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1、 2. almost embarrassed to death when sarah read my poem out to the whole class. 3. of the childrens hospital will care for the seriously injured pupils. 4. several phone calls making inquiries about the position of chief financial officer. 5. straighten out all your financial problems if you join ou

2、r club. 1-3 p 134 1. inquirydie of hunger people survived 2. instantlygive up hisretirereplace himexecutive 3. his belovedodd jobsand all that 2. word formation p135 1. embarrassment2. survivors3. newly 4. marketable5. monthly 6. competition 7. conceivable8. respectable 3. usage p 136 1. the poor 2.

3、 the deceased/the dead 3. the disabled 4. the french 5. the accused 6. the young 7. the unemployed 8. the latterthe former comprehensive exercises 1. cloze 1-1 p1371. died of2. instantly3. classic4. ask around5. surviving 6.retire 7. executive8. replacement9. stock10. look in the eye 1-2 p137 1. imp

4、ressed2. diligence 3. instead4. contrary 5. professionally 6. perform7. personal8. balance9. commitment10. revealed 2. translation 2-1. 1. i am not sure where you can find a good carpenter youd better ask around. 2. feeling a little embarrassed, he quickly cleared his throat and looked up at the pai

5、nting on the wall. 3. michael was survived by three sons, two daughters, and his wife elizabeth. 4. as a financial expert, william advised us to invest our money in the stock market. 5. we small retailers cant compete with supermarkets in pricing and sales. 2-2 my dad is a hard-working executive of

6、a manufacturing firm. he works six days a week. everyday, he has to straighten out various kinds of problems so that he often stays up late/nights. however, he tries his best to balance/maintain a balance between work and family. on sundays my dad usually stays at home and cares for us as much as he

7、 can. to my greatest joy, he cooks our favorite dishes and plays ball with us. text b comprehensive check p 143 1b2d 3b 4d5c6c translationp 144 1. 工作上的问题使你分心,无暇顾及人际关系。当夜晚躺在床上时,有关工作的思绪在你脑海里奔驰。 2. 工作狂宁愿事事亲自处理,但这样做并不总能取得所要结果,因为我们常常需要他认定 投入和帮助。 3. 研究还发现,工作狂的子女变得抑郁、焦虑的机率更高,主要是因为工作狂家长对孩子寄予了太高期望,而这又和追求完美的欲

8、望相关联。 4. 寻找其他基准来全面衡量自身幸福与否,例如建立自感满意的人际关系做个了不起的可靠的合伙人、父母和/或朋友=甚或尝试新的业余爱好,时注意力完全从工作中转移出来。 language practice p144 1. 1-4. dhe a 5-8. g b c f 2.p 145 1. input 2. reliable3. staff 4. distracted 5. survey 6. in short 7. relationships 8. solution 9. extreme 10. linked 11. among others 12. detail unit 6 voc

9、abulary-p161 1-1. 1) fertile 2) reflected 3) overseas 4) slim 5) split 6) sustained 7) glow 8) thrust 9) keen 10) bud 11) previous 12) whichever 1-2. 4) i 1-3. -p162 1) to broaden; make their way 2) disgusts; take a chance on 3) the grand; and overseas; reflected usage -p162 1.1) frightened 2) afrai

10、d/ frightened 2.1) alike/similar2) similar 3.1) alive 2) living 4.1) sleeping 2) asleep word family -p1631. 1) disappointed2) disappointment3) disappointing4) disappoint 5) disappointingly 6) disappointing 2. 1) attractive2) attract 3) attraction4) attractively5) unattractively 6) unattractive compr

11、ehension exercises-p 164 cloze 1. text-related 1) identifying 2) gripped 3) margins 4)corresponding 5) overseas 6)little 7)hesitate 8)grateful 9) made my way10) going my way 2. theme-related 1)first 2)ring 3)nor 4) another 5) threw 6) deliberately 7) reasoned 8) himself 9) restaurant 10) matter tran

12、slation-p165 1. 1) before i went off to university, my grandfather gave me a few words of wisdom which impressed me deeply. 2) never tell my parents about my injuries and ill be very grateful to you (for it). 3) at the meeting some of our colleagues put forward sensible suggestions about improving o

13、ur working environment. 4) the management has/have agreed to grant the workers a 10% pay rise in response to union pressure. 5) it was very thoughtful of the hostess to give the house a thorough cleaning before we arrived. 2. not rich himself, uncle li never hesitates to help others. previous to/bef

14、ore his retirement, through project hope he located the addresses of two country kids who grew up in poor families but had a keen desire to study. from then on he sent them money regularly. later the two made their way to college, and even got a chance to study overseas. comprehensive check -p 170 1

15、b 2c3d 4b5c6d translation -p170 1. 钱包里有封信,看上去已经随身携带很多年了,信上署的时间是1924年。 2. 但是除了迈克尔这个名字以外,没有其他任何能确定新建所有人的线索。 3. 我解释了一下情况,他邀请我去一趟,我到达时,他正在跟门卫聊天。 4. “嗨!等一下,那是戈尔德斯坦先生的钱包。这钱包到哪里我都能认出来,戈尔德斯坦先生老是丢钱包。” language practice 1h 2d 3a 4e 5b 6g 7f 8c 2. i . identity 2 come across 3 goodness 4 relief 5 other than 6 c

