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1、Group One surfed on the Internet and learned that most of the laid-off workers had already got their new jobsIn the vocational training centre,the students in Group Two were told that there were five training courses for laid-off workers.After training,they began working as repairers,cooks,typists,

2、household workers and salespersons.The other students interviewed some laid-off workers who had got new jobs.A woman said,“With the help of the city government,Ive found my iob”What a great deal weve learned through the research!【2012湖南长沙第一次模拟】Section C (25 marks)【参考范文】Nowadays, many school children

3、 are addicted to computer games. Every day after school, they go to the Internet bar to play computer games until late at night without letting their parents and teachers know, and they often have a competition to see who wins more scores in each game. Let me take Tom for example. Tom used to like c

4、omputer games very much and spent a lot of time on them. However, an incident changed him completely. Once, Tom didnt go home until eleven oclock at night. When he got home, he told his mother that he had been reviewing his lessons. Poor mom! She believed him and cooked two eggs for him. “Take more

5、care of yourself as you work too hard, my dear son.” She said to Tom. But Toms face turned red at his mothers praise. He realized that he was wrong, and he made up his mind to study hard at his lessons. Later, he did become a good student and was often praised by his teachers and parents. As the say

6、ing goes, “It is better late than never.” All the students should concentrate on studies instead of computer games.根据图画写一篇短文,叙述小明与其妈妈发生的故事。1不仅要表述出图中的内容,还要就此现象要发表自己的感想; ;Possible version:One day, Xiao Ming saw a little girl fall over. He was on the point of helping the girl when his mother stopped hi

7、m and said, “Dont do that or others will think it was you who knocked her down.” The next day, the mother was astonished to see Xiao Ming just ignored the fallen oil bottle on the ground. Xiao Ming said to his mother, “If I had got the bottle to stand, you would have thought I knocked it down.”I tot

8、ally disagree with the way Xiao Mings mother brings him up. Personally, parents should help their children become considerate and helpful, though helping others may sometimes bring them trouble. After all, helping others is an essential aspect of building up a harmonious society. We all need some he

9、lp, right? 假如你是中学生李华,你的美国朋友Jack给你的来信中寄来了一张自己的照片,请用英语给他写一封回信,内容如下: 1表示惊讶; 2介绍抽烟的危害; 3给出戒烟的方法。【2012届湖北襄樊五中10月月考】根据下面所给的英文提示和图片,联系自己的生活或学习实际,用英语写一篇短文。The capacity of a bucket is determined by its shortest plank(板). Therefore, the overall capacity of the whole bucket will be impacted if there is one sho

10、rt plank.短文写作One possible version: In the picture, we can see a bucket made of pieces of wood. One piece is shorter, causing the water in the bucket to flow out. The picture conveys a message that the success of a project depends on each individual part. When each individual part is of equal strengt

11、h, it is quite likely that the whole project will be a success. In the same way, when one piece is broken or shorter, the bucket cannot hold as much water as is expected, as is shown in the picture. Even a weakness in one part may lead to a complete failure of the whole project, so each individual p

12、art can make a difference between success and failure. (117 words)下图叙述了我和父亲散步时所发生的事情。请根据下面6幅图,用英语写一篇题为An Accident的短文。1. 图中讲述了一个什么故事?2. 女孩的言行说明了什么问题?3. 你对此事有什么感想?An Accident假设你是李华,在一所中学读书。最近收到美国朋友Smith先生的来信。他在网上看到两副图片,希望了解更多的有关情况。请结合下图,给他写一封回信,介绍你校的变化、带来变化的原因和自己的感受。 万川中学(2008) 万川中学(2011)Dear Mr. Smit

13、h,I am so glad to hear from you, and I am writing to tell you something about our school Wanchuan Senior High school. As you know, a terrible disaster happened to our school in 2008. All of the buildings were turned into ruins and some staff and schoolmates lost their lives. Time flies and our schoo

14、l is taking on a new look. You may wonder what has brought us the changes. First of all, thousands of workers from other provinces and cities came and helped to rebuild it. Moreover, donations from home and abroad were given to us, money, clothes, food and stationary included. Additionally, local pe

15、ople worked day and night, which contributed to its restoration. Terrible as the earthquake is, it can never defeat people working together. As a student in the disaster-stricken area, Im so moved by everyones selfless devotion and assistance that Ive made up my mind to study hard to reward themI ho

16、pe you will come to see for yourself one day.Yours, Li Hua在中国西部贫困地区有许多留守儿童。他们的父母外出打工挣钱养家。以下这幅图片展现了这群留守儿童的一个生活场景。请根据你对这幅图片的理解用英语写一篇短文。包含以下内容:描述图片内容;简析“留守儿童”这一现象的成因;谈谈你的感受和愿望。参考词汇: 文具stationery; 留守儿童left-behind childrenAs in shown in the picture,several children are crouching to the ground in a circle

