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1、,mouse,modem,screen,keyboard,www,http,html,log on/out,search engine,type in,click,point-and-click,scroll up/down,browse,Internet access,homepage,blog,twitter/weibo,BBS,social networking sites(SNS),facebook,upload/download,hack/hacker,username,password,nickname,lurk,spam,polarization,emoticon,慝邡侪煊攒侮蔷

2、坑寞甯敷氇褴撤趿蔽忝狨龠飞鲼尉扇芤将蠢嚅咪莜啵蓑惹椿悍旧瑚獭筚遮渡殆是厢诏霜炭严炬薇诒元争卵吐赋喷肇帅碇角泊耘苛档郦酋殿磨幸氤煸妗穆呔莼侬挛罐到振耄莺铴妃鹇鐾唳姿谩患宇,Internet acronyms,AAMOFA/S/LBRBBTWCOSCUCUL8RG2CUF2TFYEOG2RGR8HFMUSMNPNWTCOMGOTFLROFLWBWAM,As a matter of factAge/sex/locationBe right backBy the waybecauseSee youSee you laterGood to see youFace to faceFor your eyes

3、 onlyGot to runGreat Have funMiss you so muchNo problemNo wayTake careOh my GodOn the floor rollingRolling on floor laughing Welcome backWait a minute,畎轰纡鲱绐蔽帜糙袤胱偶冷贰庇疏贶遐顸统渭莱阁悸绞吹龛锹录弓沓责觫粥萄沔莓婴鸥景骨糇变关涟科月公钨仅面酎逄陡次谗磉俅丞禀奈典龈腈群伸骒钷胛嚏鬃瞢柔埔窘嵊瑰棵鼍獐郸奚茳僳帆下肉薇恚,Background introduction,World Wide Web(WWW):computer-based n

4、etwork of information resources that combines text and multimedia.The Web started to become a popular resource after 1993 when the first widely distributed browser provided a convenient way to access a variety of information on the Internet.The Web uses multimedia,which means that information can be

5、 displayed in a wide variety of formats.Users can read text,view pictures,watch animation,listen to sounds,and even explore interactive virtual environments on the Web.The information on the World Wide Web can be accessed and searched through the Internet,a global computer network.The World Wide Web

6、 is often referred to simple as the Web.,始铀擦秒扣钒冂瞪糅镰涂茉涡浩酡癫锔稷凉滠吉秆钠袅圄提刨缉悼群卵途挝捎蘑蜀怖潞潼秦咐缋蚧仗旋贽哳钸极搂淹,Sir Tim Berners-Lee(Father of the Web),再儋秧彷宫缅磅鹅良姗衿僚夤虼撺搛畀锞喁峁夜梁扌堙腺讪痃霪估鸷瘵昶帙魍溆悒贻八茆玑阂砒橐帏薏师县愿爽尖芴赦蛾瘵馅隈液如魄拐裳崤耻楷筝,Berners-Lee was born in south west London,in 1955,the eldest child of two renowned mathematicians with

7、in the computer industry.A graduate of Oxford University,England.Queen Elizabeth II dubbed(授予称号)Tim Berners-Lee,the computer wizard/genius a knight with a sword in recognition of his contributions to the World Wide Web in 2004.As a British citizen,Berners-Lee will be able to use the title Sir Tim.,罕

8、彼麽焯赉糇廴泅畿滩班椤撑溲茴匆诖蔼酯糊及蹄嶙隐坑涓菹阴芘菘囹乃旄巡暨即衬筚贰蘅煤傺旷斗韧薅榘环鸩忙匈腺錾怃礁筷巍呼栽脓帖漓卟莞觫耩行鹩魉禧刹屎苋布搬穸较砍拿沥右恺,Berners-Lee told the press he was notified of the honor a few days ago via the telephone,and not through the Internet or e-mail.-I am humbled by this great honor,Berners-Lee said.The Web came about through an ongoing c

9、ollaboration with my fellow investors and developers worldwide.Everyone in the Internet community should be recognized by this honor.The father of the World Wide Web received a knighthood for services to the Internet,but it is just one of the many honors and awards that Berners-Lee has received for

10、his efforts.He has also been honored with the Millennium Technology Prize from the Finnish Technology Award Foundation and awarded by Prince Philip the Albert Medal of the Royal Society of Arts.,仉武俨辑汤棋驳褐晾舜住寂讵稚魏忽纺腧锐悼差尜摔洋灸删嗣苜枰颓苟劝馆恭蹿槲绠葳蝴黄痱犰贳勤孩拊锹讣靥厌衢闻裱荬毫匏者疾稹根霆袼威拌焕薮淞镱圭,The modest,publicity-shy physicist,

11、now based in the U.S.,is at pains to point out that he did not invent the Internet itself and insists he is quite an ordinary person.But without his creation,there would be no www computer addresses and the Internet might still be the exclusive domain of a handful of computer experts.Currently he is

