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1、广东省化州市高考考前冲刺卷英语试题Word版2020年高考考前冲刺卷英语注意事项:1.本试题卷共8页,满分120分,考试时间120分钟。2.答题前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡的相应位置。3.全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试题卷上无效。4. 回答选择题时,选出每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改 动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。5.考试结束后,将本试题卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。AHere are so

2、me drop-dead wonderful botanical gardens where you can fill your mind with facts as well as filling your camera roll with beautiful pictures.Cape Town, South AfricaRhodes Drive, Newlands, 7735 Cape Town, South Africa.Kissing the east side of Table Mountain, Kirstenbosch is one of the worlds most bio

3、diverse gardens and a leader in conservation science. The sprawling site contains incredible forms of flora and near-endangered plants that have been cultivated since the early 1900s. Explore at ground level or from up above along the Boomslang , a treetop walkway.Dont miss: The beautiful sculpture

4、garden includes a bust of Nelson Mandela and breathtaking Mambo sculptures, carved from opal stone (蛋白石).Singapore Botanical Gardens1 Cluny Rd, 259569 Singapore.This place is called the Disneyland of Botanical Gardens. Now 160 years old, the tropical garden has it all: a section of the citys primary

5、 rainforest, an orchid garden, a ginger garden and an exhibition on ethnobotany, plus some wise old trees. It even has a pair of swans from Amsterdam, a national flower called Vanda Miss Joaquim and its own mist garden.Dont miss: The National Orchid Garden with more than 1 000 species and 2 000 hybr

6、ids on display, plus a series of special tools and equipment to ensure the right humidity (湿度).Ryoan-ji Temple, Kyoto, Japan13 Ryoanji Goryonoshitacho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto 616 -8001, Japan.While Kyotos bonsai-and bamboo-filled botanical gardens are worth a visit, you should also check out the citys Zen

7、 Buddhist temple. Set inside a fifteenth-century temple, this is a place for reflection. For maximum zen(禅,禅宗),walk the grounds and a lake flanked by Japanese blossom and maple trees.Dont miss: Try the local delicacy, yudofu ( boiled tofu) at the temples traditional restaurant.1. What is Kirstenbosc

8、h garden special for?A. Wonderful views. B. Garden tools. C. Stone sculptures. D. Local foods.2. Where would a person go if he is interested in religion?A. Rhodes Drive, Newlands, 7735 Cape Town, South Africa.B. 1 Cluny Rd, 259569 Singapore.C. Royal Botanic Gardens, London, TW9 3AB, UK.D. 13 Ryoanji

9、 Goryonoshitacho, Ukyo Ward, Kyoto 616 -8001, Japan.3 .Which section of a newspaper does the passage belong to?A. Agriculture. B. Photography. C. Traveling. D. Food.第一 节【文章大意】本文是一篇应用文,主要向读者介绍了世界 上几个著名的植物园及其相关信息。1. C细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第四段中的The beautiful sculpture garden includes a bust of Nelson Mandela a

10、nd breathtaking Mambo sculptures, carved from opal stone (蛋白石)”可 知,Kirstenbosch花园的石雕使其变得与众不同。故 选C。2. D细节理解题。【解题思路】根据倒数第二段最后一句For maximum zen(禅,禅宗),walk the grounds and a lake flanked by Japanese blossom and maple trees.可知,日本京都的龙 安寺具有浓郁的宗教色彩,对宗教感兴趣的人可以去 这里参观。故选D。3. C文章出处题。【解题思路】通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了世界上几 个著名

11、的植物园的特点和美景,并提供了这几个植物 园的详细的地址。由此可推知,本文应出自报纸的旅 游版块。故选C.【长难句分析】Here are some drop-dead wonderful botanical gardens where you can fill your mind with facts as well as filling your camera roll with beautiful pictures.(第一段)分析:本句是一个主从复合句。where引导定语从句。 译文:以下是几个极其美萌的植物园,在这里你的脑 海会被花园的景色装满,你的相机里也可以装满美丽 的照片。词汇积累

12、:biodiverse adj.生物多样性的cultivate v.种植,栽培 sculpture n.雕刻品BSometimes while sitting doing nothing, our minds recall events from the past that make us all tingly inside. I had one of those moments yesterday. I believe this was triggered(引起起)by the oldie The Impossible Dream that was playing on the radio

13、yesterday afternoon!In 1971, returning from our regular Friday night pregame meeting, I had no sooner walked in the door of our three-room apartment hack than the phone rang. It was the township police . They inquired if I was the football coach. I answered yes and asked if there was a problem. He s

14、aid our football team had climbed the fence of the township football field and were sitting somewhere around the 50-yard line quietly. It was really not a problem. However, he thought I would like to know. I called my assistants, and made our way to the field.We met the police at the locked gate. Th

15、e field was dark and silent. Then, suddenly, we heard voices singingtogether and on key一the team theme song, The Impossible Dream. Silently, we listened and became overwhelmed(压倒)with emotion. Even the policemen had tears rolling down their cheeks. When the team had finished, they walked slowly to t

16、he now-opened gate of the field and were shocked to see us waiting there. Of course, our first words were, What is going on?Mike Bernert, the team captain, replied, Well, coach, you told us to visualize our performance in our mind just before the night of the game. So we came and visualized the upco

17、ming game while sitting on the 50-yard line. Afterward, we would sing The Impossible Dream. ”The coaches and I were overwhelmed. And of course, the team, which was undefeated at this point, never lost a game that season.4.What does the underlined word tingly” in Paragraph 1 mean?A. Frightened. B. Ex

18、cited. C. Worried. D. Puzzled.5 .Why did the police call?A. The team did something unusual.B. The team had conflicts with fans.C. The team locked themselves in the football field.D. The team damaged the fences of the playground.6 .How did the team feel when they saw the author and the policeman? .A.

