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1、2016学年西南位育七年级第一学期英语期末考试Chose the best answer.Which of the following underlined sound is not the same?【A】open 【B】office 【C】doctor【D】coffee【答案】A考点:音标Lucys cousin always wears _ uniform at work.【A】an【B】a 【C】/【D】the【答案】B 考察不定冠词及首字母发音Peter would rather _ a cup of latte instead of a cup of black tea【A】to

2、drink 【B】drink 【C】drinking 【D】drinks【答案】B 考察would rather do sthI _ any food now, because I have just had a bowl of noodles.【A】need to 【B】dont need to 【C】dont need 【D】neednt【答案】C考察need情态动词和实义动词的用法区别I am looking forward to _ “ Where we going Dad?” during the Spring Festival.【A】see 【B】sees【C】seeing 【D】

3、saw【答案】CLook forward to doing固定搭配Xuhui district has become _ than before for creating a national civilized city.【A】much beautiful 【B】more beautifully 【C】much more beautiful 【D】the most beautiful【答案】C考察比较级及比较级的副词修饰This money _ helping homeless animals.【A】is used to 【B】used to 【C】is used for 【D】used f

4、or【答案】C考察Use被动语态用法We can save water by _ water for playing games.【A】wasting 【B】waste 【C】not wasting 【D】not waste【答案】C考察非谓语的否定Both Mr Green and Mrs Green were born _ January.【A】on 【B】at 【C】for 【D】in【答案】D时间介词in/on/at辨析There _ an international food festival next week.【A】is going to have 【B】will have 【C

5、】is going to be 【D】is【答案】C考察there be句型的将来时表达The meat will go bad _ you dont put it in fridge.【A】because 【B】if 【C】when 【D】since【答案】B考察条件状语从句连词I will ask my classmates _ in the classroom.【A】chase 【B】to chase 【C】to not chase 【D】not to chase【答案】D考察非谓语否定_ great fun it is to enjoy reading an interesting b

6、ook!【A】 What 【B】 How 【C】 What a 【D】 How a【答案】A感叹句结构及不可数名词A: _ will your brother come back from America?B: In a week.【A】 How long 【B】 How often 【C】 How soon 【D】 How far【答案】CHow句型特殊疑问句,对将来时的提问A: Thank you for your help, Mr Black.B: _【A】Right 【B】 Thats all right 【C】 All right 【D】 Thats right【答案】B考察that

7、s all right/thats right/all right 意义辨析Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.5%A. from B. at C. yourself D. difficult E.spending F.betweenHave you thought about _1_ time with an animal face to face? When I say an animal, I mean a tiger.The mov

8、ie Life of PI “少年派的奇幻漂流”is about an adventure _2_ a teenage boy and a wild tiger. It is based on a best-selling novel by Yann Marte, a Canadian writer.It tells the story of an India boy Pi. He is a zookeepers son. He goes on a ship that carries his family and his fathers zoo _3_ India to Canada. But

9、 this ship sinks,band he is trapped in a small lifeboat with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker on the sea. Then the adventure begins.Life of Pi was very hard to make. Ang Lee, the director of the movies said, “ The weather is changeable, and it is very _4_ train and keep an adult tiger. So I only

10、filmed one-eighth of my planned shots.Do you want to know how Pi survives at sea with the tiger? The movie is going to come out in mainland and China on Nov.22. You can find out by _5_.【答案】1-5 EFADC Complete the sentences with the given words in their proper forms.It is _ to play basketball after sc

11、hool. (relax)【答案】relaxing考察it is +adj to do sth的句型Help _ to some cakes, everybody. (you)【答案】yourselves考察不定代词。Help sb to sthLast week, the trip to Japan was _. (please)【答案】pleasant考察please的相关词转,动词转形容词。I got two _ for dinner yesterday. (invite)【答案】invitations考察invite的名词转换。Few of us like him because he

12、 thinks _ of theirs than of himself. (little)【答案】less考察比较级的不规则变化。Its hard to _ where to live, in the city or in the suburbs? (choice)【答案】choose考察choice的动词转换。We want to come back on the _ of July. (nine)【答案】ninth考察基数词转序数词的变法。_ BA 123 to Vienna is now boarding at Gate 21. (fly)【答案】Flight考察fly的名词转换。Rew

13、rite the following sentences as required. 12%John used to drink too many soft drinks. (改成否定句)John _ _ to drink too many soft drinks.【答案】didnt use考察与used to do sth 的否定句转换,相关的几个句型都需要学生熟知。We should drink 8 glasses of water if we want to stay healthy.(划线提问)_ _ water should we drink if we want to stay he

14、althy? 【答案】How much考察特殊疑问句疑问词的选择,对数量提问Davids never late for school.(反义疑问句)Davids never late for school, _ _?【答案】is he考察反义疑问句的否定词It took me twenty minutes to walk to the cinema yesterday.(保持句意不变)I _ twenty minutes _ to the cinema yesterday.【答案】spent walking考察四个花费的句型转换I dont watch too much TV any long

