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1、高考背诵范文 12011年12月11日国务院法制办就我国校车安全条例草案征求意见稿正式全文公布,广纳民意。请你根据下列表格的内容为某英语网站写一篇短文。出台的背景 连续的事故; 社会的关注; 政府的重视;出台的意义 关爱生命; 稳定社会;你的看法(请考生根据自己的感想提出两至三点建议)注意:1对所给要点逐一陈述,适当发挥,不能简单翻译。2词数150左右。开头已经写好,不计入总词数。3. 作文中不得提及考生所在学校和本人姓名。 Legal Affairs Office of the State Council of China publicized the exposure draft of S

2、chool Bus Safety Regulations on Dec. 11th, 2011 to collect public opinions. _One possible version:Legal Affairs Office of the State Council of China publicized the exposure draft of School Bus Safety Regulations on Dec. 12th, 2011 to collect public opinions.During the past year, there have been seve

3、ral severe school bus accidents which claimed many young lives. These tragedies came as a shock to everyone, and they have aroused great concern among people from all walks of life. The publication of the draft regulations indicate that our government has realized how serious the situation is and th

4、at it is taking effective measures to ensure the safety of the school bus.The draft regulations reflect a deep concern from our government as well as from the public about students lives. When put into effect, the regulations will surely help reduce the number of accidents and benefit schools and fa

5、milies as well. Also, they will be of vital importance in stabling the society.Personally, I fully support the coming out of the regulations, and I sincerely hope that everyone in our society will obey the regulations. Whats more, the regulations should be strictly carried out. (153 words) 2 在现实生活中,

6、许多父母亲的要求与子女的行为表现并未能达到一致。 请根据右边的图片,写一篇短文,内容包括: 1描述漫画内容; 2说出其中的寓意; 3发表你的观点。 注意: 1可适当增添内容,使文章层次分明,行文连贯。 2字数120左右。 3开头语已为你写好【不计入总字数】 As can often be seen in our daily life, many parents have expectations which are too high for their children to reachIn the picture, _ 3假如你是宁德市某中学高三(1)班班长,你得知,你班王伟同学昨天下午放学

7、回家路上看到一位老奶奶摔倒在地,他立刻将她扶到安全地方,同时打电话给120,使老奶奶得到了及时救治。请你就此事倡仪全班同学向他学习。注意:1倡议要点如下:(1)简述王伟事迹;(2)发表感想;(3)提出倡议;2可根据提示适当展开,以使行文连贯;3开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数;4词数:120左右。参考词汇:美德virtue; 和谐的harmoniousDear classmates, I am more than pleased to share with you Wang Weis story. Thats all. Thank you. 4【2012银川一中模拟】2012龙年央视春晚亮点之一

8、,节目中无一广告植入。最近,某网站举行了一次题为“对今年春晚无广告植入的态度”的调查,请根据以下饼图【pie chart】所示信息用英语写一篇短文,并提出你自己的看法。 1央视发展改革需要20% 2太多广告损害央视形象15% 3许多广告与节目主题无关20% 4损失了许多广告费 15% 5快乐温馨有创意30%注意:1对所给提示,不要简单翻译,可适当增加细节,使行文连贯。2词数在120左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。3植入广告:product placement The 2012 Spring Festival Gala has first set a unique record in the h

9、istory of 30 years SFG- no product placement in the programs, which accordingly has caused heated discussions.书面表达:The 2012 Spring Festival Gala has first set a unique record in the history of 30 years SFG- no product placement in the programs, which accordingly has caused heated discussions. As is

10、shown in the pie chart,20% of the people surveyed think it is a great need for the reform of CCTV, which is of great benefit to the development of CCTV itself. On the contrary, due to too many product placements in the past , 15% hold the view that great harm has been done to the image of CCTV. And

11、30% of them consider it is full of happiness and creation ,which can set a good example for the next. Not related to the theme of the whole evening party , too many are meaningless, which takes up 20%. However, about 15% of them think that not only will it bring advertisers a great loss but also the

12、 related departments. As far as I am concerned, no product placement nowadays may be acceptable, and it should be advocated in the society .Most importantly, it should first take the audiences feeling into account. 5请谈谈你对机会(opportunity)的看法?写出你的观点,说明你的理由并且适当举例。词数不少于120【参考范文】My View on OpportunityTher

13、e is a wide variety of opinions among people as for the view of opportunity. Some claim that opportunities are rare, and only the lucky dogs can possess them while others argue that in some way everybody has relatively the same opportunity from time to time.From where I stand, I am in favor of the l

14、atter. I suppose opportunities accompany us all the time. Nevertheless, they will not run into you voluntarily, and they only belong to whoever are prepared. For example, I took greatest interest in basketball in my childhood. And I did want to be on the school team one day. It was obvious that ther

15、e was no chance for me to be accepted as a member of the team as my strength, height, sense and figure largely restricted me. To achieve my goal, I overcame a series of unimaginable and challenging difficulities, strengthening my weaknesses in every aspect. Finally I made it. And now I have already