19、 Happy. B. Sad. C. Ashamed. D. Surprised.7 .What is the purpose for the team to sing the song?A. To enjoy themselves. B. To inspire themselves.C. To celebrate their success. D. To rest themselves.【文章大意】本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者因听 到熟悉的歌曲回忆起多年前自己所带领的球队在比赛前 夕去球场高唱机歌以鼓舞士气的故事。4. B词义猜测题。【解题思路】根据下文内容及画线词所在句中的“our m

20、inds recall events from the past that make us all可知, 作者与球队的队员们回忆起了过去的事情,这让他们 所有人的内心都很激动。由此可推知,此处是指当“我 们”回忆过去时,“我们”的内心很激动。因此,画线词 tingly应意为激动的,与B项意思相近。故选B。5. A推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第二段倒数第四句中的“ our football team had climbed the fence of the township football field and were sitting somewhere”可知,队员们在夜里翻越栏 杆进入球场里

21、静坐,(行为)有些反常。由此可推知,警 察打电话是因为球员们做了一些不同寻常的事情。故 选A.6. D细节理解题。【解题思路根据第三段倒数第二句“When the team had finished, they walked slowly to the now-opened gate of the field and were shocked to see us waiting there.可知, 队员们看到作者和警察在球场外面时感到很惊讶。故 选D。7. B 推理判断题。【解题思路】根据最后两段内容可知,队员们在赛前唱 队歌,比赛时一分未丢,大获全胜。由此可推知,队员 们在赛前唱队歌是为了激

22、励自己。故选B。长难句分析When the team had finished, they walked slowly to the now-opened gate of the field and were shocked to see us waiting there.(第三段倒数第二句) 分析:本句是一个主从复合句。When引导时间状语 从句。译文:当球队队员唱完(队歌)之后,他们朝着球场现 在已经打开的门慢慢走去,看到我们在那里等着,他 们很吃惊。词汇积累:recall v.回忆 inquires询问up coming adj.即将到来的,即詩出现的CLike producers of

23、 wine from Frances Champagne area, Brazils chocolate industry is using geographical indication, or GI labels with good results . These labels show where the cocoa comes from and its quality. The special labels can lead to higher prices on the market.Henrique Almeida is the 63-year-old owner of a far

24、m in Coaraci, in the northeastern Brazilian state of Bahia. He is pleased with the South Bahia geographical indication for his cocoa. The production of fine cocoa and the creation of the geographical indication label make it possible to have a profitable business and pull our region upwards, Almeida

25、 said.For many years, farmers in Bahia had produced common cocoa, used widely in the chocolate industry. But in 1989, an outbreak of witches broom” disease sharply reduced the productivity of Bahias cocoa trees. These trees make up to 86 percent of Brazils national crop. At the time, Almeida, like o

26、ther producers in southern Bahia, chose to improve the quality of his crop in order to be able to continue growing.When I bought the farm, standard cocoa prices were low, and cocoa farmers were unmotivated(无动 机的),while the chocolate market was doing well, he told the French news agency AFP. I starte

27、d growing fine cocoa to make my own chocolate and add value to my product.The label is the result of 10 years of work by Almeida and other cocoa producers, as well as cooperatives and researchers. Together, they created the South Bahia Cocoa Association to define (定义) production rules. The National

28、Institute of Industrial Property registered the GI 6 years after the first registered GI.The South Bahia” label is the second GI given to Brazilian cocoa. The Linhares region in the state of Espirito Santo was the first GI to be registered in 2012. Tome-Acu in the northeastern state of Para becameth

29、e third in 2019.8.What might be a result of witches broom in 1989?A. Many cocoa trees in Brazil died. B. Cocoa became quite expensive.C. Farmers started to grow fine cocoa. D. Chocolate industry had to use common cocoa.9 .When was the South Bahia labeled?A. In 2012. B. In 2014. C. In 2016. D. In 201

30、8.10.What might happen to Brazilian cocoa in the future?A. A national cocoa association may appear quickly.B. Common cocoa may disappear soon.C. Cocoa fanners may apply for more GI labels.D. Cocoa prices will be higher and higher.11 .Whats the main idea of the text?A. Brazils cocoa industry benefits

31、 from GI labels.B. Brazils cocoa farmers are learning to make French wine.C. GI labels are making higher profits for Brazils cocoa farmers.D. Better Brazils cocoa trees will bring finer Brazils cocoa.【文章大意】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了巴西种植可可的 农民通过申请地理标志以提升可可的质量。8. C细节理解题。【解题思路】根据第四段内容尤其是最后一句“At the time, Almeida, li

32、ke other producers in southern Bahia, chose to improve the quality of his crop in order to be able to continue growing.可知,在疾病导致可可树的产量减 少后,种植可可豆的农民开始注重提升可可的质量。 故选C。9. D推理判断题。【解题思路根据第六段最后一句和最后一段前两句可 知,第一个地理标志颁发于2012年/South Bahia.”标志 是在首个标志颁发的6年后又再次颁发的,即2018 年。故选D。10. C推理判断题。【解题思路】根据第一、二段内容和最后一段内容可 知,种植可可的农民一直在申办地理标志,现在已经 获得了三个地理标志,这大大地提高了他们所销售的 可可的价格。由此可推知,未来可能会有更多种植可可的农民申办地理标志。故选C。11. A主旨大意题。解题思路】通读全文可知,文章主要介绍了在巴西种 植可可的农民

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