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1、Unit 1 Spring Is Coming!1. temperature n.温度 Whats the temperature? 温度是多少? take the temperature 量体温2. Whats the weather like today? =How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样?3. What will the weather be like tomorrow? =How will the weather be tomorrow? 明天天气怎么样?4. have/take a shower 淋浴 5. on the radio 在收音机上 6

2、. exact time 准确时间7. there will be =there is/are going to be 将会有(后面单数is复数are)8. be scared of 害怕. be scared to do sth. 害怕做某事 be afraid of . 害怕. be afraid to do sth. 害怕做某事9. reach sp.=arrive at/in sp.=get to sp. 到达某地 reach home=get home=arrive home 到家10. see sb. doing sth.看见某人正在做某事 see sb. do sth.看见某人做

3、了某事 hear sb. doing sth.11. winter jasmine 迎春花 12. practice v. 练习;实践 practice doing sth.13. plan a field trip to the country 计划一次去乡村的野外旅行 a trip to sp.一次去某地的旅行14. Both.and. .和.都.(否定句) Neither.nor. .既不.也不(就近原则)15. Both of.两者都(复数结构)(否定句)Neither of.两者都不(单数结构)16. 就近原则 There be 有. Either.or. 或者.或者. Neithe

4、r.nor. 既不.也不. Not only. but also. 不但.而且.17. 四种“变” become 职位 get (天气) 变长、变热、变干 turn 颜色 go 变质 go bad 变坏18. The wind blows gently. (gentle-gently) 风温柔地吹着。 by one =one after another一个接一个20.plenty of 充足;大量(=lots of=a lot of) There is plenty of sunshine too. 也有充足的光照。21. hundred 百 thousand 千 hundred

5、s of 成百上千的 five hundred 五百 three thousand 三千22. long v.渴望long for 渴望 Everyone longs for spring.每个人都渴望春天。 long to do sth.渴望做某事23. all year round 全年;常年 24.feel like doing sth.想要做某事 would like to do sth.25. instead of 代替;而不是 I will go to the birthday party instead of you. 我将代替你参加生日聚会。26. Thank you for

6、doing sth.因某事而感谢。 27. turn around 翻转;转身 turn over 翻过来28.Hold on 抓紧;坚持;别挂断 fall off=fall down from 跌倒;从.掉下来 think of 想起;想出29. Its time to do sth. 到做某事的时间了. Its time for sb. to do sth. Its time for sth. 到某事的时间了。30. stop doing sth. 停止做某事( stop talking ) stop to do sth.停下来去做某事 stop to have a rest 停下来休息3

7、1. low adj.低的 high adj.高的 The price of the computer is high. The temperature is low/high.32. below 下方 above 上方 on 表面接触 under 正下方 over 正上方 in the sun 在太阳下33. as+原级+as 和.一样. (注意选对词性;形容词修饰名词代词,副词修饰动词、形容词、副词、句子)34. until conj.直到 He waits until the children are asleep. 他一直等到孩子们睡着。 not.until 直到.才. He didn

8、t go to bed until his father came back. 他直到父亲回来才睡觉。Unit 2 Plant a Plant.1. cover v.覆盖 cover.with. 用.覆盖. be covered with. 被.覆盖2. fill v.装满;充满 fill. with. 用.装满. be filled with. 装满.3. 被动语态结构:be+过去分词 be made of/from 由.制成 be made up of 由.组成4. east-eastern west-western south-southern north-northern northe

9、ast n.&adj. 东北;东北的 southwest5. enough adv.&adj.足够(名词前、形容词副词之后) 形式主语结构:Its +adj. + to do sth.6. Remember to do sth.= Dont forget to do sth. 记得做某事。 7. leave-left 忘了没拿Nothing can stop the wind because there are not many trees left. 没什么能阻止风,因为剩下的树不多了。8.情态动词用于推测:must be 一定是 may/might be 可能是 cant be 不可能是

10、9. have been to 去过(与次数连用) have gone to 去了10Must I do sth. now? No, you neednt. 我必须现在做某事吗? 不,不需要。 I need to buy a dictionary.(否定句) I dont need to buy a dictionary. need to do sth.需要做某事11. please v.使.高兴 pleased adj.愉快的(修饰人) pleasant adj.令人愉快的(修饰物) pleasure n.高兴,愉快 Its my/a pleasure. 很乐意。 with pleasure

11、 乐意地(作状语)12. in the shade 在树荫里 in the tree 在树上(外来) on the tree 在树上(本身)13. many 很多(修饰可数复数) much 很多(修饰不可数) so many -so much 很多;如此多 too many-too much 太多 how many +名词复数-how much (多少;多少钱)14. be made of be made from be made into 被制成. be made in 在.被制成 be made by 被谁制成15. carry.away 把.带走 in a word 总之;简言之 16.

12、with 有;和;用-without 没有;缺乏 with your help 有了你的帮助 without water or air 没有水或空气 without breakfast 没吃早餐17. basic adj.基本的 What are the basic steps for planting a tree? take steps to do sth.采取措施做某事18. project n.项目;课题 They are planting trees as a school project. 他们植树作为学校的课题。19. dig 挖 hole 洞 We are digging a

13、hole. 我们正在挖一个坑。20.Medicine is made from trees and plants.21. by the way 顺便说一下 22. be worried about=worry about 担心23.a little 有点儿(修饰不可数名词、形容词、副词、比较级)修饰比较级:much, a little, even, a lot24.The trees and plants take energy from the sun and turn it into food. energy n.能量 turn. into. 把.变成.25. In a word, we

