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1、卢老师家教内部资料 初中英语必背150句 -教师版 姓 名_1.你到过北京吗? Have you ever been to Beijing?2.我爸爸到上海去了。My father has gone to Shanghai.3.你叫什么名字? Whats your name?4.你有小汽车吗? Do you have a car?5.你朋友是男孩儿还是女孩儿? Is your friend a boy or a girl?6.你是哪里人?Where are you from? = Where do you come from?7.你姑姑是做何工作的?What is your aunt? = W

2、hat does your aunt do?8.我是昨天来的。I came here yesterday.9.你昨天上街买东西了吗?Did you go shopping yesterday?10.昨天下午我到书店买了一本书。I went to the bookstore to buy a book yesterday afternoon.11.你会讲英语吗?Can you speak English?12.我可以问一个问题吗? May I ask you a question?13.这用英文怎么说?Whats this in English?14请进。Come in, please.15.我

3、可以进来吗?May I come in?16.我总是早晨六点钟起床。I always get up at six oclock in the morning. 17.你能拼写出你的名字吗?Ca you spell your name?18.我来到这里已有二十多天了。I have been here for more than twenty days.19.我想跟你交个朋友。I want to make friends with you.20.外面正在下大雨。It is raining hard/heavily outside.21.我擅长中文。 I am good at Chinese. =

4、I do well in English.22.明天会下雨的。Its going to rain tomorrow.23.你多大了? How old are you?24.你们家有多少人?How many people are there in your family?25.桌上有台电脑。There is a computer on the desk.26.树下有辆自行车吗?Is there a bike under the tree?27.你妹妹通常怎样去上学? How does your sister usually go to school?28.我们到达车站时雨已经停了。The rai

5、n had stopped when we got to the station.29.你弟弟晚饭后通常干什么?What does your sister usually do after supper?30.你长大后准备干什么?What are you going to be when you grow up?31.这个男孩昨天把胳膊弄断了。The boy broke his arm yesterday.32.你在干什么?What are you doing now?33.我在听收音机。Im listening to the radio.34.我们迷路了。We lost our way.35

6、.父母为他们的儿子取名叫约翰。The parents named their son John. 36.他是个真正的男子汉。He is a real man.37.人定胜天。Man will conquer nature.38.他喜欢鲁迅的著作。He likes the works of Shakespeare.39.中华民族是勤劳的民族。The Chinese people is a hard-working people.40.我自己有一个房间。I have a room of my own.41.当时我发现桌上有五杯茶。I found five cups of tea on the ta

7、ble.42.我的脚出毛病了,因此不能走路,只得卧床休息。Something is wrong with my feet, so I cant walk and have to stay in bed.43.鱼儿离不开水。Fish cant live without water.44.这是我的连衣裙,那件是她的。This is my dress, that one is hers.45.请给我一些肉。Please give me some meat.46.我喝一瓶橙汁好吗?Could I have a bottle of orange.47.这就是我的意思。Thats what I mean.

8、48.下星期天我们要去动物园。We are going to the zoo next Sunday.49.我们还需要一部电话机。We need one more telephone.50.咱们走吧,行吗?Lets go, shall we?51.我们乘公共汽车去好吗?Shall we go by bus?52.他是个商人。He is a businessman. 53.今天冷多了。Its much colder today.54.你们学校离这儿远吗?Is your school far from here?55.这是我亲眼看见的。I saw it with my own eyes.56.一块

9、石头击中他的头。A stone hit him on the head.57.我第一次被邀请参加晚会。I was invited to my first party. 58.这是谁的自行车?Whose bike is this? = Whose is this bike?59.她喜欢打篮球。She likes playing basketball.60.扬州的风景和苏州的风景一样美丽。The scenery of Yangzhou is as beautiful as that of Suzhou.61.国产收音机和日本产的一样好。The radios made in China are as

10、 good as those made in Japan.62.他和我兴趣不同。His interests are different from mine.63.那些书有什么用呢?What is the use of those books?64.赵州桥是石头造的。Zhaozhou Bridge is made of stone.65.那就是他没来的原因。Thats why he didnt come.66.这楼多高啊! How high the building is!67.多美的花儿呀! What beautiful flowers!68.欢迎到中国来。Welcome to China.6

11、9.您要买什么东西吗? Can I help you?70.我可以和林涛通话吗?May I speak to Lin Tao?71.我妈妈没在家。My mother isnt in. = My mother isnt at home.72.你觉得这部影片怎么样?How do you like the film?73.这句话是什么意思?Whats the meaning of this sentence?74.干得好! Well done!75.你能从一数到十吗?Can you count from one to ten?76.请翻到45页。 Please turn to Page 45.77.

