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奥巴马电台演讲 中英对照文档格式.docx

1、 oWASHINGTON As Congress prepares to focus on taxes when it returns to work later this month, President Obama called on both parties to work together and focus on the areas where all sides agree. First, the President underscored that middle-class families need permanent tax relief, so Congress shoul

2、d permanently extend tax cuts for all families making less than $250,000 a year 98 percent of the American people. And second, he noted that, with the nations challenging fiscal situation, the country simply cannot afford to borrow another $700 billion on permanent tax cuts for millionaires and bill

3、ionaires.华盛顿:国会上月末重新运行后开始关注税收问题,奥巴马总统呼吁两党齐心协力关注双方共同关注的领域。第一,总统强调了中产家庭需要的长期的税收减免,因此国会应该对年收入25万美元以下的家庭98%的美国人,永久性地延长减税政策。第二,他强调,面对财政困境,国家完全不能承受追加借贷7000亿为富翁们提供永久性减税的政策。This week, Americans across the country cast their votes and made their voices heard. And your message was clear.本周,全国上下的人们参加了投票,表达了自己的

4、心声。你们传递出的信息是明确的。Youre rightly frustrated with the pace of our economic recovery. So am I.你们对经济复苏的步伐完全丧失了信心。我也是。Youre fed up with partisan politics and want results. I do too.你们厌倦了党派之争,希望得到答案。So I congratulate all of this weeks winners Republicans, Democrats, and Independents. But now, the campaign s

5、eason is over. And its time to focus on our shared responsibilities to work together and deliver those results: speeding up our economic recovery, creating jobs, and strengthening the middle class so that the American Dream feels like its back within reach.因此,我祝贺本周的胜利者共和党人,民主党人以及独立党派人士。但现在,竞选时间已过。是我

6、们团结一致共同关注我们共同的责任的时候了,我们要为以下问题给出答案:加速经济复苏,创造就业,以及巩固中产阶级的地位,只有这样我们才有机会重新追寻我们的“美国梦”。Thats why Ive asked to sit down soon with leaders of both parties so that we can have an extended discussion about what we can do together to move this country forward.这是为什么我呼吁两党领导人尽快坐下来的原因,这样我们能进一步深入讨论如何共同将国家推向前进。And o

7、ver the next few weeks, were going to have a chance to work together in the brief upcoming session of Congress.在接下来的几个星期里,我们将有机会在短暂的本届国会任期内共同工作。Heres why this lame duck session is so important. Early in the last decade, President Bush and Congress enacted a series of tax cuts that were designed to e

8、xpire at the end of this year.这也是为什么卸任前的任期如此重要的原因。早在十年前,布什总统和国会通过的一系列减税政策即将在年末到期。What that means is, if Congress doesnt act by New Years Eve, middle-class families will see their taxes go up starting on New Years Day.这也意味着,如果国会在新年前夜前没有行动,中产家庭将在新年第一天就看见他们的缴税额上涨。But the last thing we should do is rais

9、e taxes on middle-class families. For the past decade, they saw their costs rise, their incomes fall, and too many jobs go overseas. Theyre the ones bearing the brunt of the recession. Theyre the ones having trouble making ends meet. They are the ones who need relief right now.但我们最后做的事情却是向中产家庭增税。过去的

10、十年里,他们眼看着他们的支出增长,收入降低,还有大量的工作流失海外。他们是承受了经济衰退冲击的人们。他们是艰难维持着收支平衡的人们。他们现在是需要慰藉和减压的人们。So somethings got to be done. And I believe theres room for us to compromise and get it done together.因此有些事情必须要做了。我相信还有些空间让我们折衷妥协,共同做些事情。Lets start where we agree. All of us want certainty for middle-class Americans. N

11、one of us want them to wake up on January 1st with a higher tax bill. Thats why I believe we should permanently extend the Bush tax cuts for all families making less than $250,000 a year. Thats 98 percent of the American people.让我们从一致的地方开始。我们都希望稳定中产阶级。没有人希望他们在新年醒来就看见高涨的税单。这是我相信我们可以永久性的延长对年收入低于25万美元的

12、家庭的税收减免政策的原因。这将是98%的美国人民。We also agree on the need to start cutting spending and bringing down our deficit. Thats going to require everyone to make some tough choices. In fact, if Congress were to implement my proposal to freeze non-security discretionary spending for three years, it would bring thi

13、s spending down to its lowest level as share of the economy in 50 years.我们还共同希望开始削减开支降低财政赤字。这需要每个人做出艰难的选择。实际上,如果国会执行我的提议,冻结三年的不必要的非安全支出,我们就将可以将支出降低到未来50年的经济发展所能担负的最低水平。But at a time when we are going to ask folks across the board to make such difficult sacrifices, I dont see how we can afford to bor

14、row an additional $700 billion from other countries to make all the Bush tax cuts permanent, even for the wealthiest 2 percent of Americans. Wed be digging ourselves into an even deeper fiscal hole and passing the burden on to our children.但当我们要求全国人民做出如此艰难的牺牲的时候,我就想不明白我们怎么能够从别的国家追加7000亿美元贷款来延长布什的减税政

15、策,而且还是为2%富翁们减税。我们会让自己陷入更深的财政困境,并将重担压倒孩子们的身上。I recognize that both parties are going to have to work together and compromise to get something done here. But I want to make my priorities clear from the start. One: middle class families need permanent tax relief. And two: I believe we cant afford to bo

