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1、2013学年第二学期八年级(下)英语周清12(Unit6Reading)班级 学号 姓名 得分 一、回答问题(5分)1、Your pet dog barked loudly and scared my kid just now .2、Who can run faster , a bear or a deer ?3、What pet do you want to keep ?4、Why do you keep a cat as your pet ?5、How many times do you feed your pet a day ?二、单选题(10分)1、We should always l

2、earn _ others . A. for B. to C. from D. of2、They have no choice but _ quietly . A. wait wait C. waiting D.waited 3、Please be quiet . Its too _ . A. noise B. noisy C. faithful D. common4、According to _ , we must start now . father B. my mothers C. my father says D. my mother said5、The trees

3、 keep the wind from _ .A. blow B. to blow C. blew D. blowing6、Write _ , Linda . I cant read what you wrote on your notebook . A.careful B.carefully C. carefuler D. carefullier7、I can type _ she can . A. as faster as fast as C. more faster than D. much fast than8、-You look so tired , Paul . What

4、s the matter ? -I kept working _ 3 oclock this morning . A.until B. still C . because D. unless 9、She draws _ in her class . A. good B.well C. better D. best10、Dr. Smith , a boy _ George is waiting for you . B. calls C. called D. calling三、语法选择(10分) There is a British man named Steve . He is 1

5、1 expert on animals , so he knows many things about animals. But recently he is afraid to leave his home because 12 a cat . He wears a glove and carries a walking stick 13 himself from the cat .The cat lives in a neighbours home . It often wants to hurt Steve when he walks out of his house . The 14

6、cat even runs into his house when the front door is open . “When we eat , it climbs up the table and smells the food with its nose , “ said Steve .“If I want to spend time in the garden , I 15 it follow me into the shed (棚屋),then I will turn around and close the door 16 and keep it for a while .”The

7、 cat 17 in the area for a long time . It got angry about two weeks ago and started 18 him and his wife , Mary .He said , “It was quite funny to start with , but now it feels terrible . It seems that we cant do anything except 19 ourselves away from it . Mary is pregnant . She cant stay with animals

8、for a long time .”Steve , the animal expert , doesnt know what 20 with it .11、A. a B. an C. the D. /12、A. for B. to C.of D. with13、A. to protect B. protect C. to protecting D. protecting14、A. anger B. angry C. angrily D.angrier15、A. made B. make C. has made D. will make16、A. quick B. quickly C. quic

9、ker D. more quickly17、A. was B. is C. has been D. will be18、A.follow B.followed C. following D. to following19、A. keep B. to keep C. keeping D. to keeping20、A. do B. doing C. to doing D. to do四、完形填空(10分) A god had a horse , The horse was beautiful , but it wanted to become more beautiful , One day ,

10、 the horse 21 about its wish with the god . It said , “I want to become more beautiful .”The god said , “I dont know how to make you 22 . Tell me how you want to be 23 .” The horse said , “If you make my neck a little longer , my upper body will be more beautiful . 24 you make my legs much thinner ,

11、 my lower body will be more beautiful .”The god 25 and he turned the horse into a camel by magic . The horse felt a little 26 and started to cry , “Oh , no I dont want to be a 27 !”The god said , “This is exactly what you asked for . You have become a camel . Never try to ask 28 more than I can give

12、 you . If you are 29 , you will want more and more . But you will never know what the 30 will be .”The horse learned a lesson and it was very regretful . 721、A. said B. spoke C.told D. talked22、A.taller B.longer C. more beautiful D. thinner23、A. lost B.changed C. kept D. returned24、A. Although B. Be

13、cause C. If D.White25、A. received B. sent C. agreed D. disagreed26、A. happy B. excited C.sad D. relaxed27、A. lion B. camel C. tiger D. zebra28、A. in B. for C. with D. of29、A. brave B. lazy C. clever D. greedy30、A. result B. reason C. beginning D.excuse 五、阅读理解(20分)(A)I live with a dog named Shania .