14、cant live without plants. 总之,离开植物我们将不能生活。26.a way to do sth. 做某事的方法 Mary Green will show you the best way to grow all kinds of plants. show sb. sth.=show sth. to sb.给某人展示某物There are many ways to grow a garden. The best way to learn English is using it every day.27. Gardening is a very enjoyable hobb

15、y. 动名词作主语,谓语动词用单数。 enjoy-enjoyable adj.使人愉快的28. have fun=have a good time=enjoy oneself 玩得高兴 have fun doing sth. 高兴做某事 be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事29.反身代词(换同义句时注意时态) myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves 30.Mary Green has written many popular books about gardening.(现在完成时

16、 have/has+过去分词)31.Roses smell so wonderful. 系动词之后常接形容词作表语。 系动词有: be,look,feel,sound,taste,smell,become,get, turn等 32.consider doing sth.考虑做某事 the purpose of. .的目的33. keep.away from. 使.远离. decide to do sth.决定做. try to do sth.尽力做某事 try not to do sth. 尽量不做某事 try doing sth.试着做某事 take care of =look after

17、 照顾 take good care of.=look after. well 好好照顾. You need to make a fence. It can help keep these small animals away from your garden. Finally, dont forget to have fun. That is the whole purpose of growing a garden. 34. tight adj.紧紧的 tightly adv.紧紧地 I hug him tightly. 我紧紧地抱着他。(修饰动词用副词)35. living adj.活着

18、的(人或物;作表语或定语) lively 活泼的 live adj.活的(物,作定语) alive adj.活着的(人或物;表语或后置定语) a live fish=a living fish 一条活鱼36. This plant is fun for small children to play with. Dont play with fire. 别玩火。 37. close up 结合 open up 打开 close v.关闭 closed adj.闭着的 open v.&adj. 打开;开着的38. if 如果(引导条件状语从句;用法:主将从现) I will saty at hom

19、e if it rains tomorrow. (不能是will rain)39. have sth. to do ; There be sth. to do.有某事要做 40.a few days later 几天之后Now something new is growing at the top of the stem. 现在,它的茎的顶部又长出了新东西。41. I am going to look after my plant carefully. 我打算好好照顾我的植物。42. 比较级(特殊变化)good/well-better-best bad/badly-worse-worst ma

20、ny/much-more-most little-less-least43. send v.发送;寄送 (sent/ sent) send sb. sth.= send sth. to sb. 给某人送某物 44. say goodbye to sb. 向某人道别 blow down 刮倒 leaf 树叶(复数leaves)45. lie 说谎;平躺 lying die 死亡 dying be dying 快要死了46. empty 空的 full 满的;饱的 hungry 饿的47. be away from 离开 keep.away from 让.远离.48. give sb. a pus

21、h 推了某人一把 49. a boy named/called Jim 一个叫吉姆的男孩50. a friend of+名词性物主代词或所有格 a friend of mine 一个我的朋友51. in early spring 在早春 52. swing=play on the swing 打秋千 53. look forward to doing sth. 期待做某事Unit 3 Animals Are Our Friends.1. scare v.害怕 scared adj. 害怕的 scary adj.可怕的2. happen v.发生 What happened to sb.? 某人

22、发生了什么? Sth happen to sb. 某人身上发生了某事. 3. ask sb. to do sth. 请求某人做某事 ask sb. for sth. 请求某人某事Her family went on a vacation and she asked me to take care of Zoe.4. remind sb. of sth. 使某人想起某物 With their long ears, they also remind people of rabbits.5. He hasnt been to the zoo in Edmonton yet. (现在完成时have/h

23、as+过去分词 already-yet)6. Danny screams! 丹尼尖叫起来! 7. The doorbell is ringing.8. She is gentle and quiet. 她既温柔又安静。 9. Dogs are friendly and loyal. 狗既友好又忠诚。10. I tried to sit down, but a tiny tiger jumped off the sofa. (try to do sth. tiny 微小的 tiger 老虎 sofa 沙发)11. mouse 老鼠(复数:mice) I saw two mice in the k

24、itchen. 我在厨房看见了两只老鼠。12. avoid doing sth.避免做某事 13. He avoided answering my questions. 他避而不答我的问题。14. be famous for 因.而著名 be famous as. 作为.而著名 jump out of 从.跳出 15.1)desert沙漠 dessert甜点 2)house 马 mouse 老鼠 3)kitchen 厨房 chicken 鸡肉 16. danger n.危险dangerous adj.危险的 be in danger 在危险中out of danger 脱离危险 Its dan

25、gerous to do sth.17. 10:15 a quarter past ten 10:30 half past ten 10:45 a quarter to eleven 10:56 four to eleven18. go through the entrance 穿过入口 19. What does the sign say? It says No smoking! sign n.符号;指示牌 No photos! 禁止拍照!20. point to 指向(远方或方向) point at 指着(近处或所指对象) point n.点v.指21wake up 醒来;叫醒 (代词宾格

26、放中间) Wake up, Mr. Bear. I woke him up yesterday morning. (及物)22. feed. to. 把.喂给. She fed milk to the baby. 她给婴儿喂了奶。23.main adj.主要的 mainly adv.主要地24.feed on sth. 以.为食 What do horses mainly feed on in the area? 这个地区马主要以什么为食?25. escape from 从.逃出 protect.from. 保护.免受. I will protect you from danger. 我将保护你免受危险。26. April Fools Day 愚人节 play a trick on sb. 开某人的玩笑 trick n.恶作剧 You are joking. 你们在开玩笑。 Wait a minute. 等一下。 27. happen (偶然)发生 28. take place 发生;举办(按计划)28.instead of 代替 He might eat you instead.29.There be sth. to do.有某事要做。 There be sb./sth. doing sth. 有某人正在做某事. There is a bird singing.

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