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2、 高等教育出版社新视野大学英语(第三版)视听说教程1、2新编大学基础英语训练与自测1、2 高等教育出版社参考书目及文献(或网络教学资源)(含参考书目、案例材料、阅读材料,网络教学资源等)新编大学基础英语训练与自测1、2新视野大学英语(第三版)长篇阅读1、2考试考核方式(含期中考试、小测验、作业)形成性评估:平时作业、网络学习、课堂表现、期中考试、期末考试 Unit 4 Whats On?I教学目标ObjectivesStudents will be able to: Talk about free time activities Match descriptions to photos Int

3、roduce and practise the use of the -ing verb form after go, like and love Use expressions of frequency to talk about habits in a quizII. 课时安排Time Allotment(体现重点、难点)1st period: Lesson 1)2nd period: Lesson 2 3rd period: Lesson 34th period : Lesson 4III. 教学方法与手段 Teaching Methodology Student-centered ap

4、proach Student-centered learning requires students to be active, responsible participants in their own learning.Instead of lecturing through the whole class, the teacher takes students interests into account, follows their passions, capitalizes on their strengths and helps students form a strong lea

5、rning community. Task-based approachThe main aim of this approach to learning is task completion. Usually, relevant and interesting tasks are set by the teacher and students are expected to draw on their pre-existing knowledge of English to complete the task.IV. 教学内容及过程Tasks and ProcessLesson 1 Time

6、 Out Lexical Preparation Vocabulary &Listening1. Work in pairs. Find phrases to describe the photos below.Key:a. I go swimming. b. We go to concerts. c. We go rollerblading on the seafront. d. I sit in a caf and read the paper. e. We spend hours playing computer games. f. I work out in the gym.2. Wo

7、rk in pairs. Look at the above list and ask your partner: What do you do in your free time?3. Listen to Nikki and Martin answering the same questions. Tick the activities they mention.4.Listen again. Match the answers to the questions and write the name of the person whos speaking (Nikki or Martin).

8、Questions:1. What do you do in your free time? 2. What do you like doing on Sundays?3. How often do you go to concerts / the cinema?Lesson 2 Going OutSpeaking1. Work in pairs. Match the questions with the answers.2. Ask your classmates the questions. Find the person who is most similar to you.1. Lis

9、ten to a telephone conversation and answer the questions. 1. Are the two people friends?a) yes b) no 2. Where is the woman? a) at home b) in the office c) in the street 3. Is she busy? 4. Why does the man phone the woman? a) to talk about work b) to invite her for a drink c) to ask for help2. Match

10、the questions and the answers. 1. Are you busy? a) Im visiting some friends. 2. What are you doing? b) Im in the office. 3. What are you doing here? c) Im writing a report.Listen and check.Practice 4. Listen to their mobile phone conversations. Are they telling the truth? Conversation 1 Conversation

11、 2 Conversation 3 Conversation 45. Complete the dialogue. Listen and check. 1. A: Hi, _ you working? B: No, I _. _ having a drink with a friend . What _ you doing? Are you busy? A: No, I _. Well, come and have a drink with us! 2. C: Hi, _ you watching the football? D: Yes, I _. _ watching it with so

12、me friends in the pub. C: _ Rob watching it with you? No, he _. He s doing some work at home.6. Match the dialogues with two of the photos.7. Work in pairs. Write similar dialogues for the other two photos. Practise reading them with your partner.8. Translate the following sentences into English.1.

13、玛丽亚的母亲正在打扫客厅 Marias mother is cleaning the sitting room.2. 孩子们在做作业吗?不, 他们在踢足球。Are the children doing their homework?No. They are playing football.3. 露西在做什么?她正在游泳。What is Lucy doing?She is swimming.4. 你这是去哪里?我去超市。Where are you going?Im going to the supermarket.5. 萨姆和他父亲正在打羽毛球。Sam and his father are p

14、laying badminton.1. Listen and repeat. Notice the difference between the pronunciation of the two hellos.2. Listen and decide if the hello is on the phone (a) or face-to-face (b).3. Work in pairs. Practise answering the phone. Ask your partner these questions. 1. Where are you?Language Focusgo, like

