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1、035drinksanddesserts酒水与甜点英语情境口语035drinks and desserts酒水与甜点Beginner:A: What would you like for dessert?B: What do you have?A:I have apple pie, ice cream ,chocolate cake and fruit cocktail.B: Can I have apple pie with ice cream?A: Of course. I made the apple pie this morning, so its lovely and fresh.B

2、:I love your home-made apple pie. Its delicious. Can I have another glass of lemonade as well?A: Sure. Can you get it yourself, its in the refrigerator.B: Ok. Would you like a drink too?A: Yes ,Ill have an ice tea. You see it next to the lemonade.B :Are you having any dessert?A: Ill have apple pie t

3、oo ,but without ice cream. I have to watch my weight.Intermediate:A: Hello, Mike. Would you like a drink?B: No, thank you .I had too much to drink yesterday evening. I had a bad hangover this morning. My head felt terrible.A: Were you celebrating something?B: Yes, it was a friend birthday party. We

4、drank all kinds of things, bear, wine and spirits. After midnight, we were even drinking cocktails.A: Its a bad idea to drink combination of alcoholic drinks. You should stick with one for the whole evening.B:I know .But it was a celebration, you know? I dont think Ive seen you drank.A:I usually onl

5、y drank bear and I rarely drink more than a few pints.B: You are a sensible drinker. Anyway, Im not going to drink any alcohol this evening. I dont want another bad hangover.A: Let me buy you a soft drink then. How about a coke?B: Yeah, thats a good idea. I heard the coke was first used as a medicin

6、e.A: Really? Barman, a large coke with ice and lemon please. Thanks, here is the money.B: Are you going to the wine tasting tomorrow?A: Yes, I thought it might be interesting to learn a little about wine.B: And taste a few. There will be wines for several countries and an expert to give advice on wh

7、ich ones are good and which ones are not.A: Yes, Im looking forward to it.032cooking烹饪Beginner:A: Do you like cooking?B:I love it. I really enjoy creating a meal from various ingredients and watching my friends enjoy it. It gives me a real sense of satisfaction. Do you enjoy cooking?A: I dont like i

8、t. It takes up too much time and I really hate having it clean up after the meal. I cant stand doing the washing up, drying up and putting all the dishes and cutlery away.B: You can ask the guests for help. My guests usually insist on doing the washing up. I just have to remind them where everything

9、 goes.A: So what kinds of dishes do you usually make? I know you like Italian food.B: Italian, Indian and Chinese. Ive only recently started cooking Chinese meals and I need some more practice.A: Do you find it hard to get ingredients for Chinese food?B: Not at all. You can find most of them in supe

10、rmarkets. The ingredients are usually the same as in Western food. The way that the food is prepared is the big difference, not the ingredients.A: How long does it take you to cook a meal for 5 or 6 people?B: Obviously, it depends on what Im cooking. But Id say it generally takes about one and a hal

11、f hours.Intermediate:A: Hi, you said that you might need some help with preparing dinner. What would you like me to do?B: Thanks for coming over to help. I really appreciate it. First, could you peel the vegetables? Ive put them all in the sink and there is a peeler.A: Ok, Ill peel the vegetables an

12、d you chop them. Im terrible at chopping vegetables. I always seem to chop them into pieces that are either too big or too small. Wow, you can chop vegetables really quickly, just like professional chefs on TV!B: After youve chopped the vegetables, could you fry the meat in a little oil? Just use a

13、very small amount of oil. Fry the meat until it is cooked, then we will add some spices to flavor it.A: Which spices are you going to add to the meat?B: These ones here. The one on the left is very spicy, so we must be careful about how much we add.A: Yes, we dont want everyone to burn their mouths

14、and have a drink gallon. of water. Ok, Im really to do the meat .Should I cook it over a low flame?B: Cook it over a high flame, so that it will be ready quickly. Keep stirring the meat around the frying pan. Dont let the meat stick to the bottom of the pan.A: Right. What are you doing over there?B:

15、 Im mixing the sauce. Its my specialty make it according to my own secret recipe.033meat and fish肉与鱼Beginner:A: Which kinds of meat are most popular in your country?B: We eat a lot of chicken, pork and beef. You eat those meat a lot in your country too, dont you?A: Yes, we do. We also eat a lot of l

16、amb.B: Yes. Ive heard that people in your country like to eat lamb chops.A: Thats right. They taste so good. We eat them with mint sauce. Have you ever tried them?B: Yes, I have. I tried them when I visited your country last year. I thought they were very tasty. Can you cook them?A:I certainly can.

