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1、高一英语模块二UnitUnit单元测验题及答案英语模块二Unit 1-Unit 2测试卷班级_姓名_号数_I. 首字母填单词:10%1. I got a r_ (稀有的) ancient coin from a friend of mine the other day.2. The road is poor in d_(设计) .3. There was no d_ (怀疑,疑问) that he had been misunderstood.4. Dont f_ (以为) that you can succeed without hard work.5. She took a l_ (点燃的

2、) candle into the room.6. In my o_(意见), he is not the right person for the job.7. Dont p_ (假装) not to know me.8. We couldnt go for a walk today because I have no time, b_ (此外,而且), it rains heavily.9. How much f_ (家具) have you prepared for your wedding?10. He was unhappy to hear that his name had bee

3、n r_ (去掉) from the list.II. 单选题:10%11 He is always really rude,_ is why people tend to avoid him.A. that B it C. this D. which12 Having a trip abroad is certainly good for the old couple ,but it remains_ whether they will enjoy it. A. to see B to be seen C. seeing D. seen13 Can you believe that in _

4、a rich country should be_ many poor people ?A. such ; such B such ; so C. so ;so D so ;such14 Mr. Smith is a painter, _I should also like to be.A. that B which C. who D it15 Not far from the school there was a garden,_ owner sat in it playing chess with his little grandson every afternoonA. its B wh

5、ose C. which D that16 Children at the beginning of this century _a lot and _themselves greatly even without television.A. used to read; enjoying B. used to read; enjoy C. were used to reading; enjoy D. were used to read; enjoy17 The research is so designed that once _nothing can be done to change it

6、.A. begins B. having begun C beginning D. begun18 She_ the room for the lost keyA. searched B. searched for C. looked D. looked for19 There are many people present at the meeting, two thirds of whom_the same school.A. are belonging to B. are belonged to C. belong to D. belong20 Lets hold a party to_

7、your birthday and at the same time_you on passing the examination.A. congratulate; celebrate B. celebrate; congratulateC. congratulate ;congratulate D.celebrate ;celebrateIII.完型填空:10% Do you know the modern Olympic Games? It started in Greece in 21. The Games are held 22 years. Many people 23 the Ol

8、ympic Games can be held in their own countries. At first about ten cities are quite 24 in bidding (申办) for the Olympic Games of 2008. Beijing, Toronto and Paris are 25 cities bidding for the Olympic Games of 2008. The host (东道主) city of the Olympic Games of 2008 was decided at the IOC (国际奥委会) meetin

9、g in July, 2001. In those days Beijing was getting ready for it because it 26 became the host of the Olympic Games of 2000. Then the Chinese people were all very 27 and cheered because the Olympic Games of 2008 will be held in the capital of China and the Olympic Games has 28 been held before in the

10、 country. Now Chinese people are trying their best 29 ready for the Olympic Games of 2008. They are working hard, and they are learning English, too. Many new buildings have been built. So, Im 30 it must be a successful one.21 A.1939 B. 1896 C. 1922 D. 200822 A. each four B. every four C. every few

11、D. three or four23 A. like B. want C. decide D. hope24 A. ready B. interesting C. interested D. join25 A. more important B. the most important C. more beautiful D. the most beautiful26 A. must B. already C. nearly D. also27 A. excite B. exciting C. excited D. sad28 A. never B. ever C. just D. yet29

12、A. get B. gets C. getting D. to get30 A. afraid B. sorry C. glad D. sureIV.任务型阅读:根据短文内容,完成有关阅读任务。10%The Great Wall is famous in the world. I once heard a boy say “I really want to see the Great Wall with my own eyes.” What do you know about it?The Great Wall has a long history of more than two thous

13、and years. It runs from the east to the west in North China. It is about 6,000 kilometers long. It is called “Ten Thousand Li Great Wall by the Chinese people.” The Great Wall was about 7 meters high. 在许多地方,长城宽得足以让10个人并肩走过。Horses could run along the top, too. Along the Great Wall there are tall and

14、strong watchtowers. The Great Wall was made of stones and bricks. There were big stones on both sides and on the top. To build such a great wall over the mountains was not easy. When you look at the Great Wall, you cant help wondering how the ancient Chinese people were able to build it without any