14、The name means “on my way”. I think this name is great because Shania is a very active dog . She is always on her way to doing something fun and exciting , though she has only three legs .One of the things that people say when they meet Shania is , “What a happy dog !” And indeed she is . In fact ,

15、she even kept her spirits up while doctors were trying to cut off her leg in hospital . Do you want to know what was wrong ?Three years ago when I was walking with Shania , a car ran out and hurt one of her legs . The driver drove us to the hospital but the doctors couldnt help her . Then Shania tur

16、ned three .Shania is my second dog and I have learned a lot from her . I am very glad that I get to share my life with such a wonderful dog . 31、What is the writers purpose in the first paragraph ? A. She wants to tell us she has an unusual dog . B. She wants to tell us that dogs are our friends . C

17、. Dogs can live though they lose one of their legs . D.People should take good care of dogs .32、In the second paragraph the writer wants to tell us that _ . A. she is sorry that she couldnt help Shania B.Shania is too careless while walkingC. Shania is a very brave dog D.sometimes a clever dog can m

18、ake nistakes 33、What happened to Shania three years ago ? A. She had a terrible cold B. She had a traffic accident . C. She was taught to drive D. She lost her way in the park .34、From the third paragraph , we can infer that _ . A. the driver wanted to run away B. the doctors tried their best but th

19、ey didnt save Shanias leg C. the writer wanted to drop Shania after the accident D. the writer was very thankful to the driver 35、What did the writer learn from Shania ? A. People should take care of dogs B. To be a doctor is very helpful C.People should learn from dogs D. People should be brave whe

20、n facing difficulties . (B)“ Hello, Mrs. Black,” Peter says to his teacher on the telephone, “ Peter is ill in bed. He wants to ask for half a days leave ( 请半天假 ).” “ Oh, Im sorry to hear that.” says Mrs. Black, “ But whos that?” “ Its my father, Mrs. Black.” 36Peter is a _. A. middle school student

21、 B. Young Pioneer C. worker D. teacher 37 Peter will be in _ next year. A. Grade Two B. Grade Three C. Grade One D. school 38 Peter often reads news newspaper because _. A. he likes to read news B. he likes to read storiesC. he want to know when and where a football match will beD. his father wants

22、him to read them 39Peter wants to ask for half a days leave because _.A. his father is ill in bedB. he wants to watch the football match C. he doesnt like to have English or Chinese lessonsD. he is ill in bed40Which sentence ( 句子 ) is right?A. Mrs. Black is going to take Peter to see a doctor B. Pet

23、er likes to watch TV at four in the afternoon.C. Peter is a stupid ( 笨的 ) boy. D. Peter isnt an honest ( 诚实的 ) boy.六、单词拼写(5分)1、Hello Kitty is a very c_ cartoon character .2、The h_ is one of the most important organs(器官)for our body .3、The dog keeps barking aloud . It is very n_ .4、He stayed there u_

24、 his parents arrived .5、The dog is hungry . Please f_ it on some meat . .2013学年第二学期八年级(下)英语周清12答题卷(Unit6Reading)班级 学号 姓名 得分 一、回答问题(5分)1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 二、单选题(10分)12345678910三、语法选择(10分)11121314151617181920四、完形填空(10分)21222324252627282930五、阅读理解(20分)31323334353637383940六、单词拼写(5分)1、 2、 3、 4、 5、 七、完成句子(20分)1

25、、政府应阻止人们向河流排放污水。 The government should _people _ pouring dirty water into rivers .2、更重要的是,听音乐能让人们感到放松。 _ _ , listening to music can make people relaxed .3、除了走路回家,我别无选择。 .I have _ _ but _ _ home .4、从这本书当中我们可以学到责任。 We can _ responsibility _ the book .5、睡觉前喝一杯牛奶是一个好主意。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a glass of milk before going to sleep .6、听到你腿受伤的消息我很遗憾 。 Im _ _ _ that you hurt your leg .八、翻译下列句子(10分) 1、养宠物狗是个好主意。 2、宠物狗会把毛掉在地板上。 3、一些狗叫的比其他狗更大声。 4、年轻人通过养狗会学会关心别人。 5、这样会阻止人们睡觉。 九、用下列所给词汇各造一个句子(10分) 1、lots of 2、run free

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