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1、C. Withpleasure. A5.A. Sorry, I wont.B. Welldone.C. Here youare. C6.A. Never mind!B. What a pity!C. Have a good time!第二节(每小题 根据你所听到的对话和问题,从A、B、C三个选项中选出正确答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。7.A. Bybike.B. By busC. Onfoot. B8.A.Grace.B.Alice.Paul. A9.A. In thelibrary.B. In themuseum.C. In theclassroom. C10.Math.Chin

2、ese.Science. B11.A. Clever andlovely.B. Friendly andC. Friendly andclever. C12.A. At 8:00.B. At 9:C. At 10:00. 第三节(每小题 1.5分,共6分) 听两遍。根据你所听到的长对话,从听第一段材料,回答第13和14小题。13. Where did John go for a holiday?A. ToBeijing.B. ToTaiwan.C. To HongKong. C14. How was Johns trip?Boring.Dangerous.Wonderful. 听第二段材料,回

3、答第15和16小题。C15. Who did the man buy the dress for?A. Hiswife.B. Hisdaughter.C. Hissister. B16. What color did the man choose?Blue.Yellow.White.第四节(每小题 根据你所听到的短文内容,从17. You are now listening to the results of the _competition.A. musicB. sportsC. speech B18. Green Leaves are the _ grouptoday.A. bestB.

4、youngestC. tallest A19. The young man from Sunshine _well.A. played the guitarB. swamC. sang C20. Summer Flowers won the _ place in theA. thirdB. secondC. first II单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。21. I believe that _ apple a day keeps the doctoraway.A. aB. anC. theD. /

5、 答案 B 考点 冠词 解析 根据apple是元音音素开头用an,同时每天一个苹果是泛指而不是特指。22. Hua Chenyu is very popular amongteenagers. He is also _ favoritesinger.A. IB. meC. myD. mine 答案 C 考点 代词 解析 根据singer修饰名词,故用形容词性物主代词,注意易错选A受汉语影响。23. -Excuse me, is there a computer room in your school?-Yes. Its _ the fifthfloor.A. onB. in C, atD. t

6、o 答案 A 考点 介词 解析 表示在第几楼使用介词on。24. Listen!Mr. Black _ a talk on robots in thehall.A. givesB. is givingC. will giveD. gave 答案 B 考点 考查时态 解析 根据listen这个条件,知道使用现在进行时,其它答案排除。25. It rained _yesterday. I had to stay athome.A. heavilyB. quietlyC. hardlyD. quickly 答案 A 考点 副词辨析 解析 根据后面必须呆在家中,故说明昨天下大雨。注意受构词法的影响以为

7、hardly是hard的副词,实际意思是“几乎不”,不符合句意。而B是安静地,D是快地。26. The cake _delicious. Id like to have anotherone.A. tastesB. looksC. soundsD. feels答案 A 考点 系动词辨析 解析 根据cake是食物,应该是“尝起来”才行,而B是看起来,C是听起来,D是感觉。27. _ people visited Hongyadong, Chongqing on May Day thisyear.A. ThousandB. ThousandsC. Thousand ofD. Thousands o

8、f 答案 D 考点 数词 解析 句中无具体的数字故不用复数,排除A和C,同时如用复数后须接介词of,排除B。28. Please _ theTV. Its time to go tobed.A. turn onB. turn offC. put onD. put off 答案 B 考点 动词短语辨析 解析 根据后面信息该睡觉了,当然应该关电视。A是打开C是穿上、上演D是延迟。29. Their parents dont allow them _ in the river because its reallydangerous.A. swimB. swimmingC. to swimD. swa

9、m 答案 C 考点 非谓语 解析 根据句型allowsb. to dosth.得答案。30. You _ stop when the traffic lights turnred.A. cantB. mayC. mustD. neednt 答案 C 考点 情态动词 解析 根据句意当交通灯变红时,人必须停止否则会发生交通事故,B表示允许,而A和D是否定排除。31. My math teacher lives an activelife. She looks as _ as she was ten yearsago.A. youngB. youngerC. the youngestD. young

10、est 答案 A 考点 形容词的级 解析 根据asas表示与一样,只能接形容词或副词原级。32. - Whos the little girl in the photo, Laura?- Itsme. This photo _ when I wasfive.A. is takenB. takesC. was takenD. took 答案 C 考点 考查语态 解析 根据was知道用过去时,排除A和B,而主语无法发出动作,只能是承受者,故用被动语态,排除D。33. - How far is it from Chongqing to Guiyang?- Its about two _ ride b

11、y high-speedtrain.A. hourB. hoursC. hoursD. hours 答案 D 考点 名词所有格 解析 根据two只能只能用复数,排除A和B,而再由名词ride知道应该用所有格来修饰,排除C。34. Lots of people exercise every morning _ bad weather stopsthem.A. ifB. unlessC. untilD. since 答案 B 考点 连词 解析 根据句意35. - Could you please tell me _?- In twoweeks.A. when did he come backB.