17、.They are writing down “Mum and Dad,I am missing you.” Since they live in a less-developed western region in China,they are badly in need of stationery, dictionaries, schoolbags,TV sets and so on to do well in their studies and enjoy everyday life.The cause of such a phenomenon is that they live in

18、remote and hilly areas with poor transportation and a low-level education. To improve their living conditions, their parents rush to big cities to do odd jobs for more money,leaving them at home.Personally,I show pity for these left-behind children.I feel that each child should have the right to rec

19、eive a good education and enjoy a happy life together with their parents. I recommend we do something for them such as donation life necessities or books, raising money and making the public aware of their current conditions.Im sure if people care more for them, the future will find them happy and h

20、ealthy.(161words)短文写作(共1题,满分25分)高考是全社会关注的大事,学校和家庭表现尤为突出。家庭成员对考生从学习到生活给予无微不至的“关怀”,结果却给考生带来负面影响。根据图画所描述的内容写一篇文章,并发表自己的观点(夹叙夹议)。As the College Entrance Examination is drawing near, the situation is getting worse and worse. From the picture, we can see that Li Ming is “studying hard”. There are many boo

21、ks for him to read and many papers for him to do. How poor he is! At the same time, all his families are also busy working for him.Nowadays, many parents expect too much of their sons or daughters. They hope that their sons or daughters study hard in order to be admitted to an ideal college or a key

22、 university. It is for this reason that parents are strict with their children. However, they dont realize what a great pressure they have put on their children. It is the great pressure that often gets their children very anxious.So I hope parents provide a proper environment for their children. On

23、ly in this way will their children try their best and succeed at last.据报道,某大学生演了排队占座“大战”。为了在空调教室中争得一个学习的座位,数百人从晚上11点开始在教学楼前通宵排队,两名学生甚至带上了蚊帐搭成简易帐篷。请你就此现象用英语写一篇短文,包括下列要点:1简单介绍此现象;2你对此现象的看法: (1)通宵排队不值得; (2)影响白天的学习效率。3你的建议(学校和学生两个方面)有空调的air-conditioned 效率efficiency下图描述的是全球环境问题。请仔细观察这幅漫画,用英语写一篇短文,阐明漫画中所反

24、映的问题,并提出解决此问题的方法(至少三点)。1.仔细品味图中文字的韵味,可以适当发挥想象,不要做简单描述;3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。 假设你是图片上拿着酒瓶的MR DRUNK图片描述的是你昨天经历的一件事。请写一篇不少于120词的日记记录这件事的过程,并写出自己对此事的认识。Sunday Oct. 2nd, 2011 Sunny Yesterday l joined a classmate party. 1 was very happy to see my old friends, who I hadnt met for years. And I drank a lot.

25、After the party, I drove home though my classmates had tried to persuade me not to, because I always believe that as a skilled driver, drinking a little does no harm to driving. As the night got darker, the wine began to take effect. All of a sudden, I cracked my car against a sign on the road. Unlu

26、ckily, a policeman was around and came towards me. He fined me and said I hope that you would learn that drunk driving is a terrible thing. You can end up hurting yourself, and other innocent people. I realized that the effects of drunk driving can be serious and long lusting for all those involved.

27、 Many people who drink and drive do not think of the serious consequences of their action until it is too late. So I appeal to everybody never to drink and drive! Cherish your life!下图反映的是网络时代所出现的一种问题,有些孩子沉溺于网上聊天而忽视了与父母的交流。请你根据以下漫画,写一篇120-150字左右的英语短文。你的作文简要描述图片内容。结合实际,就你看到的现象谈谈自己的看法。 【2012届北京师范大学附属实验

28、中学高三上学期期中考试】请参阅答卷纸(请务必将情景作文写在答题卡第一页指定区域内)第二节 【2012届北京师范大学附属实验中学高三上学期期中考试】开放作文 (15分) 请根据下面提示,写一篇短文。词数不少于50。In your English class, you are asked to describe the following picture and explain to your classmates how you understand it.(请务必将情景作文写在答题卡指定区域内)三、One possible version:A Fire DrillLast Friday, a

29、fire drill was carried out in our school. Before the drill, our teacher carefully explained to us what we should do when there was a fire in the school. Every one of us listened attentively and remembered the right procedure.At 9:30 when we were having a Chinese class, the fire alarm rang. Without h

30、esitation, we went down the stairs in order as planned. Following our teachers instructions, we moved towards the exits. Three minutes later, all the students came outside the teaching building safely, which is really an experience. I think all the schools should have these kinds of drills so that e

31、very student will know what they should do when they meet certain disasters. 第二节 开放作文As we can see in the picture, two men are standing side by side, smiling. They share one characteristic, strong in one arm, while weak in the other. I guess they smile because they find someone who can help them accomplish a task that cann

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