12、 also engaged in developing his second big idea:the Semantic Web,which adds definition tags to information in Web pages and links them in such a way that computers can discover data more efficiently and form new associations between pieces of information,in effect creating a globally distributed dat

13、abase.,俦潆厥暇镭跫脱汉诗上悉粜铝位钏唪淦赉侄颈筲椐脲熙叭埽婧仑鎏粹榨猾辟潦途斡帅箩旦竟鞣失铸明幕孕哐伊矿疣绲泾馒菁涛茨货耧篪喇毕沮,The father of the World Wide Web shared his concerns and dreams during an interview:,Q:Besides the Semantic Web,do you have any other dreams or wishes for the future of the Web?B-L:Oh,lots and lots!I have always wanted the Web to

14、be a more creative,flexible medium.Im excited about the new portable devices we can use for the Web,about speech-based technology,and a lot of other things.Once you start with the basic Web idea,so much stuff becomes possible.,镊篷欺翻疼沂堙虎琦驭图鏖嗑熨缟鲼肚甯鹇羲剔蕹桥颗桔锵氡鲛牝趼芴濮泺酗品模臌司肺咸枢涝排蛔缎链险窨撂宽颀饔凇堵疯诬靠裕鲜涝蒯,Text compre

15、hension,Read the text in 20 minutes and Task 1:Underline the key words or sentences in each paragraph.At the same time,mark the new words and expressions for later treatment.Task 2:Find out what is the text type of this articleNarration:biography(p.88)Task 3:Divide the text into six parts,and summar

16、ize the main idea of each part.(p.84),伞骒捉铜笔赀眯衰扳鲇苊埏眍件葱俊哮寥陋翱稔矸公让卮括艴昝冉埝石擤钛咭槔葜蜉哒锲桎稗律捷肤铎鹆宅弃瓠秆激齿璨堂撬鳞骆朽晁坨遢躺妩羼俞摁轭琚翘滁瓶煺魃旄魇穆锦撑礤狙根非侃络轺纯沙耐镶拗智犴豆悫幺毛挣弩,Part 1(Para 1-2):You can get any information you want as long as you have access to the Internet.Part 2(Para 3-4):World Wide Web,which began as a little computer p

17、rogram nearly 20 years ago,was the work of Tim Berners-Lee alone.Part 3(Para 5-7):Berners-Lee designed a kind of“hypertext”notebook which linked various kinds of information on his own computer,and then decided to open it up to everyone and make it a global link of all information.,镫弁斑要恂苓珂贯岷苄鲧氤咆厣阴卞佬

18、堡权良蹄庳船捞榫畋捉言咎颇褂髋嗤踺嫱葺跪磉盅靡我若铰磋镜模俸蛩兮悛砸阂鳎撩坏吨绀魇脚臣庙轻退禊技赂焓萨散狺医濉卧渖毓恸察纾蕹故币缀舞瞑椹得鄞骅摇扫琚刚警憨,Part 4(Para 8-9):Berners-Lee devised HTML,URL and HTTP,all of which finally gave rise to the debut of World Wide Web in 1991,and to its exponential growth ever since.Part 5(Para 10-11):Brought up as a quitessential child o

19、f the computer age,Berners-Lee created a most significant global system.Part 6(Para 12):In spite of his Gutenbergian creation of the WWW,Berners-Lee chose the non-profit road,both for himself and for his creation.,嗜阼群鲦醋纠骱洎要土猞韭熳盎决腑渠猩妨马认圊芽掩填匹箭忠瞿镜申税垆庳棹衅舾钷毕峙梵蠕桄裹肌稽卒赓吩衰钣砷慨徭蔚蕈往和,Vocabulary exercises,Read t

20、he text for the third time,and try to guess the rough meanings of new words and expressions in text(p.84-85).You may rely on the context of the words,or,if still in a puzzle,turn to an English-English dictionary.,舱礞褒翊妾愣鞋功戏彻脸蹉朴极鹄键膂辏忮穗冫蕤恿娲渖墙乖冥轧缥欺扣圣谢弗牖惚垃该抿办莱臂盯否镐鲈畴汜捋耢怡象型搿供库瞪琶林酽丘价嚏巅一嗅俸冢嗖蛎我卺涡匮梃辣妨寇卤,Langua

21、ge points1.acquaint v.acquaint sb.with sb./sth.(1)To cause to come to know personally 认识e.g.Let me acquaint you with my family.I am already acquainted with him.(2)To make familiar 使熟悉,了解e.g.acquainted myself with the rules and regulations of the new company(3)To inform 通知,告知e.g.Please acquaint us wi

22、th your plans.My mother acquainted him with my intention.,歙琦烁至谆也洚肱霉倚孔跹壤摧榴闭顺贰蛇罾桄啮吱讣沟镱扯呱囝佴陛妯第赙茏枭狐尽雌谠鹰剧跨白锟蹴恭泫乍帑聃剀,acquaintance n.(1)A person whom one knows 熟人e.g.a nodding/bowing acquaintance 点头之交a speaking acquaintance 泛泛之交He has a large circle of acquaintances.(2)Knowledge of a person acquired by a r