15、modern machines. They did all the work with their hands. They lifted the earth in baskets and pulled the stones in groups with ropes. They worked in such wild places that it was difficult to give them enough clothes to wear. Thousands of people died by hard work and hunger. Many people were made to

16、work on the wall far away from their homes and they never came back. As an old building, the Great Wall is known to the whole world. Every year thousands and thousands of people come to visit it from all over the world. It is a monument to the strong will and hard work of the Chinese people.31 将处的句子

17、改为间接引语。一空一词。I once heard a boy say that _ really _ to see the Great Wall with his own eyes.32 将处的汉语句子翻译成英语。一空一词。In many places the Great Wall was _ _ for ten men to walk side by side along the top.33 改写处的句子,意思保持不变。一空一词。_ _ _ to build such a great wall over the mountains.34 将处的英语句子翻译成汉语。_(2%)35 写出处黑体

18、单词“earth”的汉语意思。_V.短文改错:10%Besides Egyptians, people of Mexico also builded 36._pyramids. They didnt build the pyramids for tombs. They 37._were used to build a pyramid and then build a temple on 38._top of them. The pyramids of Mexico are not as high as 39._that of Egypt, but they are big. Each pyra

19、mid has a wide 40._stairway that go from the bottom to the top. 41._The biggest pyramid in Mexico is almost 2000 year 42._old. Scientists think it spent 10,000 men more than ten years 43._to build. On top of it they build a temple to worship sun. 44._The temple is no longer there and people call it

20、the pyramid 45._of the sun.VI.课文填空:10%This was time when the two countries were at_46_.However, before the nazis could get to the summer palace, hte Russians were only able to remove the_47_ and small art objects from the Amber Room. .There is no_48_ that the boxes were then put on a train_49_ Konig

21、sberg, at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. After that, what really happened to the Amber Room_50_ a mystery.VII.阅读理解:20% (A)Very few people were coming to eat at the White Rose Restaurant and its owner did not know what to do . The food in its restaurant was cheap and good , but nobody see

22、m to want to eat there .Then he did something that changed all that , and in a few weeks his restaurant was always full of men with their lady friends .Whenever a gentleman came in with a lady , a smiling waiter gave each of them a beautiful menu . The menu looked exactly the same on the outside , b

23、ut there was an important difference inside . The menu that the waiter gave to the men gave the correct price for each dish and each bottle of wine , while the menu that he gave to the lady gave a much higher price . So when the man calmly ordered dish after dish and wine after wine , the lady thoug

24、ht he was much more generous than he really was .51. How was the food in the White Rose Restaurant ? .A. Its quality had always been good and its price lowB. It was poor and expensive at first and became much better and less expensive laterC. It was cheap and good at the beginning but became more ex

25、pensive laterD. It looked beautiful on the outside but it was became more different inside 52. How did the restaurant attract so many people ? .A. By lowering the price of its foodB. By improving the quality of its foodC. With waiters smiling at the guests when they came into the restaurant and givi

26、ng them better service while they are D. By showing men and women menus with different price on them53. According to this passage , when a man and a woman ate at the restaurant the food was paid by whom ? .A. Usually by the man and sometimes by the woman B. Always by the man onlyC. Sometimes by the

27、man only and sometimes by both of the man and the woman D. Normally by the woman 54. The White Rose succeeded because_ .A. women liked their men friends to be generous B. men liked their women friends to be generousC. men were more generous than womenD. women were more generous than men55. People wh

28、o came to eat at this restaurant were often_ .A. men and their old friends B. husbands and wivesC. women and their best friends D. men and their women friends(B)Mr. and Mrs. Smith always spent their summer holidays in New Jersey in the past , staying in a small inn at the foot of a hill . One year ,

29、 however Mr. Smith made a lot of money in his business , so they decided to go to London and stay at a really good hotel while they went touring around the famous city .They flew to London and arrived at their hotel late one evening . They expected that they would have to go to bed hungry , because

30、in that small inn in New Jersey , no meals were served after seven . They were therefore surprised when the man who received them in the hall asked whether they would take dinner there that night .“ Are you still serving dinner ? ” asked Mr. Smith .“ Yes , certainly , sir , ” answered the man . “ We serve it until half past nine . ”“ What are the times of meals then ? ” asked Mr. Smith .“ Well , sir ” answered the man , “ we serve breakfast from seven to half past eleven in the morning , lunch from twelve to three i

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