12、how soon will he come backC. when he came backD. how soon he will come back 答案 D 考点 宾语从句 解析 根据答语表示将来,排除A和C,又由宾语从句用陈述句语序,排除B。III完形填空。(每小题 1.5分,共15分) 根据短文内容,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入相应空格内的最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。Tom worked hard in anoffice. But it seemed that there was little change in hislife. He was unhap

13、py and didnt want to improve himself anymore. His father, Joe, knew this and decided to have a talk with 36 . One day, Tom and his father went for a walk afterdinner. 37 they were walking along a river, Tom said, “Dad, you always tell me to learn somethingnew. To be 38 , I dont want to make anychang

14、e.” Joe looked in the river, saw a dead 39 and pointed atit. “Tom, what is that over there?”“Its a deadfish.”“Whats the fish doing?“Its moving down with the runningwater.”“But the fish isdead. 40 can it be moving?” askedJoe. “Its moving as the river ismoving.” Joe turned to his son and said, “Life i

15、s 41 theriver. Its always moving and alwayschanging. Some people dont want to change, but their life is always changing whether they like it ornot. A dead fish only moves along the river, while a living fish can control itsjourney. Whats your choice if you want to live a 42 life?” This made Tom 43 h

16、is aunt who had already stopped learning anddeveloping. And she just stayed the way she used to be, living like a deadfish. Guided by his 44 , Tom understood what hesaid. He didnt want to become a person like hisaunt. So he made up his mind to 45 learning and developinghimself.36.A. youC. herD. him3

17、7.A. OnceB. WhileC. AfterD. Before38.A. honestB. happy C, quietD. patient39.A. birdB. dogC. duckD. fish40.A. WhoB. WhichC. HowD. When41.A. inB. overC. likeD. by42.A. worseB. harderC. greenerD. better43.A. give upB. think ofC. wait forD. hear from44.A. auntB. fatherC. uncleD. friend45.A. continueB. f

18、inishC. avoidD. stop 36 答案 D 考点 代词意义辨析 解析 根据前面his father知道是与他进行交谈。37 答案 B 考点 连词辨析 解析 根据句意当他们在散步时,儿子说,根据从句是进行时,通常用while来引导,其它句意不符。38 答案 A 考点 固定搭配意义辨析 解析 根据句意,儿子说老实说我不想改变。39 答案 D 考点 名词意义辨析 解析 根据后面的Its a deadfish.知道答案。40 答案 C 考点 疑问词辨析 解析 根据下一句的Its moving as the river ismoving.知道是询问怎样移动的。41 答案 C 考点 介词辨析

19、 解析 根据句意:人的生活就如河水一样,是不断的移动和变化着。42 答案 D 考点 形容词级的辨析 解析 根据父亲的谈话,是为了让儿子有一个正确的人生观和价值观,当然是有一个更好的生活而进行选择。43 答案 B 考点 动词短语辨析 解析 由上文父亲的谈话得到教育由此而想起自己的阿姨的情况,这从最后一段的He didnt want to become a person like hisaunt.可以知道。44 答案 B 考点 名词意义辨析 解析 从后面知道明白了父亲与他谈话的目的,当然是被父亲所指导与教育。45 答案 A 考点 动词意义辨析 解析 根据上一句不愿意如他的阿姨那样,那只有自己继续学

20、习和发展。IV. 阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分) 阅读下列材料,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳答案,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。AChinese Culture Centers Abroad We offer Chinese language courses and activities of Chineseculture. In Mauritius First overseas center Set up in July, 1988 Recentactivities: Chinese cooking Chinese dancingTel: 230-2088547Email:

21、cccmau In Seoul First center in Asia Opened in December, 2004 Recent Chinese cooking Chinese tea 00822-733-8307 cccselIn Cairo First large-scale center overseas Set up on October 29, 2002 Recent Chinese painting Chinese films 0020-2-37798203 cairoIn Moscow 11 th overseas center Opened on December 5,

22、 2012 Recent Chinese tea Chinese kung fu 007-495-6121197 cccmos46. The first Chinese Culture Center in Asia was opened _.A. in July, 1988B. on October 29, 2002C. in December, 2004D. on December 5, 2012 答案 C 考点 细节题 解析 根据关键词Asia,知道从第二则相关信息得到时间。47. If you want to learn Chinese painting, you can call _.

23、A. 230-2088547B. 0020-2-37798203C. 00822-733-8307D. 007-495-6121197 答案 B 考点 细节题 解析 根据关键词Chinese painting,知道在第三则中有相应信息而得到电话号码。48. You can do Chinese kung fu at the Chinese Culture Center _.A. in MauritiusB. in CairoC. in SeoulD. in Moscow 答案 D 考点 细节题 解析 根据关键词Chinese kung fu,知道在第四则才有相应信息而得到国家。B Nation

24、al Smile Month is the largest and longest mouth health activity in theUK. Starting in 1977, it is celebrating its 42nd birthday from May 14 to June 14 thisyear. The British are known for their bad teeth because they have too many sugary (甜的) foods anddrinks. It seems that most of them dont often show theirfeeling.They neither smile norcry. But this is NOTtrue. The British like to smile as much as anyoneelse. They just dont want to show their badteeth. B

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