15、er.(保持句意不变)I _ _ watch too much TV.【答案】no longer考察no longer与not.any longer的同意转换Convenient, go shopping, it, to, is, neighbourhood, new, your, in(连词成句)【答案】It is convenient to go shopping in your new neighbourhood.考察It is +形容词 to do sthPart 3 Reading and Writing (35%)A. Read and choose the best answer

16、.Alfred Nobel was a Swedish chemist who lived from 1833 to 1896. Alfred and his brother made explosives, but in 1864 there was an accident in the laboratory and Alfreds brother was killed. Alfred then decided to spend his life trying to make explosives safer to use. One of the strongest explosives a

17、t that time was nitroglycerin. This explosive, which looks like oily water, is very dangerous to use or even to carry. Nobel wanted to study nitroglycerin so he could find a way to make it safer, but the Swedish government would not let him make any more explosives in his laboratory. It was too dang

18、erous. Nobel had the idea of taking nitroglycerin out on a boat in the middle of a lake and working with it there. When Nobel wanted to take the nitroglycerin he was working with from one place to another, he put it into small boxes. Then he put the small boxes into a larger box made of clay. One da

19、y, when he opened the large clay box, he found that nitroglycerin was coming out of one of the small boxes. To his surprise, the large clay box was still dry. This gave him the idea of mixing clay with nitroglycerin. The clay would take the oil out of nitroglycerin and make it safer. He called this

20、new explosive dynamite. Dynamite was very useful. Alfred Nobel made and sold so much of it that he became a very rich man. In his will he gave a lot of his money to the Swedish Academy of Arts and Sciences. He wanted the money to be used to give prizes to people who did excellent work. The Academy c

21、alled them Nobel Prizes. The winners get a lot of money. Nobel wanted one of the prizes to be given to people who work for peace because he hated war and he did not want people to remember him as the dynamite man. Some very famous people have won the Nobel Peace Prize, including Nelson Mandela of So

22、uth Africa. The United Nations Peacekeeping Forces won the prize in 1988. Nobel Prizes are given out on 10 December - the date that Nobel died.1. Alfred Nobel began studying nitroglycerin after he _.A. first made dynamiteB. made a lot of moneyC. had a bad accident in his laboratoryD. gave all his mo

23、ney to the Academy2. Nitroglycerin is a very dangerous kind of _.A. dynamite B. oil C. clay D. explosive3. The government would not let Alfred Nobel make explosives in his laboratory because _.A. they wanted him to go to the lake. B. Sweden is a very peaceful country C. it was too dangerousD. Nobel

24、was making too much money 4. The word “This” in Paragraph 3 refers to _. Nitroglycerin was coming out.The large clay box was still dry.The clay was mixed with nitroglycerinThe small boxes were put into a large box.5. Alfred Nobel became very rich because he _.A. Won a lot of prizes. B. made and sold

25、 a lot of dynamiteC. knew how to make nitroglycerinD. never gave any money away6. The story is about _.the man who first made dynamite people who have won the Nobel Peace Prize laboratory accidents The Swedish Academy【答案】1.C 2.D 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.A【分析】1. 细节理解题。从第一段来看Alfred是在他兄弟死于实验室的一次爆炸后才开始研究硝酸甘油。故选C。2

26、. 细节理解题。第二段的第一句话不难看出硝酸甘油是一种爆炸能力极强的炸药之一。故选D。3. 细节理解题。从 the Swedish government would not let him make any more explosives in his laboratory. It was too dangerous. 可知,政府不让Alfred在实验室制作炸药是因为太危险了。故选C4. 细节理解题。This一般近指,从To his surprise, the large clay box was still dry.可知,故选B.5. 细节理解题。从第四段可以看出,Alfred制造出炸药并把

27、它卖了,从而变得很富有,故选B。6. 本文主要是介绍了Alfred制造出新炸药的故事,故选A。BAyers Rock is right in the center of Australia. Its nearly two thousand kilometers _1_ Sydney, so we flew most of the way. It was rather cloudy _2_.But after we left the mountains behind us , there was hardly a cloud in the sky . Most of the land below

28、_3_ sand, though Dad told me it is greener than you think.“There are a lot of sheep down there”, he said“but hardly any people !” Ayers Rock is a large, low mountain. The day after we _4_, we got up early in the morning before the sun _5_.We started climbing up before it was light. It gets too hot f

29、or climbing later. Lower down, at the foot of Ayers Rock, most of the ground is covered with forest and grass , and there are even _6_ small rivers . But when you climb higher, you will find nothing grows there at all. We didnt reach the top because it was too hot. All around it is sand. In the evening, when the sun goes down , the sand is almost red . The sky is red too, so it is very beautiful. Though we only stayed there for a few days, we had a great time.1. A. near B. from C. away D. for2. A. at first B. at last C. first D. in the end3. A. looked B. looked at C. looked like D. liked4.

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