15、, love + -ing1. Complete these sentences so that they are true for you. 1. I go every weekend. 2. I like on Sunday. 3. I love with my friends.2. Complete these questions and then ask your partner. 1. What you do at the weekend? 2. What you like on Sunday?1. Read the questions and choose the best ans

16、wer for you. Then ask your partner.2. Work in pairs. Ask your partner the questions in the quiz.3. What do you think your partner is? Look at the answers on page 200 and find out. Do you agree with the answers?Lesson 3 At the MoviesReading1. Work in pairs. Match each film type to one of the posters.

17、 an action film poster a science fiction film a love story a thriller a musical a comedy2.Discuss these questions. 1. What kind of films do you like? 2. Have you got a favorite film? Or a favorite actor or actress? 3. Do you like watching films at the cinema or do you prefer watching videos at home?

18、 4. Are there any cinemas in your town that show films in English?3. Look at these film reviews. Match each review to a film type.4. Are these sentences true? Write yes or no. 1. Double Take is about two sisters. 2. Year Zero is about the past. 3. The story in Roses Only Live One Day happens in Fran

19、ce. 4. The special effects in Year Zero are very good. 5. Double Take is about a criminal. 6. Roses Only Live One Day is about an old couple.5. Answer these questions. 1. Which film would you like to see? 2. Which would your partner like to see?6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 我

20、的朋友玛吉是一位性格极好的女人。(character)My friend, Margie, is a woman of fine character.2. 他们能操纵这种新型的机器。(control)They can control this new type of machine.3. 他救了约翰, 没让他淹死。(save from)He saved him from drowning. 4. 这个故事的结尾出人意料。(ending) The story has a surprise ending. 5. 请查一下火车什么时候开。(find out) Please find out when

21、 the train leaves. Listening& Speaking1. Listen to Francesca and Tim deciding which film to see. Complete the table. Which film do they decide to go to?They decide to go and see _. 2. Work in pairs. Look at the phrases below. Who says them, Tim or Francesca? 1. How about going to the cinema? 2. What

22、s on? 3. I cant stand science fiction films. 4. I love psychological thrillers. 5. What times it on?3. Match the expressions to the uses.4. Work in pairs. Look at the cinema information below. Together decide which film to see what time to go where to meetLesson 4 About TownVocabulary1. Work in pair

23、s. Match each verb on the left with a phrase on the right. There is more than one possibility.2. Read this introduction to Cardiff City and number the photographs following the order in the text.3. Look at the phrases below. Which ones are not included in the guide?4. Work in pairs. Discuss these qu

24、estions with a partner.5. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. 他收藏着不少外国硬币。( collection)2. 这是一座让人印象深刻的城堡。(impressive)3. 博物馆里陈列着许多艺术收藏品。(on display)4. 去公园怎么样?(how about)5. 这是一部极好的电影。(fantastic)LISTENING1. Work in pairs. Look at the posters. Which are advertising 2. Discuss these question

25、s with your partner. 1. Which places would you like to visit? 2. Which sports would you like to do? 3. What would you like to do in the evening?Id like to go to Chapter Arts Centre because I like .3. Listen to two friends planning a day out in Cardiff. Which places do they talk about?4. Listen again

26、 and complete their schedule.1.Work in pairs. You and your partner are on holiday and you want to plan a day out in Cardiff. Look at the information on page 196. Decide what to do and complete a schedule. morning afternoon lunchtime evening2. Change partners. Tell your new partner about your schedul

27、e.IV 书面或口头作业 Assignments:- A city guide1. Work in pairs. Think of a town or city you both know well.2. Make a list of eight places to see or things to do in your town.3.You are going to write a short introduction to your town or city. Use your notes in Exercise 2 and complete the text below. 4. Read your classmates guides. Which town would you most like to visit?Book I Unit 5 A Weekend AwayI. 课时安排Time Allotment(体现重点、难点)II. 教学方法与手段 Teaching MethodologyIII. 教学内容及过程Tasks and ProcessLesson 1 Anyone for Tennis?Objectives Tal

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