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1、北京市垂杨柳学区中考复习阅读还原阅读表达练习无答案阅读短文,根据短文内容,从所给选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。 AWhen I was young, I was kind of shy.However, I changed a lot by junior high. Shyness is not good for success. So lets overcome (克服) it. 1. . First of all, youd better take part in what you enjoy. When you show off in public, you will forget

2、your nervousness. Next, why not get more chances to speak in public? When I got to high school, I took speech (演讲) classes. 2. . Then, dont think about what will happen. Its possible that you might be laughed at when speaking. 3. . What really happens is better than what we imagine.Finally, remember

3、 your past successes. 4. . If you succeeded in the past, then you can succeed again!Its natural to be a little nervous about meeting new people or giving a speech. That nervousness doesnt have to keep you from succeeding.A. I feel a little uncomfortable B. These successes can tell that you can do it

4、C. Here is some advice for you D. I could even enter speaking competitionsE. However, others may not even notice your mistakes BJack found a dog entered his shop with a note in his mouth. 60 , “Can I have a bag of salt? The dog had money in his mouth, too, so Jack took the money and placed the salt

5、in the dogs mouth. Jack was very surprised and since it was closing time, he decided to close the shop and follow the dog.When the dog came to a crossing, he waited for the lights to turn green before crossing the road. 61 . When a bus came, he walked to the front, looked at the number, but didnt ge

6、t on. A few minutes later, another bus came and this time the dog climbed on. The bus traveled through the city and the dog kept looking out of the window. 62 , moved to the front and pressed the button to stop the bus. He then got off with the salt still in his mouth. When the dog got home, he knoc

7、ked at the door and a man who seemed a little angry opened it. Jack ran up and said to the man, “Your dog is so clever. He could be on TV!” 63 , “You call this clever? This is the second time this silly dog has forgotten his key.”A. Finally he got upB. He took the note and read itC. Then he came to

8、a bus stopD. But the man replied loudlyE. He got off the bus at once CCharley was a high school student. One day, he bought a hot dog after school and then went on his way home. Suddenly, he stopped. 60 , and looked up into the sky. That lasted two minutes.Just then, a woman passed by him. She saw C

9、harley looking at the sky, so she stopped and looked at the sky, too. The sky was blue. There were some white clouds. But, except that, there was nothing she could see. 61 . And he didnt move a bit. So, the woman also kept looking at the sky.Many passers-by stopped. They didnt know what Charley and

10、the woman were watching, but they just followed.After a while, 62 . He was surprised and asked, “What are you looking for in the sky?”The woman replied curiously, “I am just wondering why you are looking at the sky.”“ 63 .” Charley pointed to his nose and said, “My nose was bleeding(出血).”A. I didnt

11、look at the sky B. Charley lowered down his head C. Charley still looked up into the skyD. I enjoyed watching cloudsE. He raised his head highD Michael Hingson was a Computer sales manager. 60 , when American Airlines Flight 11 crashed into the other side of the building, 18 floors above on the morn

12、ing of 9/11 ( September 11th ). And he lived to tell the story because of his guide dog, Roselle. The yellow dog calmly guided him along 1,463 steps out of the building before debris(残骸) fell. It found a subway station and led them both underground to safety. Just as they got out of the building on

13、9/11, the south tower fell down. 61 , but Roselle remained totally focused on its job. While debris fell around them, and even hit them, Roselle stayed calm. 62 . More than 400,000 people votes for Roselle and 7 other dogs. But it was Hingsons moving description of its actions on 9/11 that helped it

14、 take the top dog honor. 63 , but its heroism lives on. At a red carpet event in Los Angeles on Saturday night the yellow dog was honored as the American Hero Dog of the Year. A. Everyone ran in fearB. He liked his dog very muchC. It saved my life. Hingson said D. Roselle died in June at the age of

15、13 E. He was working in the World Trade Centers north tower EMy name is Sam. Im 14 years old and I live in London, England. Im very fit, Im good at all kinds of sports, and Im generally in good health. _ (61) Every time something interesting is going to happen, I get sick. Heres an example. Two year

16、s ago, the school organized a trip to Versailles in France. _(62) The plan was to take a train from London to Paris, and then travel to Versailles by bus. I was really excited about this trip, especially the ride on the train, because the train goes through a tunnel under the English Channel(英吉利海峡),

