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1、Lesson 127 A famous actress单词 比一比1、It must be Karen Marsh, the actress.1、must 的主要用法。1)表示必须、必要We must do everything step by step .我们必须按部就班地做一切事情。2)must be + 表语的结构,通常表示猜测, 含有“一定”之意。(只用在肯定句中)否定形式为cant。He must be an honest boy. 他一定是个诚实的男孩。He cant be an honest boy. 他不会是个诚实的男孩。This must be your room. 这一定是

2、你的房间。This cant be your room. 这不可能是你的房间。3)must 的否定式有两个:当回答由must引起的问题时,否定答复要用neednt表示“不必”、“无须”、“用不着”、“不一定”的意义。Must I go tomorrow?明天我必须去吗?Yes, please.是的,请吧!No , you neednt. 不,你不必去。当表示“不应该”、“不许可”、“禁止”时,就用must not。Exercise (中考回顾))1.Can I tell Peter about the news? No,I dont want anyone else to know it. Y

3、ou_keep it to yourself. A.must B.need C.can D.may( )2.Must I do the work today? No,you _.You may do it tomorrow.A.cant B.mustnt C.shouldnt D.neednt( )3.Listen!Is it Linda singing in the next room? No,it _ be her. She is still in Shanghai.A.cant B.couldnt C.may not D.might not( ) 4.If the traffic lig

4、ht is red,you_cross the road.Its very dangerous. A.dont B.mustnt C.neednt D.wouldnt2、I though so.替代It must be Karen Marsh, the actress.So如此、这样,其含义等同于suchso 与such的区别1. such +形容词+名词 so + 形容词/ 副词 _ a good girl/ _ good a girlIt is _hard work that he cant do it.The work is _hard that he cant do it.It is

5、_bad weather that we cant go out.The weather is _bad that we cant go out.I have never read _ an interesting story.I have never read _ interesting a story.1. . _beautiful birds _ wonderful matches _ interesting books 2. _many people _few mistakes _ much water _ little milk3、Let me have another look.

6、( )The food is not enough. We need _ bags of food. A. other fourB. more four C. four otherD. four more数词+more =another +数词 表示再来-,还要-4、I read shes twenty-nine, but she must be at least forty. at least 至少 at most 最多5、She was a famous actress when I was still at school. 【高手过招】 选择合适的介词填空: 1. MarkTwinwas

7、famous_ achildren-storywriter. 2.Heisfamous_hisskillinplayingfootball. 3. Confucius Temple is famous _ all over the world. 4. He is famous _ a singer _ his beautiful songs .be famous for【知识归纳】 be famous for表示人“以某种知识技能,作品或特征而出名”,表示某地“以某种特产或特征出名”,或表示某事“以其内容、特征、价值等而被人所知”。Hang Zhou is famous for its tea

8、.杭州以茶叶出名。My hometown is famous for its natural resources.我的家乡以其天然资源而闻名。【联想拓展】 与famous 有关的词组除了be famous for之外,还有:(1) be famous as表示“以而出名”的意思,主要是表示人“以某种身份或职业而出名”,或表示某地方“作为什么产地或地方而出名”,或表示某事物“以某种形式而出名”。LUXun is famous as a great writer.鲁迅作为伟大的作家而出名。 (2) be famous to被 所熟知Michael Jordan is famous to all o

9、ver the world.迈克乔丹被全世界所熟知。 6、Im not more than twenty-nine myself.more than:over 超过,not only不仅仅。e.g. 1. Yao Ming has _ just size: he also has great skill and speed. 2. Modern cellphones are _ just phones - theyre being used as cameras and radiosless than:较少的; 不如; 少于e.g. 他不像以前那样努力工作。 He works less tha

10、n he used to. 2. 到那儿不远,用不了一个小时。 Its not far - it will take less than an hour to get there. not more than 不多于,只是客观陈述数量 There are not more than ten books in my bag. no more than = only仅仅,只有,强调少 He is no more than a worker. not less than 不少于 There are not less than ten books in my bag. no less than 不亚于

11、, 竟达相当于“ =as manymuch as .”,强调多。 He paid no less than $10,000 for it.Grammar 语法讲解反义疑问句 反义疑问句,即附加疑问句。它表示提问人的看法,没有把握,需要对方证实。 反义疑问句由两部分组成:前一部分是一个陈述句,后一部分是一个简短的疑问句。 (注意:后一部分的简短疑问句,由“助动词+主语”构成。两部分的人称时态应保持一致。) 陈述部分肯定式+疑问部分否定式 可记为 前肯后否 They work hard, dont they? 陈述部分否定式+疑问部分肯定式 可记为 前否后肯 They dont work hard

12、, do they? 反义疑问句的回答:1. 当陈述部分为肯定式,反意疑问句为否定式时,回答只需照情况即可。 Its new, isnt it? “是新的,对吗?” Yes, it is. “对,是新的。”No, it isnt. 不,不是新的。” 2. 当陈述部分为否定式,反意疑问句为肯定式时,其回答往往与汉语不一致,需特别引起注意: It isnt new, is it? “不是新的,对吗?” “Yes, it is. “不,是新的。” No, it isnt. “是的,不是新的。” (tips:回答否定式的反意疑问句,yes跟肯定,No接否定的规则还是不变的。翻译回答部分的时候,只需要把

13、翻译疑问句中省略的部分重现在回答中,就可以正确地翻译出来。) 如:He doesnt know her, does he? 他不认识她,是吗? Yes,he does.=Yes, he does (know her) 在翻译的时候,不用去管yes,只需要翻译后部分,他认识她。所以整个回答就应该是,“不,他认识她。” No, he doesnt= No, he doesnt (know her) 翻译时,先后半部分,他不认识她。之后再结合句子来把yes跟no的具体含义,分析清楚。 2 Life is just a field of newly fallen snow, and where you choose to walk every step will show.

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