan. Passage 2Hello. My name is Tom. (Send a photo.) Im from England. (Send a picture of English flag.) Im in Class2. Welcome to England. Now look at the screen and answer my question: Is s

9、he (图片)from England?/Is he (图片)in Class 1?S2: No. Youre right. Give your group 1 mark. Follow me.(出示头饰卡片) Tom, Im Tom. Im in Class 2. (出示班级卡片)Im from England. (出示国旗) Takuya, Im Takuya. (出示头饰) Im in Class 1. (出示班级卡片) Im from Japan. (出示国旗) Im Yuan Yuan. . (出示头饰) Im in Class 3. (出示班级卡片) Im from China.

10、(出示国旗)(repeat again)Drills: 让每小组长带上头饰领读Consolidate the new words and patterns1. Look at the cards and flags, then read.2. Lets have a match. Each group has a set of cards, you should put ones information together with your group members. Look, which group is the quickest? T: Oh, Group 4 is the quick

11、est. Add 1 mark.3.T: Now shall we play a game? OK, lets. Who wants to come here and guess who it is? You should face to Ss when I show a picture on your head. You can ask two questions like this: Are you from Japan? Are you in Class 2?Other Ss should answer “Yes” or “No”. Clear? Which group is best?

12、 Group 3.4.T: I agree with you. OK, give this group 1 mark. Can you introduce the two friends on your notebook like this: Im Yuan Yuan. Im in Class 3. Try your best to do it. Now who wants to be the new friends, and introduce yourself to every one?S3: Im Tom. Im in Class 2. Im from England. Good. Gi

13、ve your group 1 mark and give you an English flag. Anyone else?S4: Im Takuya. Im in Class 1. Im from Japan. (国名拓展)Good job. Give your group 1 mark and give you a Japanese flag. Now look at the picture. Do you know them? Kangaroo. Ha ha, you are right. Do you know which country has so many kangaroos?

14、 Show the Australian flag. 澳大利亚, follow me. Australia. Lets count One Two.Games: Count One Two. (The teacher says “one”, the students face to face to read. The teacher says “two”, the students back to back to read.) Can you make a sentence with “Australia”? Im from Australia. I enjoy your pronunciat

15、ion. Wonderful, give your group 1 mark and give you an Australian flag. Step 3. New text.Learn to Say (1). Listen and solve the questionToday there are two new students in Miss Lins class. Two students, clear? (折图片跟老师读)One student-two students, One student-three students, One student-four students.(

16、加深难度)One new student, two new students. One new student, two new students, three new students, four new students. I like your opinion. Now listen again, today there are two new students in Miss Lins class. Do you want to know who they are? Now listen to the tape, and answer my question: Who are they

17、? Helen, Takuya. Correct answer.(2). Follow the tape to read. Now follow the tape to read and answer another question: Where is Helen from? England.(3). Practice the text by themselvesConsolidate the text: read and act the text group by group.Lets act:Group workLearn Lets act by themselves and circl

18、e the difficulties, then solve them together, at last act【设计思路】由于本节课是开学的第一堂课,所以上课前老师和学生进行问候沟通,问他们假期过的怎么样,紧接着唱字母歌曲,让他们复习上学期的26格英文字母,拉近老师和学生的距离,更重要的是调动课堂气氛,为上好这节课埋下伏笔。由于本节课的句型 “Im,Im in Class.”在以前已经作为三会句型学过,所以在操练的时候适当地把握尺度, 根据创设情景来导入两个人物Tom 和Takuya.他们作为我们的笔友身份出现,通过阅读他们的电子邮件来学习新知,让学生和他们从交朋友做起,介绍人物,创建情感

19、教学。巩固新知时,通过动手让他们把人物和国家还有相对应的班级放在一起,让学生手脑并用,在玩中学,在乐中学。通过猜一猜,让他们更加熟练的掌握人物和国家及班级最终达到教学目标。Step 4. Extension:England /China /Australia /Japan , Yuan Yuan/Tom/ Takuya, Class 1/ Class 2/ Class 3根据所给信息,给你的两个外国小朋友写封信,介绍自己的名字,和他们问好,告诉他们你自己所在的班级,来自于哪个国家。【设计思路】由于前面两个人物Tom 和Takuya作为笔友的身份出现,那么我们接下来顺理成章的给他们通过回信来交流

20、情感,而且正好能用上本节课的新知,使情感教学和知识教学相结合。Step 5Homework1. To write weve learnt patterns again: “Im ./ Im in Class .”2. Recite Learn to Say.3. Read the letter to your parents.【设计思路】让学生课后巩固四会句型,背诵课文,让学生掌握课文内容,通过给家长读信树立孩子的自信心!Teaching ideas and notes:本堂课以小组合作的方式学习,培养他们的合作意识,教师多元化的评价提高了学生的学习效率。但是应注意课后的巩固,实践证明学生的遗

21、忘速度很快,所以应在下节课前以提问的方式对学生的学习情况进行了解,做到让学生把知识学牢。板书设计:Lesson 1教学回顾:Lesson 2【授课时间】40分钟【教材分析】本课是快乐英语第四册的第二课。主要讲授的内容是单词China,Japan,America,England,要求达到三回;四会句型Im from England,提高英语运用能力,解决实际问题。同时了解异国文化,增强跨文化交流意识。【教学用具】 Word cards computer tape the world map Knowledge aims1. Be able to use “This is my new frien

22、d” and “Where are you from?/Im from.”2. Enable the students to listen, say and read “China/ Japan/ America/ England”.3. Make sure the students can listen、read、speak and write sentence “I m from England .”Ability aims1. Be able to make short dialogues with the help of the teacher.2. To train Ss to si

23、ng the song “Where Are You from?Emotion aims To enhance cross-cultural awareness, foster patriotic spirit .Important point and difficult point:1. To write “I m from” correctly.2. To train Ss to use “Where are you from?/ I m from” in real life.3. The pronunciation of “America”.Situational approach. C

24、ommunicative teaching methods. Games approach.Teaching procedure:1、 Lead in1. GreetingsT :Good morning , everybody.Ss :Good morning ,teacher.How are you today?Fine, thank you2. Sing a song “Where Are You from?【设计思路】活跃课堂气氛,增进师生感情。欢快的英文儿歌把学生们带到了充满快乐气氛的英语课堂,同时也为本课知识目标的学习打下良好的基础。2、 Presentation ,drills

25、and consoliation A .dialogue and new words(1). I have a new friend. Do you want to know him? Ss :Yes. T : OK. I will introduce to you. Look .This is my new friend, Fuwa Bei Bei.(拿出头饰) B :Hello, my lovely friends. Nice to meet you.Nice to meet you ,too.Where are you from, Bei Bei?Im from China. A ver

26、y beautiful country.Oh, Bei Bei is from China. Im from China, too.S1, where are you from? S1: Im from China.(Writing on the blackboard) S2 : S3: Now, practice writing on your exercise book like this, and pay attention the writing rules. So, we are all from China, we live in a big family and we shoul

27、d love our country, right? Very good. Look, this is China.(Show the world map and take out of the card) Read after me: China. Ss: China (together- group by group-one by one)(2). Today ,Bei Bei wants to take us to travel around the world. Are you happy? Im very happy to travel with you , so, lets go. OK. B: Wu, wu, wu, lets go, (show the picture)do y

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