12、今天下午我要修一下自行车。I want to have my bike repaired this afternoon.78.我对中文感兴趣。Im interested in Chinese.79.今天是星期二。Its Tuesday today. = Today is Tuesday.80.明天几月几号?Whats the date tomorrow? = What date is it tomorrow?81.你是怎样到达北京的?How did you get to Beijing? = How did you arrive in Beijing?82.到上学期末为止我们已经学了五千个英文

13、单词。By the end of last term we had learned five thousand English words.83外国游客们说他们以前从没有见过如此美丽的景色。The foreign visitors said they had never seen such a beautiful scenery before.84.没有足够的训练一个人是学不好一门外语的。No one can learn a foreign language well without enough practice.85.我有重要事情要告诉你。I have something importan

14、t to tell you.86.我有两支铅笔,一支是红色的,另一支是蓝色的。I have two pencils, one is red, the other is blue.87.我们班有三十名学生,其中二十名是女生,另外的都是男生。There are thirty students in our class. Twenty are girls, the others are boys.88.学生们都在认真地听老师讲课。 All the students are listening to the teacher carefully.89.昨天他们在颐和园玩得很痛快。 They had a

15、good time in the Summer Palace yesterday.90.大部分难题已经解决。 Most problems have been solved.91.我是害怕蛇的。Im afraid of snakes.92.我喜欢这部电影,我朋友也喜欢。I enjoyed the film, and so did my friend.93.我不喜欢这部电影,我妈妈也不喜欢。 I dont like the film, and neither does my mother.94.有人在敲门,去看一下是谁。 Someone is knocking at the door, go an

16、d see who it is.95.我们每周进行一次英文听写。 We have an English dictation once a week.96.你们多长时间去一次图书馆?How often do you go to the library?97.熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.98.太阳从东方升起。 The sun rises in the east.99.他是唯一没有通过考试的人。 He is the only person who didnt pass the exam.100.他舅舅钢琴弹得不错。His uncle plays the piano qui

17、te well.101.那天她步行回家用了四个小时。 It took him four hours to walk home that day.102.今天是阴天,不是吗?Its a cloudy day, isnt it?103.由于下雨,我们推迟了会期。We put off the meeting because of the rain.104.怀特夫妇对我们很好。The Whites are very kind to us.105.三月份是一年中的第三个月。March is the third month of a year.106.今天是国庆节。 Its National Day to

18、day.107.纸是由木材制成的。Paper is made from wood.108.他父亲是作家兼翻译家。His father is a writer and translator.109.我们养了一只白猫和一只黑猫。 We keep a white cat and a black cat.110.15+2等于多少?How much is fifteen plus two? = How much is fifteen and two?111.87 等于多少?How much is eight minus seven?112.10015 等于多少?How much is one hundr

19、ed times fifteen?113.819 等于多少?How much is eighty-one divided by nine?114.长江是世界上最长的河流之一。The Yangtze River is one of the longest rivers in the world.115.你第二个发言。You will be the second to speak. 116.我们应当使教室保持整洁。We should keep our classroom clean and tidy.117.没什么大不了的。Its nothing serious.118汤姆和杰克一样诚实。Tom

20、is as honest as Jack.119.上海的天气不如北京凉快。The weather in Shanghai is not as cool as the weather in Beijing.120.坐飞机比坐汽车旅行要快得多。Traveling by plane is much faster than by bus.121.他比班里任何其他学生表现都好。He is better than any other students in her class.123.天气在一天天冷起来。Its getting colder and colder.124.我要竭尽全力赶上其他学生。 I w

21、ill try my best to catch up with other students.125.我越学习它,就越喜欢它。The more I study it, the more I like it.126.我现在必须走了。I must be off now.127.你完全正确。Youre quite right.128.我一到北京就给你打电话。I will call you up as soon as I get to Beijing.129.如果你下一番苦功,你肯定会取得巨大进步。If you work hard, Im sure you will make greatprogre

22、ss.130你多久能到家?How soon will you get home?131十年在历史上是一瞬间。Ten years is a moment in history.132.要么是他父母要么是他姐姐常常帮助他。His parents or his sister often helps him.133.你和他都不对。Neither you nor he is right.134.不仅学生在欣赏这部影片,他们的老师也是如此。Not only the students but also their teacher is enjoying the film.135.不是他错就是我错。He or

23、 I am wrong.136您太客气了。You are over polite.137.你一定要背过这些句子。You must learn these sentences by heart.138.我跟你意见一致。I agree with you.138.用下列词语的正确形式填空。Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the following words.139.这道数学题并不好做。The math problem is hard to work out. 140.她每天练习读英文报纸。She practices reading Engl

24、ish newspapers every day.141.自从200年 以来他们一直住在这里。They have lived here since 2000.142.地铁站正在兴建过程中。The subway station is being built now.143.看!这辆汽车正在过桥。Look! The car is crossing the bridge144.这辆自行车我已经买了两年了。I have kept this bicycle for two years.145.请这边来。Please come this way.146.我期待着早日与您会面。Im looking forward to seeing you soon.147.上床睡觉前,他会做完作业。Before bed time he will have finished his work.148.这个东西我找了很多天才找着。I had been looking for it for days before I found it.149.东西太烫,不能吃。Its too hot to eat.150.尝试后失败总比无所事事好。To try and fail is better than to do nothing at all.

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