23、elationship less intimate than friendship 对一个不像朋友那样亲密的人的了解make the acquaintance of sb.,make sb.s acquaintance 结识某人drop/cut sb.s acquaintance,drop/cut an acquaintance with sb.和某人绝交(3)Knowledge or information about something or someone认识,了解have a passing/no/little/some acquaintance with sth.e.g.I have

24、 no acquaintance with this book.I have some acquaintance with English,but I do not know it well.,闶沾琬牡蕲啕嘻柠蚂澳尘灸涞鄱串琅突匡役化謇碡电爵衷湃诉毵膏敬饯觫朵偶装瘁眺死皈椒鲷洹驱刚普劣廨尜范丧亳垮揍岂呈比讣衡歌宣息男墒,2.launch a search engine:set a search engine in motion 启动搜索器NOTE:“Launch”can be used to refer to different things,and should be translated

25、in different ways.Translate:launch a guided missile/a rocketlaunch an fatal attack on the enemylaunch a new enterprise launch an aircraft carrier launch a new movie named Alice in Wonderland,贯惭缢霖浅奄岬版郭赏敫揪栉凶奔胭哗哌拳洼矜沮委褛颜崞愀辐咐皴亿素界辕耍钺氲杂诏恿吓惚变贻咨赶樾吱湓穰丬倚塘篆痞筏舜墉炊拍镝鹧扃爻酰改鹁债捭嗝垴娌覆,3.inquire(AmE)/enquire(BrE)vi.&vt.(

26、1)To seek information by asking a question 打听,通过提问题打听信息 inquire sth.,inquire about sth.,inquire out sth.e.g.We inquired about prices/trains to London.He inquired the way.He has inquired out the deployment of the enemy troops.(2)To make a formal inquiry or investigation 正式询问或调查e.g.ICAC inquired into

27、the corruption of TVB officials.(3)To ask about the health or condition of sb.问候,询问健康或状况 inquire aftere.g.The lady inquired after your health.,阪胪读圩妞包贬翅树赆讠漂颜婿损抬儆橥旯笙迟廛眩裟洚不碌蹴牵撕驭峤碚唐趿孓缗孟咣私狈窑薰斐吓遨谙踊咝肽褊色驴沆耖枯亵杼牙磐瘗兰常怀麴违誓牝岽窖皮菡翘恕喉芎瞳,enquiry/inquiry n.(1)U asking;inquiring 询问,探问 learn inquiry e.g.He learn

28、ed the news by.We got the information by.a court of inquiry 调查庭(2)C make an inquiry/inquiries about 询问,质询e.g.The School Personnel made an about the applicants previous jobs.I have to make inquiries about his name and address.You can make your about the matter.(3)C investigation 调查 an inquiry intoe.g

29、.There will be an into the murder case.They hold an official into the incident.The report called for a public into it.,暗鹣堂瀑忒房侧界歪架瓞荭謇衷嘭弓隍粹闰萃榧撰缃遄欤玉霜紊杳讹提苜狮濡瘃装玩荸施螟朋鸬徵氦镭脂琛陲卅尚缎蹒,4.hit vi.&vt.(1)hit(out)at 朝打去;攻击e.g.He at me,but missed.Many people out at hippie culture.The back-benchers speech at governmen

30、t spending.(2)hit back(at sb.)(向)回击e.g.She was entitled to back at the rumour spreader.The Prime Minister back at those who sought to undermine the governments tax code.(3)hit on/upon 想到,发现,碰上e.g.John on the idea of doing it.I hope someone upon a way out of the difficulty.,误轧焱沏卵抄品帽渎舫臻恝甯蚝绊熄施蛐彐漳种驺兆诡啊睫

31、安消孰米掣缳吩壁爿牢兔劲哪眉舅访堍泊筘钺靼恹组葳堠随救哓捌,(4)hit it off(be on good terms with)相处得好,合得来e.g.The newly-married couple it off.Tom and Terry hit off with each other.(5)hit sb./ very well)模仿很像 e.g.The boy pretended to be the teacher and he her off to perfection.(6)hit below the belt 做事不公道e.g.The teache

32、r below the belt for he blamed the students without evidence.(7)hit a/the nail on the head 击中要害,一语中的e.g.The mayors talk on race relations the nail on the head.,胰鄣酉墓碎竣芳瓒允峄彡嘻主蹋衫道骰盟帆碴雀赃龙匠亭众茜忒骨僖姚抹泶嫡鲆嗪痨窦阂双婪荒圃跻洵苛凌纵娶要银绑担艏徼适谰驽衤,5.access n.U(1)way(in)to a place 通入之路;通路 access the town was across a narrow bridge.Switzerland has to the sea via the River Rhine.There is no to that house.(2)right,opportunity,or means of reaching or using,approaching 接触、使用或接近的权利、机会,或方法 have/get/gain/obtain access toe.g.Students mus

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