17、If I can get some from the butchers, Ill cook them for you.B: That sounds great. Ill bore a bottle of wine.Intermediate:A: What do we need for the barbecue?B: Well, Ive bought a lot of meat. Ive got pork chops, small steaks, chicken wings and plenty of hot dog sausages and hamburger patties.A:I cant

18、 wait to start cooking. Ive bought the grill and charcoal. Do you have enough plates and utensils?B:I think so. I bought some paper plates and cups for people to use. It will save on the washing up.A: And if people drop them, they wont break. Well need to buy some buns to make hot dogs and hamburger

19、s.B: They sell them at the shop around the corner. We can go and get some in a few minutes.A:I brought some cheese to make cheeseburgers and some onions for the hot dogs. Well need some tomato catch-up and some barbecue sauce.B:I have the sauce, but remind me to get some catch-up at the shop.A: How

20、long does it take to cook meat on the barbecue?B: It only takes a few minutes. Some people like their meat well done, others like it rare. The great thing about the barbecue is that everyone can choose how they want their meat cooked.A: They can cook them themselves to make sure exactly how they lik

21、e it.B:I hope you havent invited any vegetarians.036games游戏Beginner:A: What games do you like?B:I like board games. I like Chinese chess and draughts.A: Ive never played Chinese chess before, but Ive seen old men playing it in the street. It looks complicated.B: Its about as complicated as chess. Th

22、e basic rules and moves are simple enough, but there are many strategies that players need to learn.A:I like playing cards. Im a pretty good poker. Do you play cards?B: Im terrible at cards and so I never play games which involve gambling, like poker. If I did, Id lose all my money.A: Do you play br

23、idge?B: Yes, I do. Its hard to find four players though, so I dont play very often. 。Do you know anyone who plays? If so, we could set up a game.A:I can play quite well. I have a friend who likes playing, but shes not very good at it. Shall I invite her to play?B: Sure, I have a friend who can play

24、fairly well. We should find out when our friends are free and arrange a game.A: Ill call my friend now. You call yours.Intermediate:A: Would you like to have a game of pool?B: Ive never tried it before, but Id like to learn. Can you show me how to play? It looks very difficult.A: The rules are quite

25、 simple, but learning to use the cue can be a real challenge. Stand like this and hold the end of the cue in one hand. Put the other hand on the table, behind the ball you want to hit, like this.B: Like this?A: This leg must be straight. Thats right. Put your head close to your cue, so that you can

26、see the exact direction that you will hit the ball in. Thats good.B: Now I hit the right ball onto the other balls and try to hit them into the pockets, right?A: Yes, thats right. You can see that there are fifteen color balls. seven have stripes and seven have spots. The last ball is black.B: We ta

27、ke it in turns to hit the white ball and try to hit one of the balls into the pockets, right? If I hit a stripe into a pocket first, I play stripes, dont I? We each play our balls, stripes or spots. And then we must hit the black ball into a pocket to win.A: Thats right. Youve obviously watched peop

28、le play before. Ok, Ill put all the balls into the correct starting positions, and we can begin.B: The balls have numbers on them. What does that mean?A: Thats just for identification. We dont need to worry about that when we are just playing for fun.037free time activitiesBeginner:A: Hi, my name is

29、 Sovia. Whats your name?B: My name is Jeff.A: What do you do? B: Im a podiatrist. What about you?A: Im a nurse. What do you do in your free time?B:I like to play piano, go bowling nad chat with my friends. And you?A: I like to hang out with my friends, play games and go swimming.B: Would you like to

30、 go out some time?A: Sure, thatd be great. Where would you like to go?B: Anywhere with you.A: Arent you sweet.Intermediate:A: Hey, Ray. What are you doing right now?B: Not much ,Joan. do you want to hang out?A: Yes, I do. Im at home by myself right now with nothing much to do.B: Me too. What would y

31、ou like to do?A: Well, we could go to a movie. Have you seen Shrek 2?B: I have, actually. How about the movie Million Dollar Baby with Clint Eastwood?A: Hmm. Ive seen that too. We could go for a walk in the park.B: We could, but it looks like its going to rain soon.A: I guess thats out. Why dont we

32、go shopping?B : Id really rather not. Ill be too tempted to buy something that I cant afford!A: OK. guess wed be not do that either then. What do you want to do?B:I dont know. Do you want to go bowling at the new bowling alley on the First Street?A: I would like to, but I injured my wrist last weekend.B : Lets see.Do you want to go to a

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