16、lues7 knots 8 exchange 9 match up to 10 security 11 has been in love with 12 catch up on【篇二:综合英语第六册课后答案完整版】t comprehension . c 1. f. not all technology makes things complicated and wasteful; it is only retarded technology that makes things complicated and wasteful. refer to paragraph 1. 2. t. refer

17、to paragraph 5 3. f. it is true that the author acknowledges the great changes brought about by new technology, but he believes these advantageous changes are often offset by a lot of technology-related waste. refer to paragraph 7. 4. t. refer to paragraph 7. 5. f. the author expresses his doubt in

18、a sarcastic tone that cellular phones could really improve marriages and save “family values”. refer to paragraph 9. 1. it is obvious that technology in modern age has brought about great changes. nevertheless, we have not yet benefited from the supposed gains of new technologyrising income and grea

19、ter productivity. 2. creative thought is not appreciated. american managers have been troubled by the fact that independent and active thinking gives way to dumb numbers. language work 1. highly regarded, intricate, attractive 2. a sudden increase 3. an event that will make you feel upset for a long

20、 time 4. can supposedly help, at the same time 5. need to be able to use 6. we receive so many press releases that we find it difficult to deal with them 7. an age where hi-tech has brought us noticeably great changes 8. supposed, get away from us/be unattainable 9. consequence, people who know noth

21、ing about technology, impeding 10. usually, insignificant 1. customized 6. subscribers 2. traumatized 7. successors 3. promotional 8. inanities 4. paradoxical 9. institutionalized 5. frivolity 10. subsidy 1. are clogged with4. bombardedwith 2. purports to 5. exulted over 3. a vista of 6. scribbled a

22、ll over7. findalluring 10. tossedinto8. make a comeback 11. was eliminated9. call up 12. compressinto 1. weak 2. entrance to 3. full of 4. be compensated for by having the same amount deducted from his tax 5. shows all the signs of 6. excitement and danger 7. spent the afternoon discussing 8. increa

23、se her confidence 9. very often 10. quick dive 1. millionaires 2. computer 3. breed 4. programs 5. companies 6. generation 7. popularity 8. provide 9. sales 10. times 11. valuable12. life translation 1. the program offers long-term care for the mentally retarded. 2. hes got a cumbersome, bulky, old

24、computerits slow and complicated to use. 3. he tried not to look conspicuous and moved slowly along the back of the room. 4. it would cause a tremendous upheaval to install a different computer system. 5. the gold medal continues to elude her. 6. youd be a fool not to embrace an opportunity as good

25、as that. 7. her salary will go up by a hefty 10%. 8. i scrawled a quick note to hilary and put it under her door. 9. theres a smashing view from her office. 10 the trip out there was swelling, but the hotel was a bit crummy. translate the following passage into chinese 在我成长的房子里有一间屋子,我们把它称作图书馆。当然,那不是

26、真正的图书馆,它仅仅是由电视机占据了主要位置的一间书斋。但是它四面墙上全部装修了嵌入式书架,上面摆了数百本书籍那些精装本的书籍呈现着各种颜色,它们在那间屋里把我们团团围住。这些书是我父母和祖父母花了毕生的精力收集来的,它们成为我童年的一部分。 我这一代人即20世纪50和60年代成年的人可能是了解这种心情的最后一代人了,那种被上百万文字环绕着的感觉,那些文字是历代知名的和默默无闻的作家们的产品。当前,在20世纪70年代中期,我们正目睹一个不易觉察却毫无疑问存在的慢慢背离书籍这类事物的倾向。恐怕美国的家庭很快就不会再留出房间做图书馆了。精装的图书那思想永驻的象征,那从一个时代向下一个时代传留的智慧

27、可能会添加到我们即将灭绝的物种名单上去。 unit 2 text comprehension . b (a and c are only part of the whole incident that highlights the theme.) 1. t. refer to paragraph 2. 2. t. refer to paragraph 4. 3. f. the author did not want her mother to come to school to speak for her, because that would make two of them unhappy

28、 and indignant. refer to paragraph 7. 4. f. the author was excited because her imagination was fuelled by glamorous shots of the popular hollywood temptresses. but she did not want to take the risk of being picked out by wearing her cherished dress that was different from the blue school uniform. re

29、fer to paragraphs 9 and 10. 5. t. refer to paragraph 17. .1. i was carried away by excitement: i began to imagine myself in pictures like those attractive pictures of popular hollywood actresses. 2. i felt so frustrated that i was on the verge of tears when i wondered, as what i had done innumerable

30、 times, why the unsympathetic teacher would not overlook my clothes even once and see how hard i tried to comply with the school policy and how eager i was to participate in all the activities. 1. hold back, schoolmates 2. endure the punishment, the embarrassment i had to go through every day ( the routine embarrassment) 3. so angry and likely to argue with my teachers in order to protect me 4. i was so excited that i was almost out of control, fired (or stimulated) by 5. the dress that i liked very much 6. walked slowly and reluctantly to the stage without being

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