16、become one of the top basketballers in our city. In conclusion, opportunities are abundant in our daily life and everyone is equal for them. I have a strong belief that opportunities are only for the prepared minds. 6大学生活即将开始, 你将面对新的学习和生活环境, 请根据提示写一篇英语短文, 谈谈你打算如何安排你的大学生活。内容要点应包括: 1确定新的学习目标 2改进学习方法 3

17、学会独立生活 4参加各种课外活动 5处理好与同学的关系 注意: 1短文的内容要连贯、完整; 2短文单词数:100左右(开头已给出的单词不计入单词总数)。 I will go to college in the near future_【参考范文】I will go to college in the near future After I enter college, I plan to set new goals in my study and improve my way of learningWhats more, as I am away from my parents, it is

18、necessary for me to learn to live on my own, such as doing some washing and cleaning by myselfIn my spare time, I will take part in different kinds of school activities, for example, I will often go to the English Corner to practise my spoken EnglishIn addition, I need to get along well with my clas

19、smates and teachers at collegeI think I will have a wonderful college life 72013年6月6日是我国第18个“爱眼日”。假设你是某校的学生,下面是你校学生近视情况的调查结果。请你根据调查结果用英语写一篇文章,并在文中提出保护眼睛的建议。 1高中部学生近视率达到45.2%。 2初中部初三学生在初一时患近视的学生只有23%,目前达35%左右。 3近视高发病率的主要原因是:学业过重;在电脑前待的时间过长;有不良的阅读习惯等。4.词数:120词左右。【参考范文】A recent survey in our school sho

20、ws that more and more students have become near-sighted. The survey says that 45.2 percent of senior students are near-sighted. It also says that 35% of Junior Three students are near-sighted, but it was only 23% when they were in Junior One.I think the main causes are as follows. First, we have to

21、do many lessons, especially in Junior Three and Senior Three. Second, some of us spend too much time in front of the computer. Furthermore, some students often read lying in bed or in dim light.We must form good reading habits, spend less time in front of the computer, and arrange time for our lesso

22、ns scientifically. In a word, we must let our eyes have a rest during work from time to time. 8近几年来,越来越多的人们在网上购买实物、信息,甚至预定机票或酒店等服务。请根据图示及自己的观点,以“Shopping on the Intemet”为题,用英语写一篇短文。总字数120字左右。 Shopping on the InternetShopping on the internet is becoming very popularPeople can shop for a variety of pr

23、oductson it .For example,they can buy various physical products like books,CDs,clothes,etc They can also buy information products such as on-line news and stories At the same timeThey can download computer software from the internetWhats more,services such as booking airline tickets or hotel rooms a

24、re available on the internet Internet shopping has many advantages,of which the most important one is convenience We can shop whenever we like, as the on-line shops are open 24 hours a day , It is often cheaper to buy goods on the internet, However ,we cant actually see the products we want or check

25、 their quality. 9你校英语俱乐部开展“Problem Solver”的活动,就解决学习生活中一些问题交流自己的体验和感想。你们这次交流的话题是“How to live with pressure”。请根据此话题写一篇英语短文,介绍你在学习上所遇到的压力及其相应的对策,以及你的感想。注意:1要求结构完整,语意连贯,观点正确。2词数:120左右【参考范文】How to Live with PressureI used to feel pressured to do well in exams. I was so afraid of falling behind that I kep

26、t thinking about studying every minute of the day. The pressure made me out of breath. To my disappointment, the more worried I was about my studies, the less efficient I became. Later, I realized I just took pressure too seriously. So I tried taking things easy by taking part in various activities

27、out of class, enjoying music and even daydreaming about fun things. To my delight, this worked! Gradually, I became less anxious about exams and began to take pleasure in my studies. Pressure cannot be avoided. What counts is how to deal with it properly, and above all, how to turn it into pleasure

28、or challenge. 10目前山东省大力推行素质教育,对中小学双休日进行了严格的控制,不允许学校统一组织学生上课、上自习和考试,应开展丰富有益的课外活动。请根据你校的实际情况,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈同学们是如何度过双休日的以及你的感受。注意:词数120150。词汇提示:素质教育qualityoriented education【参考范文】 As we all know,quality-oriented education is being pushed forward in middle schools in our provinceAccording to the regulation

29、s,we have no classes,no organized free periods or exams on weekends in our sch001Now we are given more free time Some students often attend the after,class activities to build up their social skillsSometimes,they have a good reading in the library to broaden their viewsThey are refreshed after weeke

30、ndsHoweverother students dont know how to deal with themselvesA few of them waste much time in watching TV,surfing the Internet and playing games,which makes them exhausted and even does harm to their health In my opinion,we should make the best of weekends,either taking the free time to get morekno

31、wledge,or enjoy ourselves to ensure that we are energetic in our learning 10根据下列提示,以Building a Good Teacher-student Relationship为题,写一篇120150词的英语短文。1良好的师生关系是教学成功的根本保障。(guarantee)。2以个人的经历说明良好的师生关系是双方共同努力的结果。3如何对待师生间可能存在的误解。 Building a Good Teacher-student Relationship 【参考范文】Building a Good Teacher-student Relationship A good teacher- student relationship is one of the guarantees for successful teaching and learning. A good relationship leads to fruitful cooperation, that is,

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