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1、take place of/to the accident eye-witness 目击者C证人C/U 证据 evideneegive 作证His ragged elothes were (a) witness to his poverty.4.aeeommodationU住处 rooms espeeially for living insuitable /eheap/ temporary/permanent (pl.) 招待,膳宿Ccommodati onsaeeommodate vt. 供给某人住宿或房间The hotel can up to 500 guests. give sb acc

2、ommodation for the night make accommodation for sbll giveIf you come to my house, I you accommodation for the night.5.o pposite adj.作定语 对面的,相对的There was a garden on the side of the road.They sat at ends of the table.In directions有时放名词的后面 The man opposite/The house oppositebe opposite to sb/sth 在 对面,

3、和 相反The house is opposite to mine.The direction opposite to north is south.Hot is opposite to cold.His tastes are completely opposite tohers.I sat opposite to him. prep. 在对面She sat down opposite him.The house opposite ours was burnt down.n.相反的人或东西the“ High ”is the opposite of “ lowoppose vt. 反对oppos

4、e sb/sthbe opposed to6.yellvi./vt.yell at sb yell out 高 声 喊 出 your name/my number(由于疼痛,惊恐发出高叫声a yell of terrorlet out a yell of pain7.p ause vi /C停顿,暂停After a pause, the game continued.8.t eamwork n.协作,配合The successis due to the goodteamwork.9.d ive into diver 跳水者,潜水员make a beautiful dive into the p

5、ool10.flee- fled-fledvi. The birds fled in all directions.flee from the burning house. vt. (run away from) flee the country11.drag -gg- 拖,拉,扯pull sth with effort and difficulty12.meantime adv.I continued working. Meantime, he went out shopping.themeantime=inmeantime=meanwhile=inmeanwhile13.urge 催促,促

6、使,主张vt.urge sth immediate actionurge sb to do her to join themurge that 虚拟C强烈的愿望,要求urgent adj. 紧急的,紧迫的The call is urgent.An urgent call/letterIt surgent that they should be rescued from the ruin.14.abandon vt. 放弃,遗弃,抛弃 sb/sth a project/plan/chancean abandon ed car15.helpout帮助摆脱困境,解决困难16.relationship

7、 C/U 关系,交往 between A and B with /to sbHe has wide social relationships.区分 relation 和 relationship人与人或国与国的关系 relatio ns(用复数)US-Chinese relationsImprove relations between our countriesRelations 通常指工作上的关系Relationship 通常指情感上的关系Relations between workers managers are good.必须twoandI have quite a good relat

8、ionship withmy parents.She has a close relationship with her daughter. 物与物之间关系用relations 与用relationship 一样17.conservation U 保存,保护the of forests/old buildingsconserve one s strength / health / natural resources / wildlifeconservative adj. 保守的,守旧的 Old people are .18.jog jo gg ing go jogging 慢跑 have a

9、 n.靶,目标The arrow hit the center of the target.奋斗的目标;打击、讽刺等目标、对象, 众矢之的Become the target of being laughed at20.tideTime and tide wait for no man.时不我待21.dimension dimen ?n /dain n. 维,方面,侧面3-D: Three Dimensional3-D chart 三维图表22.reflect vt. 反射,映出A mirror reflects light.The water reflected the

10、 moon. vt. 反映,表现Their actions reflect their thoughts.His face reflected his emotions( vi.思考,沉思on/upongive them time to reflectreflect on/upon theconsequences of the action/what you saidreflectionC 倒影U 反射;反映;思考His smile is a reflection happiness.情绪).likelyof hisHe is lost in reflection.23.pure adj. 纯

11、的;纯洁的;纯粹的pure waterpure golda pure young girlIt was pure aware of 对知道,明白,意识到be aware of the fact/her presence/having done wrongbe aware that she was totally conscious of /be conscious that25.vivid adj. 生动的,鲜明的,鲜艳的 make a vivid impression on meThe sights remained vivid in m

12、y mind.I have many vivid memories of that holiday.This picture showed a vivid street scene.He gave a vivid description of the experience.26.neat adj. 好的,整齐的,匀称的He keeps his office neat.A neat room/desk27.narrow adj. 狭窄的;有限的;狭隘的a street/rivera victory 勉强获得的胜利It was a escape . 九死一生narrowly adv.He narr

13、owly escaped death.The child narrowly escaped drowning.险些溺死28.upside down 上下翻转The picture is hanging .He held his book .Everything was . 事情乱了套。29.suck vi./vt. the milk out of the adj.锐利的,锋利的;a knife/pencil 敏捷的 , 机警的A dog has eyes/ears/a nose.a mind 思维敏捷adv.整(时间)Tell him I ll be there

14、at 11 sharp .vt. sharp en 磨快,削尖sharpen the pencil/knife31.giantn. 巨人,个子特高的人;伟人;大公司Microsoft is a giant in the field of soft wares.Yaoming/ Isaac Newton is/was a giant.adj. 巨大的 animals32.shallow adj.浅的 waterThe river is quite . 肤浅的,浅薄的a talkThis book is very .33.boundary C 界限,分界线Heilongjiang is the between Russia and China.The fence was the between my land and hers.

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