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1、D. Doctor Faustus2. “When I consider how my light is spent Ere half my days, in this dark world and wide and that one talent which is death to hide, Lodged with me useless, though my soul more bent” is the sonnet written by _.A. William ShakespeareB. John DonneC. John MiltonD.John Keats3. “A Novel w

2、ithout a Hero” is the subtitle of _.A. Pilgrims ProgressB. EmmaC. Oliver TwistD.Vanity Fair4. Kurtz is the caption in _.A. White JacketB. Heart of DarknessC. Lord of FliesD. A Passage to India5. Waiting for Godot is a tragicomedy written by _.A. Christopher MarloweB. George Bernard ShawC. Samuel Bec

3、kettD. Harold Pinter6. Henry James was fascinated with the “international theme”, according to which American innocence is conflicting with European sophistication. In the following novels, _does not belong to the type.A. The Wings of the DoveB. The Turn of the ScrewC. The Golden BowlD. The Portrait

4、 of a Lady7. _once declared himself a “classical in literature, royalist in politics, and Anglo-Catholic inreligion”.A. Walt WhitemanB. Emily DickinsonC. Wallace StevensD. T.S. Eliot8. In The Great Gatsby, Nick is the narrator who belongs the type of _.A. participantB. non-participantC. UnreliableD.

5、 innocent eye9. Among the many novels written by William Faulkner, the title of _is associated with the Bible.(没有选项)10. Ernest Hemingway is noted for the following EXPECT_.A. Lost GenerationB. Iceberg theoryC. American DreamD. “grace under pressure”III. Explain the following literary terms and works

6、.(10 points)blank verseimagismstream of consciousnessParadise Lost Winesburg, OhioIV. Read the following poems and answer the questions.(10 points)Poem One: Stopping by woods on a Snowy EveningWhose woods these are I think I know.His house is in the village, though;He will not see me stopping hereTo

7、 watch his woods fill up with snow.My little horse must think its queerTo stop without a farmhouse near Between the woods and frozen lake The darkest evening of the year .He gives his harness bells a shake To ask if theres some mistake.The only other sounds the sweepOf easy wind and downy flake.The

8、woods are lovely, dark, and deep,Bu I have promises to keep,And miles to go before I sleep,And miles to go before I sleep.1. The author of this poem is _.2. “Downy flake” in the third stanza means _.(1 point)3. In this poem, _meter is most frequently used.(1point)4. Interpret the main idea of this p

9、oem.(2 point)Poem Two:The TygerTyger ! Tyger ! Burning brightIn the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eye.Could frame thy fearful symmetry?In what distant deeps or skiesBurnt the fire of thine eyes?On what wings dare he aspire?What the hand dare seize the fire?And what shoulder, and what ar

10、t,Could twist the sinews of my heart?And when thy began to beat,What dread hand? And what dread feet?What the hammer ? what the chain?In what furnace was thy brain?Whatthe anvil? what dread grasp?Dare its deadly terrors clasp?When the stars threw down their spears,And waterd heaven with their tears,

11、Did he smile his work to see?Did he who made the Lamb make thee?Tiger!Tyger!What immortal hand or eyeDare frame thy fearful symmetry?1. The author of this poem is _.2. “Immortal hand or eye” in the first stanza refers to the “hand or eye” of _.3. In the fifth stanza, the” Labmb” refers to _.4. Inter

12、pret the main idea of this poem (2 points)V. Write a 150-word essay about your understanding of the novel Wuthering Heights.(10points)英美概况部分(50分)I. Choose the correct answer in each of the following questions.(20 points)1. Which of the following was the man who crushed various rebellions in Ireland

13、and settled English and Scottish Protestants there by giving them land?A. Oliver CromwellB. King Charles IC. William ID. William III2. “I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tear and sweat.” From which of the following speakers in the above statement quoted?A. Winston ChurchillB. Abraham LincolnC

14、. Patrick Henry D. George Wahington3. Which of the following was NOT a historian?A. Edward GribbonB. Winston ChurchillC. Arnold ToynbeeD. Aldous Huxley4. Which of the following names is NOT mentioned in the Bible?A .JosephB. DianaC. AbrahamD .Job5. Which of the following was NOT an economic?A. Adam

15、SmithB. Thomas MalthusC. Thomas Henry HuxleyD. John Maynard Keynes6. In which of the following years did Julius Caesar invade Britain?A. 55BCB. 54BCC. 54ADD. 43AD7. Which of the following names of kings is often followed by “the Great”?A. William B. Alfred C. Henry D. Richard 8. Which of the followi

16、ng groups of names of English monarchs is in a correct sequence?A. Henry , Edward , Mary , Elizabeth B. Mary , Edward , Elizabeth , Henry C. Edward , Henry , Elizabeth , Mary D. Henry , Mary , Edward , Elizabeth 9. Which of the following kings believed the “Divine Right” to govern,and was condemned

17、to death during the English Civil War?A. James B. Charles C. King JohnD. James 10. Which of the following countries was Englands great enemy during the whole of the 18 century?A. SpainB. AmericaC. FranceD. Germany11. Which of the following Houses did Henry belong to?A. The house of YorkB. The House

18、of TudorC. The house of StuartD. The house of Lancaste12. Which of the following peoples were the ancestor of the Irish?A. The CeltsB. The RomansC. The DanesD. The AngloSaxons13. Which of the following was NOT a characteristic of the Victorian age?A. It was an age of national development and nationa

19、l optimism.B. It was an age of stability in family life.C. It was an age of imperialismD. It was an age of lack of belief in religion14. In which of the following countries was England became a Protestant county?A. The 14 th centuryB. The 15th centuryC. The 16th centuryD. The 17th century15. Which o

20、f the following was NOT a New England state?A. The state of ConnecticutB. The state of New YorkC. The state of New HampshireD. The state of Vermont16. Which of the following is NOT true?A. New York City is the commercial capital as well as one of the cultural centers of the US.B. Washington D.C. is

21、the commercial capital as well as one of the cultural centers of the US.C. Boston and Philadephia are two of the cultural centers of the US.D. Washington D.C. is the political capital of the US.17. Which of the following descriptions of the Mississippo River is NOT true?A. It flows into the Great La

22、kes and St.Lawrence.B. It is the biggest river system in the US.C. It flows down to New Orleans and Gulf of Mexico.D. Ohio ana Missouri River are branches of the Mississippi.18.How many states were there at the time of independence of the United States?A.13B.18C.35D.4819. Which of the following was

23、the last continental states added to the Unions?A. KentuckyB. ArizonaC. OregonD. Alasks20.Which part of the US remembles old England in many ways?A. The southB. New EnglandC. The WestD. MidAtlantic states21. Which of the following is the man whose teachings developed into Puritanism?A. Martin Luther

24、B. John CalvinC. Thomas MoreD. John Wycliffe22. Which of the following is NOT a character in Greek Mythology?A. PygmalionB. HeraclesC. PandoraD. Solomon23. Which of the following is the author of Orientalism and Culture and Imperialism?A. Joseph NeedhamB. Raymond WilliamsC. Edward SaidD. Dick Hebdig

25、e24. In Greek mythology, Which of the following functioned as a manager of the gods?A. AplloB. PoseidonC. HermesD. Dionysus25. Which of the following is the British historian who believes that the failure of a civilization to surive was the result of its inability to respond to moral and religious challenges,rather than to physical or envirnonmental challenges?A. Arnold Joseph ToynbeeB. Samuel P.HuntingtonC.

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