17、 the water between England and France. What happened? _(63) I had a bad cold. So I couldnt go on the trip! Last year, something similar happened. I play for the school soccer team-Im one of the best players- and the school organized a visit to Scotland for the soccer team. The plan was to play three

18、 matches against schools in Edinburgh and Glasgow, the two biggest cities in Scotland. I was really looking forward to that trip! And what happened? I injured my knee when I played football the day before we left. _(64) Im also in the school choir(合唱团). This year, the school is organizing a visit to

19、 Austria so that we can take part in a choir competition there. We will leave next Thursday. I hope this is third time lucky, and I can go. I expect that I wont wake up with a sore throat(严重的咳嗽) the day before we leave. A. Again I couldnt go there.B. I woke up the day before the trip with a terrible

20、 fever.C. Versailles is a lovely palace near Paris, the capital of France.D. However, there is something really strange that happens to me.E. We would go camping next Sunday morning. FListening and speaking are very important for beginners. The children in English-speaking countries first listen to

21、others. Then they try to imitate(模仿) and speak. We can listen to English programmes on the radio. 60 . It doesnt matter. Just be relaxed, and try to catch every word. 61 but not a good speaker because he or she is afraid of making mistakes. You know we sometimes make mistakes when we speak Chinese.

22、Dont be afraid. We must be brave. 62 , you must try to speak with everyone who knows English. 63 . If theres nobody to talk with, you can talk to yourself in English. Its interesting and also a good way to practice your spoken English.A. Somebody may be a good listener B. Try to speak as much as you

23、 canC. You may just understand a few words D. Its important to open your mouthE. If you really want to learn English wellEA group of frogs were traveling through the woods, and two of them fell into a deep hole. When the other frogs saw how deep the hole was, they told the two frogs that they were h

24、opeless to be alive. But the two frogs didnt believe it. 60 . The other frogs kept telling them to stop and wait for their death. Finally, one of the two frogs gave up and fell down. Soon he died. The other frog continued to jump as hard as he could. Once again, the crowd of frogs shouted at him and

25、 told him to stop and just wait to die. 61 .When he got out, the other frogs said: “Didnt you hear us?” The frog explained to them that he was deaf. 62 .The story teaches us two lessons. 63 . An encouraging word to someone who is down can cheer him up and help him make it through difficulties. Secon

26、dly, a destructive (消极的) word to someone who is down can make him give up and die. So be careful of what you say.Speak life to those who cross your path. It is sometimes hard to understand that an encouraging word can go such a long way. It is great for a person to take the time to encourage another

27、.A. Then the two frogs began to stop jumping B. But he jumped even harder and finally he made it C. Firstly, there is power of life and death in the tongue D. So he thought they were encouraging him at that time E. They tried to jump up out of the hole with their effortsFFlying Doctors Most people g

28、o to a doctor in their own town or suburb(近郊). But people in the Australian outback cant get to a doctor quickly. The nearest doctor is sometimes hundreds of kilometers away so they have to call him on a two-way radio. 60 . He visits sick people by plane. When someone is very sick, the doctor has to

29、 fly to the persons home. His plane lands on a flat piece of ground near the persons house. Sometimes the doctor has to take the patient to hospital. 61 . However, most of the time the person isnt very sick, and the doctor doesnt have to visit. 62 . He can tell the patient to use some medicine from

30、a special medicine chest. There is one of these chests in every home in the outback. Each bottle, tube and packet in the chest has a number. The doctor often says something like this: “Take two tablets(药片) from bottle number 5 every four hours.” 63 . He had only one plane. Today there are 14 flying

31、doctor centers, 29 planes, 14 full-time doctors and several part-time doctors, nurses and dentists. A. He can give advice on the radio from the office at the flying doctor centerB. Flying doctors treat their patients quicklyC. This special doctor is called the “flying doctor”D. A man called John Fly

32、nn started the Royal Flying Doctor Service in 1927E. Flying doctors take about 8,600 people to hospital each yearGMr. White works in an office. Hes able and can easily deal with all kinds of matters. 60 . Of course hes often busy and has no time to do the housework. His wife does all at home.Last Friday, their daughter was hurt in a traffic accident and had to be in hospital. Mrs. White had to look after her there and she c

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