16、rrow and spend another $700 billion on permanent tax cuts for millionaires and billionaires.我知道两党都需要团结合作,妥协折衷来解决一些问题。但我想将我希望优先解决的问题明确表述如下:第一,中产家庭需要永久性的减税。第二,我认为我们不能承受7000亿美元的追加贷款来为美国富翁永久减税。There are new public servants in Washington, but we still face the same challenges. And you made it clear that

17、its time for results. This a great opportunity to show everyone that we got the message and that were willing, in this post-election season, to come together and do whats best for the country we all love.华盛顿将有新的公仆出现,但我们依然面临同样的挑战。是你们将这些问题明确提出,那么是给出答案的时候了。这是个重大的机会来向每个人展示我们得到了你们的讯息,我们有信心,在选举后,团结一致,向我们深

18、爱的国家贡献自己最大的努力。Thanks.谢谢!【2010.11.13】每周电视讲话:出口与专项拨款(MP3+MP4) President Obama Calls for Earmark Reform奥巴马总统呼吁进行专项拨款改革WASHINGTON In this weeks address, President Obama called for Congress to address the issue of earmarks - items inserted into spending bills without adequate review. The President has ti

19、me and again called for new limitations on earmarks, and the Obama Administration has put in place higher standards of transparency, including This week, the Administration updated with more information about where last years earmarks were actually spent, and made

20、it easier to look up members of Congress and the earmarks they fought for. In these challenging times, working across the aisle to address this issue will signal the governments commitment to fiscal responsibility, shine a light on a Washington habit that wastes billions of taxpayer dollars, and tak

21、e a step towards restoring public trust.在本周的讲话中,奥巴马总统呼吁国会解决专项拨款的问题那些列入支出议案中的却未受到足够监管的项目。总统一次又一次呼吁对专项拨款增加新的限制,同时奥巴马政府在支出透明度上也提出了更高的要求,其中就包括设立www.earmarks.gov网站. 本周,当局在www.earmarks.gov网站上更新了去年专项资金的实际使用情况的更多详细信息,人们可以更方便的查询国会议员以及他们争取的专项资金的使用情况。在这充满挑战的时刻,党派间的通力合作将在这一问题上表明政府的财政责任心,为改变华盛顿浪费数十亿税金的陋习带来一抹亮色,并

22、在重建公众信任的道路上迈出坚实的一步。This weekend, Im concluding a trip to Asia whose purpose was to open new markets for American products in this fast-growing part of the world. The economic battle for these markets is fierce, and were up against strong competitors. But as Ive said many times, America doesnt play f

23、or second place. The future were fighting for isnt as the worlds largest importer, consuming products made elsewhere, but as the worlds largest manufacturer of ideas and goods sold around the world.本周,我将结束亚洲之旅,目的就是为美国产品在这一世界上经济快速增长地区打开新的市场。这些市场的经济竞争异常激烈,我们面临着强大的竞争对手。但我曾多次说过,美国不会甘当第二。我们未来的奋斗目标不是当世界上最

24、大的进口国,消费其他地方生产的产品,而是要成为世界上最大的创意和商品生产者,并将其销往全球。Opening new markets will not only help Americas businesses create new jobs for American workers. It will also help us reduce our deficits because the single greatest tool for getting our fiscal house in order is robust economic growth. That kind of growt

25、h will require ensuring that our students are getting the best education possible; that were on the cutting edge of research and development; and that were rebuilding our roads and railways, runways and ports so our infrastructure is up to the challenges of the 21st century.打开新的市场不仅仅会帮助美国企业为美国劳动者提供新

26、的就业机会。还将帮助我们降低贸易逆差因为充盈国库的唯一最强大的方式就是增强经济的增长势头。这样的增长需要我们确保我们的学生得到最好的教育;需要我们处在研发的最尖端;需要我们重新修建公路和铁路,机场和港口这样我们的基础设施才能满足21世纪挑战的需求。Given the deficits that have mounted up over the past decade, we cant afford to make these investments unless were also willing to cut what we dont need. Thats why Ive submitte

27、d to Congress a plan for a three-year budget freeze, and Im prepared to offer additional savings. But as we work to reform our budget, Congress should also put some skin in the game. I agree with those Republican and Democratic members of Congress whove recently said that in these challenging days,

28、we cant afford what are called earmarks. These are items inserted into spending bills by members of Congress without adequate review.由于财政赤字过去十多年来一路攀升,除非我们愿意削减那些不必要的开支,否则我们无法承受这样的投资规模。这是我向国会提交冻结三年预算计划的原因,而且我还准备提交更多财政紧缩计划。在我们为改革预算而努力的同时,国会也应该为此使把劲儿。我完全同意最近国会部分共和党人和民主党人的意见,他们说我们现在面临诸多挑战,我们不堪承受这些所谓的专项拨款

29、。这些由国会议员们列入支出法案的项目并没有受到严格的监管。Now, some of these earmarks support worthy projects in our local communities. But many others do not. We cant afford Bridges to Nowhere like the one that was planned a few years back in Alaska. Earmarks like these represent a relatively small part of overall federal spen

30、ding. But when it comes to signaling our commitment to fiscal responsibility, addressing them would have an important impact.现在,部分专项拨款支撑着当地社会的一些有价值的项目。但还有许多不是。我们不能忍受像前几年计划在阿拉斯加到处建桥的事情。这些专项资金虽然只是联邦总支出中的一小部分。但这却涉及到反映我们对国家财政的责任心问题,解决这些问题将产生重要的影响。As a Senator, I helped eliminate anonymous earmarks and created new measures of transparency so America

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